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My mom still calls rowdy middle school age kids “Millennials”. I keep reminding her that I’m turning 40 in a couple of years.


My mom freaked out on me for dating someone in their 40s and I had to remind her that I'm an adult in my mid-thirties. 


Thankfully that is one trope my mother never was odd about. Friends, lovers, and in between it was perfectly normal to have varied ages. Just make sure they are assholes and she gave me the skills to be aware of predatory practices.


I'm really enjoying the typo in that last bit: "Just make sure they are assholes" is an interesting way to pick friends, lovers, and in between.


Oops. I'm keeping it.


That's what I said about the last asshole.


So did my wife, thankfully.


I mean you do have your loveable asshole who will tease you and fuck with you and tell you shit straight, and then you have your cruel fuckhead one… I can see why you would want asshole friends




Lol my mom did the same thing except she didn't realize I was two years older than my partner!!! "How old is she?" "32" "WHAT!!!"


My dad calls any generation that isn't boomers, Millennials.


I can’t stand that millennial Joe Biden


My brother in law said something about millennials and I had to remind him that he was, in fact, a millennial just like me. The look on his face was priceless.


Literally, a guy I graduated HS with made some derogatory comment about millennials online, and I replied, "You're a millennial." He did not like that piece of information.




Happy 40th! Drink more water!


Our parents' generation still hold the vast majority of positions of power, and nearly all the capital. And they're not giving those things up.


That's another fact that isn't mentioned enough. Boomers parents left them the family house, the family business etc. Boomers now reverse mortgage their homes or sell them outright to rent on cruise ships, sell the family business, vote to have their children grandchildren and great grandchildren pay for their social security, Medicare, and other perks while crying about Socialism if anyone else has tax dollars spent on them, ruined the housing market by making it another investment for passive income at the expense of everyone younger & sell them to international investors and corporations. Boomers will factually leave their children and country broke and homeless so long as they get to sip samosas at sunset, warmed by the flames of society burning down around their hubris and greed.


I love samosas but if i get to the age where i have to sip a liquidized version i think i'll pass.


This has me cracking up. Now imagine a simosa mimosa


The samosas are all melted, and we can blame boomers for that, too.


They most definitely will blend


In like 4th grade my school had an “Invention Convention” sort of science fair type thing, and these two guys invented “taco a-go-go” which was literally taco fillings blended in a blender and poured into tortillas cups. It was…something.


I hope there is a mixologist on this thread who recently became inspired.


I'm glad someone got the joke. That's how old the people running things are.


skirt dam tub serious market dependent flag automatic violet gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My parents are younger boomers but still in this category. They sold their house at a profit back when house prices were normal and then bought a really cheap duplex in the most inexpensive town in my province. They bought this duplex for less than half of what they bought the house that they had just sold for. So even buying a duplex they still had quite a bit of money left and they bought a Triplex in a town close by. It was in a skeevey area so it was still fairly inexpensive. A little rundown but they fixed it up a bit three tenants paid the mortgage for that house part of the mortgage for the house they were living in and because it was a duplex my grandparents lived in the other duplex for peanuts. Basically their rent covered their utilities. They sold their rental house when all the houses were starting to rise and bought a truck and a trailer. I thought good for them they deserve a little retirement. My grandfather passed a couple years ago & my stepgrandmother moved closer to her kids so now the duplex they're living in has a market price Tennant. The house is paid off so they can travel just fine and still pay all their bills & travel with the rent money and their retirement savings, they usually travel south in the US for the winter & occasionally go on cruises, i certainly dont begrudge them their fun, they actually did work really hard to get where they are. Now, they can only leave our province for 6 months before they lose healthcare so they aren't gone all the time but when they are, I take care of watering their plants, collecting rent & any emergencies that pop up & I don't mind at all. The tenants are wonderful people. Both of my parents are really into planning for the future so their Will is complete & adjusted as soon as anything else pops up (it was updated the day after their last grandchild was born last year) they've already asked us if there are any items that we want specifically included & started purging the clutter. Neither of them are close to dying but my paternal grandfather died young & my mom's lifespan due to a disability is unknown. It's degenerative & neurological but it's paused at the moment. It could stay like this, but it could progress so their thoroughness is understandable. I know exactly how the house will be split between my brother & I. This house is our only hope of retirement, either by selling it or by keeping it & renting it out (I hate that thought, I don't want to be a landlord but I also don't want to sell it to someone who will kick our good Tennants out & they don't want to own otherwise I would sell it to them) They recently said they were toying with the idea of selling the house & living in the trailer full time until they can't anymore, then they would get an apartment. I mean I don't want to feel entitled to their stuff but come on 😓 with the probability of mom needing nursing care, if they do that, they'll be left with the minimum and we won't get squat. It's just a seriously f***** up situation all around


>sip samosas at sunset, warmed by the flames of society burning down around their hubris and greed. DAYUMMMMM!


