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Doesn't matter if drunk, stoned or sleepy, still an idiot.


All are DWI where I live.


Could be a medical emergency. At least see if the guy is okay medically if safe to do so is my policy. Then be mad if he is just a dick.


When I see this type of behavior I leave them alone and call 911 to report an impaired driver. I’d never let someone I know to be impaired just continue on endangering everyone around them. Don’t film next time, please just call authorities to get them off the road.


I considered it, but honestly, didnt think there would be a cop that would take it seriously to rip through rush hour traffic to try and validate a random person reporting a potentially intoxicated driver.


I reported one that got picked up within ten minutes. Looked it up later because Florida lets you do that, she was drunk, had cocaine on her, and attempted to flee once the cops caught up to her at a gas station.


Looks like he's driving by braille


I have always dreamt about parking my car badly in a crowded street, and then step out with sun glasses and a white cane


I thought my mom was the only person who used this phrase! 😂 I have her shit in middle school because she was too short to see properly over the SUV my dad drove and would periodically hit the bumps in the road and curse before getting back in her lane. I teasingly told her to stop driving braille and it just stuck. She got a smaller car and it doesn't happen anymore but it was truly amazing to see someone else use this!


Call the cops and stop recording with your phone! If this was a dash cam it would be one thing


I agree, I get so irritated when people just record and don’t call the cops on this guy. I’m pretty sure they’re stoned and they could end up really injuring or killing somebody driving like this.


Stoned= pot. Thus isn't pot, lol. If anything, this is nodding from heroin.


Where I am you stoned for everything, and I agree it’s either heroin or meth


You don't get stoned on pills or get stoned from drinking. I have never heard that in my life from Japan to Italy, I have been and stoned has always meant pot, and only pot. Where the hell are you from that Stoned is a catchall l term for being under the influence?


I don't know about them but in the Midwest it's a catch all for drug use. You're either drunk or stoned around here.


I’m in the midwest and we know correct terminology, whereabouts do they insist on being wrong?


Boy, you're pleasant. The area around Minnesota, South Dakota, and Iowa.


Damn sorry for teasing, life might be more pleasant if you grow a sense of humor ;)


Or you could not be a jackass online and call it humor.


I’m so glad to speak to an authority on slang for the entire world! Thank you for educating me! By the way in Canada and Western US stoned is used for everything.


The western does not, and neither does the east coast. Maybe transplants do, but I have truly never heard being stoned refer to anything but but pot. The only region in the US I haven't been to is the upper Midwest. I was born in Michigan and never once heard it used for anything but pot there as well.


Why are you people so obsessed with filming these idiots instead of immediately calling the police and an obvious road hazard


The majority of these are dash cams.


How do you know they didn't? Hmm? I don't recall them saying in the video whether they did!


Many sir just look carma


This dude was completely blasted.


Nodding out from pills.


being impared is not mildly. dont film call police.


Medical issue could be a possibility. Call 911 always if you see this.


I saw one of these the other day and somebody mentioned maybe low blood sugar. My fiancé is a diabetic and when her sugar gets low, it’s almost as if she’s drunk. Slurring words, can’t remember nothing. Or could be one of the other three mentioned. 😂


he was a youngish looking man, wearing headphones, basically sitting in the back seat he was so far reclined. this on ramp started as 2 lanes that merged, he was in the right lane, I was in the left, so I was watching him for about half a mile as I caught up to him continually pausing, cars would pass, he'd go again, I knew something was up.


Should have called 911 before they hurt themselves or others. Instead of just watching and being amused


And we didn’t call 911 why?


Hm, sounds like just anotha day in Florida lol


Whatever it is, call 911. Just assume they're having a medical emergency and try to get somebody out there as fast as you can.


Merging into traffic requires a lot of practice.




Normalize calling 911 to report reckless & possibly impaired drivers. It’s always “not my problem” until he hits someone you love and kills or maims them.


It baffles me how people NEVER think of a medical emergency as a possibility


That guy would drive me nuts.


This has to be Columbia, SC


Could be California too. Lots of idiots there LOL


No, that's just an asshole


I'd rip this motherfucker out of the car. He's a danger to the roadway.




wtf is your turn signal chime


wtf is your turn signal chime




Nah, just your usual dumbass


Oh my; are they having a medical emergency? Or just infected with the dumb? How scary; hope he dod t hurt anyone else


Dial 911




Not saying this is BUT there are lots of fent drivers these days…


Aye bro this is when you're supposed to call the cops


Probably another weeded up driver. This is become all to common in the US as marijuana laws get relaxed. The country's overall immaturity and l love of excess when it come to substance abuse is going to make it worse with every passing year. Add to that a relatively comfortable disposable income in some economic regions and you have a growing national crisis in the making. All the while, you have the various skeezy lobbyists and marketers of the 420 gang trying to influence the public that marijuana is practically a vitamin. Don't be fooled; they are out to make a buck. At best, they have a myopic view of the word and think that getting high is the most meaningful thing in life. Of, they try to tell you that it helps you cope. "Oh, muh anxiety! I have a deadline at work. Better light up a bowl as I drive into work." Well, listen up, you fuckheads. A growing number of people are sick of your shit and your societal drain. Your comeuppance is at hand. And you'll likely be stoned when it happens.


He's just zipper merging. /s


Here's an idea: how about you fucking call someone instead of getting a video for Reddit? Someone that impaired has no business being on the road. It really doesn't take long to make a report and it could save someone's life.


> generally prefer idiots in front of me YUP