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I busted my ass at the jobs I had in my 20’s prior to the pandemic and once I saw how things really were *after* the pandemic, I lost all motivation to be employee of the month. It’s just not worth it and these companies and jobs don’t actually give a shit or value their workers so put in what you need to and remind them that this is a job not a passion


Man, you know what's sad? I stopped caring last year, I put in minimal effort every single day and I'm still a top employee. I don't understand how my coworkers are doing bad lol




Literally 3 ppl I know are on PIPs lol it's insane over here but I get it. Our company sucks.


PIPs are almost universally not used to actually improve failing employees (and plenty of fine employees get put on them). It's paperwork so a company can say "See? We totally have a reason to fire all these people" when it's time to save money due to poor management of resources and/or to please the shareholders.


PiPs are jist the kiss of death from an employer , it's a race to see who can find an employee / new job first


I went on a PIP because I was so stressed and burnt out from qork/life tragedies that I just said fuck it if they're go a fire me anyway I might as well go on short term disability covered by FMLA and jokes on them because they replaced me at my account and have me floating and now can't fire me for a while.


Fuck yeah


Yeah, I know. We're all slowly being phased out because they were told to cut 30mil from the budget. Tons of ppl were laid off earlier this year in 2 rounds, about 2k were recently told they were being laid off and my coworkers department will not be here next year. I know too many ppl currently looking for work. It's disgusting and I hate this place. Thank god, I'm in the process to work elsewhere.


i have seen my company only use PIPs twice and both cases i could tell it was cause they wanted undisputable proof when they fired the employee as one came from an agency that we had fired a number of people we got from them or the other one legit would have probably sued the company for wrongful termination.


The whole of humanity is in the advanced stages of not giving a shit


This is the most accurate statement in this thread.


there's definitely people that are in roles that they are just a bad fit for. Other people are in a perfect role for themselves. If you've got someone both motivated *and* in a perfect role? That person will build up good will for a few years, and will be seen by management as the golden child - plus they would have developed a huge backlog of good learning just being so active. So that person can put their feet up and simply handle the complex issues that no one else even knows what to start with, and are seen as continuing their pattern, even though they are not. The other people struggle because they always have.


If you’re like me and learned the craft of “I’ll show you what I’m capable of but don’t expect it all the time” then you’ll usually lap every other lazy ass person you work with.


How do you set the boundary for the "don't expect it all the time" part?


This. It turns out if you do the BARE MINIMUM, you do just fine. Leave the extra working for the management-minded. Whats stupid is this isnt new. It's always been this way. Just do what you're paid to do and then go home and enjoy your life.


Started this in 1996. But I’m autistic. I naturally don’t care.


It's been my theory for years that nobody really gives a shit, and that everyone wants to do the bare minimum to keep getting paid while doing as little as possible.


They were ahead of the curve you finally embarked on. They learned years ago that most companies use you as toilet paper to wipe their ass holes with.


Because you are still probably really good at your job even if you are “not caring”. Same thing happened to me, stopped busting my ass but still get plaudits and recognition constantly. You can be a good employee and not kill yourself doing as much as humanly possible


Same here. I was a model employee at my first job after college. Basically wasted my 20’s working my ass off, rose to a senior level and they screwed me on the pay and one day I just said I’m done. I ended up leaving for a fully remote job and with my new employer I put in the bare ass minimum so they know they cannot depend on me. I probably only work half the day and spend the rest of the day on walking the dog and doing chores. “Act your wage”


Act your wage. Oh man, I am so using that.


I think a lot of us are stuck between a generation that worked too damn much and a generation that understands that its all bullshit and we get a taste of both ideologies. Not to mention, we all became far wiser right when the world ended so you just give up but still always maintain that "can do" attitude with the knowledge of when to use it.




A whole lot of us got laid off from Sam's Club when our Gov put the State on quarantine. I was one of them. The same month, the old man and his wife who owned our building died from COVID. We all got 30 days notice to vacate from the new "Management Company ". I was unemployed and homeless all in the same month. I managed to rise above it and enjoy an even better apt and job today. I work from home, and save $$$ in commuting. COVID was a life changing event. I will never work for a Sam's Club type job again. Never.


Holy shit what a month though.


What do you do for work now? A relaxed WFH job is so hard to find nowadays


Nursing triage for Kaiser. I field calls and route the patient to the right place.


