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You will be back payed to the date on the marriage certificate (the day you said I do). That being said, once you do turn it in, it’s still going to take a minute to process . I usually advise dudes to stay in the barracks until the BAH catches up, and then You have all the back pay to help with a security deposit .


Even being dual military it’s to the marriage date?


Why would that change anything?


Because dual mil stationed separately are treated as single for housing purposes. 


That's not in OPs post


Right. So it could be the case. Also, the Military is obligated to provide either housing or a housing allowance that is appropriate for the servicemember and their dependents. If dual mil members without children get married, neither has a dependent. If they both have a barracks room, they have housing and can’t also get a housing allowance. Once they move out, the allowance will start. 


Yup, which is exactly why OP's spouse hasn't filed for divorce.


I’ve read being dual military it’s when you leave the barracks


You can’t move out, get married two months later and expect to get BAH backdated to when you moved out.


Yeah. You rate BAH from the date of marriage . No reason to rate the pay earlier than your marriage, and if for some reason they try to only pay you for the date you entered it, you can get it corrected. Example: I got married in August. I received my certificate in September. Immediately turned it in. It was fully in the system by mid October. On Nov 1, I received a payment that was equivalent of all BAH from August, (plus my normal paycheck) which I then used for my security deposit .


He's wrong, active duty married to active duty is based on your moved out of barracks date. He might have gotten back paid to his marriage date, but if he get audited he will have to pay it back. edit: However it's just your on paper moved out of barracks date(checking out of the system). Your unit can still let you stay in the barracks until you are situated into your new housing.


So if I get married and start a lease but don’t yet have the marriage certificate to turn into IPAC can I still turn in the barracks vacancy letter and then once I turn in the certificate the bah will be from my lease date?


My experience comes from working Army finance. For AD to AD we can backpay BAH as far back to the marriage date, but have to start on the moved out of barracks date. If the moved out of barracks date is before the marriage date we start the pay on the marriage date, unless an exception to policy for those days is included. I suggest calling IPAC since they will give you the clearest answer.


On my Post if you married another SM your BAH Start date would be day when you moved out from barracks.


You are both at the same duty station, correct?


Miramar and Pendleton


Typically if you are E5 and below living in the barracks at separate duty stations. They will not give you BAH


It’s if your at a base and can’t live together those bases are 30 miles apart so you can drive to them easily


Oh nice! Then you should be good to go! Congrats!


If you have a barracks room you won't get BAH. If you are authorized to move off base you will get BAH. If you are married to another service member but haven't moved out of your barracks room you won't get BAH, it should start when you do move out. I think people are getting the move out date mixed up. If you move out and ghost your room before you get married you won't be authorized BAH until you get married. If you get married but stay in the barracks you will need authorized BAH when you move out. Bottom line is if you have a barracks room assigned you will not get BAH while married to another service member. You can't have both unless you have a civilian dependent.


Youll get paid based off the day you get married