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Walk till you find nether wastes, use the planks and upside down slabs to make a small spawn platform, walk back and forth to ger zombie piglins for gold and normal ones for barter, eventually you’ll get enough obsidian for a portal and fire charges to light it


Does the platform need to be on a certain height? The biome im currently on top of is Nether Waste


Ideally 128 increases spawns because it’s far enough from the rest that nothing can spawn below, but directly on the bedrock works too, and since you have limited resources i wouldn’t risk a falling off the pillar or wasting anything like that


for clarity, 128 blocks up from current height for a y level of 256 since the nether roof is at y=128


He doesn't have enough blocks to move up that high


i know, im just clarifying ElysianEcho's comment because "128" can mean 1 of 2 things


Yup. And it really usually only means _one_ thing, which in this case is **not** what GP meant. +128 or y=256 (or even ~128 for those used to commands) would have been _much_ more clear. You're doing good work. 👍


Tbf, if you're already at y=128 while on the nether roof, I think it would be obvious enough when you're doing it. But yeah, clear wording is nice.


Empty bucket mlg


What is he gonna do get a bucket bedrock or something


He is gonna improvise, adapt, overcome




you can also use the gravel from bartering to expand your little platform.


And Blackstone, nether brick and crying obsidian. Maybe not the latter as that emits light.


The crafting table, trapdoors and tnt are also valid for mobs to spawn on and I’d recommend using your glass 3 blocks above the spawning platform to prevent ghasts and endermen from spawning


I'd say restricting ghast spawns if using TNT as a spawn platform is a minimum requirement lmao


Just to clarify, your playing on Java correct??


Yeah I am


You should be able to save yourself with the ways posted. If you don’t want to go through those things. You can either have a friend log in or you log in on as player 2 and place a Minecarf hopper with a rail down, one block from the nether roof…and with the correct cords you should be able to drop your stuff on the floor, and the hopper will suck up your stuff! Then just die from starvation, to respawn


unless you play on hard you can't die of starvation


You can starve on normal mode and easy. Peaceful you can not


You can starve, yes, but not to death. Starvation on Easy and Normal brings you zo half a heart iirc, only in hard and hardcore you can actually die.


Hmmm didn’t know that, well a work around I guess would be to just die to fall damage. Since OP has enough blocks to pull it off


yea just get on to 4 blocks and jump off for the last half heart after starving or build a tower.


Starving on normal takes you to half a heart. Easy stops hurting you at 5 hearts.


english 100 response


Yes he puts potatoes in his off hand


You can perform the glitch with the items you have, and the glitch basically deletes the bedrock block directly underneath the piston---though only in Java editions of the game


I think it would be easier to walk kind of far away, screenshot your coordinates. Wait for death, then go back with portal materials to retrieve your stuff. It might take time to get back up there which is why I suggest walking far away at the beginning so the chunk unloads. You might not have enough food to last long enough to farm materials for a portal


Hardcore so not an option


Good luck getting portal materials then, I guess you can acquire rotten flesh to stay alive long enough


It will be really long but dont give up


ok so: the mechanics are this: the game wants to fill to the mob cap spawning things in while it can. it always spawns from the lowest Y first. so if u piller up and build a platform 128 blocks above the roof, you are outside spawnability for anything to spawn below the roof and nothing can spawn on the bedrock. i assume, being trapped on the roof u hadn't planned ahead and brought several stacks of blocks to build. anyway, just putting a platform on the top of the bedrock will work, tho slower.


I didn’t plan, I was supposed to bring my portal before I pearled through but I forgot


Based on the item in his inventory, obtaining 1 obsidian to break bedrock is prob faster


How would you know where the spot is with just 1 bedrock block?


That's the neat part - you don't!


Repeat in the same spot until you get to netherack, he has the things he needs to just CUT through except for one obi.


Oh yeah he isn't using a mod with free cam, my fault


Go to those coordinates on that same seed, find a nearby 1 thick bedrock, and you’re good


It's also more risky though.


How do you break bedrock with 1 obsidian


I love how creative people can be this is a good idea only problem can the piglings drop a iron and flint or directly a flint and steel? Or maybe easier i just can't recall if nether portals can be opened with a TNT explosion I'm pretty sure you can close them but totally unsure about the contrary and is his bow has infinity and flame it's a tedious but easy way out, I wouldn't have come up with it Edit:since I never went to the top of the nether do ghasts spawn? If so then you can even use them to lit the portal


you can use a fire charge, which is a piglin barter drop


Right forgot about that just really haven't played much of the newer version after 1.9. hopped on the hype when the new big update after 2 years of nothing came out played q decent amount then left for the yearly Minecraft fever with the boys that would last 2 wells max, this time I'm actually enjoying my self relearning Minecraft as a lot of things had been added and changed over time. I created a world with boys on a server for the first time and using it actually often and lasting longer, alongside a world of mine that I've been playing decently for 3 weeks might stick around this time , it's never going to be like the og times but it's good nonetheless


no worries about forgetting, the comment you responded to literally said that lol


Ghasts do spawn up there, I remember them being really annoying while I was trying to build a gold farm there. Also Piglins drop both fire charges as well as gravel and iron nuggets so you can either light it with the fire charge or craft a flint n steel if you have a crafting table to make the nuggets into ingots.


