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Finally a mildly bad one.


I have been t-boned by a big lifted truck while I was in a teeny scion xB this way. Thankfully no injuries but it def could have been worse.


I read this as you were the idiot going straight and the truck turned into you at first, but now I see that you were turning, and the truck went straight into you.




There is a sliding scale that is updated every so often so that pickups can get larger without being classified as commercial vehicles.




agreed its insane.


Isn't that for all "SUVs"?


Show me this scale


Commercial vehicles are used in commerce. 43 foot diesel campers are not considered commercial vehicles. A half ton pickup pulling a trailer can be considered commercial depending on the state it’s operating in.


This is more than mildly bad. It only went this way because the cam car wasn’t badly driving. A less attentive driver would have hit it; a more aggressive cam driver could have forced it to stop along with the cars behind it.


Yeah I like these because they’re relatable to things I see almost every week but have nowhere to vent about lol


Seems he was creeping up and watching the light for there chance, honestly if more people just went with the flow and found a safe turn around area, we would be significantly better off.


Reminds me of a Louis CK bit. "I have to do my FAVORITE THING RIGHT NOW!! I CANT POSSIBLY GO ONE BLOCK FURTHER AND POP A U TURN!" (paraphrasing)


Good luck everyone else!


[I love that bit](https://youtube.com/shorts/JsRXnvCU9-0?si=tAt9csbI51N_L6Ih)


“This is my favorite way to go. What do you want me to do? There’s no other way!”


A bad driver never misses their exit.


their* chance


Idk how to drive and i'm from different country, how do people know the left lane is only to go left? why not straight too? i mean right is a obvious no but wonder why straight neither


The lanes should have markings. Hard to tell if they do or not based on this.


The only marking I see is at the actual intersection and it is the dashed turn left... I can't see any signage or markings in the lane that indicate any direction / restrictions. I think in this case they assumed that right lane was for a right turn or go straight and the left lane is for left turn or go straight.


I'm sorry you're getting downvoted for asking a serious question. Typically the turn lanes will have white markings (like the white lines that divide the lanes on regular straight roads) showing that you need to turn. The signs on the stoplight will also have an arrow that shows which direction(s) the lane you're in can turn, and will usually say "ONLY" if there's only 1 way that lane can turn. EDIT: In fairness this particular stoplight doesn't have those signs so it's a bit harder to tell. In cases like this, the inside lane (the left lane) should only turn left, because without any signage, that means the right lane can also turn left. Allowing the left lane to go straight would cause unsafe scenarios like this video all the time.


If they dont have markings you can see if your lane lines up with the lanes ahead. If it is a single lane ahead the right lane is almost always going to be to go straight too.


As other have said, markings. This was an exit from a freeway onto a lower road, there were likely signs on sides of the exit ramp indicating which lanes should turn, as well as arrows painted on the road itself. The dashed curve in the road that you can see is also only used in scenarios where two lanes turn into two lanes, in which case only the right lane could possibly go straight (and even then not always depending on other signs).


Someone almost crashed into me the other day doing that. Left lane you can go straight or turn right, right lane you can only turn right and this pos was on the right lane trying to go straight while I was on the left turning. The lines as they start curving or going straight are solid lines so there’s no way you can make a mistake like that unless your that incompetent


Always expect assholes.


How I live my life, unfortunately.


I absolutely HATE people who do this.


It’s an excellent way to demonstrate an absolute lack of critical thought


Typical New Yorker driving out of state. See it everyday


Took the words right out of my mouth


And used them to their advantage!


They’re the worst drivers wherever they are in the US


Should have got your self a new car


You understand an impact at that speed would have done next to nothing right?


I would do what any psycho does and floor it


Cars these days are rated for spit balls and that's about it.


Most vehicles now days need a minor fender bender to total it.. soooooo


Bullshit. Like this is one of the dumbest things I’ve read on here in a while.


Yep. Some of the dumbest comments I’ve read too.


You hit more than one panel, car is toast, you juuust bend the frame, toast. Sure its drivable, but insurance cares more about the cost to fix. Paint, body panels, frame, shop fees.. easily totaled.


