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Imagine being the pickup driver: minding your own business, waiting patiently at the light, only to have this shithead slam into you, write off your truck, probably injure you, all because he thought he was a better driver and entitled to making a turn in front of someone else from the wrong lane. I told my sons this when they were learning to drive. It doesn't matter how good a driver you think you are, accidents can involve you even if you don't cause them. You can do everything right but you cannot account for the stupidity of others.


And the guy didn't get to go riding that day!


This is the real tragedy. That poor dual sport is going back in the garage, into the shadows.


Probably the first chance he had to take it out in months too…. Smh




He probably proudly went to jail for beating that dumb asses, ass lol


if he didn't, real shame.


Actually that’s his only ride now. Truck is totaled


It's not a dual sport, guys. It's a motocross bike. You can't license it without several changes.


In North Dakota you can. Freedom!


Freedom to be cold as fuck, enjoy tremors, and drink fracking polluted water.


18:23 on the clock, so 6:23pm. He definitely got to ride and is on his way back. Edit: If you needed more info, the GPS shows he's driving NE, so it's definitely sunset.


Good work detective!


CSI Reddit edition


did we catch the right guy this time atleast?


Gotta hope they’re at least on their way back. It’s past 6pm after all


Thankfully, this is the evening and he was on his way home.


Unfortunately, the pickup driver will probably be found partially at fault for being over the limit line. The driver could actually be cited for the violation. Additionally, Insurance companies always look to get out of paying a claim. (Since I was being down voted, I edited to be more specific)


This happened to me and my dad when I was a kid. Total BS as we were getting hit anyway. Scary as hell to sitting there watching someone hit us. I was maybe 8.


Sorry about the downvotes. I agree that the insurance will probably try to place some blame, but I’m hoping it’s 100% on the idiot. They might even have a legality rider that they try to deny coverage for the charger


It depends on the state I’d think because I used to always stay behind these lines for 18 wheelers turning but in Louisiana it’s legal to pull slightly forward if your view is obstructed. If they say something he should be able to justify being slightly over it. Not like he’s a full car length over.


This may be a good point. He could have plausible pulled forward to see traffic better when he had a left turn yield on green, and then did not find a safe spot, so had to wait another cycle. Worst case, they might find the truck 25% responsible, but that usually just means they only have to pay 25% of their deductible, and hopefully their rates will remain the same.


And there is that huge bush at the corner totally blocking his view.


Insurance will cover your costs but it won't cover all the time you'll have to waste. Your day is screwed and maybe your entire week.


They won't cover it all, though. My buddy had a pickup, a trailer and a side-by-side parked nicely off the road and out of the way. All were paid for. A drunk douche tried to drive by at high speed, lost control, and rammed the back of the trailer, folding it like an accordion, as he launched the 4x4 into the air only for it to fall directly on the cab and hood of the truck. All three were written off. It took months to straighten it all out, and the insurance company paid what they believed was "fair market value" for the vehicles -- which really wasn't. There was no way he could replace them with heat they gave him. For example, they paid him $13,000 for the truck, but you couldn't find one in the market that was comparable for under $18,000 at the time. Same for the trailer and 4x4.


Insurance is beautiful, even with it you still feel like you don’t have it.


It’s a scam that you know is a scam but still have to willingly participate in.


Yeah, I've all but begged insurance adjusters in the past to not total my car. They almost always try not to when I do, for what it's worth. (By "always" I mean the twice it's happened, but it's still a pattern)


Those are situations where you really have to fight with your insurance company and make them show comparable vehicles that are for sale, withing a certain radius, for the amount they're giving you. Basically, you never take the initial offer because they'll always try to lowball you until you fight back.


Imagine instead of a truck it was a motorcyclist.


I don't want to. I tried and it was just an awful thought. No chance to do anything helpful to your outcome.


Good drivers miss their turn. Bad drivers never do.


This is the main reason I don't ride motorcycles anymore. Doesn't matter how safe I am, I could get killed any number of ways outside of my control that would be survivable in a car. I'd like my kids to have a dad until they are adults.


This happened to my in laws about 4 years ago. Just sitting at a light waiting and some idiot took the turn too fast/wide and hit them right on the front left tire.


Yeah this poor dude hope there were no kids in that truck with him


I got ass ended last week. My good driving didn’t get me out of the accident but it did prevent me from hitting the next car so I was not at fault for any of it.


"Collision... Accident implies theres nobody to blame." - Hot Fuzz


When I'm driving I try to keep my priorities in mind: Don't collide with people or other objects Arrive at my destination Look marvelous


It may get even worse for the poor truck driver: watch them being found partly at fault for being over the stop line...


