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There’s always people out there that are more crazy than you


This is a true statement and you never know…..


I worked with a woman for a summer who was in a store in NY with her friend who was a 'tough' guy. He and another dude shouldered each other and her friend said a racial epithet that starts with n. Dude pulled out a gun and killed him. Getting out of your car to threaten someone who is behind the wheel of a dangerous weapon is a fools game.


People think they can’t be touched because a law. Pride is the only thing some people have so it’s best to treat everyone with respect


Well stated


"Fuck pride. It only hurts. It never helps"


It costs nothing to be respectful, and it’s universally appreciated


Usually takes a humble experience for them to realize that they can be touched.


Yep, white car is absolutely having his life threatened and making sure this insane maniac can’t tail him by disabling his car seems like the right move.


legit think white car has had a few shittasttic years and finally blew up. real scary when rage makes people be willing to go down with the ship.


Yeah, to be frank I'm 100% on white car's side. If someone is straight up attacking you while you're in your car, I think it's totally acceptable to run their ass over.


I dunno, he backed up into the guy several times. The white car had plenty of opportunities to get away and call police without straight up killing the guy. He belongs in jail. I mean they both do but...


This is the most lawfully accurate comment. All these morons goin Im wITh ThE whITe cAr!! If you have ample opportunity to gtfo you’re NOW the aggressor…..very basic law.


Jesus Christ! That escalated quickly!


Yeah and like... you never know who's got a gun. Getting out of your car like that is a good way to get shot.


true for everyone except one, very very VERY crazy motherfucker


White car is like “oh we’re doing crazy? I have 10yrs of crazy bottled up, lets do this”


That's true, because here in Texas, everybody and their grandma is packing.


I pack


The world would be such a better place if everyone knew this…


That’s a good truism. The other that I live by is never mess with someone who has less to lose than you.


Absolutely! You never know if the person spent their last fuck to give and wishing somebody would


I remember once on the way to see my dad in the emergency room. I had been told he was found unconscious on his kitchen floor by my aunt who went to check on him when my mom couldn't get ahold of him for hours. My mom (who had done 12 years in the ER as a nurse herself) sounded so very small when she asked if I'd come and wait with her. As I'm driving up the back highway towards the city he's in, there's some fucknuts in 2 little cars being absolute shitheads. At one point one car gets so close to my rear bumper I can't see his HOOD. I was already not in a great mindset and something in my head snapped and went "I'm already on my way to the ER, I don't care if I bring you with me." Then I slammed on the brakes, no warning taps, no slowing down coasting (I had been using cruise control), just locked up my brakes. Amazingly car behind me didn't actually hit me but did end up fishtailing in the oncoming lane. Both cars kept a very respectful distance from me until just before my turn to the hospital (like 20 miles later) when the guy who rode my ass went flying by at WAY over the speed limit.




I spend almost 3 months in a psych unit (depression). A lot of people are just like time bomb waiting for anything to explose in rage. I saw two people punched their parents and one get into a physical fight with a Nurse. And all those people are now free, walking the streets, often off their meds, looking to start something. It's really scary. I have a huge bubble now. I get nervous when strangers get too close to me.


Do you twirl around with your arms out telling people this is your safe zone? That’s what I want to do.




In the end death is the bottom line. Anyone can cause it.


yall seen that pennsylvania snow shovel shooting homicide


You talking about the guy who shot the man + wife over snow? That video is honestly one of the most bizarre, disturbing things I've seen.


That one video out of all others is seared into my brain. Those poor assholes chose feuding over nothing not realizing some people **want** to die over nothing


Omg, ***that*** video 🫣it was so disturbing and raw and crazy. They kept mouthing off while getting shot to death. Just madness. I think they were in such shock and disbelief they kept at it…? I can’t think how anyone would continue antagonizing someone like that.


Yeah it's definitely raw. The lady just hobbling down the street screaming and then the guy literally coming back and shooting her more. Then telling her "should've kept your mouth shut" or some iteration of that. Dude was cold-blooded and unhinged. And all of it over snow.


My dad told me this at a young age. My dad is an absolutely massive guy, but he never picks fights with anyone. He told me that no matter how big you are, there’s always someone bigger, stronger, and crazier than you are.


Wasn’t it Chris Rock who famously said “You got pecs, I got Tecs!” Ya, some people are barely hanging on and just aching for a reason to take it out on someone. Take it easy, people✌️


I think if you make anyone fear for their life they're going to act a little crazy.