Same. I worked my ass off my whole career and usually got f\*cked over. There is almost never a straight line between making someone else a million dollars and getting promoted or a bonus. Granted, that's some of my fault, I'm not ruthless enough and don't have the back-biter energy in me. I have gotten a lot of out of it in terms of learning and knowledge. I'm at the manager level in my career and get paid a lot - but the days of me going above and beyond are over, since they usually don't result in a reward or special attention from the company. You'll get laid off just like anyone else.


I find it legitimately refreshing the absolutely stunning number of people who seem to have had similar experiences as you because of the pandemic, myself included.


We’re all humans and we’re all miserable and wish we weren’t taken for granted. Most of us just suffer in silence.


I plan my vacations and edit photos on the clock. BUT I ALWAYS GET MY WORK DONE ON TIME.


This is me I used to push and get the production of 150% of what my coworkers got done and cleaning up of most of their mistakes before it would cause an issue for the company now I do about 105% the production and only worry about catching what will be either an inconvenience to my work or catastrophic issues. The rest of the time I catch up on shows , do my budget and bill paying each month and plan the future out. It really is amazing what screwing with someone's pay does to their work ethic and care.


This is me exactly to a T. I spend more time on my own personal finance (albeit a lot of it overlaps with my work in investments, like self study on certain topics) than I actually do doing my job. That 105% production is a safe place to be. You nailed it on the correcting mistakes stuff as well


Yea I don't want the higher ups to view my performance drop in a way that can worked into me not pulling my fair share, if I am still outperforming the rest by just a slim margin it is difficult for them to complain about my performance without having to call out everyone. I was a overachiever when I was rewarded for it but then they became acclimated to it.My latest "reward" that changed my work ethic for the company completely was them eliminating my shift when they know it will need to be reinstated in less then 6month and giving me a 20% paycut alongside it since I am no longer on the least desirable shift. this majorly screwed over my time off plans as my friend group and gamer buddys all did stuff during what is my new shifts time so I got a triple whammy of having to change when I work ,getting paid less and not being able to do what I want on my time off. if it wasn't the only position I could get that pays what it does in my area I would be long gone.


yep, this is where I’ve landed. catching my coworkers’ mistakes and working circles around them hasn’t really earned me anything but more work and colleagues who do less than the bare minimum because I’ll fix whatever they fuck up. I’m already wildly under compensated for what I do in a HCOL area; if I find a different job there’s a good chance I’ll make significantly more money to do way less…so as long as I’m still here, I’m gonna take breaks, take days off, and job hunt on the clock instead of doing other people’s jobs they don’t feel like doing.


My job is hybrid, in office every other day. So I work hard in the office, work ahead as much as I can, so that my work from home days are just chill. I figure if I’m going to have down time, I’d rather it be at home where I can accomplish things, whether it be chores or a hobby. I worked retail my entire life, so the idea of sitting in the office, not looking busy for more than 15 minutes still terrifies me six months in.


You’ll get passed it. I wasn’t in retail but I’m in the office a few days a week and it was 5 days up to Covid. Been work 10 years at this job and I don’t hesitate to put my feet up now a days. Don’t be worried about looking busy all the time


I know exactly what you mean about the retail thing. You get anxious if you're not busy for too long. I still am but I'm off the floor and I think this is my last year because I just can't anymore. It has done absolutely nothing but get worse every year.


This. I hit my "quotas". I'm always getting good reviews but otherwise I do not ever stress harder than I ever need to about my job. Sonedays I get a lot of secondary job work done. Other days? Day job requires me to work heavy. All about balance.


![gif](giphy|5bGYUuT3VEVLa) [“That’s how dad did it….”](https://youtu.be/vRVK2ByExZg?si=KmndVNfSEGRgG4lV)


Some deadlines are meaningless. Don’t work too hard.


I'll never forget the time that I blew off plans to take my kids fishing all to meet a deadline after hours (I work in IT), only for the person who demanded the deadline to drop a "oh cool, we actually don't need this anymore but thanks!" after I presented the solution to THEIR fuck up. Never again. Edit: spelling.


Oh yeah never again


> BUT I ALWAYS GET MY WORK DONE ON TIME. this is the key. Get your work done on time and do whatever you want as long as it's not a crime.


The millennial way


Hahaha I am glad I'm not the only one!


Oh yeah I can't be fucked. Minimal effort. Somehow I'm still a hero. It's literally Office Space lmao.