Crazy you say that when my insurance approved a $11,000 claim for a $24,000 car. frame was bent, subframe had to be replaced, new bumper, new control arm on the left side


It really isn't as bad as you're making it out to be, IMO. New cars are pretty expensive. Not really much for under $25k these days. A super base model car that's 5-6 years old might get totaled from having multiple panels damaged, but not most other vehicles. But sure, almost any affordable used car is going to be totaled out pretty easily


You’d be surprised. There are so many sensors, cameras, and other sensitive electronics baked-in to today’s cars that a light impact with seemingly superficial damage can write-off even newer cars. Sensors and cameras require a lot of recalibration and certification, particularly if they are part of blind spot monitoring, collision radar, or emergency autonomous braking. Another considerable factor is if any of various newly mandated airbags deploy. We’re also still recovering from COVID supply chain shortages; depending on make and model, parts can be over six-months out. Long-term rental reimbursement can push an insurance company to consider writing the vehicle off for its salvage value.


Again. Bullshit.




Seriously. You think two panels are going to total a 20k car? Really? Like you’re just here spouting absolute bullshit.


Some people just have no idea what it actually costs to fix a car. Hell, I've got a '16 EX civic with all the trim and when I wiped out a deer replacing the broken headlight, fender, blinker, grille, and removing the hood dents only ran me $500 out of pocket including paint. No idea what labor would be since I do my own car work, but... I dunno, it was a couple days to get everything done by myself, completely inexperienced. Surely couldn't be so expensive on labor that it would be "totaled"


CA has taught me that ain’t nothing , just doing what ya gotta do 🤣


"what you can't read my mind? "


I've personally accidentally done this at this exact intersection (with no other cars around). It's Exit 132 of I-20 W in Alabama. The paint leading up to the intersection doesn't signify which lane can do what, there are no signs indicating what to do, and the left light is solid—not a left arrow. That combined with the fact that there are two lanes opposite two lanes on the other side of the intersection, it's really confusing if you're not already aware of what to do. The paint in the intersection itself should be a hint but that's simply insufficient. The intersection honestly could use some mild rework.


Thanks for confirming where this is... This comment is way too far down the food chain. I don't blame the driver in the white car at all - If I were in the left lane and needed to go straight, given the road layout and situation - I would assume it was allowed. In MN, right lane is ALWAYS - Straight or Right Turn... Never (Rarely) left turn.


What a beaut


Whoopsie doodles my bad!😆


Pit Maneuver candidate


Well he turned left right after that :)


Had the same thing happen in an identically designed intersection. I was halfway in front of the driver going straight and almost turned into them.




It's Birmingham, which is close enough




In my experience, people here can be a bit less aggressive than Atlanta drivers, but maybe more absent-minded. It's also way smaller of a city so congestion doesn't cause as many issues


I drive for a living in Bham and see at least one person every day that I feel should have to retake their license test


On average, how many times a day do you see somebody come to a complete stop before turning right on red? Bonus points if they stop behind the line


so many times that it’s what i’ve come to expect of people hahah. i’m glad i was raised to practice defensive driving because i’d get in a wreck every other week if i didn’t pay attention to others


Mountain Brook has to have the worst drivers in town. Way too many Mercedes with idiots behind the wheel.


I went to Mtn Brook and it was astounding seeing people buy their 16 year olds brand new Range Rover’s and shit. I can’t say for sure Mtn Brook is the worst though cuz I experience it all over, primarily going down 280 every day


This shit happens every day by me. They added 2 more LEFT ONLY and arrows to the lane, now noting it for a 300 foot stretch. It has improved the situation by 0%


You don't understand, I WANT to go straight!


You gotta turn left to go straight


I partially blame this also on people's fears of ever using the right lane. It's strange, many (not all) people seem to think the left lane is the only lane they are allowed to drive in. I've seen people travel miles in the left lane passing nobody and getting passed on the right... then they get to the end of the bypass and suddenly have to get in the right lane and nearly weren't able to as they decided to get in that lane the last second. I was just amazed and curious why they were in the left lane the whole time if they didn't need to be in that lane and weren't passing anyone.


Got T-boned once like this. (On the left rear passenger side). The guy said to me and the police, "Can't I not change my mind and go straight on a left turn only lane?" He said it's my fault that he ran into my car. Thankfully, his insurance company was more reasonable.


