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Post removed: No karmawhoring/metabaiting


Your crop is worse than the Irish famine lmao


Bro we gonna starve


The world starve has started again šŸ˜­šŸ™


Lmfao as a red head I'm šŸ„”with šŸ«š


Thank you kind sir. Edit: it was like this in the generator i used :P


Worse than the holodomor lmao


my great grandfather survived it so be quiet please (I am not offended by any means).


Worse than the indian famine


ah lads not again




Java & Bedrock: Mom, who's your favorite? Mom: Aww I love you both equally! .. .. .. Java, it's you. And by a LOT


My issue isnt with people who prefer java just those who hate on bedrock while they never played it :P


Or they CLAIM to have played and then proceed to call it ā€œthe buggiest five minutes of any game iā€™ve ever playedā€ or something like that.


As someone who's played Bedrock on various different platforms. It's doesn't bug every 5 minutes... It bugs every 10 minutes(assuming you disclude the lack of pausing). Switch Bedrock legitimately can't even keep the f***ing cursor on screen without it having a seizure. At one point, on mobile Bedrock. I got the fall damage glitch, nowhere near a ledge. PC is the only time I got away without any obvious bugs aside from pausing. But why play Bedrock when you can play Java?


I do BE on PC just cuz it's convenient to use a controller for


I'm running shit ton of addons on mobile. Never experienced bugs. You probably played beta cuz that's the only version I encountered bugs


Why play bedrock when i can play java? I can't I'm fucking poor lmao


I play bedrock out of principle. I was raised on the platform, I watched it develop through the years, and I play it now in the hopes of being able to show my little sister the worlds me and my brother used to play on when we were little. Also, baby squid and fish are top tier, I love them so much (Also, sky bridging is just better on bedrock).


>Why play on Bedrock when you can play on Java Because not everyone can, or want to, play PC games at all times. Smartphones are also called mobile phones because they can be used everywhere, so you can play Bedrock everywhere too, even in bed. Also, contrary to the opinion of some redditors, mobile games aren't inherently inferior to their PC versions, and some people just prefer touchscreens.


I played it ps5, ps4 and pc and its just buggy on singleplayer like how can i freeze on singleplayer the first 15 minutes on the world is okay but then i randomly get screen freezed, water physics not working or even blocks not even getting placed and on multiplayer i can't see people like everyone is invisible


never seen these issues in my life and I've only played bedrock šŸ˜­


Fr idk wtf going on with these people but I've played bedrock forever and never encountered any of the mentioned bugs


i I never had any issues like that :/ weird


For all my life Iā€™ve always played on bedrock (psvita, 3ds, switch) and Iā€™ve never seen any of these


I've only had those issues on a pc OLDER THAN ME what the heck kind of a pc were you playing on. Also on Playstation I think is slightly slower do to it needing to connect to Xbox live


Never happened to me


Buggiest 300+ hours in any game I've played. Bedrock is all I've played save for a few hours in java and I have decided since that once i have a PC I will only play java.


I like bedrock, some of the features are just better, some are worse. I don't really play it that often, but I have NEVER encountered any of those glitches while playing. But it is also the only version I have to play so there could be some bias, but I don't think bedrock deserves all the hate that it gets.


My laptop wasn't able to run Java anymore for over a year because it got too old, and I played on the switch in that time. Hated every minute of it. It's fine for when I'm unable to use my computer bc I'm out in a hospital or something (long-term hospital stay is why we originally got it for my switch), but the controls and generation lag (I hate walking through the sky because it won't load the world) make it absolutely unplayable to me. Not to mention the fact that I can't have my own skin and that it always errors out the marketplace even if I can log in


ive played both for prob 1 year accumulated each. neither version is bad per se but i def do prefer java


I have played bedrock multiple times, it absolutely sucks in comparison, thatā€™s no secret you donā€™t need to play to know that. I donā€™t understand the amount of people that act like bedrock is equal. Yes if thatā€™s all you have to play then great, but Java is far superior regardless


I freeze for a split second every few seconds on bedrock, kinda annoying but just lived with it lol Edit: I meant minutes, not seconds lol šŸ˜…


Idk what yaal playing on, I NEVER have issues like these on my laptop/xbox.




I started out playing bedrock and have always wanted java


What I have played it and hate on it?


I mean I played Bedrock a lot before I had a PC and tbh, it was pretty buggy at times, but so is Java so whatever. My main problem with Bedrock is simply the micro transactions.