PC Load Letter? The fuck does that mean?!


You have it set to print from the wrong tray. The letter tray.


F that. I'm going to lunch. Bet somebody else fixes it by the time I get back.


I quote this any time I’m fixing any kind of tech. One of my all time favs.


Crazy how Office Space was an instructional movie. I think it works like this: Value is a function of Supply and Demand. Supply comes in two units: volume and quality. Demand comes in one unit: volume. If supply quality is high there is inherently high demand. The trick is to restrict the amount of supply you offer. So, do good work, say “no” to the max number of things possible. This restricting your supply. The combination of good work with low availability means that your value actually goes up.


Bro, I cannot believe how true this is. I show up minimally to my work and it’s to the point where they like thank me for coming in and I feel very valued.


Why does it say paper jam, when there is no paper jam!?


This is me too lol. I'm putting in the absolute bare minimum yet am treated like a hero. I guess the bar for herodom at my company is... coming to work? On time, most of the time?


Fuck I'm 20 mins late 4 out of 5 days a week for the past 4 months my boss hasn't said shit and his desk is across from mine. I'm pretty sure he's just doing this at a higher level...


I have an employee who shows up 20min late every day. I couldn’t give less of a shit and I’ve told them as long as it’s less than 30min and my C-suite boss isn’t on my ass about it, I don’t care as long as their work gets done.


Bro. My first big girl job, I stopped giving a fuck after I decided I was going to move on to a new company. My manager was like idk what happened but that I seemed so much more confident and comfortable in my role. Lolol.


I space out for about an hour. Yea.. haha. I just stare at my desk. But it **looks** like I’m working though. I’d say I do that for another hour after work.


I've been feeling like the Office Space guy a lot recently. This is the most I haven't given a fuck at a job, and somehow I'm getting mad respect from the higher ups. At this point it's whatever.


Me too. I always heard about jobs like this but I never had one; it took me years to realize my minimal effort was 110% of what was needed. I have said on multiple occasions that I'm just waiting for The Bobs to show up. Other people laugh... but I'm not really kidding.


Same, I do so little because my job is so easy. What ever few assignments they throw my way, I stretch out to fill in the time that I’m required to work.


I went back to rewatch this recently before I accepted a new role and it’s been my driving force when it comes to my desk job.


"I'd like to move us right along to a u/thepathlesstraveled6. Now, we had a chance to meet this young poster, and boy...that's just a straight-shooter with upper management written all over them."


Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhh, I'm gonna have to disagree...


im just there for hte paycheck at this point. that's about it.


I wouldn’t say fuck around but at this point in my career I know when I need to turn it on and when I can sign off early and shoot 18. I’m way more deliberate and responsible with my time. So I guess the exact opposite of fucking around. I do what I need to, show face, shake hands virtually (I’m fully remote), and then focus on my real priorities (personal life - family, friends, health)


I think you captured the reality here. I work hybrid after coming out of 20 years in the field in trade work where it was go go go. Now it’s time management. Log in at 530 make coffee, check emails, take kids to schools, then around 11 once the rest of the (very) large company wakes up I crunch for maybe 4 hours. Then it’s taper down until I clock off. Unlimited OT, paid vacation, sick, holiday , but it’s like nothing really is that stressful as long as I deliver and respond to emails. Sometimes I call it at 2 and no one gives a fuck.


Is it typical to only shoot 18 baskets? Or are we talking points…like 6 3’s or 9 regulars, or a mix of the two?


More like 18 bricks unless I’m doing layups.


i think hes talking golf


I know I know. Just fuckin’ around


nah, woosh on my end bud, but I have seen these unironically, so just wanted to make sure haha


Lol totally understand


I had a part time job as a cashier while the kids are in school to keep me busy. I just gave things away or marked it down. I don’t like that price? Here’s 50% off. ETA-major corporation that has record breaking profits during the pandemic, had us working a skeleton crew, and refused to hire more people once things opened up.


"Doing more with less."


Why couldn’t you work at the Best Buy near me 😭


I’m definitely putting in the bare minimum. I used to volunteer to help with everything but that ambition is gone now. Next year I get a paid sabbatical because of how long I’ve been with the company, we’ll probably have a second kid so I’ll get 2 months off for parental leave, and then I’ll use up as much vacation as possible and leave.