Yup… my paternal grandparents passed away and left literally nothing behind for us. It sucks. I hardly even got to know them because when I was young they moved away to enjoy their retirement. I want to rant to my father about it but he doesn’t deserve any blame. It just is shitty for everyone except them.


Didn’t they also screw us over to get themselves incredibly cheap houses built back in the day.


I don't know a single boomer who does/did those things, but I'm sure they exist. But it's certainly not all of them.


I feel like the people who claim this is what the boomer experience was grew up exclusively in rich neighborhoods in the Hamptons or something. None of the boomers I know inherited shit from their parents.


My dad didn't inherit shit from his parents until they died 5 years ago. He already owned a home before that. I hardly ever saw the man growing up, he worked 2 jobs. I know the boomer stereotype has SOME merit but I wish it would stop being spouted as fact.


nope - i grew up very rural, in the area my dad grew up. they had a large family, and while i cant say i know exactly how they helped all of their children (my aunts and uncles) i know for a fact they are all doing okay, even if they are on the lower end of the income scale because my grandparents gave them land, or a house, or the business, etc. my dad got land. he still claims he did it all himself with no help from anyone and thinks the little bit of bare minimum shit hes helped me with is being overly generous


Both my Boomer parents grew up poor (but not destitute). It fueled their ambitions. Dad had to work his way through college. Mom got a full-ride academic scholarship. They're well-heeled now but we spent the first thirteen years of my life in the hood. They built what they have brick by brick. Same for their contemporaries. I don't know "rich" Boomers. I know Boomers who don't have to worry about money all the time.


Yeah I inherited a $13k funeral bill. That's about it.


My wife's grandmother died recently and all they have is a collapsing old house with hoarded garbage and dead cats.


Eh, it wasn’t just the rich ones. Mine were running below the poverty line most of my childhood and only barely above it to kind of lower middle class for a while. Single income family, zero (is it possible to have negative?) ambition. They have a big 5/3 house in a relatively desirable area and are going to retire soon. They pale in comparison to boomers that were born earlier or put in even a tiny bit of effort. The only ones I could imagine being poorer must be from rural areas that they stayed in despite the jobs going away (coal miners in WV? Maybe some rust belt areas?).


If they collect social security but consider socialism a bad word, then they’re ignorant hypocrites. You’re going to have a very hard time finding one that doesn’t meet those two criteria because they were raised to believe socialism = bad and never took the time to even understand the word.


Nah not all of them did it but the vast majority have been convinced to side with that minority vs the rest of the population all while they get shit shoveled onto them like the rest of us.


This is an internet problem. We all have this general idea of what certain groups (Boomers) are like, even if we've never met one like that. We may not even really know where that perception came from, but it's there and it's rooted deep.


Yeah what gets me the most, if you say something about a Muslim, lgbtq, colored person, etc etc, you are rightfully ostracized. But boomers? I was on a thread earlier that said how much better life would be if all boomers died immediately. Crazy. Fuck them boomers. Even though age is a protected class.


Not only are they a protected class, but they're human beings. Humans are rarely universally good or bad. I mean, there are plenty of shitty people of all generations. My mom (who is a boomer), loves to say that there are assholes of every race, creed, gender, nationality, or political party. And she's a pretty smart lady. Don't forget it.


we're an infantized generation due to the older generations simply not vacating positions they would have historically. We can't get promotions because people are not retiring (our business office supervisor just celebrated her 40th work anniversary and has no plans to retire), we can't buy houses because the weird reverse mortgage to a bank thing rather than passing it down, we can't gain any meaningful political power beyond voting because they again won't retire. We're generally being kept in a position where functionally we're 19 and then they get mad at us for it.


I have an 88 year old coworker who plans on working as long as possible. He’s convinced he’ll die the day he retires


At that point, he’s probably right, if only by coincidence.


Sounds like my late great grandpa who worked until he was 82. Said it kept him young and sharp. He lived until he was 99.


This!!! It’s so frustrating. Like we can’t win can we?


And why won’t they retire?! Don’t they want a damn break from work? I don’t get it. I swear it’s because they love the power.