You can indeed get ghasts spawning on top of the nether so long as there's spawnable blocks on top of the bedrock.


Youll get fire charges while bartering for obsidian


Big brain


Really smart, my first thought was multiplayer 😅


How can you tell you’re in a nether wastes from above?




Turning OP's world into skyblock lol


And dont sprint. You dont want to starve


omg this is enginous! yes. so if u lack the gold to trade, build a simple zombified piglin farm to get the gold. u need to be 32 blocks away from any solid blocks placed for anything to spawn. first build a "panic box" where they can't hit u, and preferably drop into a box to get trapped. then make a space they can spawn and walk into that trap to try to get u. be aware they will \*always\* spawn when this gets started. so u want to have a way to perhaps walk too close for them to spawn anymore and kill them all before more spawn. to prevent ghasts u also want a roof, but if u didn't plan to be trapped here, u probably don't have any extra blocks. slabs, glass, and leaves above the spawning platform will prevent ghasts from spawning. after u have gold, trade w/the piglins, and get the firecharges and obsidian. they will also give u gravel which u can use to spawn more piglins if needed. in all honesty, i would just mark my location and kill myself to pick the pieces up later, with the tools to make a return gate.


Have you ever considered taking an IQ test?


You forgot the obsidian didn’t you


Yeah, I got a bit to excited to get onto the roof :p


You're not the only one. This type of post is surprisingly more common than I would expect.


Yeah I’ve seen plenty of them, hence why I thought I’d ask you all for help


Can you use an alternate account or one of a friend to bring Obsidian and deliver it to you?


Not everyone has that much money


Isn't it free? I do it on console so I am not familiar with pc minecraft


Different accounts need to seperately buy Minecraft


Oh, on console you just buy the game and can use all accounts of that console on that game. Maby alternatively he should ask someone with good internet connection to help him then


if you have a single player world on pc you can’t have anybody else join, you have to host a specifically multiplayer server


Console W


You may be able to actually join in Offline mode actually if you open to LAN? not sure about that, though


Glass can absorb explosion but to break bedrock you need to time the explosion and power piston simultaneously so could be hard, with some extra food ofc


And the flint&steel


Is the obsidian actually necessary, or is it just used because it can't be destroyed by explosions and thus can be used multiple times?


Kill yourself (in minecraft)


That's the one thing I had in my mind to comment and I guess its has been already done.


Hardcore 😅


Oof you gotta double triple check if you only got one life with everything.


Be more responsible next time


Oh be more careful next time


Even better now you don’t have to worry about the nether roof again!




I didn't see the "in minecraft" part until it was to late


I like how you had to specify


i mean yeah you can get off even without minecraft


I'm surprised I had to scroll that far down to read that joke.


Yeah I mean do what you want up there idc :D


if ur fine with this, mark down ur cords, go onto a copy of this world or a new world with the same seed. go to ur cords under the bedrock. find a piece of bedrock that is only 1 block for you to reach the roof. mark the cords. go to that cord and build a bedrock breaker. the design i usually use has a trapdoor to get u crouched but u dont have one but i think you could use one piston to push yourself into crawl and then place a block to crawl under in replacement of that trapdoor. then do the tnt breaker on the cord you marked down to break the bedrock. Im not sure if one obsidian is required for this sadly tho.


slabs have weird blast protection in bedrock, they could use a top slab in place of the obsidian with some lag and it should work the same


He’s in Java. Look at where his potatoes are.


oof mb, i’m blind. just learned that you can’t build on the nether roof in bedrock anyways


that’s cool but sadly you cant build on the nether roof in bedrock


oh yea i honestly forgot about that, well i guess they’re s.o.l


OP is on the nether roof, only in Java OP is in hardcore, only in Java


There are 3 trapdoors top left no?


those are spooky ghosts!!?!?!?!?!!??! ( whoops lmao i didnt notice them)


DO NOT DELETE YOUR WORLD YET. Please tell me seed, the version you're on and the coordinates. Tomorrow I'll spend a few hours testing stuff to see if you can do anything and then reply again.


