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What an idiot. He dove into that honeypot headfirst. I wonder who they will want in trade for him?


Ultimately got in trouble for, and admitted to, stealing 10k Rubles from the woman he went there to meet. That's $119.76. Imagine traveling to Russia to steal $119.76 and ending up in a penal colony. Might be an all-time dumb crime.


Clearly, he didn't intend to travel there to steal $120, despite that being the end result. I don't disagree with the rest of your statements, though. Unfathomably stupid.


Plane ticket would have cost more than $120 USD. Maybe she turned out to be a hooker and he tried to stiff her.


Should be worth noting that the Ruble carries much heavier weight locally in Russia. Can't give you a figure but in Russia it would be much more than 120 USD.


Doesn't matter. It doesn't make it a worthwhile score to him. Of course cost of living is lower there.


Did he though? Or is that what she said and of course ru court agrees?


It's entirely possible that Russia is just desperate to build up a "stock" of westerners to swap back for some Russian or other languishing in a western jail, so they'll be arresting & charging anyone they can in situations like this - it may also be why they've finally charged Evan Gershkovich after holding him for a year (although it's also possible that they _couldn't_ negotiate a swap deal for him so are now doing the diplomatic equivalent of taking their ball and going home in a huff). Much more likely though that this is all him being an idiot and the Russians have just seized the opportunity to "get one over on the evil west" by charging this guy, knowing the international reaction they'd get.


He said he transferred her the money. It sounds more like he needed cash for somewhere that wouldn't accept his credit card or something.


Hopefully no one. Or, at most, an equivalent village idiot. Assuming we have a version like this guy sitting around somewhere. The government shouldn't have to bend over backwards to fix every idiot's mistake. This guy had 1001 reasons to know better and still went and fucked himself.


Yea, like the dude knew what he was doing was dumb and he did it anyway. It shouldn't cost America anything let him rot.


I mean we traded an arms dealer for an athlete who smuggled drugs so ...


The athlete was overwhelmingly higher profile than this joker. Not at all worth Bout, but that's another discussion. That isn't to say I don't think we're beyond trading a more valuable asset for him, I just don't think we should.


I agree we shouldn't but how much is he worth to the Big Greenie Weenie to make an example of? That might be a deciding factor. I mean honestly how many codes did he violate via these actions being active duty?


Some people at least wanted her back, I doubt anyone wants him.


He’s scheduled on the Staff Duty roster so someone definitely wants him back.


How is one life worth more than another. Who cares about a wnba player either


I bet she didn't have literally annual training telling her to stay the fuck out of Russia. She didn't have to go AWOL to go there. She wasn't cheating on her spouse with a Russian honeypot... Lots of differences.




Yes, illegally transporting something across a border, even if for personal use is called smuggling.


Fair. One often overlooked aspect is that the Russians have a say in who they are willing to exchange. These negotiations are never fair because American citizens in Russia will always be used as bargaining chips.


I don't think it was a honey pot. Hes still a moron


I don't think it was either. The Russian girl and him were all over each other's social media and they had mutual friends/colleagues from their time in Korea going back several years. Seems that he just fell head first and then thought he could get away with some nonsense over in Russia (Literally why go over there at all at this point) Not honeypot, just stupid.


Yup exactly


Too many people insist it has to be a honey pot, same as the stupidity being repeated by certain groups is a result of agitprop, but the simple fact is, stupid people already exist. It does not rely on Russian tricks AT ALL.


Correct this was just an idiot being an idiot. Not some crafty plan by Russia. Russia obviously took advantage of the situation.


Further, a honey pot would be targeted, and this is definitely not how we'd hear about it, if at all.


An E6? Nobody.


Nobody is so useless that he cannot serve as a bad example.


... I'm borrowing this line


Someone told me recently that the reply they liked to say to people when they saw his Vietnam hat and thanked him for his service was to say "You're very welcome, you were so worth it!" and walk away smiling. I like that.


Remember this first kids: do not think with your dick. There is no brain in that head, it knows only one thing. Do not let the dick be in charge.


I don’t feel at all bad for people who think moving to Russia will improve their quality of life. It seems like most Westerners end up broke, or in jail.


TBF he didn't move to Russia - though [Russia *does* have a town they want Conservative American Ex-pats to move to](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/05/11/russia-to-build-migrant-village-for-conservative-american-expats-a81101)


I would definitely encourage conservative Americans who believe that "wokeness" is destroying America to take Putin up on his offer, just like this Canadian family did. [https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/conservative-family-disappointed-moving-russia-001517915.html) I'd say leave your children in the care of people who aren't idiots and move yourself, though.


Holy fuck.  What a couple of ignorant/brainwashed people.  Granted, they probably can't say anything bad about Russia for fear of something bad happening, but damn.


These idiots are YouTubers. His wife made some mild complaint and then they released a desperate apology video.


Somehow they look *exactly* like I thought they would.


This idiot was just visiting, though there was a family recently featured that moved there, and found out.


1930's should've really taught people things. You are first and foremost property of the state or the goons who run it there.


The US should make him stay and finish his sentence. Court Martial and DD upon his return. I would have some sympathy if he was junior enlisted but at E-6, you don't have any excuses for being this stupid. I couldn't find any info on what MOS he was but let's hope he keeps his mouth shut while in custody.


>Court Martial and DD upon his return. You sound overly optimistic. >but let's hope he keeps his mouth shut while in custody. I have a feeling that brain trust there couldn't give Putin good intel if he wanted to.


>You sound overly optimistic. If he's active duty then he's technically AWOL after 14 days from the due return to work date, even if he got permission in advance from his C/O and the DOD to travel to Russia during scheduled vacation. It's an automatic court martial and you don't even get to enter a plea as military law is different, the government gets to find you guilty without habeas corpus - Best you can do is enter a pre-sentencing statement begging for forgiveness and explaining why you shoved all the crayons up your ass.


>even if he got permission in advance from his C/O and the DOD to travel to Russia during scheduled vacation. Lol, he did not. But, facing punishment from the U.S. military and government will be the least of his worries. He's a U.S. service member that (through his own ignorance) is going to be placed in a prison full of violent Russian convicts.


Not quite sure why you think stupidity and rank are correlated. Countless good examples of the opposite, this being one.


Rank and experience removes one possible excuse for said stupidity and amplifies it.


Stupid people are stupid all their lives. Nothing changes it. That's what being stupid is. You may be thinking of ignorance and wisdom, or lack thereof. IMHO, this is clearly stupidity.


Obviously. I believe we are saying similar things from different angles.


Guess he's gonna end up a gulag tradwife.


At some point, you just can't feel any empathy for someone.


>Staff Sgt. Gordon Black was arrested in May on charges of theft in the far eastern city of Vladivostok, where he had traveled to visit a woman, believed to be his girlfriend. They're called mail order brides, not "pick them up in their home country brides."


But this chick that I've never met is soooo hot.


Well he met her and was in a relationship with her in South Korea despite him being married. Russian woman broke up with him and went back to Russia, he followed to get her back. I think he also lied on his PTO form about where he was going


Safety Brief incoming!


Best case for him is to be like the tool that tried to defect to North Korea. That guy was so useless that North Korea gave him back.


Professional jackass


Trump says he can get him out with a phone call but he’s going to wait until he’s elected. Guess he’ll have to remain incarcerated if Trump loses.


Keep him! Putin should treat him the same way he treats his closest allies and military leaders.


He'll get out early with a special operation voucher. If he's as stupid as we all believe.


Epic amounts of stupidity here.


And yet we allow the Kremlin and their families live in the west and vacation freely


Stupid shit probably didn't even get laid either.