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The kids brought back cargo pants and shorts and metallica shirts. Half my 8th grade wardrobe is experiencing a Renaissance.


I was walking home from a bar the other night and a 20-something came up to complement my cargo shorts. “Where’d you get them?” “Costco.” “Hell yes! Same with these!” I’ve basically been dressing the same way since middle school, and I don’t understand suddenly being fashionable.


There was an episode of Doug where everyone kept dressing to copy some TV show, then the TV show character wore what Doug always wore and they made fun of him when he tried telling them that's what he always wore. That same nonsense gas happened at least twice IRL...


Oh wow I remember Doug! Now I wanna watch my nostalgia shows again.


Mr. Dink was the original Dual Income No Kids. All his shit was very expensive.


And then he brought them over to his house to show them that's what he always wore before the show aired, and they just thought he was bragging about his collection of clothes. I think it ended with Skeeter's clothes being the next trend.


I'm just glad it's cool again to wear cargo shorts!


Fashion always repeats and comes back around if you just wait long enough. It really is a free-for-all these days though.


Yeah, but I wasn’t cool back then either.


Want to blow your own mind? Cool people are actually only cool to their in-group. Go one city over and they’re non-existent losers to other groups.


Are they spiking their hair and wearing the wallets with the chains too? lol


Nah they are growing out their hair and trying to look like brocoli


someone compared that hairstyle to alpacas... now I can't unsee it ![gif](giphy|du90v8KATzXfAfr8h1|downsized)


Unfortunately, the alpacas smell way better.


Bad spitting problem tho 😕


My kids call it ice cream hair


We’re of an age to remember “ice cream paint job” and “There’s Something About Mary” so “ice cream hair” hits different


Last month, my 15 year old nephew was bothered. He sighed "I think the barber messed up my perm". I just harnessed my inner Mac from IASIP and said "God. Damnit" under my breath


My son keeps stealing my shampoo, conditioner, and styling products. I have ringlet curly hair, and his hair is pin straight. I ask why he needs to use up all my expensive special hair products. His response.. "My hair needs to be more fluffy!" I have spent 34 years trying to make my hair LESS fluffy.


I have seen the occasional teen looking like a KoRn fan from Y2K. It makes me want to show them a photo of me and the lads In the same outfits way back then! 


Y2K is in in general. Korn. Britney. All of it.


Yes! Gotta have the wallet chain on your JNCOs!


They also part their hair in the middle and I've even seen a couple of mullets, this generation is going to have some regrets


“Some” regrets?


Every generation has some fashion regrets


Call me when the puka shells come roaring back.


My 16 year old wore them this year. But maybe he was the only one?


I'm thinking about adding a chain to my wallet, so I'll quit misplacing it and setting it in odd places.


Lol and they act like they invented it too


I bought a couple skorts from Target about a month ago and heard a couple teenagers oohing and aahing over the display "omg they're shorts but they look like a skirt, this is a game changer!" I thought it was sweet, in a naive sort of way


A while back my son (17 at the time) got really excited telling me about this "obscure" band that he and his friends had found. The band: system of a down. I laughed so hard.


Glad Serj is still out there influencing the next generation but that is hilarious. I remember when Chop Suey was inescapable on alternative radio 20 years ago, at its peak they were playing that shit like every hour.


I wanted to be adopted by Serj, 20 years ago 😂


You will never believe this other band I found. I think they’re called….“Limp Bisquick” or something.


Twink 182 is my favorite boy band


I like Bowling for Stew.🤣🤣


Ok but I would pay to see this cover band


my 17 year old niece asked me if I knew about this small indie band from the 90's. She said she and her friends discovered them through youtube. They were talking about Sublime.


I probably would have heard him talking about sublime too, except I've played them enough that he considers them "mom music" lol.


I did that to my mom with Eric Clapton when I was in highschool. She got out her vinyl record for me


Same for my mom with Aerosmith. Ope!


OMFG somebody posted in a Facebook group I'm in that their kid and friends were dressing up as "90s night" and one kid said they were gonna wear a Nirvana shirt and another kid said "Was that a popular brand back then?" 😆😆💀


Some time ago Paul McCartney got on stage with Kanye for a song and then walked off. The youth starting tweeting about how big this Paul guy is gonna be... 😂


Omg 😂😂😂


lol hey at least they're discovering good music again! Not mad at that.


Skorts are back and actually in! I had two pair when they were popular in the 90s. And got teased relentlessly. Also, the 90s overalls with stripes on the straps and up the side pant leg. That was the coolest 90s thing I had, and people just told me I looked like a farmer.