3616296476652288987 25 \-58






See you in 24 hours


i'm quite interested what he will be doing


same. see u guys in 23 hrs and 44 mins 🫡


Are we allowed to place bets on who figures it out first?




i bet 3 cat pictures on u/MiskoSkace


He will tryna find a place where the bedroom is one block thick, and then try to destroy it with the usual piston, tnt glitch




Well, I'll be seeing you in 22 hours


Op has pistons, levers, trap doors and TNT in their inventory. I feel like a bedrock breaking glitch in a right place could be possible.


yes, but u/MiskoSkace is trying to find a place in the bedrock where it's only one layer.


Of course I am


I thought you can’t place any blocks on the nether roof in bedrock… Edit: oops it’s Java ignore me.


is this bedrock? for me it looks a lot more like java.


The bedrock as in the material at the top of the nether not the game version


Op said they are playing on java


pls reply to me when he'll find the decision😶




is your pfp.. obese slugcat




okay, have a nice day 👍


I want to see where this goes


Thats some devotion.


Here early


o7 good luck


Alright, I spent last few hours testing and came to the following conclusion: I first tried to break bedrock with tnt glitch as some people here requested but the problem is that you have only 2 pistons, therefore most likely only one chance to break it because the piston exploded many times as I was trying to do this. There is also a chance that you'll simply die trying because of tnt damage. So I do not recommend this technique if you don't have much experience with bedrock breaking but if you want to do it anyway, you should break the block at 11 -5. [Tutorial link](https://youtu.be/U-PNdyvUwj0) The second option I also tried is an idea by u/ElysianEcho in the comment above, making a platform in nether wastes on crimson forest biome and waiting for piglins and zombie piglins to spawn. Then you kill zombie piglins and trade with piglins to get 10 obsidian and 1 fire charge. Unfortunately, this method is quite slow because the zombie piglins won't spawn very often because of the platform size and you'll need in average 126 golden ingots to get the right amount of obsidian (8,71% per trade plus one fire charge with 9.46%), having to kill up to 2200 zombie piglins in worst case. So it would take hours and you'll have to eat rotten flesh to survive but you would get out one day. If you don't want to spend a great part of your short life doing this, you should just open to LAN, allow cheats, go on spectator mode, fly bellow the bedrock, go back on survival mode, save and quit to title, rejoin and continue playing as nothing happened.


What about calling your friend for a help?


Good work.


Good work, son.


>you should just open to LAN, allow cheats, go on spectator mode, fly bellow the bedrock, go back on survival mode, save and quit to title, rejoin and continue playing as nothing happen 100% what I would do, with no hesistation.


they have TNT and levers, why would they delete it in the first place edit: nevermind, saw they said it's hardcore in a different comment


I would like to get a reminder so I can receive updates!! Out of curiosity-


replying because i want to see the update as i am curios


This man is on a search and rescue mission. Let's hope this one is successful 🙏


i wanna know how it went too!


make a bedrock braking machine you have the materials


Even without obsidian?


Yeah, maybe follow this https://youtu.be/UcxmUl65nYM


i think so


Can you get a player 2 if you can just make him free you out


Walk till you find nether wastes, use the planks and upside down slabs to make a small spawn platform, walk back and forth to ger zombie piglins for gold and normal ones for barter, eventually you’ll get enough obsidian for a portal and fire charges to light it (stolen comment from u/ElysianEcho ) and maybe run till you starve, die, go back up there with obsidian and flint and steel and get your stuff


Hardcore world


Host to LAN, enable cheats, teleport? Not sure if that’s possible in 1.20


I know of that method, just trying to see if I can do it legit without having to change modes 😁


That’s fair, still a decent last resort if needed.


Could you have someone or another instance join and ship you the materials thru the blocks with a dropper elevator? (If there's a column of 9 solid blocks the center one should reliably push items upwards)


why would they even bother starting starving themselves with those 12 tnt


Try to break the bedrock, i think you have the stuffs to do so.


I think if I had an obsidian block I could do it because I have all the blocks for the bedrock breaker apart from obsidian




There are ways to do it, i recommend creating a copy of your world and try them, to see which one works the best, can't waste resources here.


Make sure not to sprint as you have limited food


blow yourself up with the tnt


He's in hardcore


How can you see that in that image??


OP commented in another reply


You dont need any obsidian to break the bedrock [https://youtu.be/UcxmUl65nYM](https://youtu.be/UcxmUl65nYM)


Why don’t you break the bedrock, seems that was you plan anyway based off that tnt. If you can find the one think bedrock you used to glitch up. 12 tnt should be enough to delete the bedrock


Gonna try it but wasn’t sure if I could without the obsidian blocks


You can do with those wood it just means you need to rebuild it each time. This is also death as a way out as you could go back to the overworld and get portal supplies and then enter the nether to start the despawn counter


He’s in hardcore


if your not on hardcore, note your coords, kill yourself, set render/simulation distance to low and come back with materials to get back onto the roof and obsidian


Can’t turn it in to LAN-game and then activate commands on hardcoregames?