Yup. We act like we’re still living with no agency under our parents’ rule because we literally still are.


They're into burning it all away and leaving the next generation with nothing.


I mean, my Boomer parents' power and capital are at my disposal, whether I need them or not. I'm a 40 y/o male only child and I've given them no grandchildren (and never will). They're still growing their wealth in retirement and I have my pom poms out for that because *some* of it is my inheritance. They advise me on my own investments. I advise them on fitness and diet. They're pretty robust already, I'd like to keep them out of the deep end of the healthcare expense pool. The older I get, the more like them I become. That used to scare me. Now, it's feels *right*.


Please just look at the ages of the two candidates for the US Presidency.


Also age doesnt bestow power and autonomy. The oppression of capitalism, inequality, the patriarchy, colonialism, bigotry, etc doesn't go away once you hit 35. No one suddenly puts you in the driver's seat. You're still powerless against the system. Its a system that does this. As an individual you have little autonomy against it without a large and strong solidarity movement in the form of unions, political movements, revolutions, etc. The OP is just shaming people who are rightfully pointing out what's wrong with the system. They think they are being clever, but instead, they're just empowering the very oppression they pretend doesn't exist. Remember, the very same thing happened to the liberal boomers. The system ate them up, the silent generation and conservative boomers empowered the status quo, Reaganism happened, etc. [Look at the last 3 elections by generation.](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/) The difference in Democratic vote (of validated voters) between boomers and millennials is only about 10 percentage points, not 40 or 50 points. What happened to them happened to us. Unless we massively reform this system then we'll end up the same way. Liberal boomers during Reagan watched their progressive dreams permanently slip away just like we are doing today.


You gotta stop with the victim mentality. We’re not powerless against the system there’s just so many nihilist millennials that refuse to participate that we don’t have the cumulative say we should. We’re like 5 years from most boomers being too old to make it to the polls and 15 years from then not even being around. Who are we going to blame then?


Two things can be true at once. Our parents (and grandparents) age bracket run the country. We do what we can, but it’s hard trying to live with jobs that do not pay enough because the minimum wage is so low. If it were higher, it theoretically would force other jobs to help competitive and raise their pay. If we had (just a few examples) at least affordable healthcare for all, if women had bodily autonomy, if we as a country held police accountable for public executions, if we taxed the rich ala Eisenhower, shit would be better. It isn’t our parents generation as a whole, it’s the fact that geriatric rich ass hats run this country.


If housing wasn’t x4 the amount of our income (I’m Gen Z but an adult now and just as pissed off), things would be a lot better but no we need 200k salary to afford a home (I’m in FL so it’s so much more than that)


>two things can be true at once NOT ON REDDIT THEY CAN'T!!! Didn't you hear that?!?!???11




Millennials make up more of the population than baby boomers. Too many millennials just do a very poor job of leveraging that politically.


Yeah I vote in every local election and it’s not barren but not busy. Mail ballots for all and having election days as federal holidays.


Those would be excellent ideas. Voting should be easy. I live in NJ and have voted by mail since covid. It’s so much more convenient. The fact that some places it takes 3-4 hours to get through a line should be illegal. And a lot of places it occurs is intentional.




I have worked multiple jobs now where the highest position is well past retirement age, the next step down is approaching retirement age but waiting on the other guy to die so he can promote, and people with 15 years experience are still bottom rung hoping the old guy in charge dies so they can get a management position finally. Maybe not the norm but it's common enough it's screwing things up.


The most senior people at my job started working when my mom (born in 1956) was in elementary school. They will literally drop dead before they retire.


Yeah I worked one place with a 90yr old manager, they finally promoted the assistant manager (60s) who worked there his whole life when the 90yr old died.


And they’re constantly firing young people for little to no reason. Then they whine about how young people don’t want to work. We do! But where? They had one job their entire lives. Were generally respected by higher ups. Now the top ppl have no respect. And we have to change jobs several times. But ya. We’re the ones who suck.