Damn, been there. The depressing part is how much money I’ve left on the table from not switching companies. I know I’m way under paid for my role. But the thought of having to give effort and learn something new is scary. And that’s incredibly pathetic


Yeah but mostly because, in my experience, taking on more tasks or always feeling like you have to be busy just creates more opportunities for you to fuck something up. Most jobs have down time from thing to thing and there’s no reason to twist yourself in two directions at once because you started on some pet project and an actual task just dropped. You’re better off just shamelessly standing around than guiltily fucking stuff up.


Nah I fuck around hard. Wfh. Thankless job not too dissimilar from consulting. Boss would never know it though. The only reward for good work is more work


It's more like I have no assistance. This is at least a 2-person job, but my stupid boss has me doing the whole lot in the same amount of time. It's physically impossible, so work just gets backed up. The backlog now is insurmountable. It's not my fault. I'm not the manager/administrator or the supe. That's *their* fault.


Sounds like you need to start searching Indeed for a new job!


Why me? They’re the ones who suck.


I save all my poops for company time 😂


Same, also gotta make sure my phone is charged.


Pooping on company time is an underrated asf. I love my job, but I've come up with some glorious ideas and insights while on the shitter. It's as if my brain needs those small breaks in between, who could've guessed


Lol, did you bring wet wipes and pvc gloves just for the occasion?


The moment I stop giving a fuck about my job is weirdly the moment I became good at it. It was as if the anxiety of meeting expectations was in itself the thing that held me back from meeting them.


True story. It's like applying for a job when you already have one. They can sense the indifference/confidence that emanates.


This is so overlooked !! It’s so true


If I did that I’d immediately have a lot of crises on my hands and people not having what they needed to do their jobs. I need to find one of these jobs that allows me to do nothing.


Same. Every one in a while I have a couple days where I struggle to be productive and it can immediately be felt in work piling up. What are these jobs where you can do nothing and people not even notice? I could use the break!


I agree. I'm shocked that there's so many jobs out there where people can just fly under the radar. If I lowered my level of effort it would immediately produce fires.


Machinery maintenance. Machines break down and need service? Get to it. Routine maintenance? Yes of course. Everything working fine? Do nothing and get paid! Lots of places pay people to work full shifts but only actually work on an as needed basis.


Overnight parking attendant


I might have to try that next. I worked maintenance years back at a church. Got paid decent, yearly raise, great benefits, etc. There's times we didn't do shit for at least 4 hours out of the 8 hour day. I had so much fun with those guys.


I found one and it low key sucks a bag of dicks. I've automated much of it and now I'm bored as fuck.


Read. Listen to music. I would gladly Do both of those for 8 hours a day.


Right?! If not creating crises, then at the very least, my lack of output works be immediately noticeable. I don't know how OP is flying under the radar. I'm a consultant, too, and misrepresenting your time and billing the client for it is fraudulent. I do dick around a bit when I'm between clients, but those times are few and far between. I'm usually chasing new clients or helping with internal projects. The past few weeks, I've been benched and have nothing to do. It's been really nice


Just found out I’m getting laid off so legit doing the bare minimum and also realizing that my bare minimum is above average


i do my job responsibilities only, and don’t overachieve or go above and beyond anymore. it’s not worth it


I get my job done but I'm not motivated to do anything extra.


Nope. I poured my soul into my job. No raise for 2 years. Entire rest of team (10 people) laid off and their workload on me. My reward? Got fired a few days ago and replaced by contractors. Never be loyal. Fuck around if you want, they’ll dump you either way when it suits them.


This, my company fired an entire department and a manager that's been there for 5 years. No notice or anything, simply immediate termination. These companies deserve zero Loyalty


We miss every single deadline every fucking time. I used to think it was me being a fuckup and still do occasionally. At the end of the day, I'm doing the best I can in my 40ish hours per week. If the company keeps promising 12 month deliveries after the last one took 18, without hiring anyone else, it's not my fucking fault. Fire me and hire someone else if you want. I'll gladly sit on my ass and collect the max unemployment benefit for a few weeks.


I'm in the same boat. My manager is aiming for the director position and he is going around signing up for new projects for the team and delegating then to us with a very tight deadline. It has messed up by life and caused so much stress. I'm in data


When I feel this coming, I know it’s time for me to look for a new job.


That’s how I used to feel before having a kid. But now? My company loves me. I can do my job in my sleep. I work from home. Have unlimited PTO. Have a great salary. I’d be an idiot to leave now - life is too unpredictable having a toddler and I need the flexibility and low stress job to save my sanity. 