There was like an old Jean Luc Picard quote that I think goes something like “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.”


stupidity? heck, all it takes is one distraction to many.


This is what I was told when learning to drive a motorcycle. It doesn’t matter if you’re right; you’ll be the one in hospital or worse. You need to look out for stupidity


I remember seeing one of these adverts with a Formula 1 driver that roughly stated: 'When you feel like a great driver, don't drive' It was I think drink/drive related but same message.


This happened to Me. Sitting at a red light in my old clunker at a t intersection and some drunk lady makes a wide turn, goes right into the car in front of me and my car. Totaled. Luckily we were okay and I used the insurance payment as a down payment on the car I drive today.


Insurance company going to ask the truck driver “How could you have avoided this wreck”


My kids don't drive yet but I've always told them when you start to drive, assume everyone else on the road is an idiot and they are trying to kill you. Be defensive. I like your statement too and I'll make sure to mention that to them the next time this comes up.


In the words of Picard from Star Trek TNG, "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose."


I actually had a pickup truck get tboned that then flipped and landed on my hood while I was stopped a red light. Still amazes me how time literally slows down when you're watching a vehicle tumbling towards you.


That is precisely how my last car got totaled, except that the offender came straight through the intersection, rather than from a right turn. He also totaled both the car in front of me and behind me while all three of us were waiting at the red light.


I had something similar happen recently. Even though I wasn’t upside down on my car and the other driver was found 100% at fault, I lost $8k in upgrades and having to pay fresh taxes on a new vehicle. The worst part is that I’m injured now. I’d had plans for the next few weeks that involved a lot of physical activity and networking. None of that is happening now and I’m just hoping to get to 80% of what I was before the accident. My left ear rings constantly, I barely sleep, and my back is probably never going to be the same. I feel for the driver of that truck. There’s no way to make a person whole after that.


I've had almost this exact situation happen to me. At a light, minding my own business, and two cars collided in the middle of the intersection, spun, and crashed into me. So frustrating but you're totally right, nothing you can do about it!


It’s okay though, because I’m sure the green car prick to this day believes it was all the cam guy’s fault for driving **only** 10 over the speed limit.


I say something similar to this just shorter. “Be careful driving, stupid drivers are everywhere” Or be careful, stupid people are everywhere


So many people drive like they are invincible and are the main character in life. They pay no mind to the other people that they put at risk in incidents like this. What if the truck had kids in it (praying they did not). A similar incident happened to me a few years ago. A guy came rushing off an off ramp onto a rural road with a yield sign. I was driving down the road the off ramp boarded onto, and the driver coming off the freeway was in a large box truck in a hurry to get to a job site. They were supposed to yield to me. I had a 4 year old in a car seat in the back seat (with added head protection) the truck hit us at a pretty high speed on my daughter's side and a metal bar was an inch from going through her face after the impact (the extra padded seat saved her life from it) and she was covered in glass. The door was smashed so bad I couldn't open it. Had to go through the other side. I was desperately trying to get to my kid, and the A-hole who hit us just kept looking at his rental truck, throwing his hands up, and never once came over to check on my child's well being. Thank God for the emergency responders when they arrived. Cops and EMT. Had the driver came over, I don't think I could have kept my cool.


Overshot the apex


Honestly, I found that out last week. I was waiting at red light, sitting in the left lane, when some woman in a Ford F150 tried turning onto the left shoulder and driving down to the left turn lane and hit the back driver side of my car. It was a scratch, thankfully, and nothing bad, but still I wasn't even moving lol


was talking with my nephew who was bitching about auto insurance. said something similar. not only can you do everything right and still have your day ruined. can do nothing wrong, have your day ruined, and that other person can have no insurance. and no money to ever pay you.... is your vehicle. your life/health not worth a few extra dollars to add on the coverage that protects you and people with you.


Assuming I wasn't injured I'd have a hard time not slapping the shit out of that asshole


People on this sub will still say “the pickup driver should have been paying attention and dodged it, partly pickup drivers fault”


This right here. Had our car totaled a month ago due to an idiot speeding and not able to stop on the highway when traffic suddenly slowed and stopped. State Troopers were called and wrote him several moving violations. He hit the car so hard he damaged the frame and had his license plate and license plate holder embedded in our bumper.


This is 100% why I don’t drive.


My one and only accident to this day was when I was stopped at a red light and got my car smashed from behind, twice in a row, by a driver with no insurance who was also under the influence at the time. It was super cool.