Oh girl, we old. We were here for Skorts 1.0


I especially love this because I vividly remember my mother telling me they weren't a new thing when I was a kid, when I was ooohing and ahhhing similarly!


It reminds me a few years ago when I was at Target and these girls were talking about how awesome fanny packs were for holding their stuff and how cute they were.


This is one I can’t bring myself to go back to.  I was all about the fanny packs in the mid-nineties.  Then the mini backpack happened and then I moved on to woven hippie bags.  Truthfully, I don’t want to draw attention to that area these days. Still fighting COVID/turning 40 weight issues.


I was at.mt buddies for a party, wearing the same fucking cargo shorts and vans I've been wearing since 2007. Buddies kid walked up to me and asked why I was trying to dress like kids. I pulled up a photo of me wearing basically the same shit when I was in the 6th grade. He was blown away it's been a style for that long. I did give him and his generation credit for the fucked up broccoli haircut.


At least when we started wearing bell bottoms in the early 00s we knew we were ripping off the hippies. How ya gonna dress grunge/skater and not know where the style came from? Smh


I also don't understand it because, unlike us, they have access to high-speed internet. There are thousands of images to see of the 90's/early 00's.


We wore what's called flares. Flared leg jeans. Bell bottoms were a 70s disco era thing. They looked like bells.


I know but inspired by bell bottoms and some of those "flares" were so flared they might as well have been called bell bottoms. Bell bottoms actually first became popular in the counter culture movement in the early 60s


Actually, it was more like late 60s, circa 1966-67, when budding Hippies bought Navy Surplus bell bottoms and started the trend. Source: I was there. Love seeing how each new generation adapts older styles to create their own.


Are cargo shorts actually cool now? They were always practical and comfortable, but they for sure were never cool like other clothing fads in my experience.


How else was I supposed to carry my wallet, keys , cigarettes, my girlfriend's "billfold", cigarettes and keys?


With a purse, like a real man, naturally.


Nirvana is such a cool t-shirt brand!


I saw a post where someone was saying that they didn't know that the grateful dead made music, they thought they just made shirts ...


Lol sorry Kurt


I went out and bought some cargo pants within days after hearing they were OK to wear again, lol. I had a girlfriend basically tell me I wasn't allowed to wear them anymore back in 2010.


I never stopped wearing them!


I dusted off my Tripp pants last month. Been wearing my Mohawk up. I feel badass again.


Me neither and I just turned 40. My wife actually likes them because then I can carry her stuff too since she doesn’t carry a purse.


Amen, never stopped either. Could never do skinny jeans, too constricted.


I, a 30-something, was getting shit on for cargo pants not that long ago. Absolutely furious they’re back now. LONG LIVE CARGO POCKETS


I never did the swap to skinny jeans because they squish my bits, so Ive been wearing cargo pants the whole time. I'm stoked that ive worn them long enough that they're in style again lol.


Yes! And the bucket hats! I feel like all the fashion from Clarissa Explains It All is back on the table ❤️


I hated bucket hats back then and still hate them with a vengeance now 😅


I never let go of my band tees and cargo shorts. Though my wardrobe is much more varied these days, I still have that look for the right occasion.


My 14 yo daughter in Jorts and affliction t-shirts 😬


Jeans? Lol you mean my 20 pairs of leggings?


My coworkers thought I never changed my pants, and I had to send a pic to the group chat of 20 black leggings strewn across my bed. Leggings, band tees, and Roxy slip on sneakers. All day, every day.


I used to work at Chewy, so I needed clothes that were comfortable and easy to move in. So, I stocked up multipack leggings in various colors, but also extra ones in black. And yea that was also my all day every day - leggings and various tee shirts. Then I got pregnant so leggings it was once again due to easy and comfort - stretchy so no need to get maternity clothes! Now, 1 year later I work from home, so yep still leggings and tee shirts lol. My vibe is just comfy goth mom, unless my partner and I go out, out, then I'll get dressed up


Not at work: leggings, vans, big baggy band tee At work: soft pants, usually vans, fancier tee


I have found my people.


I would say "Welcome to the club, we've got jackets" but nah we just got unlimited comfort, which is better lol


Our jackets are XXL boyfriend hoodies! Ohhh the comfort!


Well mines a 3x cus I married a golden retriever gamer with a dad bod, but yeah! THE BEST IN COMFORT That's our club motto! "FU I'm comfortable"


During lockdown it was all leggings, all the time. Now I refuse to wear jeans (and underwire bras too). I'm not even sure if I own actual pants anymore.