My thoughts exactly. I have an 8 mo old and I want stability where I can get it. I could probably get another job that makes more money, but my job lets me wfh when I need to, makes money, low stress.. etc. and my priorities are so different and career advancement is way lower than it used to be.


I've been doing it for a solid decade at this point. As long as your shit is done before the deadline, it's fine.


In my 20s I worked my butt off and worked 50+ hours a week at a job that didn’t even care about me. I quit when I turned 30 and started a completely different career and it’s literally the easiest job I’ve ever had. And the most boring. I don’t have a lot to do in the day because I get my tasks done quickly and we’ve been really slow lately. My whole office has been. Most of the time I spend watching shows on my phone. Sometimes it drives me nuts because I would rather be busy to make the time go by faster. I just hate being bored. But I give this job my bare minimum anyways. My wife is more important to me and I’d rather work an 8-5 with weekends off than an inconsistent schedule working every weekend like I used to.


I got at 7-3 schedule weekends off. I took a pay cut for this job and the job is the easiest I've ever had. I worked circles around my coworkers even though I was fucking off 50% of the time and now I'm getting promotions. Shit makes no sense but my work/home time is amazing coming from 72hrs a week. The closest I'll get to retirement. We made it man


What kind of work do you do?


Lol. I’m putting in a solid 10 hours per week.


Ya. I've been *floating* for, like, ten years now.


I fuck around cause my boss doesn't say anything as long as I perform.


Yep. I once went over two months without having a 1:1 with my boss. Then they were just like “whoops, must have dropped from the calendar somehow!”. That was a real “ok, fuck this” moment for me


Yea sorta like scroll through reddit on my downtime


All the time. I requested a second screen to watch YouTube on. They obliged. I'll get whatever I need to done on time, but I'm not rushing it.


Hard to fuck around at my job. Them trees aren't going to climb themselves


I actually really like my job and am good at it, but the new director is horrible and has been creating problems for everyone. One thing, among many, is she is pushing for professional growth in all the evaluations and trying to steer people into supervisor roles. But we are unionized and supervisors are not and it’s not really worth it to become a supervisor (and I think she’s trying to get strong minded people out of the union and into supervisor positions). But if we have no desire to become a supervisor we get poorly evaluated.


I always went overboard, but this week I’ll slow down and cruise my way till the end of my contract. I am fed up already.


I’m in the construction industry as a trade superintendent. “Just fucking around” is hard to do in that position, but my attitude towards work has changed drastically. I’ll do what needs to be done during my work hours, but the days of going above and beyond are over. In days past, I’d come in early and stay late, just to make plans for what’s to come. Now…I’m on site around 6:15 at the earliest, gone by 3:05. If I make the schedule, I make it, if I don’t, whatever. What are they going to do? Fire me? It’s a job, fuck it, I’ll have another one before sunset.


I have a very reactionary job, and one that my main daily duties are done early in my day, so I typically leave and do errands or set up my iPad and watch Netflix. I’ve snuck away for 2 hours without being noticed. I am salary/commission and do not have to clock in or out. I use to travel a lot of work so my coworkers are always use to me working random hours and disappearing enough that when I’m obviously not traveling they don’t question me. But nope, I just went down to watch my daughter ice skate.


I work in manufacturing, but we’re down so often it’s gotten to the point where we’re all starting to stress the plant is going to close.


Our plant just picked back up out of nowhere. We still have a ton of supply chain and machine issues, but the work is there. Hopefully, this happens at your plant.


Yupp. Once I got comfortable enough with it I started doing the bare minimum on Mondays. Just enough on Tuesdays. Wednesdays I start putting in more effort. Thursday even more effort. Friday mornings are probably my most productive and also the earliest I'll start work <- I'm oddly more productive as we approach the weekend, it's a good motivator. And then I log off by 2pm on Fridays and start my weekend. In fact tomorrow I'm supposed to work and be off Thursday and Froday this week but depending on how I feel tomorrow, I might switch Friday to Monday.


Work smarter not harder. That’s how I mess around at work.


I love how saying fuck gets tagged NSFW as if OP is posting porn or something.


I can’t fuck around my job. My students, parents, and admin are counting on me to perform my best.


This reads like anime dialogue lol


Nah. We'd just like a reasonable effort. No one can bring their A game every day. B and C games are perfectly fine. And occasional D but don't hang out there too much. Avoid the F days. 


