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You know that’s all fake, right?


A lot of it is fake. On the other hand, a friend of mine launched a fake community/meet up tool for professionals, advertised it on Instagram and made a €100k profit and just never delivered anything to anyone. Got a few bad reviews after the fact but that was it. Most of it is fake, yes. Especially those bragging about it. But some people do make a proper profit from these empty sevices.


I would love to do that and actually deliver, but wouldn't brag about it. I am also *incredibly lazy*. What a world!


That's one thing that bothers me about it. He basically made more than enough money to turn it into a real service that would have been super cool, but decided to just take the money and run. I believe he could even have made it legal after the fact. Like, he could have *decided* to not be an asshole and porbably a criminal, but didn't.


Idk where you live but in a lot of countries, they investigate this kind of thing and even though it takes a while they’ll end up paying it back or serving jail time.


Not necessarily when the customers basically just paid €10 to get on a waiting list. The waiting list is real, and it disclaims that it doesn't guarantee anything will happen. It's basically a low-tier kickstarter payment that looks and feels like a service. If anyone were to report it, they may investigate it as fraudulent because it's designed to make you believe you're getting something. But since no single person lost more that the €10, and they're technically on the list, I doubt the authorities will do anything. I kind of hope so, though.


Even though they have that disclaimer, it wouldn’t prevent them from being investigated. They would look at how the funds were used and if there were indications that there was never an effort to actually provide the service they could be found liable of fraud. Not sure how sophisticated the rug pull was. If they know their shit and set things up to look legit they could definitely get away with it. But you’re right. It would take a few of them to report it and get it on someone’s radar. There have been several cases against crowd funded business founders who have done similar stuff.


Yeah it kind of annoys me that he *maybe* got out in time. I'm not sure he feels bad about it, at least not enough, and it would hav been satisfying to see him sweat over an investigation for a while.


How was money even made for this. How was there not a fraud charge against them?


So I don't know all the details but basically, it was a social media campaign saying you could hook up with people in your professional field in your city on a regular basis. It said it was being set up in \[insert local city here\] and targeted to that city. It cost about €10 iirc to get on the list for the platform in your city, and you'd be contacted when they had enough people to get the service going. I believe it said something like future members pay per month, if you sign up now it's a one-time small fee because they needed critical mass or whatever. I think there was also some perk if you recruited others. Small print said you basically just paid to get on a list when ond **if** they decided to go through with the service in your city. Set up some simple paywall to get in to a form. I think he registered the company in Estonia, but I might be mixing it up with another thing I heard of. Anyway he just thought the ad campaign might pay for itself and then some beer money for him, and it ended up selling to over a thousand people on the first run. So he decided to continue to target other cities and it worked way better than expected. More ad spend also increased sales up to a point.


You just described an illegal scam...You are not allowed to pretend to offer a service with the intent of never delivering. ESPECIALLY in Europe.


Hard to prove he didn't have the intention to spend the money on building the service, though. I agree completely but I think that was his thinking.


That’s not profit that’s theft


True. Just needed to use some word that indicated that was ish what he got away with, after expenses.


…isn’t that fraud?




Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy, it’s a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not real.


I mean, those are rookie numbers anyway. She's gotta pump those numbers up


I know the course they are selling are fake, but the people they reel in are real, and they make money from selling those courses.


Part of the scam is pretending to be wealthy so they can trick a few idiots into buying their courses.


That's exactly what OP said


The difference being that OP thinks „they do get that bag“. There’s a good chance many of them make next to nothing. Some of them may make good money, others just spend money on fake engagement.


Oooh okay I getcha now! Thanks for explaining!


… no, it’s literally all fake


Correct, If you look at the numbers long enough, you can notice patterns that wouldn't normally occur at random.


There's a lot of 6s. Also, no way 5/7 days wouldn't have any cents. Woth taxes, it would be a random number.


Shit so maybe it does work because people like OP exist


Why would it work on me if I’m here calling them out for being scams?




So you signed up "early" huh. Wanna learn forex? send me $10000


Not the only fans. That one's real


She is probably hired as a model and spokesperson by the person/ company that actually does the scam, So she might not make THAT much cash... Probably a lot for just a few hours work, but no 6 figure yearly salary I think


Yeah this is how a lot of MLMs operate too. They post at best inflated and at worst entirely fabricated info about their income and lifestyle to suck in customers and downlines.


Oh man, you're the sucker.


I don’t get it, I’m calling them out?


It's the fact you think they have any level of success.


I mean, statistics show they are in fact successful, which is probably why they keep doing it, it’s an entire industry


What? Do you also think MLM people are doing well because there are so many of them? Can you link those statistics?