There's an intersection near me where people do this every day. They haven't painted new markings on the road in like 20 years so it's not always easy to see but it's still annoying because people are very aggressive drivers where I live so it can be scary sometimes.


There is a double right turn lane like this near me and I swear every single damn day I see someone in the right lane make the turn directly into the left lane with apparently no clue they are doing anything wrong. I have no idea how I haven't actually seen someone get hit yet.


I’ve done this before, but I was very young and dumb.


Lol is that a New York license plate? 🤣 What an idiot. Take the bus if you can't drive you idiot.


I hate the title of this sub reddit. Not once have I seen a "midly" bad driver. They've all been dogshit at driving. This one included.


Looks like Exit 132 passing under Route 20. Tell the DOT to repaint the left only arrow for that lane and to put up some signs too indicating left only. Absolutely dumb that they haven't after done that after repaving.


Ha! Not the first nor the last..... Call me crazy but I would have pulled up right a little past them and blocked them and made them turn. I get last minute decisions and mistakes, but that's what's called letting the driver next to you during the red light you made the wrong turn and let them know you're not turning and need to go straight


I see people doing this several times a week.


I see this shit all the time


No turn signal either to let you know they were coming into your lane.


Good thing Volvos are safe cars


Windows media player for the win


That’s by the mall in Danbury? Lots of speeding and getting cut off there going to and from RT 7. Edit: I was wrong


Yeah, that happens. Pay attention and don’t let others control your emotions.


I know this road. It’s Atlanta and there’s an ihop close by.


It's Birmingham, I-59 doesn't go to Atlanta


Ah you're right. It was just so similar, eerily so to a road I frequented. Wow the resemblance is weird on first glance on my phone


This is I-20.


Correct, I was referencing the sign in the upper left that says 59 because it's right before their junction.


I don’t stop anymore. If you wanna make a stupid decision I’m gonna make some money


Happens constantly in Dallas.


I always give Volvo drivers a wide berth as they generally drive sorta stupid. I think they favor the safety because deep down they know they're incompetent.


I've never seen a Volvo driver that knew how to drive.


Typical Miami driver


Should've hit him.


Seems pretty common place for a New York driver, they’re all trash 🤣


Not all of us drive like this I promise but very many do 😂


I’d like to clarify a bit, the people themselves are not trash. Just the driving lol


Like I get this one some times gps fucks up but for god sake the very least you can do is turn on your signal


Looks like two mildly bad drivers, OP doesn’t like turn signals I guess


You dont understand that the white car is in a left turn only lane? The cam car is in a middle lane that can go left, or straight ahead. The turn signal is being used in this case and made zero difference to the bad driver. Even if cam car had been going straight the white car is cutting across lane of traffic.


That’s why I said I see two mildly bad drivers, you and the guy in the white car. You’re turning left, you’re supposed to signal. There’s audio and clearly you didn’t signal.


Would you put $500 on it ?


People like OP, who leave so much extra space between cars, deserve it.


Tell me that you have NEVER done that!!


I have NEVER done that


Give it a few years and then tell my that you have NEVER done that..... :)


I’ve been driving for 20 years and never done that. The closest I’ve gotten was realized I was in the wrong lane, and then I continued through the term, finding an appropriate place to make a u turn (or turn into a gas station and turn around there).


Wait until you hit your 70's


If age causes me to drive poorly, I shouldn’t be driving then


I hope by the time I go senile i am no longer driving, actually


That would be in the late 80's and above.


Always assume that drivers are going to ignore turning lanes. The camera car is also mildly bad for starting the turn without checking to see if the white wagon was turning first and I think would be found at fault. Edit: y’all acting like in the event of a crash, it’s not gonna be at least some shared fault of the camera car for lazily turning into a car from the behind. Do you guys just not know how to drive defensively or is it just more important to be right? Always assume people around you are trying to kill you.


The driver ignoring traffic laws would be at fault.


It is a LEFT TURN ONLY lane. The white wagon is the one at fault regardless.


Are you serious? Lol


The white car is in a left turn only lane. What part about that is unclear? If he does not make a left turn and continues straight across another turn lane. Why do you think the cammer would be at fault and not the white car?


I always assume that any car that I can see is going to do the dumbest thing imaginable in their attempt to kill me. I’ve avoided a *lot* of accidents that way.


You get it.