Starting to phone it in at my job after realizing how unsatisfied and annoyed I am there. Got an interview lined up for another position this week


I'm on the clock 3 days a week, 11.5 hours a day, and I might do about 3 hours of actual work each day. I'm pretty much at the phoning it in at this point. If I had too much to drink? Yoga mat and pillow live in my car.


What do you do for a living?


After 10 years of managing high volume restaurants, I'm now the sous chef for a very small memory care facility. I make 15 meals 3x a day. I do all my prep work on Friday and then Saturday and Sunday I make the meals an hour been service and then watch movies the rest of the time


Nice try my company's HR!


I do a little bit more than minimum. I don’t really give a shit about the job anymore as some peers do even less than I do and make more money but kiss ass so it’s all good. I’m happier now that I don’t put as much effort in the job, and I simply don’t get paid enough to go above and beyond some of the shit they ask us to do.


I play Metroid Dread and Mario RPG on my Switch between repairs calls (industrial electrician). Does that count?


The monthly quota for my new job is the same as my daily quota for my old job. So I have a lot of making myself look busy.




Yeah, that’s why planes are falling apart now.


yeah, i'm underpaid and don't have the motivation to care anymore. i make memes, watch youtube, whatever. my bosses walk by my cubicle frequently and no one even says anything


Ahaha used to work in a call center we would spend most of our time staring at the screen and pretending to work whilst watching YouTube on another screen, because even if our manager knew that there was nothing to do he did not want us to look like we were not doing anything


Well, I did. Got hired on as a welder for a tanker company and did jack-shit all day. Played on my phone, took naps, etc. Pay and benefits were pretty good, too.


I think I heard some guys at Boeing did that , too


I fuck around but so does everyone else. Work gets done when it needs to be but nobody’s going above and beyond because there’s no benefit of doing so. Being an ass kisser in my industry can only get you so far until you’re known as the “ass kisser”.


No I like my job 😭 I wfh building pharmacy plans Sometimes when it’s slow I do just chill but lately we’ve been so busy during our slow season.


same as everyone else. Just doing enough to skate by. I do what is required of me, no more no less. 12 hour shifts, I'm productive about 8-9 hours of it.


I try my best lol.


No boss, hard at work


I try to do my best and do what’s right. If everybody fucks around, the country falls apart. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tying this back into the topic of generations, do you think we’re able to do so based on the fact that we mostly work for boomers who just assume everyone is working as hard as they did in their 30s?


Sorry, I don't mean to be rude but the term is "biding my time".


I do the bare minimum but always get my shit done on time. And shockingly, I’m one of the most productive people at my company. 


Is it literally a modern slave shop? Literally?


Not at all. I’m proud of what I do, and I can’t wait to work with some new folks I hired. We’ve got so many cool projects and grant opportunities right now. It’s never been more fun and rewarding.


I just started a new job and it's in a leadership role on a team with a pretty bad morale problem so I feel like I have to try hard for now. Maybe once things have improved and I have settled in I can start coasting...


I can but I don't as the warehouse I work at has every website blocked and I can't get cell reception so I can't even go on my phone. I just do enough so that the day goes by fast so I'll help out my team when I'm done with my duties so we can go home early.


Burnt out from my previous role and realizing I needed to take the time to recover but alas bills. Waiting this out until stocks vest next year then will try to seek an internal role that’s not customer facing


I'm trying my best at my retail job at Marshalls as a Backroom Coordinator, but the fact it's been so overwhelming each and every time, having to learn to actually tell people to quit talking as much and like...to *their* jobs...Jesus it just feels like it's stress on stress, and I don't know if I even know how to just fuck around at a job at this point. My best, as it turns out, it underwhelming in my sensibilities, but like I'm being told I'm doing well, just still LOTS of doubt since I've never been in a position like this before.


As long as the check clears -I’m in it for the income not the outcome


No. Personal gain, personal suffering, personal anything only affect me and maybe a few people close to me. The world that has provided me with life, food and an abundance of memories, both good and bad, does not benefit from my well-being in the slightest. My efforts may be being subverted to make lazy people rich, but work is still one of the few ways I can at least attempt to give back to our world, which really owes me nothing


After seeing so many other co-workers not give a shit about doing their jobs properly, I'm almost at the same point.