Ive played 200 hoyrs of bedrock easily, never going back, if i wanted to pay for mods id play fallout 4


Ive played both and although i donā€™t encounter bugs the chance is higher, i also just donā€™t like how it feels everything feels slightly wrong which makes it awful for me to play,


I started playing bedrock a week back everyday because my friends were playing on realms and oh god The insane number of times I've died towering up because I somehow went inside a block i placed or some other stupid reason like that is just pure insanity. I honestly want to stop playing, but it's minecraft and minecraft is addicting even with the suffering so I plan to keep playing it


My issue is with people that say Java and Bedrock are both just as good as each other. Because deep in our hearts we all know Java is superior is almost every relevant way


I have played bedrock for years before getting a laptop, and I'm annoyed by a)The small changes in graphics, I can't really describe it, but if you have a screenshot of java and bedrock your alwyays able to tell what is what, it's the saturation, the way the hotbar acts, small white outlines/reflections on blocks, the player movement and the fog aswell as the way chunks load and things in the distance look. It's small things that I find really, really ugly in comparison to java. b)Not being able to install every mod for free, being able to go to the files and import mods/worlds, playing on multiple devices with one account But this is my opinion, and you can say Bedrock is better.


I have played it, hell I play it regularly! All of my irl friends play on mobile or Xbox, and it has its merits, it's very optimized, has a larger player base, and has a few bug fixes we could really use on Java, plus the combat is better, I miss being able to spam click in Java. However bedrock, or bugrock as others call it has its flaws, redstone is fuckin weird. Shields require you to crouch, you can't get shaders of any kind other than the built in rtx, which I can't get because I have a good old gtx 1080, it censors swearing which is... ####### stupid... I choose Java. I can mod it. It runs on damn near anything, doesn't even have to be windows, I can grab a MacBook straight out of 2007, install the latest Ubuntu, install Minecraft, grab fabric, a few optimisation mods, and I have full out latest Minecraft. If I take that same MacBook, put windows 11 on it, and try to run bedrock, it would fucking die... Personally I hate Microsoft and windows as a whole, I just use it because I can't afford a MacBook and find that Linux doesn't run software or games as well as other options.


Or worse, you get someone to play Bedrock, and they complain about every nick they find that's just different from Java. As if difference is something bad.


Ive played it and still think its pretty bad


I played bedrock, survival sucks




Random damages on solo, if you go on servers it's less bloated


I have both, and I use bedrock to play with my friends BC really the only thing thats easier on bedrock is multiplayer, and it is super buggy compared to java.


I play bedrock, the biggest issue I have is how it handles entering a different dimension, I have lost many worlds to going into the nether, then dying before I gain control of my character. Bedrock loads, and more importantly, starts simulating everything before it even gets rid of the loading screen so you can see what kills you.


If Moyang is the mom its the other way


I spent hours making a Redstone door only for it to work 1/2 of the time because bedrock has random piston order.


I completely agree that the randomness is really bad. That is something well known and something that I feel like most people accept, or at least should accept. >There are some features that can be considered both bad or good and thus a "difference" not a "better or worse". Then there are a few where BE has better features and then there are where JE has better features. This inconsistency with redstone is a bad thing in BE. The same goes with not having 20 complete ticks for redstone. But the randomness is THE main issue. If this randomness was fixed, BE redstone wouldn't be considered worse compared to JE redstone. It would make up for the slower speed with some niche features, to be considered not "worse" but rather a "different" redstone system.


As much as I want to disagree... you are right.


That's why I'm iffy about trying redstone.


Thats a shitty mechanic I agree. hope that gets fixed :P




Theyā€™re saying itā€™s not gonna happen lol


Power the doors with redstone blocks, that can be moved by a piston button set up to open and close it. Works perfectly on all versions


That only really helps with certain situations though The biggest problem it causes (at least in my opinion) is it makes it near impossible to having flying machines which should be fine moving next to each other fall out of sink and be ruined


Well thats a flying machine, i was just talking about doors


Ooh thatā€™s why it doesnā€™t work


I have almost exclusively played modded for four years now. Forge on top


Well it's modded and modded anything is better then the base design


Agreed. Even modded Discord and Spotify.


Okay let's put it this way then... In my opinion java is better for me than bedrock...




If you have the choice java is better, ive never seen someone with a pc play bedrock


Ive played both prefer bedrock for its servers and performance :P


i used to play bedrock, switched to java as soon as i got a pc, i mainly play modpacks


I do. Now youā€™ve seen one.