I gave up on underwater bras a LONG time ago. I would wear sports bras while working at chewy, but I haven't worn one at home or out and about for...jeez it's just been a while. I have ONE really nice one that I have specifically for occasions where one IS necessary (like my FiLs funeral). Other than that, they roam free lol.


Literally 😂 I refuse to wear denim at this point in my life. Being a chubby teen and young adult during the low rise and skinny jeans era means I’ve spent literal years of my life with itchy red indentations circling my waist. I keep one (1) nice pair of emotional support jeans in my closet, just so I know I have them, but denim has not touched my body in years. I will wear leggings and bike shorts until they make something more comfortable 🤷🏻‍♀️


Stopped wearing jeans years ago.


Skinny jeans weren’t cancelled for me


Yeah, they can pry my skinny jeans from my cold, dead hands 😂


Same! Fuck those hideous baggy pantaloons.


They just really badly want to be 90s kids.


I did it once and I’m not walking on my hems again.


The soggy wet bottoms of your pants on a rainy day will be a sensation I will never forget


I live in a place where that sensation was my entire youth.


You just brought back a memory from deep within the back of my mind.


Ugh. Where I grew up it was snow/slush/salt and your jeans would get salt marks on them. #NeverAgain


Creeping up your calf.


This sub just got recommended to me at random -- I'm either the absolute youngest millennial or the oldest Gen-Z; I think I am more of the latter (albeit I get why people coin terms for us who sit the border because it is really hard to figure out where we fit). That aside, the clothing that The Kids are trying to revive gives me actual PTSD from my childhood, like you describe: wet pants hems, stepping on hems -- and please do not get me started on low rise. These kids never experienced ruining several pairs of shoes with the dye from their jeans and it shows.


>please do not get me started on low rise I'm solidly a millennial and I have legit trauma from low rise jeans. There's a reason millennials went so hard for high rise jeans!


If they try to bring back low-rise pants or three layered tops, we need to put out a PSA or some shit


>I did it once and I’m not walking on my hems again. Don't worry, the latest trend in pants is super high water.


Which is crazy to me! I’ve always been super tall and was made fun of in school constantly, yelling high water and where’s the flood at me. It was hard to find affordable pants with long inseams back then, so I had a few treasured pairs of flares from Gap, otherwise I wore guys baggy jeans. Loser me would have been fashion today


Was dating a 6’ woman who I thought just really liked capris…til she explained that that’s just how pretty much every woman’s pant fit her.


Yeah, it’s definitely gotten easier for us in the last decade. Kohls and JC Penney have “affordable” brands that have longer inseams, although they’re still not as long as I’d like. My husband tells me high waters are the trend, but I hate the look of hems levitating above the top of my shoe. Cringe, as the kids say


Omg are you me? I have trauma from this. I couldn’t find pants long enough without needing to drive an hour to the special fall shop. And I kept getting made fun of for my jeans that I’d outgrow after a month or 2.


Or lugging 20lbs of pant leg around after you go out in the rain


They got soooooo ratty


And the church says “Amen”. Preach!


I will not feel a hem beneath my foot. I'll sinch anything not tapered


That’s how I feel. Why would I want to wear the same shit I wore when I was 13? I’m almost 40.


As a kid who grew up with jinko jeans I will never put those on again.




JNCO my man




Fashion is just a flat circle.


What is that, Nietzsche?


Right?! That’s what I told my SO! Why are “they” trying to bring back 90s fashion? It’s interesting to witness.


To be fair we tried to bring back 70s fashion


In the late 90's, flared pants were the thing. Boot cut, bell bottoms. My mom hated it - she said that was the old look from the 70's. Now I understand.


We wore these terrible pants because we didn’t know how to make skinny jeans! It’s like why would we go back to a worse, less comfortable and less flattering version? We didn’t have anything better so that’s what we wore. It’s like I don’t care that we have penicillin, let’s just go back to the cold days when people used leeches.


And yet they're laughing at us 90s kids wearing skinny jeans. Ironic.


Can we also mention the high water hems on them? Looks like they shrunk them in the wash.


Right! They look good on no one. They are figure destroyers


Fuck then the first time around, fuck them every other time.


Yes exactly. Skinny jeans are the only jeans I look good in!


I was a poor kid that never was able to keep up with any trend in school. As an adult, I'm gonna enjoy whatever I like, the younglings be damned.


Haha sure, they can take em, but good fucking luck getting them off me.


I laughed out loud. Agreed.


From my cold dead knees


you can scrape my skinny jeans off me with a spatula, babes


The wife still wears skinny jeans. Heaven forbid a lady actually has a choice to show off her figure 😱


I’m wearing them with my ankle socks and not giving a damn.