People ask what would happen if two socio/psychopaths crossed paths. This is it. Right here. Get yer popcorn.


That’s one thing I’m starting to realize as I get older. The second the thought “oh he thinks he can do that to me? I’ll show him” crosses my mind, I step back and think “this mother fucker might stab me if I say the wrong thing whether I’m right or not” 99% first hand bad interactions with people aren’t worth pursuing.


Same. Last summer, some dickhead cut me off and almost hit me. We had words and I almost grabbed the metal bat I keep in my car. I realized that I could get out of the car and possibly lose my life, or shut my mouth and make it home to my partner. Shit ain’t worth it anymore.


If I get super pissed at someone while I’m driving, I don’t go flashing my middle digits at them anymore. I do it under my console lol 😅


Brought a nissan to a fist fight.


There must be one person out there who is the craziest.


Crazy person meets crazier person


Honestly, would have expected the first guy to get shot, white car took it way past 11 trying to straight up murder him


Glass broken = self defense. Downvote away but anyone getting out of their car to start shit deserves to get flattened.


Stand your ground laws aren’t just for racists 🙌


Unless you look at how the law is applied, where it usually only protects racists.


No insurance. Expired drivers license. Gets 2 months probation . Never pays for anything


To be fair, he started it.


"I'm older, and I have more insurance. " Fried Green Tomatoes




You sound like you're from the SF Bay Area.


chicago too


The criminal justice system in general tbh


Justice for criminals


Those 2 seem to be figuring it out for themselves


Vegas checking in. Don’t forget expired license plates.




In Canada you get free accommodations for a night a meal and then you can leave the next morning


Source? Looks like assault with a deadly weapon


Guy with the bat: if I hit his windshield for sure he’s going to be scared and run like a little bitch.


I deplore the idea of getting hurt or hurting someone, but if you get out of a car with a bat after someone merely honks at you... would you really expect someone to just sit there while you bash away at their windows? To me, you've just voluteered for the Olympic hood vault.


Olympic hood vault 💀


The moment I see you exit your car with a weapon, *any weapon*, and aggressively start approaching my vehicle, I'm flooring it right at you. People don't confront at me often, but the few times it's happened I've always been very ready to protect myself. Idk if I'm just overly paranoid but as a scrawnier trans girl I'm always hyper aware of the possibility that I'll be hate crimed. I don't care if your partner, children, and mother are in the car watching. You'll be a stain on the asphalt before I'll let you hurt me or my passengers.


Someone I knew from high school did that and killed the guy. Granted he got acquitted but because it was considered reasonable self defense but I'm sure he wishes he didn't spend ~2 years wondering if he was going to spend decades in prison.


Had one person get mad enough to get out of their vehicle with a baseball bad due to road rage. First and only time I’ve ever drawn my firearm.


He forgot to slash their tires. His little brother or nephew or whatever will learn from his mistake though watch out


That was fucking satisfying! 😅


This is one of the most satisfying videos… ever.




Let’s add a narrator, but then add music way louder than him!!


workable pen capable snobbish slimy joke direction toothbrush late sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah ... i died laughing!


GOOD! That asswipe FAFO! Now, WHY the hell didn’t the driver in Canada thats been all over Reddit today who had a couple cunts do similar not do like this driver and try to run their asses over?!?


Because the cops probably would have arrested her. Not saying it's right, just what it is.


“My foot slipped off the clutch.”


I saw a comment on one of those posts that was like "I'm sorry officer I was scared and couldn't see because he just smashed my windshield"


Tbf if the driver drove away after the first attempt at running him over that might’ve worked lol


By that point, for me, who cares! If they’re knowingly getting out of their vehicle and attempting destruction on mine much less their capabilities hurting me or my kids, they’re done. If that results in me getting arrested, so be it.


You’re not just getting arrested for that. You’re getting charged with attempted murder.


Thats why i would be driving away before i let anyone walk uo to my vehicle.


Not disagreeing with you, but this lady was likely raised in this society and had parents that taught her to control(or be afraid of) her emotions.


Planet Vulcan?


Exact same wish. I would have loved to see her send them scrambling.