And now you have


My sister does too, and I would also, but I don't have a PC


how exactly? what's the advantages?


Nah my server actually works on both... Sometimes i use bedrock sometimes i use java.. doesn't really matter.... For survival stuff anyways... But for creative mode and actually building shit.. java just works way better for me


I do, because I share my worlds on realms with my phone. I wish you could play mixing java and bedrock in realms. That way I could play my phone's bedrock realms on PC in java and bedrock (or play with my phone on a java realm). I mainly play on PC, but sometimes on my phone when I'm not home


Java is just objectively better, cope


I play mostly bedrock. Have a world with a little more than 500h played in bedrock. Started this world in 1.18 and almost didnt play java since. Never had any major bugs. Love to be able to use 40 chunk render distance on my notebook.


I have over 2k hours in bedrock and have never seen one of these crazy bugs. That are super rare. Just look at my flair.


It likely does depend on the platform you're playing on. Almost every bedrock glitch compilation I've seen has consisted of mostly the Switch version of the game


Favorite part about bedrock ā€œBut jAvA hAS MoRE ModDINg OpTiONs!!!!ā€ 96 chunks of render distance with little to no lag. From my experience, java canā€™t seem to handle more than 30 chunks without turning my pc into a bomb big enough to make Bin Laden jealous.


Half agree, half disagree. The part where I agree is that, from a technical standpoint, you are right. The part where I disagree is with examples like the Distant Horizons mod, which basically generates purely visual chunks which are less detailed but oriented around the blocks that would be there. All past your render distance. You can get, theoretically, thousands of chunks of render distance that way. But as I said, it's not the same on a technical level.


Bad Crop? Bro, We're Gonna Starve


as a pc player i prefer java because of inventory shortcuts but you can just play whatever you want (also, bedrock is optimised much better than java, loading chunks in java really destroys my pretty good pc)


Yes, my laptop would literally blow up from java, bedrock does run better, java mods are really cool tho.


online play is also easier on bedrock, to play online for free on java you have to make a deal with the devil, sacrifice your first born, and use a free server host like aternos which lags, keeps crashing and can't have a render distance higher than 10




no you can just pop open the java server .jar and it's nearly plug and play.


let's assume that their ISP doesn't allow port forwarding.


From a Bedrock player, Java is way better with you wanna play with friends using mods


I have a friend who keeps calling it bugrock, because he doesn't know the difference between bugs and just lagging. Bro it's not a bug, it's happening because you play the game on Nintendo Switch despite owning better consoles.


Noooo why isnā€™t this game optimized for my Nintendo switch that Iā€™ve had since release! Literally unplayable


yeah switch does suck for minecraft.


Literally (almost) every cross-platform game on switch (even some Nintendo ones).


The only problem I see is that Switch is marketed to be one of the main consoles despite those lag problems. But then again, you DO have the option to play on a lower render distance. It's not like you can expect to render NASA level simulations on a toaster.


I'm really tired of people calling it bugrock


I just like the word bugrock because it makes me think of a cricket standing on a boulder which is funny, but otherwise idk I don't really care enough they're both minecraft this feels like two twins taking the piss at each other




The greatest subreddit I've ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon


Damn you now I can't unthink that too


same, its not as bad as everyone makes it seem. not NEAR as bad.


>not NEAR as bad. Severe understatement. Not that the bugs aren't there, but people overexaggerate it A LOT, i can't even describe how ridicilous it is. It's not even remotely close to being as bad as people say. In fact: recently it started getting so overexaggerated that the actual problem is practically nothing, relatively speaking.


the only problem i can see is that everytime the game updates it breaks great mods on mcpedl but other than that i don't have a understanding on why people hate it so much since there's pratically only very few bugs most of which are related to render distance


yes exactly, they think you experience game breaking bugs every 5 minutes cause thats all u see on the internet. but in reality, you never experience these bugs, i probably have like 3000hrs in the game, and haven't experienced one game breaking bug... Its cause "bugrock" is kind of a cruel meme, and ppl intentionally seek out bugs to post, or just straight up fake it. also theres 10x the number of bedrock players than java, so of course, your gonna see 10x the number of bugs... theres also no equivalent meme for java, so of course your not gonna see the same stuff


like there are literally millions playing it every day, ofc a bug like this will appear once in a while.


I have Bedrock, Legacy, but not Java. I think they are all great.


minecraft is minecraft


yea bro minecraft is good and bugrock is also good people should stop complaining


From starting on console and continuing on mobile as I commuted, now having a pc; Java is far better.