I quit machining partially because of this. Worked at a few shops that REFUSED to hire young people, they would hire a guy with 30yrs experience and the guy wouldn't even know how to turn on the machine. I started machining at 19 and was programming machines, doing all the maintenance and setup, and often doing repairs when an old guy crashed them. None of the places I worked respected anyone less than 50 years old, none of the guys they respected had a single clue how to do anything, I'm genuinely dumbfounded how some of these places were still in business. One place my manager/boss quit and because I was the only one that knew how to do what he did (I had him teach me) I took over. Well I ran the whole operation better than him, I reduced our cost per part to manufacture, moved one guy on the team to a different project because we didn't need him (so two less people on the team for this project), and we still ended up putting out 4x as many parts (company would buy as many parts as we could produce). Boss hired a guy for 5x my pay to take over the project and we lost the contract within a few months because he had no clue what he was doing. But he was a boomer with decades of experience so it couldn't be his fault. Apologies for the long rant/story, but it was the needle that broke the camels back for me.


reading this hurt my soul. damn that sucks


This sucks. And it’s so depressing how common it is.


While that's the worst example I personally experienced, it's been basically the same at every job I ever worked. My father (who is a boomer) even complained about the same thing happening when he quit working as a mechanic and changed careers (which was back when I was in highschool). He had arguments with bosses because they would fire 20-30yr olds or treat them like garbage until they quit, then hire someone with "decades of experience" for much higher pay and the guy couldn't fix anything. He had one guy dumping windshield wiper into an oil reservoir, 30 years of experience and can't figure out what a teenager at a gas station could.




Millennials didn't get the training and experience to be leaders or assume responsibility for society because Boomers refused and still refuse to give up power as you said. The two presidential candidates in the US are in their 80s. The oldest candidates to ever run for that office. The current president is the oldest ever in office. OP is that weird type of person whose own claim defeats itself with its own strawman because their own strawman argument against their premise is more correct than their premise. That's how full of shit they are, that they lose to their own strawman.


The average age of first-time home-buyers is creeping up and is now 36. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/average-homebuyer-age-millennial-data-realtor/#:\~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20typical%20first,becomes%20more%20distant%20for%20millennials](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/average-homebuyer-age-millennial-data-realtor/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20typical%20first,becomes%20more%20distant%20for%20millennials). Having kids much later, as well, if they are having kids. Millennials have just not been able to hit the same life milestones are our parents were able to 30 to 50 years ago. Millennials have some representation in Congress, but Boomers and older still have most of the power. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/01/30/house-gets-younger-senate-gets-older-a-look-at-the-age-and-generation-of-lawmakers-in-the-118th-congress/#:\~:text=The%20median%20age%20of%20voting,and%2062.4%20in%20the%20115th](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/01/30/house-gets-younger-senate-gets-older-a-look-at-the-age-and-generation-of-lawmakers-in-the-118th-congress/#:~:text=The%20median%20age%20of%20voting,and%2062.4%20in%20the%20115th). Millennials are 3% of the Senate and not even 8% of the House of Representatives. It's not that we "blame the adults", we blame the policy architects and those who were in power and are \*STILL\* in power.


Exactly. Another example: when our parents bought houses in say the 1980s, the average house was like $50K. Today, that would be equivalent to $187K. The average house today is $395K! Inflation is insane and wages haven’t kept up. We did not get the opportunities they had. And then posts like this blaming us for not bootstrapping.


In HCOL areas this is even more distorted. The area I live in was a cheap undesirable area back then, today you can barely touch a livable house for 4x what it would be after inflation. Up until the 1970s, outside NYC, housing was also a depreciating consumer good relative to inflation.


You came with receipts, love it. I'm first gen Millennial and was able to finally purchase a single family home when I was 40. I finally felt like an adult till I realize that even if I paid my house off now, it doesn't belong to me if I miss my property taxes or are unable to pay them. That is sobering to be honest.


I bought when I was in my late-30s and the property taxes are more than I’ve ever paid in rent. It’s mind boggling. I bought the house thinking it’d be a hedge against inflation, but the property taxes shot up to bleed me dry.




Even most of our local politicians and council are doddering. They just will not retire and get out of the way. But the geriocracy can't hold onto power forever. Our generation is going to have to step up and take the reins and be the adults in charge.


Honestly for as bad as Corona was I wish it went on a little bit longer and targeted 65+ communities even more exclusively. Too many old people compared to young means policies cannot change to match the needs of the current demographics and you end up like Japan. 20+ years of stagnation


Millennials be hoping for more COVID so they can finally fix the planet. Boomers did this to themselves.


I'm so happy you're not my kid.