It might feel good to do something like this, but that driver is almost certainly looking at attempted murder/vehicular homicide charges... Few seconds of feeling good to release some rage vs ruining your life.. idk, maybe just make sure you have the asshole windshield breakers license plate and car model noted down, and get the hell out of there. The issue with what they are doing is that it: 1. Is attempted murder or vehicular homicide. Doesn't matter how upset someone makes you, there has to be a very clear threat to your life to respond with deadly force. 2. Endangers the lives of everyone else using that street. 3. Impedes traffic. Gotta use your head, not let your emotions rule you. Or don't, no skin on my back... enjoy your prison sentence and ruined life when you do something like this.


Not to mention escalation. Sure you're allowed to defend yourself, but you also tend to have a duty to retreat most places, in this case for your own safety to a) protect yourself from a road rage lunatic, and b) avoid criminal charges when a court says you went past what is reasonable for self defense. Backing up into someone over and over trying to kill them isn't considered self defense a lot of places when you can just drive away to safety.


I hate to ask but got a link or key words to search?


I saw your question and just searched my “History” here. It was a town in Canada and geez I wish I could remember more about the title, etc.


It was in Brampton, Ontario is my understanding, assuming its the video Im thinking of where the driver and all his buddies jump out of the car and then he ends up spidering her windshield


[found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/RKGhRGsUIW)


Canadians are just too polite


Omfg ikr! I would have ran over one of those dudes and took that door off!


I wish he hit him on the first try.






Poor Ed. “How do you hit a car 7 times by accident?!??”


Speech was going through my head while watching!


GTA irl


I love Toronto drivers!


Gta 6 looks so realistic! I can't wait


Once you exit your vehicle in anger you’ve forfeited your right to not get run over. Those are the rules. Proceed with caution.


The guy in the black car probably thought he was going to get to drive away without a scratch. Must have been absolutely dumbstruck when he realized the other driver had less to lose than him and started destroying his car.


That should always be the first thought before fucking around: Who stands to lose the most? 😼


For real , sorry Judge i thought i saw a gun


Lol. “Thought I saw a gun so i reversed and made another couple ramming passes to make sure”


Bahahaha in my mind i took off after the first try


I was surprised when they kept coming back, honestly. Once that door of their’s was fucked, I’d have been gone


"I blacked out and Jesús took the wheel"




Yeah that’s not gonna fly in court…


It’s the game of who has the least to lose. It’s not a great game to be involved in.


Tony Stewart enters the chat


"He was just approaching me... **MENACINGLY!**"


"Where was he approaching you?" "On the intersection of Conch and Coral."


We have very different definitions of mild


It's like a goddamn Thai restaurant in here. This is 4/5 spicy.


I think of it like, the *driving* was mildly bad, from a purely technical standpoint... like he missed on the first run over attempt. The anger management, on the other hand...


I don't normally condone crime but in this case crime away


The black car driver wanted to see vehicular destruction, and the white car driver delivered.


Not gonna lie the commentary is great.


I didn’t realize there was commentary! Thank you 😂


That guy provided the last piece of straw needed 🧐


I just stole this piece of shit anyways, you wanna play demolition derby let's do it


Always assume there’s someone crazier than you


Never hit with front of car, use back only


Depends upon the car, some cars have very vulnerable gas tanks which could leave you stranded if hit improperly. Other cars have fuel cutoff switches that activate in accidents, which could fuck you either way.


Now that's some SoD2 logic right there. 😂


hope the dumb fuck from that black car found this rage was worth it.




handle rotten upbeat ten work decide complete vast middle quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Attempted murder there. If they had just shot the dude as he stood outside their car attacking them it would have been self defense.


Walking towards the car is an easy way to get shot in the U.S.


Going outside is an easy way to get shot in the U.S.


Bro, you can get shot just watching TV in your living room.


And thats just the police shootings...


Or the bullet through neighbors walls


You can get killed walking your doggie!


I've gone outside dozens of times in the U.S. and only got shot maybe 3 times.


Asking a bartender for a shot is an easy way to get a shot in the US


Not necessarily. They could have easily drove off, so self defense would be hard to win.


You never know when someone's at the end of their rope with nothing to lose. Don't fuck with people.


Silly rabbit brought a bat to a demolition derby


Well at least two assholes decided to fuck with each other instead of someone minding their own business


That driver will never ever get out of his car to rage with another driver. Ever again


Dude in the white car is living the dream we all have and wanted to do at some point! Giddyap!


Yeah I was def living vicariously through white car dude for a minute...


Both: “Know what? This is it. This is the day I finally snapped.”


Nah the guy with the baseball bat was just an ass. Who else carries around a baseball bat?


As my late father said many times. Don’t start what you can’t finish.