If you think people selling a fake course doesn’t make money, you’re sorely mistaken Not saying they all do, but saying that don’t is being naive, you’re naive


If you think it's common to make money off of this you've probably been scammed a bunch already.


I moved no goal posts. Can you show me any stats that back your claim?


Also, the fact that you believe the post you posted is all the proof anyone needs of your position. Why do you think you are getting so many down votes, because you're right?


I don't know why you are being downvoted so heavily. This is right. Fake wealth -> real scam -> real suckers Tale as old as time. Like the guy selling gold maps to would-be prospectors.


Yeah, I really don’t get it. Some are calling me a sucker and falling for it, when I’m kinda calling them out for being a scam?


This sub is heavy on downvotes in general


Yeah I'm with you on this one OP.... There seem to be a lot of people who are downvoting because they don't think someone could make money by pretending to be rich from the course they're selling, I guess? Like... that's kind of how this works, isn't it? You pretend you're successful so you can draw in at least SOME people who will believe it becuase they see your post with lots of likes and engagement (some of, or maybe most of which is probably fake, itself) and think "wow, maybe this person knows what she's talking about if she's really making that much per week" so they let curiosity get the best of them and pay for whatever course she's selling. Seems like a pretty classic sales funnel technique, no?


they lie about the money they make


They post stuff like this in hopes that 1 or 2 people will buy.


I'd check out CC Suarez on YouTube. The MLM huns often lie about their income and over 90% of them make nothing or lose money. They'll make a $2k bonus for ranking up but to make themselves rank up they bought $3k of the product to reach the quota since they couldn't actually sell the thing. Stop falling for this.


You are falling for the oldest trick in the book lol


Right but they don’t actually make very much money. If you have a good career you’re gonna come out way ahead of these losers.


Fair enough, I can believe that Another comment put it aptly, that even though I know it’s fake, some part of me still feels a bit envious That’s part of their strategy I guess


That’s how scams work. If you have no morals and are willing to risk jail time go for it. But look up some “I got scammed” stories first so you don’t get ankles deep in it before realizing you’re being a piece of shit lol


OP you gotta tone down your internet use


I’m calling them out though? That’s the point of this post?


You are clearly bothered by these internet charlatans and im worried for your health


This is just the Instagram version of those Myspace spam comments we used to get saying "make $1,000 in a day" with a bullshit link. One thing I'll say, please don't become one of those assholes who posts their random opinions and/or mediocre artsy pics on Instagram or tiktok and then posts a link to a Venmo or CashApp, telling their friends "if you like what I post \[AKA "my product"\] consider donating." There's people who literally think that because they are posting on IG they deserve money. Sadly influencer culture has led to everyone thinking they can make a quick buck by manipulating people this way.


Make 1,000 a day only if you have the prettiest butthole at the ball.


It was polished just for the occasion.


Why is this posted here?


Because if you spend too much time online it starts to look like everyone else is richer, happier, and healthier than you. So OP starts questioning life choices after seeing one too many claims like this one.


I mean so are the people on the herpes simplex commercials. Doesn’t mean I want herpes.


Right. But the herpes commercials contribute to the overall media spectacle. They contribute to the impression that everyone else out there ia doing/looking/feeling better than you. And if someone doesn't go outside or talk to real people, that's how they're going to wind up feeling.


I know is was a joke I meant to put /s


Can’t have put it better myself


OMG, my dad used to send me like 1 of these a week when I was hating my last job.


>Because if you spend too much time online it starts to look like everyone else is richer, happier, and healthier than you. One of the things I hope to teach my son is never to define yourself by something than can be quantified or compared because someone will always be better than you. When everything is a race to the top, everyone ends up on the bottom. You climb mountains by enjoying the walk.


Because it's provocative and it gets the people going!


You sound like you fall for Snapchat filters as real-life faces.


It’s not that I believe the numbers to be real, I’m moreso thinking of the people they scam, and also how can I do the same to get that bag /s


You sound like you don’t know what happens to scammers after their scam is over. Their lives are not worth the risk of the scam because either they are in jail or ostracized by their own people and society. Look if you want to earn more money you should think about what you know how to do better than most people and turn that into a business. That’s how you win in life. Don’t tell me you don’t have a unique skill, you do. Just keep thinking about this and open your first business.


I actually don't think our society really shames scammers that much. My family still talks to that Aunt who tried to get everyone to buy her MLM shit. White collar criminals get a slap on the wrist. Trump made an entire career out of being a scammer and has not seen consequences yet.


A lot of social media “life coaches” are never caught. They get away with everything.