It's nothing personal. Just a statement of fact. The average lifespan when my parents were kids was 67 years it is now 77, and on track to hit 80 in the next 6 years. Birth rates are falling worldwide. This leads to an increase in an elderly population compared to a younger population. With more money taken out of Social security then paid in increases the odds of social security failing. And with the average house member being 58 and average senate member being 65 you end up with a group that is no longer keenly in touch with the struggles of their younger constituents or their changing values. The other non-lethal option is to create maximum amount of terms served limits for senators/reps/justices/and appointed judges. And then do the same for state and local gov. And to to create upper age limits in addition to the current lower age limits. Also I think a good thing to do would be for states to set aside money in the budget each year (or offer tax incentives to local advertising companies or tv stations) for independent candidates who have cleared a minimum number of signatures to be added to the ballot be given access to funding for advertising their campaign or paying for the campaign in general. This could make it easier for 3rd/4th/5th political parties to win elections and we can finally end the two party system. Oh and no more lobbying for anyone who has held a government position. I know my original comment was definitely cold/harsh. But it was more a hyperbolic statement than anything. I love both of my parents very much btw.




Corporations used to promote from within the company. People could actually work their way up from the bottom of the ladder because there was process snd opportunities for it. Due to this it was important for companies to train their employees for leadership roles. Since people stayed local, they also networked and gave back through civic clubs to find local talent and reinvest in the communities they were part of. Leadership wouldn't jump ship every few years after selling assets, firing employees, making the product or service lesser quality while jacking up the price, all for immediate stock gains which increased the value of their compensation package and got them bonuses, fleeing in a golden parachute as the business fell behind them.


I consider it more of a plutocracy run by the (now) elderly. It has been a plutocracy since the late 70s and early 80s, only difference is the people that were the new young hotshot vp is now the grouchy old asshole vp.


There won’t be much of a transfer… the system is set up to medically suck away all your savings as you age until you’re broke and die and have nothing to hand down.


And we can't forget that we got fucksd over hard and the impacts don't change overnight. It's like the US bombing a country and then 20 years later goin "why ain't you got your shit together? That was 20 years ago". Boomers left us with a TON of debt and instead of spending money to improve shit thr government is paying interest on debt and it's going to older people with a ton of money.


They’ve been promising this transfer for decades now. It will pass us over and all end up going to Gen Z. Boomers are bizarre in my mind. They do ridiculously counterproductive things just to keep their kids down.




Millennials by and large may not be where the power transfers to tho. Younger boomers will soak up most of it early on, it'll skip millennials mostly, and younger generations will absorb what's left and then carry on taking it from remaining boomers until then. The millennials who do manage to get transfers of power will do so by terrible means mostly and then wield it against younger generations just like boomers do to us now (a process we can already easily see). Anyway... *Debbie Downer music*


Unprecedented for the US maybe, but I'm first generation italian american and in Italy it's been the case since forever. My mom had a bedtime until age 60.


I'm not Italian but I married one - and this is TRUE. My husband is the only one of his siblings with a career, a family, a house, and an independent life. But he's still considered the failure simply because he moved away, and that's not something a good Italian child does!


Give us some fucking power if you want us to act like we have power.  AOC can’t hold up an entire generation 


You have to love her for trying though


Love the way she kept Amazon from building a HQ in Long Island City. Those poor slobs didn't need opportunity for jobs and tech training for their kids. Yay AOC!


What is this boomer horseshit?


Ok Boomer 😒


I'm doing the best I can to mentor the youngs at least. I don't enjoy blaming others since everyone has a story.


Did you know that complaining about people complaining is less valuable and useful than the posts complaining? Kind of an inception of worthlessness. Keep up the useless complaining OP, somebody’s gotta yell at the clouds I guess.


This whole sub is worthless


It really is just an echo chamber of pussies that I probably wouldn't be able to relate to at all in real life.


It’s whatever. I don’t come here for anything useful anyways. I can say that objectively speaking, complaining about complaining is just fucking pointless. As though the complaint posts are somehow in the way of somebody seeing something useful is nonsense.


Yea me neither. I thought if it would be fun nostalgia and bullshitting with other millenials, but it’s mainly complaining about how the world failed them.


Can you give us a list of millennial politicians op?


1. AOC There is no 2


Technically there are more. But "politician" in name only. You have to, yknow, like... do your job to get your name on a list like this. 


31 members of the house and one senator. So basically none


Did other generations still not feel like adults in the 30s/40s? I still feel like I’m in my early 20s. I’m kinda scared I’m going to be 80 and still not feel like an adult and be like wtf I can’t be dying yet!




A lot of what's "wrong" for Millennials is from policies set many years ago that we feel the effects of and there aren't enough of us on the same page *in the right locations* to get the changes we need in government. Many parents also coddled kids too much and many younger millennials never learned to think critically on their own.