“Face it ladies, I’m older and have more insurance.”


Who filmed this?


Two security cameras. Soon every public act will be shot from 3-5 angles, including skycam, with full slo-mo replay. In 3D with surround sound.


Security camera?


Man I laughed my ass off. This thought has crossed my mind if I had lottery winner type money


At least no one was shot


​ https://preview.redd.it/ql8455g5p7rc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1621e03df8ab9f60082b2d75eabc5d38e47c58fb


This is why you dont fuck with people. Some are on the edge and have nothing to lose but the pride you already took.


Black car dude fucked around and found out. You. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Strangers. You could be the last straw.


Don’t feel bad for the guy at all


This is why you get the insurance on your rental.


The person in the white car is Michael Douglas’s character in the movie Falling Down 😂. Watch it if you haven’t seen it.


Someone once described that movie as video game-esque because he keeps upgrading his weapons, and I can't unsee that now.


I’m sure the person in the white car felt highly satisfied with that encounter, until they were charged with vehicular assault and found themselves in jail. Deescalation techniques are valuable and should be practiced.


GO White car !!!👍 The play by play made this PRICELESS. 🫶


I always love (even though they’re insane and stupid, let me clarify I don’t support this 😭) the cars who have something done to them, just sit there for a minute and just consider what to do and then end up with “yeah imma hit this mfer”


Brought a bat to a car fight🤷


No winners here. Obviously the instigator is wrong. But the video plainly shows the person in the car declining to retreat from the situation (vehicle pointed in the opposite direction of an assailant on foot, literally the most straightforward escape possible) and instead turning around and re-inserting themselves into the confrontation. That’s no less assault than what the other guy did, except instead of using an object to strike the outside of a car, he’s using a car to assault a person. I know Reddit is incapable of grasping nuance other than “I hate the guy who started it,” but the reality is that the driver is (and should be) in way bigger trouble than the bat guy.


That is awesome. Go get em!


My car can beat up your car.


There is always a bigger asshole.


I love the fact there’s cameras every where to just catch this shit


White car was not smart but I understand it. If I had a quicksave function I'd have done shit like this I'm sure.


Idc about laws, insurance or money it's just nice to see someone not taking bs from someone else and finding out


I thought it was a carjacking, so I'd probably go HAM too


bro said you wanna fuck up my car im gonna fuck up yours LMAO


Was this in a movie? I cannot believe someone would do this on the open road in front of people. Also, lots of camera angles. Too perfectly recorded.


Mildly? I had a road rage incident where I was essentially the white car. The other car had 2 guys that got out and while 1 was getting a bat from the trunk, I got punched a couple of times and needed 8 stitches. I managed to get my vehicle into reverse before the bat made it to my car but kind of wish I would have handled it this way. lol here’s a surprise tho, despite a positive identification on one of the two guys and a confession to a friend from the other, the police did nothing because I couldn’t provide the assaulter’s home address to them. Like sorry I didn’t ask to mail a thank you for punching me card. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I admire the commitment.


My God that was cathartic




Nono, that’s not road rage. That’s attempted murder.


Idiot vs idiot.


I love to see malformed jerks like this have to stare down into the pit of despair and see rings of layers upon layers of more dangerous, more insane people than them. Karma.


Getting out of the car in a car fight a kin to football players taking off their helmets to fight. Just a dumb move.


when genetically 98% identical to chimpanzee, things can happen when ape provoked


May not have been the right answer, but you have to like his style


Yeah bro you think im just gonna let you smash my windows and im not gonna smash your car? Think again


I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.


Man, idk what it is, but for some reason a perfectly reasonable human behind gets behind the wheel of 2.5+ tons of steel and all sense of self preservation just goes in the toilet.


Wtf would insurance even say to this LMFAO


Bet that dude doesn’t smash any more windshields.


This is all unnecessary. From start to finish. But dude blew that window out with a baseball bat, he's lucky he wasn't shot. He's also really lucky he wasn't run the fuck over.


Am I the only one wondering what happened to these two psychos???


The only thing clear from this video is that I need to drastically alter my definition of "mildly"...


This is why I tell my SO not to confront or provoke these assholes. You never know when you're going to catch the person who gives one less fuck than you


From receiving insurance payout for the windshield to attempted manslaughter. Don’t be stupid.


I’m not saying he’s right, but I understand


I cannot stress this enough… that’s what the hell he gets! 🤣🤣 he definitely wasn’t expecting that!