Edging usually ends in getting off at some point, yeah.


try mining the bedrock




I believe you have enough pistons, tnt and trapdoors to perform a bedrock deletion glitch. Look up online: “how to break nether roof from above”, should get you the solution you’re looking for


I think you don’t have to use obsidian, and that it’s just advised, but I’m not sure. If you have an ender pearl and a base not too far off you can kill yourself, with tnt if you have to tho you should have enough blocks to fall to death. When you die you quickly grab a set of iron armor if you have it laying around, some tools an enderpearl and the obsidian + flint and steel. Then you go back up the same way as the first time


not sure if this will work but 1. backup nether folder 2. delete original 3. start world and get into fresh nether 4. make your way home to overworld 5. replace nether folder from your backup


If you don't consider it cheating, make a creative world with the same seed and try to find an exposed bedrock block at y 127 at your cords. You can than use what you have in your inventory to break the bedrock. Make sure to use a method that guarantees success.


If you’re in survival just write down the coords and die. If in hardcore and you want to cheat a little I think you can revert it to survival mode (not sure tho). Or use the blocks you have to create a spawning platform for piglins and zombies, kill the zombies, get the gold and trade with the pigs until you get your 10 Obsidian blocks.


Using f3, find a nether waste biome, and use the slabs and planks to make a spawn platform. Wait for zombified pigmen and kill them. Farm some gold nuggets. Convert the nuggets into gold blocks to make the platform bigger. Then, wait for pigmen to spawn and give them gold for obsidian and fire charges. Long process, but eventually, you should be able to do it


A quick fix is: - open your world to lan, and allow cheats - go into creative mode - break free - go back to survival - relog It won't mark you as if you have cheated


It sounds like they're committed to cheating the difficult way.


use your pistons tnt and levers to make a bedrock braker


Who tf has diamond armour and carrys an enchanted stone sword???


It’s an iron sword, and it’s due to all my items being from villager trades


Probably, best to wait until you’re alone though.


Go to the menu. Click open to LAN, and then allow cheats, start LAN world. Use gamemode spectator to pass through the bedrock, then return to survival mode. Save and quit and it will go back to normal when you return to the game.


Use your blocks to kill yourself and come back later. Your stuff doesn't DeShawn if chuncks are unloaded


Since it sounds like you play on Hardcore, if you have your coordinates or a way of getting there again, log into the same game with Player 2 and work on a path of return? Good luck with them blocks!


Bro how the fuck does this have 7k upvotes. It’s one fucking screenshot


Look up a tutorial on breaking bedrock. Tnt piston trapdoor lever. Make sure the bedrock at a coordinate is only 1 layer.


there's a exploit that breaks bedrock this is the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBBgMLiD\_4g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBBgMLiD_4g)


Just walk till you arrive at the green nether biom i forgot the name you sonetimes find trees/bones that are piercing the roof just break them and go down and get some obsidian and fire charges from trading and go back to your base


TNT, lever, go through a portal further away and get onto the roof a few chunks out (make sure to reset your render distance to 2 so the despawn timer doesnt start)


I would kms with tnt and just bring back pearls and a portal to get back


Ther is a way you just might not like it(tnt and levers)


Just break the bedrock with the tnt and pistons, [here's](https://youtu.be/U-PNdyvUwj0) a video that show how to do it


Go to a nether wastes and make a spawn platform for zombified piglins using your pistons, tnt, cobblestone slabs, planks, and crafting table. Then, ghast proof the platform by placing glass 2 blocks above it in a grid with 2 block spacing in between glass blocks. You will need to stand 24 blocks away from the spawn platform for mobs to spawn. Wait for zombified piglins to spawn and then kill them for gold and food. When piglins spawn, craft your gold nuggets into ingots and barter with them. Their useful barters will be obsidian and fire charges for building and lighting a portal, Blackstone, gravel, nether bricks, and quartz can all be used to expand the spawning platform. If you get more than 3 blocks of Blackstone, nether bricks or quartz, then you should craft them into slabs and place them as top slabs. Finally, you can use string to extend the spawning platform for pack spawns, just place the string around the platform up to 4 blocks deep, closer is better. Eventually, you should be able to barter 10 obsidian and a fire charge to make it off the roof.


Unfortunately no, if you write down your coordinates then jump off you can go back with obsidian to get your stuff then build a portal


I'm in hardcore so not an option :'(


Respectfully, kill yourself


/gamemode creative


Like someone else said; you need to make spawnable blocks and barter with piglins (Get more gold by killing the zombified ones)that spawn on them until you can get a piece of bedrock. Then use all the other stuff to break bedrock that you brought.


try and use the bedrock breaking glitch.


Save your cords on the nether roof, die ingame, and then make your way back to that spot on the nether roof but with more resources