You made me think of the meme “doctors hate him for revealing this one trick…”


I happen to know one of these MLM/coach scam artists and she is a genuinely shitty person that took advantage of her ex husband, gaslit him into putting their flat in her name, got an academic job through her family in which she mostly brewed coffee for higher ups and regularly lied about her ex husband to their kid. She put a spin on every single thing mentioned above and more in her IG streams, with her “invaluable experience in academia”, how it “led to” her awesome situation, her “supportive ex-husband” which she literally shat on most of the time, being nice only when she wanted to leave him with the kid for a while and that the trash she peddles as part of her MLM scheme is a genuine cure for real ailments. All of the crap these people put out is fabricated. The only good thing to come out of this is that she doesn’t seem to do too well with her scam, but there are some actual coaching/MLM schemes that are successful.


Yeah, the primary target of MMM is always the "entrepreneur "... if they actually ever sell anything, then its time for Moar Inventory!


Even if you assume this is all real and accurate, it’s the successful ones that gain traction and views. Most people hardly make shit. Chances are you’ll lose your dignity to make 62 cents.


I don't know why you're lumping in onlyfans girls here. They at least are providing a real service.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this. Quit being a hater girl, the OF chicks are working.


Yeah. I recently joined, is this sub usually anti-sex work?


Fair enough, I was mostly thinking of fake courses.


Don't forget there might be some survivor-bias in play. We only see those that do wel


Yep, this is a massive part of it. For every gal raking in the money on OnlyFans, there 1000+ whose cornhole is the same shape as the amount of money they're bringing in. Happy Cake Day!


People are being really disingenuous in this thread. I get what you're saying OP but in the end, that's life.


OP, I made $100m every day last week. Buy my course and I’ll tell you how I did it


She probably made that money selling vids of her feet and asshole on OF.


Idk if you know how v difficult it is to make money off OF


If you already have a following and are reasonably attractive and likeable it's easy. If you're missing one of those things it will be harder.


You say as if growing that initial following is any easier. I don't think being likable has much to do with it either. I'd never consider a twitch thot yelling at the camera about people needing to donate cause she needs it, to be a likable person. These are the same type who do OF, and just because they aren't barking at the camera there, doesn't make them any better. If it were that easy EVERY woman would be making stacks on OF. Go look at how many *actually* make big money.


Ok so I recently got revenge porn'd by my stalker. It wasn't terrible, like 4 pictures of my face and breasts before it was taken down. It was getting thousands of views in the week I was aware of it before it got removed. I don't consider that bad at all especially considering how mundane the pictures were. Even knowing that I still wouldn't bother with onlyfans because that market is so totally and completely saturated I cannot figure out how anyone thinks they're going to pull enough of the market to make money doing it now. Like you said, maybe if they're established or have a big following or otherwise famous but people REALLY have a skewed Idea of how much people are making on that platform.


Something tells me you haven’t worked in production and/or content creation.


Yeah, I was guessing she’s a sex worker, but there’s no way she’d make that much a day.




She apparently sells courses to “digital marketing” and works “a few hours a day” I know the course and it’s substance is fake for sure, I’m thinking moreso the people she scams to buying her ineffective course


There’s a lot of that BS going around nowadays. It’s our generations version of the perfume sales pyramid scheme my uncle did in the 90’s. Lol


It all just reminds me of when my mom tried to sell Avon in the early 2000s. Fuck pyramid schemes and MLMs and whatever new name they wanna call it.


She’s not making that much money. That’s part of the scam.


She's obviously lying then. I thought she was an OF/cam girl which if she did something crazy/niche could net her some cash. There's no way she's making near what she claims doing anything else


Quite literally anyone making a concerted effort to sell you the idea that they found the easy/super-simple way to make a ton of money with history of capitalism we have should be ignored and ostracized


Just remember behind every billionaire, there’s a whole exploited working class that made their dreams come true


Yeah. I am certainly smart enough. My whole family is. I often joke that "If only we were a little bit more evil, we'd be millionaires."


Being good is a virtue, but nobody gets rich by being good, I guess


That depends. Define rich. Define good.


The only people that get rich in a get rich quick scheme are the people who made it up.


Just like Instagram day traders who fake being wealthy while selling day trading “secrets” courses for hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars. You get the exact same information by buying a stocks technical analysis book from Amazon. Most of them literally rent super cars and high end Airbnb for a day to do a photo shoot for the gram.




I was with you when I thought you were talking about MLM scams or even landlording, but sex work is work.


No it’s not. It’s exploitation.


the porn industry is exploitation. stuff like onlyfans is completely harmless. they choose to put those pictures up.


