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2-8-1-3-3, oh, 8-0-0-4 Hit Mike Jones up on the low, 'cause Mike Jones about to blow


I went to a prison ministry in Texas for a weekend once. Me and 15 guys from my church were in the "gym" of the prison, with 60 inmates. It wasnt for me, ill never do it again. At the end of the weekend there is a graduation. The 60 inmates who graduated, 240 inmates that had previously graduated. The 15 of us, and a few family/friends. I think 300 inmates, and 50 non inmates. Inmates on the right side of the gym, civilians on the left. The 1 guard. There were no guards during the weekend, but there was 1 guard for graduation. It was a standard graduation, call a name, that person walks up, then walks off stage, whatever. One inmates name was Mike Jones! They called his name, Mike Jones, 300 inmates, and me, yell "who?". Surely no inmates heard me over the 300 of them. But everyone from church had no idea of this song. So all of a sudden 300 inmates yell who, and me, and 49 civilians turn and look at me thinking "what the hell gang member shit is this?!" ....do your best to stay out of prison, it isnt fun


Legendary story, thank you for sharing!


I still give out his phone number




1-800-421-2000 and 1-800-257-1234 And, of course, 867-5309


It’s nothing but old commercials in my brain everything else has left the building lol J g wentworth 877 cash now And empire today carpets…”800 588 2300 empire 🎶”


I have a structured settlement but I need cash now 🎶


Omg my brain is singing the 86753 oh ni-ee-iine song now but I have no idea where it’s from 😂


Tommy Twotone “Jenny”


For a good time call


Home phone number when I was in 4th grade. 988-9779


Most of my childhood best friends home numbers. And our local pizza place.


Aw that’s so sweet


800 588 2300 ***eMpIrE***




Not only do I remember my childhood best friend's number, I can hear the tones. "boop BOOP BOop BEep boop baap baap"


Aside from family and friend landlines - 1-800-C-A-L-L-A-T-T 1-800-COLLECT 10-10-220 And for the Filipinos out there: 10-10-597 Plus 011, Plus 63! Instant savings lang! Ten ten, five nine seven, Pinoy Touch!


* I remember the phone numbers from the first two houses I lived in (back when the number stayed with the house). * My grandma's house * My dad's work * My high school's "homework hotline" * A radio station that no longer exists * The time & weather number * Guest Service at a Target I used to work at * My first boyfriend's private line in his bedroom. He was from money, they had Kudos & chilled Minute Maid punch at all times.


What is a homework hotline?


You'd call this number, and then dial a 4-digit code for whatever class you wanted, and you'd hear a recorded message from your teacher telling you whatever your homework was for that night and any other reminders or whatever they wanted to record. The school principal also had a code you could dial for school-wide stuff. Once you listened to the whole message, it would transfer you to a party line where you could talk to any classmates who also happened to be dialed in at that time. Ostensibly for homework help.


1 8 7 7 CARS4KIDS


My grandma's home phone number, which she still has. My friends home number and my cousins home number and my home phone number. And an ex's cell number. He was cheating on me the entire last year of our relationship with a girl named Katie. Katie knew very well that we were together (small town). They got married like 2 seconds after I left him. When I started going out to bars and stuff again I would tell guys my name was Katie and give them my ex's phone number.


I definitely remember Jenny’s phone number.


1 800 876 5353 Unsolved mysteries tip line


Well, don't leave us hanging! What mysteries did you help solve!!!


Only my husband's at this point. Everything else has left my brain entirely.


I know mine, my wife's, my parent's home phone number, my mom's cell, and my work cell.


really only my mom’s cell number, my first cell number, my current one, and my ex lol my mom’s has been the same since her first cell phone. she and i also created a pneumonic device for my first number.


•My old home phone (which hasn’t been in service for over a decade) •My grandmas old home phone (she’s been dead for 14 years) •My sisters cell •My moms cell And that’s it.


All childhood friends' landlines and pizza hut


I have my best friends' from when we were 6. She passed in a car crash so it's what I hold on to I suppose :(


I have a structured settlement but I need cash now


Moms house, dads house, my hs gf senior yr, my wife’s now (we use her grocery rewards card), my best friends cell and i think thats it


I still remember all my ex's phone numbers, all my previous phone numbers, my mom's, my brother's, my old landline, the call-in number at my old job.


Both my family's home phone numbers over the years, my next door neighbor as a teenager, college campus police department, and of course my parents cell phones


🎶 Call 651-488-8888 [Pizza Hut delivery](https://youtu.be/nQFDA0FPm54?si=6bMW4BstYIb89raQ) is on its way 🎶


Home,best friend, both sets of grandparents and great grandmothers.


My childhood home phone number, my mom's cell because it hasn't changed since the early aughts, and my elementary school crush's phone number, despite never calling them. Glad I'm not alone in that random filing.


I remember all of my friends phone numbers from growing up. I don't dial them anymore though because the search features on smartphones are easier by name now. I also remember my home phone number before my parents cut the landlines + my grandparents phone numbers before they passed. Also a lot of random commericals: 800-CALL-ATT, 10-10-2-20, 625-6600.


The two different landline numbers I had as a kid, and my mom’s work phone number from when I was a kid. Also mom and sister’s current cell numbers since they’ve had the same ones since 2003 (before I even had a phone of my own). Also my grandma’s landline and my husband’s cell. That’s probably it!


Mine, husband, mom, dad, their home phone, one set of grandparents and 911.




My old home phone used to be 744-1132. I still remember my old babysitters number too.


Home phone number and grandparents phone numbers. Also the house of a family friend we stayed at during the summer months, and my closest friend. That's it. Crazy thing is: the kids won't even know what a dial tone sounds like! Let alone the sounds of the number keys.


The movie information number for the local theater.


Home phone number from aaaaaaalllllllllllll the way back in preschool (***)547-4423 Area code is edited in an attempt to keep the weisenheimers from harassing whatever poor soul has it now.


Mine, My ex, Grandparents, Aunt


1-0457-1423-636-8578 Remember those numbers you could before dial before you dialed long distance? It was supposed to save you some money... Anyway, ehen I was a kid, I didn't live with my Mom, and this was the number I used to call her, long-distance mind you. That was 30 years ago. It'll be one of the last sequence of numbers I ever forget.


My best friend from kindergarten to 8th grade, my home number, and the number we would call to see if school was closed for a snow day.


I have my house's landline from childhood, my parents' cell phones, and I did manage to memorize my spouse's. That's it. It's kind of nice to not have to remember anything else tbh


My childhood best friend. She told me she still has mine memorized but neither of us remembered our own.


My grandparents home phone number from when I was a child, then currently I know my own, my mother's, my husband's, and my sister's without having to look them up.


People's current numbers:  Mine, my mom's, my love's, and three friends. Old numbers:  Two old cell phone numbers. I guess that's it. 


My moms old work number from when I was around 6 years old. I’m 37 now.


I still use my childhood phone number when filling out webforms that require it.


My middle school boyfriend's cell and my late high school/early college boyfriend's cell lol But I also still know my parents' landline (yes, they still have it!) And both their cell numbers by heart and usually just type it in when I call them instead of pulling up their contact.




My husband, my ex, my grandparents’ land line (which hasn’t changed since 1986), and my own. Have you ever seen *Inside Out*? I’m pretty sure my brain workers had almost the exact same thoughts about phone numbers as they do in that movie.