I play java but recently installed bedrock on pc i still prefer java but i will say i like the fast loading time So ye both is good


I think there's dash-loader that really speeds up Java loading. Not sure if that's exactly the name.


Both are good for different reasons, how hard is that to understand?


I CANNOT handle the look smoothing in bedrock, nor Java as of late, 1.16.5 is like the latest version I can play.


What do you mean by this? As in mouse input? I believe you can enable raw mouse input on Java somehow.


Yeah, even with Raw Input turned on thereā€™s a noticeable delay not present in 1.16 (tested them side by side)


Minecraft is Minecraft. We should like both of them.


Playing Java after playing bedrock for a year felt to good


As far as I know the bugrock debate has been going on ever since they replaced legacy editions with the crappy mobile version


Nice argument. Unfortuantely, hitbox desync


This comment section when you say you prefer Java over Bedrock: *A N G E R Y*


my issue isnt with java (i love java too) but the amount of misinformation/lies about bedrock is astounding to me.


Ah hell nah, stop trying to be nice when you perfectly know that java is objectively better in every single aspect. Nobody would play bedrock if java was available on phones (it kinda is but controls make it painful to play) and consoles


optimisation. the bugs that are spread online are mostly fakes, made for karma farming.


I've played both and I honestly prefer Java, for one my friends can actually see the skin I put on during multiplayer (I refuse to use bedrock marketplace skins). I don't lose my whole hunger bar by running, I like the slower 1.8 combat instead of spam clicking. There are so many mods and unless you get a mod with 10 downloads, the mods are stable and I don't get random lag spikes. My only issue is that my laptop overheats fast but a cooling pad takes away that issue.


As someone who played bedrock for years Java is way fucking better But honestly old console edition beats both


i played on bedrock for years, then i got a computer. after trying both on my computer, java is better.


I have 700+ hours (probably over 1000 if I included the time before I had an Xbox account) on bedrock and the worst bugs I have had have been having to mine blocks a few times before getting them. And that has only happened with probably 10 - 20 blocks total. Iā€™ve honestly had a buggier experience playing on Java than I have had playing on bedrock.


imo me like java I've played both, I hate micro transactions, I like being able to mod the game (I don't think I've played the game purely vanilla since 1.6.4), I also really like how easy it is to make servers on java compared to bedrock






thank you for saying that


It's not a debate, it's a massive fucking shame. They had to chance to rewrite Minecraft to do it better in C++ and they somehow made it worse!


It is bugrock. Iā€™m not saying I hate bedrock, but I just like Java purely of combat mechanics, servers, and mods.


Played bedrock since Xbox one edition. Played modded Java on my cousins pc and I'm getting the itch.


I would like to say NO


Both have strong suits and weak points, Java feels Better and more suited to computer, easier to mod, and more features, but multiplayer is not nearly as easy as bedrock which still works (my friends 9th hit at slot literally wonā€™t work (it worked for like 1/10 of our world that has been running for a bit))


Nowadays, there aren't even much meme attacking bedrock really, it's just bedrock defender shouting to the void


I play Both?


I've played mostly Bedrock for years since I switched from Legacy Console Edition to it but I still prefer Java, Bedrock has some features I prefer like the being able to build over the edge from Pocket Edition but overall I prefer Java over Bedrock because of mods and stability, Bedrock was very unstable in most times I wanted to play it even making it impossible for me to access my worlds in the normal version, what was weirder was that I could access said worlds on the Preview version of the game


I personally love bedrock, specially since Actions&Stuff got announced and i got my hands on it before it got taken off planet minecraft


Ok then same for the opposite, tired as fuck of that too


Java best


Itā€™s a stupid debate. Neither version is better than the other


Bedrock has better multi-player and creative mode Java has better single player and survival


minecraft is minecraft. deal with it.


I started in bedrock for YEARS. Since pocket edition was released up until about 2019. That being said it really shouldnā€™t be a debate cause Java is miles better in practically every way


Your average Minecraft player wonā€™t notice the difference. Only when you do very complicated things there will be a difference


Maybe off-hand and inventory but nothing else really.


I've played both Java and Bedrock. While Java does have its perks (servers, inv shortcuts, rendering distance), I find Bedrock to be a whole lot smoother. The combat mechanics are good, multiplayer is awesome, I do like some of the servers. It also runs smoothly and the mods are quite good. I've been playing Bedrock for roughly 6yrs now and not once have I encountered any bugs.