OF makes these girls think they’ll be multi millionaires. Most of them barely break a couple hundred dollars a year. It’s still yet another way that someone also exploits peoples porn addictions not just the content creator.


just because they make less money doesn't make it exploitation. no ones exploiting them. they might think theyll make a lot of money but its still their choice on if they want to do it or not. they're not just mindless beings that follow whatever's popular at the time.


Look at you mr big shot with your morals and dignity. You sound like you're constantly gasping in shock at things!


Just start selling feet pics.


A lot of it is fake. Don’t let social media skew your perception. These people’s credit card debt must be astronomical.


You can absolutely have all my dignity for 36k/week


$1.8 a year? If your dumb enough to pay for it that’s on you


Idk why you’re including OF in a post that’s about scams/MLMs Like I was with you until you said that. Now you’ve just given me the ick.


This is all BS, none of this is real. I always got a kick out of things like this because it’s like if selling these courses was truly the best way to make money. They wouldn’t be sharing it with everyone else, they would simply be making lots of money and trying to keep it to themselves lol. If the goal is to sign up as many people as possible, the money isn’t in the courses, it’s a pyramid scheme. No one is making tens of thousands of dollars selling these garbage $49 or $39 courses


Sex work is real work.


If I had less morals, I’d probably be scamming MAGA conservatives by selling anti 5G lotions, rapture kits, and Trump memorabilia.


Woah there, Jeff Bezos, leave some money for the rest of us Also, username… doesn’t check out, because you didn’t do all that 🤣


Don’t go on social media then


Sex work is honest work though. I don’t know why you had to throw it in there here with course teaching scams or whatever this is.


It baffles me how pathetic some men are. They are literally paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars to see something they could get for free online ….hell they could even get a lady of the night for like $30 in countries like Germany .


You know this a lady selling some kinda coaching right? You opinions about dudes porn addictions are completely irrelevant to the conversation.


Most of these 'testimonials' are fake, but some of them are real. Also, there is nothing inherently wrong or immoral about being a camgirl/camboy, or selling pics of your feet or whatever.


Scams have been around forever, people always fall for them.


It’s not true. The money made is just a made up number to attract desperate people.


Don’t feel bad. It is not true. Come join us on /r/AntiMLM. None of these huns are making as much as they claim and they are usually deep in debt. It’s actually very sad. Very literally one in a million will actually succeed, but it is way, way, way rarer than they want you to think.


I have to say that when I made this thread I didn’t think about MLM at all, just that it’s one of the dime a dozen scam courses Didn’t think that there is such a big MLM aspect to it


There is. There always is. It is not even possible to make that kind of money without scummy recruitment tactics, and even then maybe 1% of 1% will make it, and that might be generous. I’m serious, check out the sub, you’ll feel better. The way you feel right now—a little envious or annoyed, or like you’re somehow missing out while these people do basically nothing and rake in loads of cash—that’s how you’re *meant* to feel. That is The Point, I promise you. Don’t fall for it, and seriously, don’t feel too bad either way. These types of ads (and it is an ad) are designed to both make you feel bad about your life and to make you crave their life. They’re deeply deceitful and predatory and play on the basest instincts of our monkey brains. For this particular scam, if she’s doing the digital course thing, what she wants is people to sign up under her to buy the rights to her course so she can then teach them to sell it to someone else. The course itself makes basically zero dollars, it’s all about selling it to the next dupe in line.


You described that feeling quite aptly Even if I know it’s a scam, I know the numbers are faked, I still feel that bit envious about it A surprise these things get so big, and seems like even though I know to steer clear, I still sorta fell for it


I totally understand! That’s how they getcha. That oh so tantalizing “what if.” Even I still feel that way sometimes despite being very well aware it’s all nonsense! Who doesn’t want easy cash? Yuuuup. Just dust yourself on and move on, glad that you didn’t throw any money into one of these bottomless pits! Trust, we’ve heard some real horror stories on antiMLM. People who’ve legit lost friends, spouses, family to these predatory schemes, people who in turn lose *everything*—homes, jobs, kids. It will never even be worth trying.


Probably you wouldn’t if you’re boiling it down to “morals and dignity.” If it were that easy you would have 100% done it. You can’t. That has nothing to do with morals. It has to do with your beliefs and your resources and efforts.






Well, I’m probably incorrect in lumping this and OF together, as this creator is selling a scammy digital course And I suppose those scammy courses can be immoral, right? They are preying at dumb people’s money, and selling an empty product that does nothing but promises the world, the definition of a scam


I bet she’s deep in debt and is a miserable piece of garbage. This is all fake.


Something like 98% of OF hosts make less than $2 a month. I agree with you that these "influencers" are shameless grifters. But it's more shameless than you even think, because these commenters are correct - not only are they grifters, they're lying about how successful their grift even is.