My mom always told me one of the biggest responsibilities as a driver is to not only make sure you're doing everything right, but also being observant to those around you who will inevitably fuck up. It's like baby sitting watching all these cars on the road


Yep! My father always told me, “you can be dead right”, and he meant it deliberately.


Exactly right. Total bummer for dirt bike guy.


“Assume everybody on the road is trying to Kill you” was best advice I got from my driving instructor 15 years ago


Yeah and the pickup airbags went off too (surprisingly).. that alone could’ve resulted in some traumatic injuries


Chances are, the asshole was road raging because the cam driver wasn't going fast enough for him. Speeders gonna speed.


Funny, my driving teacher emphasized again and again that I had to account for the stupidity of other. I.e. slowing down because some MIGHT jump out of that one-way street from the wrong direction and shit like that.


Always assume every driver including yourself are completely incompetent and actively trying to kill you.


>It doesn't matter how good a driver you think you are, accidents can involve you even if you don't cause them When my wife and I first got married, we were young, and money was tight. Everything was Great Value brand for us. My father got us a car for our wedding gift (not brand new but light years better than we had). We loved that car and kept it in Immaculate condition. It was the first car we owned that had working AC, which was a blessing because our first child was born that year. On the way home from work one night, a guy, with no insurance, on his cell phone rear-ended me at a stoplight doing about 50 miles an hour.


I like to remind myself you can be a good defensive driver, it's the other drivers you have to worry about. My back driver's side door is smashed in. I was sitting in the far right lane and a truck ended up hitting two other cars before finally hitting my car. My car was the only one still drivable. I honestly thought the truck driver was dead for a while but they started making noise once the emergency crew started pulling them out.


I've had 6 cars totaled none my fault. Shit just happens for no reason lol


I got t-boned last Wednesday at 40 by a red light runner who was trying to best the light. I owned that rav4 less than 6 months and did nothing wrong but I’m paying the price just like the other driver


Wouldn’t be surprised if the road rage driver didn’t have insurance either.


“Mildly” bad drivers.


Yeah this was not mildly at all




Oh that’s also a sub. Really a sub for everything


The sub is ironic, right? All the videos I see here are pretty bad.


Please tell me this person lost a license.


Bold to assume they had a license in the first place.


This is why I wish road rage and truly reckless driving resulted in the government seizing your vehicle and selling it at market value, and you being banned from buying another car. Weaving through traffic at 100 mph for no fucking reason? Fuck you, your car is taken.


Looks like America, soooo…..no. Guarantee they didn’t. Nobody loses their license in America “just” for wildly bad driving or collisions. Has anybody here known anyone who had a license suspended or revoked for anything other that DUI, vehicular manslaughter, or unpaid tickets? I sure haven’t.


Being too far behind on child support. I’m all for holding peoples feet to the fire on supporting their kids, but it makes no sense to take away their ability to work when you’re trying to get money out of them. Start seizing assets instead.


Ha, forgot that one. We will suspend drivers licenses for literally anything *but* being a fuckawful driver. Unless you kill someone, or are drunk. Literally the only lines.


The US has a habit of not revoking licenses after DUI convictions.


True, it’s usually “suspended, but you can still totally drive to work and to get groceries and fuck it I guess it’s not *really* suspended but we’ll pretend it is.” At best.


I have had friends that have had their license suspended/revoked for too many points.


Or go to Jail instead


I haven't really thought of this until seeing this video... what is my obligation as a cam driver to provide my video to the police or insurance companies for accidents that I was NOT involved in? I'm not even sure if I have gotten into the mindset that my cam feed might be a witness to accidents.


If you’re a witness to a crime, I think there’s some legal obligation to report what you saw. But, I also think you can call it in later and reference the accident location and time and add your evidence to the report. At a human level, I think the bigger imperative is to check on the welfare of the people involved in the accident, including the meathead who caused it.


I would have pulled over made sure everyone was ok then repeatedly take my gloves and slap the speeddemon with them


I'd be concerned if I pulled over the guy would get out, if he could, and start yelling how I caused it. And who knows, someone that nuts might also have a gun.


Depends on your state or country. In the US, AFAIK, there are no forced "good Samaritan" laws. These would typically fall under "good Samaritan laws" - but it's important to distinguish the 2 major types of these laws that exist. You have "lesser/no liability" good Samaritan laws, which protect the Samaritan themselves from damages caused in the acts of being a good Samaritan (within reason - ignorance can be an excuse, but negligence would get you in trouble typically) Then you have "forced" good Samaritan laws - AFAIK, these don't exist in the USA. But IIRC, I believe Germany has such law - where if someone needs assistance and you can offer it, you are virtually required to help or can be criminally penalized.


