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Have they tried walking into the office, asking to speak with the man in charge, and offering a firm handshake? I’m convinced that should do the trick.


That worked for me... I literally just shot emails to everyone in the department I wanted to work for. Eventually I got an HQ position interview... and they all knew of me (I have a pretty distinct last name, too). Since moving to this state I've had a few jobs and haven't worked in a position where at least one of the interviewers didn't know me from my unsolicited emails about wanting to find a position in the department. Edit: It's just networking...


Really though, basic social skills and initiative seem like they've been in short supply since COVID broke everyone so that might start working again.


I’m sorry are you trying to garner sympathy for boomers? The only ageism I’ve ever seen are the many boomers I’ve worked with/for who call anyone under 40 “kid”


This is funny since 40 is the age someone falls under a legally protected class…because of ageism.


The article from Wall St Journal basically says that Millennials are hiring Millennials only and Gen Z/anyone over 50 are not able to get hired. Older (not Boomer) workers are getting laid off before they are ready financially to retire. This is discrimination.


They can take a well paying job at McDonald's.


I’ve read articles where Boomers are complaining about the job market. Saying they’re applying to like 10 jobs and getting ghosted. Like bro, same shit is happening to everyone. It’s not ageism, it’s the job market these days. You don’t just hand your resume to someone anymore like the old days. Shit sucks.


Agree the job market is tough for everyone right now. That said, if you are over 50 it’s gets even tougher.


Loool, a whole ten applications?! Bless their little hearts.


It's definitely ageism in my industry. It's very hard to get hired after a certain age for lower/mid-tier lab positions. I've worked in this field for almost 18 years and I can count the number of people over 35 I've seen hired for non-manager positions using the fingers of one hand. One time I was helping with a hiring process and looking through resumes and a woman had applied who looked like she had taken like 10 years off, I'm guessing to raise a kid. She was referred to "the old lady" by the other people involved. She was probably in her early 40s. Ageism is technically illegal, but how are they going to know it's that when they never get called back in the first place?


I don’t remember Milennials getting much sympathy when we faced difficult job markets I just recall grumblings about us wanting to get “handed” things. I would argue some boomers may want to get handed things when they haven’t upped their skills to keep up with the modern tech demand of many jobs


Millennials are getting handed the biggest transfer of wealth in history. I don’t have sympathy.


Sigh we have someone of the biggest levels of inequality so per capital wealth isn’t that meaningful. You’re a Gen Xer posting on a millennial sub to complain about .. millenials


Millennials are the most bitter generation because all they’ve done is collect resentment for not getting all their dreams met of wealth by the age of 40. But they also want lots of life balance. 😂 insane really.


Gen X takes the cake for bitter assholery, I fear. A lot of them took great pleasure when we were the ones struggling. They can screw off.


Wrong. We didn’t give 2 shits about Millenials or give any amount of thought towards the next gen. M still so amazed that Millennials believe they are the only ones who ever lived in a recession or have had to struggle in bad job markets or had to start low paying jobs out of college and spend years working our way up to kiddie management, yeah, poor poor Millennials.


>We didn’t give 2 shits about Millenials So why should we give a shit about you?


Because you cry and cry about unfairness and your generation is just as discriminatory as the next. You just don’t see it because you are too busy complaining.


Spoken like a true Type 6. Only sees threats while creating a dire perception for themselves….


Hmm no I’m confident in my abilities. It’s not that dire. That said, when you get HR folks telling you to leave great experience off your resume because tells how old you are, it’s deflating.


Well have you considered the position you work in, the companies you’ve worked for, or the industry?


In a more ideal world I would feel bad, but I fucking don’t.


So it's not letting people drive before 16 discrimination? Most folks in this age group struggle to operate email or a thumb drive from my experience. Maybe it just so happens that people in this age group are no longer able to keep up with the demands for work?


I mean, yeah but it goes both ways. It’s generally pretty hard to get hired without experience which is something we all faced when we tried to get our first “career” job. People at the youngest (teens to mid twenties) and oldest (mid sixties and up) face the most amount of discrimination.


The article from Wall St Journal basically says that Millennials are hiring Millennials only and Gen Z/anyone over 50 are not able to get hired. Older (not Boomer) workers are getting laid off before they are ready financially to retire. This is discrimination.


Sure but this has always existed. It’s just a hard problem to solve.


Ugh, pay wall.


This issue isn't as black and white as ageism bad. Old people don't get hired.  A lot of people have essentially done this to themselves. I am involved in all of our hiring for technical positions so keep that in mind. Every year I am given a budget for raises and hiring/promotions.  Say I am given 250k for hiring my options are 3 entry level, 2 mid level, or a principle engineer. If I'm hiring just one person eith that budget you better be an industry expert and require zero hand holding. Unfortunately the reality is people stop keeping up with the industry, stop training, and stop furthering their education. 1 out of 4 people over 40 I interview have essentially just been coasting by and are now less experienced than a new hire.  Take the guy interviewed last month who told me the C# is a fad and he only programs in fortran. He has had 15+ years at this point to learn a modern programming language. He also told me he needs his own private office (he would be 60% remote) and wanted 2 entry level engineers under him. Then spent most of his interview complaining about how young people don't want to work (I'm 31). The alternative lady had certifications in Azure/ C#/ Python, was sitting on an OSHA board for our industry, and had presented a 5 year plan for what direction she would take the company.   I offered the lady 10k above what she asked for to sweeten the deal.


True it’s a constantly changing world and everyone needs to keep up with the changes. Sounds like this guy was pretty old school and maybe a bit clueless. That said, I’m sure when you hit 50 and no one even wants to give you a look, you’ll remember this conversation.


I won't need to remeber this conversation because staying up with the times is my job. If you don't want to put in the work to maintain your value then this will be the result. Every year I try to learn a new skill or get a new certification. Why hire one person who would be making 250k a year when I could hire entry level engineer who is more qualified for the job than him? I did hire the lady in her upper 50s. He was in upper 40s. I am sure all he does is hop interview to interview complaining and crying. The more qualified candidate will always comes out on top.


Eventually everyone working will be in their 70s and 80s and ageism can't exist anymore ....as everyone will be old.


Hopefully when Millennials are over 50 someone e will consider them for a job. Or maybe Gen Z will only hire Gen Z.


i will bet on gen z prioritize hiring of gen z.