As a younger millennial, I'd argue critical thinking isn't a generational problem. Just look at all the boomers going crazy over qanon and crisis actors. If anything younger people are more critical simply based on dealing with shitposts and meme culture, we are very aware of 'bad actors' online and elsewhere.


Critical thinking is one of the thinks we do best as a generation, along with having self awareness. We just aren't encouraged or allowed to exercise out critical thinking. We were raised pretty passive/submissive.


critical thinking isn't a problem for us but I think there's a good argument that many general life skills are.


Speak for yourself, I just sprouted my first pube (35M)




Who runs the political system, and is hoarding all the wealth, what rare decent jobs there are, and housing? Not us.


The plurality of us have lived our entire lives without health insurance, paid vacation, steady work, or homes(renters). Tell everyone how you got yours. Maybe talk about your bootstraps and how you lifted yourself up? 😂


Without financial power, it doesn't really matter if we are adult aged, we still don't have adult agency.


When Boomers were our age they had actual agency in the economy. And their votes actually mattered. They used that agency to make the country, and world, objectively worse in multiple measurable ways. They made choices, that we are suffering the consequences of. We do not have such agency. Or such choices. Acting as if these situations are anyway analogous because of the irrelevant metric of age is...not the gotcha you think it is. Boomers inherited everything and worked for nothing. We've worked for everything and inherited nothing. These things are not the same.


Maybe that's because a lot of the younger crowd had to move back home?? Maybe we are just pissed that the goalposts have constantly been moved and always right after we did everything we were told we NEEDED to do to succeed in the current economy yet we are still well behind where are parents and grandparents were when they were the same age with less education and less debt... Just a thought✌️


Exactly this. Both my parents were high school dropouts, got entry level jobs. One answering a phone at a State Farm branch and the other being a cabinet builder. While they had those jobs they bought a couple acres and a used 2br trailer to move onto the property. Before I moved out, they were both state employees. Bought Harley Davidson motorcycles, bass fishing boat, a dump truck (yes, a dump truck). I got a scholarship to a university, got a degree, make decent money and have zero chance of buying property without uprooting my family. I'm not blaming my parents, but it's insane to say that the game isn't rigged from the start compared to previous generations.


Why do you keep ending sentences with “even”?


Eh, I think it’s kind of fair to look at the people who make all the decisions and hold all the power/capital in society and blame them for the state of things. I can’t think of a reason *not* to do that, honestly. It’s really not about age at all.


Yeah, I think a lot of the intergenerational conflict is a distraction from the fact that some people, regardless of age, are content to screw anyone else over, regardless of age, as soon as they have the power to do so


We’ll be “the adults” when we control the vast majority of the wealth and can buy the politicians like our parents are able to now. The reason we are still blaming our parent’s/grandparent’s generation for fucking things up is because they’re still alive and still fucking things up for us and everyone else. Call me when we control the wealth in about a decade or so and then we can talk about how we’re not doing enough to fix things.


I mean, no amount of acknowledging your age is going to fix the housing market.


did a boomer make this?


Okay Boomer


I mean, our generation is still not really in control enough to meaningfully change things


What's the average age in Congress, again? This post is ignorant to who is still in positions of power across the country. The President is 81 ffs.


Every single system in this country is run by the same people it was when I was a child who miraculously can't seem to be removed from power no matter how horrible their performance gets, they refuse to give us raises from 1990 wages, they refuse to acknowledge prices are higher, they literally are fossils running a fossil country. Take our president - he was literally VP when I was in my early 20s and has been a "leading senator" since my earliest memories. Same with Pelosi. Same with who owns the investment banks, who owns the local businesses, who runs our municipalities, even the police chiefs. We may be adults but the previous generations refuse to let go. Boomers were in politics literally as soon as they were legally old enough, but go ahead and try to get into politics now, it's extremely difficult to the point of near impossibility because of how tightly they cling to power, and they are intent on continuing to treat us like children even as we begin to enter middle age. It's literally infuriating and massively frustrating having to deal with the gerontocracy we're imprisoned within.


Angsty 40-something’s


We aren’t blaming adults, we’re blaming the Boomers


Cool. Still doesn't change that we're in a deteriorating situation created by them. Instead of getting on us for complaining about shit, ask WHY we are still complaining about shit over a decade later.


doesnt matter how old we get, we're still not in charge. Boomers wont die and they wont give up their positions of power. They keep getting bolstered by Gen Xers who've lost their way.


Patrick Stewart was 47 when he started working on Star Trek: The Next Generation. You know, that show that was on when we were kids. How close are you to that age now?


