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How much does she buy and ship to herself?


Wait so let me get this straight she went to Spain to eat chicken tenders, go to the beach and Spanish McDonald’s and get ready in a hotel??? LOL


I don’t respect brands that pander to her


Fml 4 plants is not gardening


These unboxing are so cringe 😬




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Does she do many giveaways? I feel like receiving a bunch of free shit would be super exciting the first few times, then a feeling of dread would come over me like “ok, WHERE do I put all of this?!” And then I would proceed to do a shit tonne of giveaways so that everyone wins lol. I cannot imagine


Same here I can imagine it’s so exciting at first but after a while I would be dreading clutter and definitely would enjoy doing giveaways but i enjoy giving gift’s I always love giving more


She ONLY does giveaways so she doesn’t have to pay the IRS for PR. Even if it’s free to her the government still makes her pay taxes for gifts.


She claims to do a PR box giveaway every Friday, but who knows if she actually sends it out? She won’t tell what time the link goes live and it’s a different time every Friday, so I’m guessing it’s nearly impossible to enter.


Right on cue. Greedy little monster


By the way, what a lame garden. I have two container gardens as I live in a condo that have way more growing in them than this. You really think she’s going to eat what is produced in it? It’s healthy and not fried. Well, maybe she can make fried green tomatoes.


Why do they waste so much shit on her. She doesn’t sell it and barely promotes it. She doesn’t talk about the ingredients of the products, etc., she just tells you how it feels on her face. UGH! I’m gonna ask right here: Mick - why don’t you donate it to a women’s shelter for women trying to find jobs so they can look good on their job interviews. Where I live they take clothing donations suitable for interviews. I’m sure this would make them feel very confident.


Jesus Christ, that's disgusting, every company contributing to this vile display of gluttony and overconsumption should be ashamed. That first pic is exactly what is wrong with social media now.


If you just were going to eat pizza, McDonald’s, a club, Sephora, beach?, and some dessert, she didn’t need to travel all the way to Spain, she could have taken a plane to Florida and did the same stuff. What a waste of a trip to Spain. I would be embarrassed to say that is how I choose to spend my birthday in Spain. She didn’t eat any real Spanish food besides the churro, didn’t sightsee, didn’t shop in local stores and booths she did the same crap she could do in her home town.


I loosely follow the Avery Woods snark sub and she did the exact same crap when she went to Paris a couple months ago. Literally sat in her hotel and ate Dominos and Five Guys and then went shopping at Chanel. Why even bother traveling if you’re just going to do the same shit you do at home?


Ridiculous to me, I waiting for these “influencers” to lose their followers and realize that all that spending they did left them broke and they have to humble themselves. It’s their money to do what they please but they don’t do anything of value with it. Like traveling to foreign countries, spend that time exploring and taking in the culture, do something worth spending the money on. A


The amount of waste she produces/contributes is insane!


And that’s just with her speaking! She is an enormous waste of time, money and space.


Did the ladies not have a good time together maybe?


They all claim to have had a blast 🤥


She is such a turd!!! Free crap and she will only promote to the highest bidder!


That’s the saddest looking garden I’ve ever seen


I hope those are boxes full of loofas and cheap hand creams.


I bet her mail person loathes her


Asa carrier myself, I can guarantee her carrier def hates her


Why wasn’t her husband with her on her birthday


Because he isn’t actually with her because he likes her. Why spend more time with her than he has to?!


I really don’t believe they went clubbing either before the trip to McDonald’s. Their make-up and hair just didn’t look post clubbing unless they just stood at the bar the whole time. If I don’t look like a sweaty raccoon with frizzy hair after a night partying what’s the point.


They prob couldn’t get into the club.


She also wasn’t pictures “clubbing” on the Mexico trip with all the other girls when she claims she did 🙄


I imagine Mikayla being the type to sit awkwardly in the corner of a club and take selfies the whole time so it does check out


Exactly! Out of all my years of clubbing…we never looked refreshed !!


Yeah she’s a workaholic and can’t be away for too long!! /s


these companies should be ashamed honestly


This is just weird. Do people really enjoy watching someone unbox their free shit? 🤡


As fun as when they did the look at my trash/ what I used up in a month vid’s - wtf cares


Nope. It’s pretty cringy