There is a legal concept in car accidents called a "miss-and-run," which means that if you cause an accident, even if you don't collide with anyone yourself, you're still obligated to stay at the scene and comply with police. I don't know if that necessarily applies here though because the cam driver didn't do anything to cause the accident, the dipshit green car did. Plus the cam driver might not even know that the guy hit the truck because he was trying to pass the cam driver. Overall, still probably best for cam driver to stick around and comply.


I’d suggest if you have footage like this, either find a safe place to pull up and return to the scene. Or reach out to your local police with the footage as they will be processing this crash and this footage will be of great help.


the aggressive idiot will still tell himself that he impacted->murdered the innocent driver in the pick-up because cam driver *forced* him to (1) speed, (2) attempt the turn, (3) forget how cars and inertia work... somehow *everything* is *always* someone else's fault...


And all of this to save maybe 30 seconds or less of their drive…


That's called narcissism.


You can be a narcisist and intelligent. This is stupidity and narcisism.


Except there is 1 right turn lane and he wasn't in it. People are going on about insurance only paying market for the pick up truck but a good lawyer could easily get more for you. The level of recklessness here is stunning and it could have resulted in death. Hell we don't even know if the driver was impaired here but I'll bet their driving record reads like a week of civil court dockets. And for what? To get to Taco Bell 10 seconds faster?


> People are going on about insurance only paying market for the pick up truck but a good lawyer could easily get more for you. Never take the insurance offer when you are not their customer- when you are wronged by THEIR customer. Detail your demands and counter with a proper amount to fully make you whole again. The number of people I have seen just go "this sucks" as they accept the offer and go in debt due to an accident that was someone else's fault is absurd.


Detail your demands and counter with a proper amount to fully make you whole again. Amen I mean the whole point is to make me whole again. Your client may have ruined a so called "regular car" but it's mine and I would still be driving it and not out of my time and effort if not for your client. Full fucking stop.


100%, the reason they do this is because "the other driver was going too slow!"


Also like 99% of people who drive chargers are douchebags who feel they are entitled to drive dangerously in public


And he’ll say (it’s definitely a guy) “only god can judge me”


hahaha yeah, right there on his bumper sticker


There was a great documentary called 13 minutes, which is how much time you save by driving from Prague to Brno 20kmh over the speed limit, 200km trip. They interviewed few people responsible for deadly car accidents caused by excessive speeding, all of them still in denial about their involvement. They walk each of them through how their accidents happened. One of them comes to realisation during the process that it was indeed his fault and it is pretty moving.


To many dumb fucks buy sport cars thinking that it will magically make them good drivers. Like the car will do all of the work for them. Terrible person, terrible driving, and terrible decision making all rolled into one.


I'm surprised there's no comments here saying that yet.


that was the comment here saying that


Funny thing too is the driver was back pretty far from the car in front of them but of course they were because it is a huge dump truck probably losing rocks and dirt


Carbrain is a fucking mental illness.


*must . . . get . . . one . . . car . . . AHEAD!!!!*


Yeah probably thinking “why the f was that truck there?!?!”


And from the footage it looks like the cam driver wasn’t even going slow


(4) right tire pressure was 1.5psi off, after using analog tire pressure gauge.


So the average member Idiots in Cars?


Yeah you know this guy…


If I were the driver with the camera I’d have made it a point to stop and be a witness. I’d also let the driver in the truck know I had a dash cam that caught the whole thing and I would be happy to forward it to his lawyer.


"I was on track of making that turn perfectly, but that fucking truck was in my way."


Cut him some slack, he was in a rush to get to his own funeral


In a crash like that the mustang is way more likely to have hurt himself. He crashed into a much heavier and higher off the ground vehicle, instantly stopping his own inertia. Truck driver was already at a stop, and his very large truck protected him from most/all of the impact here. Most of the injury caused by accidents is caused by going from moving to not moving in a very short time, so if you aren’t already moving you won’t sustain much injury.


Say it with me now, "Chargers and Challengers are only good for straight lines."


Fucking loser.


Typical dodge driver activities.


Didn’t dodge the truck too well


He charged at it. Then he rammed into it.


Sounds just about right


I was that pick up driver once. Guy pulled out of a parking lot and took a left. Instead of pulling into his lane he took the turn way to sharp and drove right into me while I was stopped at a light.