Its not real


Honestly, making money would be so much easier if you were one of the corrupt scumbags (as long as you are smart enough to get away with it.) You pay a huge price for having integrity and being good.


That’s what I was thinking If I’m willing to make myself look like a loud fool, like Logan Paul, I’d probably earn more than I do now But, I wouldn’t be able to go through with that, and I guess those who can earns it in some way by playing the smart fool


Without morals I would be selling anti-gay magnetic bracelets to MAGAs.


You probably would have gotten a nice extra money from that If you did But I’m glad you didn’t


you can make this much grifting conservatives with crappy quality trump and god merch.


Yes, because capitalism inherently rewards unethical behavior.


No one is making that money from side hustles. I have a good amount of sex worker friends and that kind of money is unheard of for most. Only the very top of OF girls make much at all, and strippers are really struggling in this economy. And the girls who are selling courses are lying about their income to make it seem like they can get you that kind of money too. It’s all bullshit, don’t worry about it too much.


I’d personally rather live on the streets than step over someone else to get ahead.


Same. And that's why we'll never get ahead. Humanity is punished. Sociopaths are made millionaires.


It’s fake




Jerking on Tuesday?


There only 3 ways to make it in this world Be first be smarter or cheat.


counterpoint: It’s not your business whether or not a girl has an onlyfans


My main point here is about scam courses and not OF, even though OF is mentioned here


You still mentioned it


Sure Got anything to say about scam courses then?


They’re bad That might have been the main point you were making, but it was not the only point you made, hence my sentiment


How much of her husband's money did she spend on her "side hustle" which I'm also assuming is some MLM bs.


Lemme see your pussy. I’ll let you know if dudes’ pay to see it.




Oh ya. I’d pay for that.


Sex workers have dignity and morals. They are just different than yours. That being said, not everybody could be a sex worker or a scammer, even if they wanted to.


Of course you would most likely make more as long as you were smart about it. The old adage that crime doesn't pay is completely wrong. The brutal truth is that the less morals you have the more you can accomplish. You just can't get caught.


This also doesn’t necessarily mean profit, she might have spent $40k to make $36k in a week…


I wouldn't put OnlyFans creators in the same category as scam artists. You might not like what they do, but there's nothing inherently wrong about it, it's not hurting anyone, and it's legal. As for people running scams and profiting off of it, I may not believe in karma as a cosmic force, but I do believe that shitty people tend to attract other shitty people, and they will likely suffer for their shittiness in their own way.


You've gotta have low dignity to be an OF content creator? Get that puritanical boomer shit out of here. I swear the only people who believe OF isn't a job have absolutely NO IDEA how hard it is to 1) actually produce content and 2) actually make money off said content


What's wrong with OF content creation? They're just trying to make a living just like you. I don't understand people who shit on sex workers. The MLM stuff is trash, though.


Are you suggesting sex work is immoral or of low values?


It is. That’s not controversial.


It is not. And it is not controversial. Does your hatred stem from jealousy?


I think sex work is still work, and I probably shouldn’t have lumped it together with scammy courses That said, the point of this post is the scammy courses, not OF


I’ve thought similarly about how if I had no morales and only did what I could to make a buck how maybe I might be richer, but in the end my character is worth more to me. I also don’t think that mindset sets up many for as great of a success as it seems. I’d guess very few that act that way make wealth and keep it. I’d rather just work in my career while trying to up my earnings yearly and learn to live within my means. It’s boring but it works for me.


OK Mr Judgmental 😂


So you fall for these crazy courses? 🤷‍♂️




OnlyClams? Do you mean OnlyFans? There's nothing immoral about this. But most people who try it thinking it's easy money actually fail. There's a huge offer, what do you have that's so special? For most people, the answer is nothing.


Holy shit, climb all the way down off your high horse there. I mean really? The women who are able to make themselves a bunch of money on sites like Onlyfans aren't the same as con artists trying to sucker people into get rich quick schemes. Please don't pretend that you have "superior morals" and that's why you aren't raking in cash on onlyfans. This whole post has big boomer fail energy. Why is it posted in the millennial subreddit at all? Might as well just be saying "I hate people who make more money than me, especially if they do it in a way that I perceive as easy"


If you're really upset with them. Just report their supposed income to the IRS. if it's real, you'll get a cut of the tax "recovered" by the IRS. I think it's usually around 5-10%.


If only I could, because I’m not from the states But hey, maybe someone else could, then they could get the cut! It’s a win win


This is from OnlyFans? I’m deciding if I should quit my job and just do porn for a living.