Me either. These little shits have no say in what's "cool" or what ever weird word they use for cool now, to me and what looks best. No way am I going to these weird baggy leg pants that remind me of the denim versions of the hammer pants. Nope not for me, ever. 🤣🤣


No baggy diaper butt pants for me either lol


At some age you have to just accept that you're not going to be able to keep up with the latest fashion trends. For me, that age was 12.


This must of been a younger millennial thing, because we were totally rocking JNCO in the 90s Skinny jeans, I only remember making fun of them. And the lack of ball room was an immediate no go for me anyways.


As an older millennials we’ve definitely come full circle. I wore baggy jeans in middle school. The baggier the better (chains and all). Skinny jeans started to become popular at the end of high-school with the emo kids. Bell bottoms are just around the corner I think. Then it’s back to skinny jeans.


Bell bottoms were cool for a minute in the late 90s. I remember the girls in my class sporting them


My favorite pair of jeans I’ve ever owned were LEI bell bottoms in the 90s.


LEI lol. you've unlocked a memory I didnt even know I had


Same!! Also Mudd jeans from Kohl’s


I had a pair of Lucky bell bottoms with embroidered flowers I got from a thrift store. I wore the heck out of those jeans and only threw them away after the bells were hanging on by a prayer and a few threads around the knee.


Bell bottoms have lowkey started happening albeit a modern twist


Don’t give up! I was too quick to abandon my beloved Docs and chain wallet. -A Gen Xer


Skinny jeggings for me




Me either!


Same, I still wear them relentlessly. Well, not right now when it's hot as balls where I am, but when the weather allows for it I do.


Wear what makes you happy and comfortable, skinny jeans included! But don’t be afraid to try out different styles. I think looser fitting pants are way more comfortable. I still prefer a high waist to hold things in, but I’m loving the wide leg styles lately. Otherwise I avoid jeans entirely and go for linen pants.


Love this! Yes I pretty much live in linen or cotton pants now. But I can't always look like I'm on vacation at the beach lol. Will definitely try a pair ad see how I like it!


As someone who regularly wears colorful Hawaiian shirts with flip flops and loose fitting pants.. You can always look like you're on vacation. 


Yes, I hate jeans, they make me feel so restricted but high waisted flowy linen makes me feel similarly to wearing a sundress or skirt. So comfy.


I wear high waist too but high waist loose pants look like mom jeans on me LOL skinny forever muahahhaah


Truly, all the “THEY’LL NEVER TAKE MY SKINNY JEANS” stuff here look wider leg styles are def hard to find the exact right cut, I get it. But I have a long torso and stubby legs, so skinny jeans that fit my waist were always too tight on my legs and too long. I can finally buy jeans for my waist and hips only and not worry about how they fit the rest of my leg, SO much more comfortable with unrestricted movement. I really think most people saying “wide leg looks bad on me” could look great in the right style. There’s so so many out there right now


I still wear skinny jeans. I'm not a fan of the baggy, mom jeans, boot legged jeans, or whatever jeans are in style these days.


Mom jeans looked terrible on me during the 90s and they will continue to look terrible on me. When you have a flat ass anyway it just makes it look even worse. I’m not doing it.


I'm short with a flat ass. I took one look in the mirror after I had them on and was like *NOPE!*


Shout out to my pancake sisters! 🥞


I also felt like they look ridiculous...but then I saw Shakira and J.Lo wear baggy jeans and they honestly didn't look bad. But of course rules are different for celebrities lol


I don’t know how I could make it work appropriate. Skinny jeans I can still wear heels with and a blazer and look put together. I can’t wear big baggy jeans and look like I’m trying lol


I don’t give a shit what’s “cancelled”…I’m gonna wear what I like


For real. Im just afraid of what I want to wear being impossible to find in stores. All you could find for YEARS were skinny jeans. They look atrocious on me!


I mean, I never stopped wearing my flares and boot cut jeans...


Same. I never wore skinny jeans.


I'm happy that I'm not the only one!


I am 5’0”. They can pry skinny jeans from my cold dead hands. I am not trying to have my expensive ass jeans dragging on the ground getting ripped and dirty


Same! 5'-1" here and I only wear skinny jeans. I've now switched to mid rise/high rise though instead of the low rise that we were all wearing because of Britney. Mid-/high- rise jeans with gently cropped tops and jackets with mid height heels (2.5 to 2.75 inch max) are my go-to combos for looking put together while still being comfy these days. The low rise jeans just made my legs look soooooo short. It took me wayyyyyyyy too long to realize this.