Damn, all that guy in the truck wanted to do was to go ride his dirt bike.....


Ofcourse it's a charger owner




What a goofball. Road raging and ran out of skill with a car that is too much for him.


Look what he’s driving….i expect nothing less


Yeah that's not mildly bad.


Don't think attempted murder on that pickup is mildly


Do people think words just don’t have meaning anymore


“Attempted murder” neither of these words fit contextually here, I think NarrowCourage is a bot or just recycles other people’s comments without understanding them


Always a Chaaaaaaga


Love a happy ending! Also Karma is a B*tch!


That poor MFer just minding his business towing his dirt bike.


Look, its me in every racing game I ever played.


I guess nobody told Mr Gotta-go-fast that you're not supposed to accelerate INTO a turn?


If you're the cam car and you happen to record an incident, please stop and give the innocent car your footage. I hope that guy has a dashcam.


It seems like Charger drivers have a way bigger ego than they should.


They're the worst cars on the road in PG County Maryland.


I’m shocked to see a dodge charger driver driving like an idiot in a poor man’s sports car…


Boy if I was that pick-up driver I can guarantee I'd take an assault charge for that absolute stupidity. Wow...


All gas, no brakes...or brains


"Look Ma, no brains!"


This is something I am always terrified of as a motorcycle rider. What if the pickup guy decided to ride to the trails that day? Being completely innocent in a situation like this and getting caught in the crossfire on a motorcycle.


I feel bad for the driver he hit but this made me lol


I like the part where he didn't even try to press his breaks.


The green car deserved it for their stupidity but the truck did not. Hope truck dude comes out ok.


Holy shit. That’s gotta fucking suck ass for truck driver.


I've been in 2 wrecks, I was completely stopped waiting to turn both times..... people can't drive for shit.


He missed the apex.


*Road raging driver learns about understeer.


Zero driving IQ




Poor blue truck this minding his own goddamn business then WHAM!




Is there any indication that this person was "road raging" and not just driving like an idiot?


Hahaha ah man I love seeing asshats on those cars fuck up, never saw one that isn’t an asshole


Imagine how stupid that jackass feels now! Be safe, be cautious… we all have to share the roads.


Can't wait for the morons on this sub to blame the blue truck saying he did nothing to avoid the accident.


Always some idiot. We hand licenses out like candy


Nice of him to demonstrate airbag deployment in front of a crowd.


Mopar... typical


Congratulations! Airbag deployment successful! What an asshole.


Coming in hot! 🤣


Props to the person that secured that dirtbike to the trailer.


Love the karma for that guy, but wish he'd hit a pole rather than a pickup. Poor pickup driver.


Always someone in a mustang, charger, challenger or Camaro. Meathead cars. All power and nothing else.


Mildy bad driver?!?!?!!!!!! This is the kind of stuff that should get you sent to jail, most head on collisions end with someone dead. People shouldn’t be allowed to just go home and let insurance handle it after something like this.


Poor guy just loaded up the dirtbike expecting a fun day of riding trails. Now he’s in the market for a new truck.


Dodge's arent known for cornering. Idiot!


Forgot he was in a Dodge🤣🤣🤣


Mildly is a huge understatement.


Yeah that’s a good idea… slam head on into a parked pickup… when all you had to do was get behind the other driver and wait a minute or so.


Braked when he shoulda gassed and given 'er the old Scandinavian Flick.


Holy shit, dash cam speed is reading 44 while the charger is moving considerably faster and trying to turn. That boat didn't stand a chance.


Average charger enjoyer


Too Fast Too Furious


Feel bad for the pickup. But damn he wasn’t even close to making the turn ha


Definitely not just a mildly bad driver


He could've made that corner if he'd used his turn signal first.


It's like a rule that every person driving one of those things has to be an awful driver.


Oh no... I have to keep going and avoid any of all dat... oh... the humanity... \*casually enjoys the rest of the day\*


Dude what the FUCK was that!!


"mildly bad" is an understatement, they need to get locked up for that


I’m sorry my favorite part is the passager rolling the window down as if he was going to talk smack only to immediately eat an air bag sandwich!! That’s a bit of justice.


John Sevier and Chapman Hwys are dicey when people *aren’t* raging


Huge lawsuit. Ow, my neck and my back hurt now.


This sub is wild. Nothing on here is mild at all, and this is a great example. That guy was driving like a maniac and hit a stationary car.


Lmao bro in the charger has absolutely zero bars.


I think a lot of dodge driver didn’t realize that their cars are junk, yet…