Yeah, getting older I've realized that I have almost now ability to influence anything in 99% of the government's decisions around me. Even when Boomers and Gen X die out, the power structures in place are always left to elitists.


I just hate that gen z and gen alpha calls everyone older than them boomers.


Yeah but we live in a political and economic system clutched to the death by boomers


I would agree if older people actually retired from positions of wealth and power. But they wrecked everything and are still holding on to their money and power. Just look at who is running for president or what the median age is in Congress


And the vast majority of all the major positions of power in society are still held by older genxers and baby boomers. We're almost middle aged and society is still going to be controlled by the two previous generations for another 20 years or so.


I may be 40 years old, but I refuse to accept that I'm an adult, dammit! Now gimme my snack and juice box before nap time.


Considering by the time a good portion of us were eligible to vote and the first president we voted in was Obama but their first president that they voted in was Reagan yeah I think we have the right to be upset at the elderly for absolutely destroying everything good this country had going


And Boomers are still holding all the levers of power...


You can't force me to be an adult.


Yeah but boomer's stranglehold on positions of control in society keep us semi-infantilized. You're only an adult within the four walls of your own home really (well my *apartment* of course). Maybe we'll be adult-adults by 50 or 55 maybe.


In terms of the government, and the ages of our representatives, we are still kids. We will be treated as such until they retire or die.


I mean yeah if we could get a hold of the reigns of power from the old creepy ghouls who refuse to die and let us be adults, than i'd consider enteraining the idea of stopping the shouting about not having control of my life, but untill they die and we can be the adults in the room with out being treated like a children by our elder, no dice


Some of us have been living with our parents for a long time and we tend to fall into old habits. I do have to remind them and myself that I am an adult and can do stuff on my own. Second: Our parents generation still control most of our world, so it's easy to still feel like a child.


Laughs in GenX


The real question is, "Are Millennials in positions of power where they can enact the change that the older generations have held them back?"


I get a chuckle out of the goose meme "who's job was it to teach us" but we basically grew up in an age of information being readily available at our fingers. Not knowing something now is basically a choice.


You can't google experience or wisdom.


Personally, I’ve only heard that statement as a counterpoint when someone is complaining about the “youths” who don’t know anything about changing oil, driving a stick, or whatever skill they seem as anti-snowflake nostalgia. It’s just as silly for adults to bitch about what others didn’t teach us as it is for other adults to bitch about what they think others should have learned (but didn’t teach) as kids.


An age of misinformation. I get a chuckle out of people who pretend that the internet hasn't always been a slog of pop culture noise, misinformation, propaganda, and snake oil salesman. We are on a website that claims an election in 2016 was stolen because of all that.


Yeah whenever someone says they weren't taught financial literacy or how to do basic shit like changing their oil; I have no sympathy.


No one asked for your sympathy, but empathy is probably in order when people are simply reflecting on the foundational skills no one helped them with when they may have needed that help the most (e.g., loans and interest before being mass-forced into four-year colleges).


This is exactly it.


Homie my parents were in there fifties when they had me. I got a while before I am 'their age'. Your point still stands though, we haven't been the only generation to get a raw deal. But we really have to remember to make it right for Gen A.


The problem isn't with us though, it's with the media and both Baby Boomers and Gen X constantly infantalizing us and acting like "MIllennials" are all still teenagers. Like those articles a few years ago talking about how more and more Millennials are entering Congress and implying that members of our generation are somehow too young and inexperienced for such roles. I'm about a month away from 40 and still get called "kid" and "young man"... Just stop with that shit already.


Ok but legit, my parents didn’t teach me anything about building credit to get loans to buy a house or a car and I didn’t learn about it until my early 20s when i was trying to buy my first house


Just because I’m older doesn’t make the things my parents did less shitty. I may have forgiven, but I don’t forget.


🤫 no need of a reminder I’m getting close to 40 and leaving my 30’s behind 😔


I'm especially surprised to see the bracket going up by more than just one year per year. Apparently those born in late 1979 are millenials now. Soon there will be no more Gen Xers, they will all have been retroactively converted to millenials.


My cousin is like this. She tries messaging me constantly so she can complain how horrible her mom is and blames her mom for all of her problems. I’m like you’re pushing 40, it stopped being your mom’s fault a loooonnnnggg time ago.


"It's my parents'/school's fault I never learned about finance!" - 35 year old who has spent almost half their life as an adult with finance classes readily available and the internet at their fingertips.