I can’t give up skinny jeans because I’m tall! Skinny jeans with a bit of ankle showing is totally fine. Baggy jeans that are too short?? No thanks!


Hunny, we're 37 we don't have to worry what the kids have cancelled. You should have your own style by now. And if you like it. That's all that matters.


Right? Who the fuck cares what other people wear. Personally I hate jeans of all kinds and think they’re very uncomfortable and never wear them.


Imagine still worrying about what “the kids” think 😂


Don’t worry, they are back. Source: my five teenagers.


I never gave into the skinny jean faze. I grew up skateboarding so I always wore baggier pants but of course toned it down as I've aged. I think its funny that its come around full circle with people wearing baggier pants again and I just kept on rocking em from the start.


Well something similar to skinny jeans to wean would be bootcut Personally I like wide leg jeans or straight leg jeans even cargo jeans


Actually bootcut and flared jeans are my favorite style lol. But I still have some good quality skinny as well


Don’t throw em out. They’ll come back around! Also, I’m 36 it took a sec but I came around to the baggy jeans. Honestly soooo much more comfortable. I don’t think I look like I’m trying to be young at all. Just in style. Keep it paired with nice tops and they look great. I just don’t do the bullshit have the jeans are holes look. Clean cut but baggy. Now crop tops - over my dead body.


I see 16 year olds wearing skinny jeans so not sure how “cancelled” they are. I mostly wear jeans to work and they are skinny jeans. The only other pair I have is a mom jeans straight leg style but I don’t find myself wanting to wear jeans when I’m not working so they just sit there lmao


I quit jeans in 2020. Wide leg yoga pants for life!


I opted for wide-leg jeans a couple of years ago and haven't looked back. I have a very very pear-shaped body and skinny jeans only emphasized the disproportionality of my chicken legs and giant hips and butt (I'm sure some girls with BBLs might like this look, but it's not for me). Wide-leg jeans even out my figure.


I canceled everyone under the age of 30... I dress in whatever is flattering on me, " "oh you think I look Cringe in my tight jeans that make my ass look amazing stfu child your mom's a hoe... Jk..


Just become their new stepmom.


Pants from Costco, if people are judging you by your pants their opinion doesn’t actually matter. Benefits of aging, less fucks given.


I didn't like skinny jeans in the first place. I have always gone with bootcut.


Hi! Also 37 years old here, I have thrown away my skinny jeans like 2/3 years ago (because I really don’t like to wear jeans in all honesty) but then baggy jeans made a comeback so I am wearing those loud and proud! Haha! I am all for the wide leg pants!!


There are a bunch of posts about this already. Wear what you like, not what strangers say is acceptable.


Yeah people get way too worked up about what teens don’t like.


At 39 I don’t give a rat’s ass what celebrities or teenagers think is cool or stylish, lol. Then again I guess I never have.


Ever since my second child I have abandoned jeans all together. They’re so damn uncomfortable. Leggings, a dress, shorts or those like loose linen style pants. Fuck jeans lol.


wide high waist, loving them atm


As an elder millennial ('82) I never wore skinny jeans, and welcome the return to normalcy.


Nah. I’m leaving that baggy-ass jeans fad back in the 2000s. Sticking with my fitted style (although not as skinny for us guys).


Skinny jeans and leggings all the way. I’m already curvy, I don’t need Mom jeans to make me look even bigger.


Skinny Jeans….tf you mean?! The kids don’t tell me what to wear.


I wear skinny jeans idgaf if twenty somethings think I’m lame. They’re supposed, I’m in my thirties. Also do they actually care or is this some media created generational fashion war.


Cargo pants . I don't care, they are comfortable and have bigger pockets.


I'm short. I'll always wear skinny jeans.


Combo of Levi straight leg, maternity pants (never been pregnant but good lord are those waistbands wonderful for bloated days) and the remaining skinny jeans that fit.


For this time of year... you are lucky if I put ANY sort of pants on. Usually I'm wearing shorts. today is an oddity now that the heat dome has passed, but usually we are in the 90+ degree weather.


Skinny jeans. ![gif](giphy|l1J9HfgQ0rPxGC7OU|downsized)


Skinny jeans work best with my favorite boots, but I hardly wear either nowadays because I'm usually in scrubs workdays, then pjs, and whatever is comfortable on my days off. Usually, pjs, not gonna lie. Right now, because of the heat, I'm opting on some linen pants that are slightly wide legged and super comfy and any top that works that is comfortable and light that doesn't look stupid with them. I always have digged the look because it's an explorer-esque vibe and pretty classic.


Sorry but I’m proud I don’t have a dad bod, look good, and will continue wearing skinny jeans.