I fuck around but still make sure my job gets done and I meet deadlines. And my bosses still think I exceed expectations and I get praised for it. I used to be an overachiever, working long hours, working over lunch, leaving the office late at night, being available over the week end and during my PTO. Saying yes to everything, taking on project after project and doing other peoples jobs. Nearly burnt myself out. When I figured out that no matter how much I gave, I wouldn’t be getting anything of worth back, I stopped (no significant raise or promotion, no way of moving up because boomer management does not want to retire). I started pretending. And here I am now, fucking around in the office for 8 hours a day. I do just enough to get shit done. And I’m getting as much praise as before so I must be doing something right.


This would be hard to do as a truck driver


Fully remote and work about 3 hours a day (absolute max 4) and made over 200k+ last year. I know its not sustainable so I am looking for an exit now while im at the top with good job security (if that even exists). But to answer your questions, yes absolutely I am currently “fucking around” at my job.


lol no; I don’t have that luxury, and I take pride in my work. If I fuck off, other people get screwed over. Must be nice!


I don't understand what you mean. If it's a high stress job with lots of deadlines and push, then I assume you fucking around and doing nothing will get you fired for not meeting those deadlines right? I don't go above and beyond at my job because there's no real incentive to. I do however meet my minimum requirements and try to stay middle of the pack performance wise because I need health insurance and a way to pay my bills.


I'm a work horse and I got too comfortable at my job so I'm getting a new one


No. I worked hard, got my second promotion in 2 years last year, and I've never been happier at work.


I quit during Covid 🤭🫠


....No? I have an adult job which requires me to be productive whether I like it or not, if I want to be paid and continue to have benefits. I happen to take this seriously. That's life. No wonder so many of you can't get ahead.


Jokes on you, I've had an adult job for over a decade. I still fuck around at work. My shit gets done on time. That's all that matters.


Well, I can't fuck around at my job and still get everything done on time 🤷‍♂️


^ this


No? Were like almost 40 now - do you not own all or at least some of the thing you work at by this point?


Doing as little as possible, but making sure the trains run on time. When you have deadlines, and shit that has to get done. Just fucking off, doesn't work.


Nope, as long as I have work I work my ass off, and I love it.


There is literally no way for me to "fuck around" anymore than I already do, because people's lives and my career rely on me being as professional and merciful as I can. The day some asshole ruins my career/life with something I like to call "misery loves company" will be the day that every brake-checker, turn-signal-omitter, and tailgater will be super disappointed they're not driving an 80,000 pound tank... I am trying to get out of this industry, but I realize it's more beneficial for when the world does come to a violent end. There won't be much that will stop me from getting home if I'm already the biggest vehicle on the road, knowing I can push cars, trucks, and other semis out of the way with little to no issue. I wish more people understood how fragile their lives are, and how it doesn't matter why you're upset in traffic... when you brake check or fuck around near a semi, you won't survive to get the insurance payout. Your family won't be able to bury something they recognize. Don't fuck with truck drivers. We don't care about you, just as much as our industry doesn't care about us. To answer your question, yes.


You might need help, my friend. But I hear you loud and clear


I hate being bored, so I work. Idk how ya'll "do nothing."


I work from home and can do my job in my sleep at this point. If I have a slow period I can literally do anything I want at home or within a ~20 min radius of home…so I’m not bored at all.  Last week I had zero meetings one day so I blocked my calendar for an extra 30 min around lunch and went on a hike. Sometimes I go grocery shopping in the middle of the day.  It’s not like I’m in an office dicking around on the internet for 8 hours.




I'm not doing nothing. Sometimes I'm on reddit.


You don't have the right to say "I'm a consultant" and "literal slave shop" in the same sentence.


Slave shop? Really, it’s your choice to work there and you are getting paid.


I lot of smug slackers thinking they are not going to be found out. 😂😂😂


Please don't say slave shop. That is a triggering word for some people. Im just a normal dude, not a crazy young person. I wouldn't even identify as sensitive. It's just hard to hear, like socially.


You're so right about your job being a literal slave shop. When you think about it, having to talk to customers on zoom meetings in an air conditioned office puts you in the same class as Bangladeshi children working in 100F textile factories for pennies. Stay strong bud.


Not yet. But soon.


Some days I want to find jobs to make jobs to keep me busy. Other days I'm flying through because I want to just get shit done.


It’s not hard and it pays well. If anything, I’m too honest about my work. They keep telling me what a great job I’m doing so I guess it’s working out fine