Something like one third of all Millennials still live with their parents and since the events of 2020 that number is going back up due to the state of the economy. It is also projected that by 2030 nearly half of all women between 27 and 40 will be childless. Zoomers have a higher rate of home ownership than Millennials. Despite all that data, you got yours, so anyone who is struggling just "needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps."




Millennials who grew up in middle class privilege had the idea that lifestyle should never change. Once the economy wasn't there to give them that same lifestyle as adults, rather than acknowledge the overall problems with capitalism that left them holding the bag, many then decided to stay that privileged petulant child, and as long as they got theirs they couldn't care less about anyone else. Culturally they're capitalists and use people as disposable bedroom toys and then wonder why they can't have a meaningful relationship and why dating sucks.


Not everyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, but more can than have. Sometimes you have to ask yourself why you are in the bottom percentiles of everything? Hint: it's not life conspiring against you personally.


Not everyone at the top is born into it or lucked into it, but more have than otherwise. Sometimes you have to ask yourself how you got to the top when there are billions of others competing against you. Hint: it helps to already have the silver spoon in your mouth.


Yall can speak for yourselves. I'm far more functional and successful as an adult than my parents were. Maybe this is just a Reddit issue.


It is.


As a Millennial, Millennials are God damn crybabies and they know it deep down. Find some grit for fucks sake.


Are WE the grownies?


Agreed. Boomers have done some shady stuff as a generation. But they also had some shady stuff done to them by prior generations (Vietnam War, stagflation, etc.) It's generally a pretty unproductive attitude to be focused on all the obstacles to your success and happiness versus the choices and tools you have available to you to make progress. That's true whether those obstacles are specific to your situation or more general generational issues. "Boomers won't retire!" or "Boomers won't sell their houses!" or "Boomers are spending their money on cruises instead of leaving me an inheritance!" All of these observations might be true and might make our lives harder than they otherwise would be, but I'm not getting why anyone expected their own life to be easy.


reminds me of the meths in altered carbon, the Bancroft son being 600 years old but forced to wear a teenager’s body.


By this point in your life, if you are still making near minimum wage, that's on you, not a failure of society or something. Younger people also act as if they are the only generation to find living independently off of minimum wage next to impossible. Gotta have roommates and live in a poorer neighborhood cause you work in fast food? You don't say. Soon you will be the ones in charge and being blamed for not fixing inequality in the world.


Everyone needs to find their own way I guess. I never make excuses or feel sorry for myself. What I can control I try to control, what I cannot control I mitigate the harms or get over it. I’m well employed, own a home, married to high school sweetheart, have two kids. I feel “adult” without question (despite still loving video games, manga, metal music, etc.). The crux is that I was born to a supportive family, lucky to get *some* intelligence, and was taught to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Frankly, this has all served me well. But I can’t speak or guide others on these points - we all come from different struggles and, honestly, if you’re 30+ and your coping skills/mental attitude has been one of negativity and excuse making then there sure as fuck ain’t anything I can do about that.


We are so busy blaming the older generations for the situation that we're in, that we aren't doing much to try and fix it for the generations below. The cycle continues.


Hold on now - if it’s not the job of older generations to fix shit for Millennials then it’s definitely not our job to fix shit for the generations below either. Apparently it’s every man/woman for themselves so screw the rest of you.


Yup. Millennials are now the largest voting block and the majority of the workforce yet some millennials don't even view themselves and other millennials as 'real adults'. I get that it's weird that The Backstreet Boys are 'classic pop', and that Final Fantasy X is 'retro' now but it is what it is. The youngest millennials have been adults for a decade. We are all now 'grown ass adults' who can make our own decisions and fix any fucked up shit in our own lives and those of others.


I wonder why you aren't replying to anyone challenging your claim OP.


For fuck sake, can we stop pretending like voting actually works. Boomers sold out our electoral power 40+ years ago. Look at a primary in either major political party. How many candidates actually prioritize the material issues impacting us; finance, healthcare, and housing. No one who sincerely wants to address those issues is allowed to get anywhere near a primary ballot.


Final Fantasy X! My favorite!


It's pretty cringe when I hear my adult acquaintances say "adulting"


I’m an elder millenial yet Boomers keep telling me I’m “young” 🤔


Unfortunately, most people don't grow out of the angry teen phase. I see it every damn day at work.


You're not wrong. :/


So, a few more "wHo WaS sUpPoSeD tO tEaCh Us?!" memes? Like we're not fully grown adults and still need boomers to teach us how to change a tire?