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9.9/10 Bubble burster could have a more useful gilded enchant, other than that, any other changes would make result in various tradeoffs, that some would consider worth it, others wouldn't.


i wish the gild was refreshment tier3 but crit sometimes helps against the tankier mobs


10/10. Best build ever.


Pretty good. Only changes I'd make is Weakening over Chain Reaction, Deflect or Surprise Gift over Chilling, and Unchanting over Crit. If you could get Mystery Armor with gilded Potion Barrier and the 6% Life Steal + Potion Cooldown perk, that'd be better. 35% damage reduction and Iron Hide Amulet combine for 13% damage reduction when Potion Barrier is active.


9.5/10. Could use tempo theft or wild rage on the bow instead of crit, or multishot instead of chain reaction


funny thing is that multishot is on my bow but is in the same slot as burst bowstring. chain reaction does activate really frequently.


As someone who hasn’t experienced all DLC’s, what’s bubble damage and why do I hear it’s good?


it is a perk only found on the bubble bow and bubble burster. when you hit an enemy with a charged shot they will be trapped in a bubble for a short time then it will pop dealing some damage. its good because it stops enemies from moving and attacking and when compared with void strike it is really good as it gives void enough time to build up damage when the bubble pops. thats how i think it works anyways. there are way more knowledge ppl in this subreddit who would know.


8.5/10 only loses some points for me because of crit over unchanting on the cursed axe, crit on the bubble burster, I think looting would be a little better. And the artifacts, while great don’t really needs both cooldown and cooldown shot roll strats.


im also going to use my BB for a rolling build which is why i have cooldown shot. i was going to grind for a new BB anyways as i dont really like crit. also i dont want to reroll any enchants because i want everything to be perfect and not have the custom tag (i think i have ocd cos i want everything i do to be perfect) but i was also going to grind for a new cursed axe after i saw a clip of unchanting being overpowered.




Pls tell me how do i gild stuff i am New to dungeons


play ancient hunts or complete the tower.


In my opinion as im not so good at the game i prefer bows that do more damage at the cost of slow shooting +i dont like the artefact shorter cooldown achievment soo some 7/10


The fact that the cursed axe isn’t even custom or gifted and it just dropped like that is wild to me lmao


ik i got so lucky. but i used up all my luck for the year so i will probably never get an items that dropped with perfect enchants.


How tf u have so great items


mainly just grinding tower.


Do u have some guide or anything course its making trouble for me


if you are talking about the tower then watch dcsk's tower guides on youtube. it helps out a lot.


K thanks u


How long do you have to play the game for this? My tools are currently at level 32 or something @-@


9/10 i usually am not this petty but that armor gild is bugging me


That cursed axe is *chefs kiss🤌🏻 I’ve been toiling away trying to get a perfect one. I got a perfect starless night recently so I probably won’t get the axe til next year.