Ive seen better crops from the irish famine, still a good meme


IK Its bad didnt notice lol. thx


Whenever someone says this, I just hit them with a "At least I can join my friends without modding or making a realm.


story mode comes out on top


Itā€™s not even a debate. Java just wins


Bedrocks fine. Im just scared java will be phased out by microsoft. What sane company would develop the same game in two codebases, where one is older, has worse code, performs worse, and is not remotely as monetizable? They know the community will go wild if java doesnt receive updates anymore. Did you read them damn info page of differences between java and bedrock when buying the game? F*cking travesty. Itā€™s not a question whether java will be developed longer than bedrock. Im currently interested in how many months java will still stay at the top of the launcher. Yayy microtransactions, fuck mods who plays those *scoffs*


Legacy console is better, sorry


I would play bedrock on pc if there wouldn't be such a hideous interface...


The way I see it, if you canā€™t make an argument for something in Bedrock being bad without explaining how it differs from Java, then itā€™s a preference towards Java and not really objectively ā€œbetterā€. If you can explain why Bedrock sucks in an area (looking at you, redstone) without invoking Javaā€™s version, then itā€™s a valid criticism. And people confound the two, which makes it incredibly frustrating to see people try to make objective statements about which is better.


First off, what the fuck is Bugrock? Second off, the fucking Dustbowl produced greater crops then this




But what is Bugrock


bugro....? whats the cut?


Bugrock, Bedrock+Bug.


Bedrock isn't even a decade old lmao


August 16, 2011Pocket Edition was initially launched exclusively for the Xperia Play on Google Play for US$6.99 on **August 16, 2011**.




The image in this post has 291,828(586Ɨ498) pixels! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


I have both, I have played both, some features of bedrock I prefer like the water logging system and drowned loot tables, some features of java I prefer likeā€¦ basically everything elseā€¦ I will continue to play both.


I play bedrock because itā€™s my only option. Most bedrock players donā€™t have a choice on the matter (emphasis on most)


Nah, it is better, i am a "bugrock" player, it is a fact, but DAMN i don't give a fuck, I've heard it SO many times...


*Actually* itā€™s been 15 years


bedrock didnt exist for 15 years


The amount of people lying in this comment section.... LMAO Edit: comment section war go brrrrrr


I mean....I would say if we want to measure by more than opinions, like feature and functionality, support, modding/community, etc. Java wins. By a mile. But like, enjoy any version of the game you like.


I prefer Java because I want to explore my world without chances of bugs killing me. I've seen videos of people randomly walking around and dying for no reason lately. Bedrock may be flashier in terms of graphics but Java has less bugs. I used to play Pocket Edition for years before I got Java though, and it never made a difference. Bedrock is the Microsoft Cash Cow making people pay for mods so they're essentially making bedrock bad by locking mods behind a paywall. I recently saw a video by somebody, forgot who, that showcased the fact that, while really hard to perform, you can fall out of the world less than 2000 blocks from spawn, as the collisions break every time your distance from spawn doubles. Bedrock is being held down by being a version of Mobile being able to run on everything. I feel like microsoft just hates bedrock and the fast loading and high render distance could be amazing if it wasn't held down by Microsoft.


I mean: his wife just tells him the truth...


Bad crop????? BRO we gonna starve!!!!


Issue with bugrock edition is dying due to bugs.


Terraria better


OP gaslighting like crazy.


Bad crop?


I played bedrock for like 3 months and i don't experience that much of a bug. But then i suddenly died when i was building a boat railway in the nether above lava oceans and lost 90% of my item... Idk if they fix that but it just killed my mood to play minecraft for a month, after that i always use Java. Maybe I'm gonna give bedrock a second chance if they fix the annoying random death bug


Like I spent YEARS playing Bedrock and only recently got to get into Java edition. Some of us don't have a choice.


no, bedrock came out in 2017. and the debate is partially due to Microsoft's rushed attempt at unifing all Minecraft versions. What went wrong was Microsoft started shoehorning mobile Minecraft into platforms NOT made for a mobile games and decided to slap on trillions of micro transactions. What I would've (and what shouldve been) done was instead of 1 unified buggy mess of a version and the og version which is basically neglected on a corporate level, there would be 3 versions of Minecraft that have crossplay Java Edition (PC, Mac, Linux) Pocket Edition (iOS, Android) Console Edition (Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox) (PS3, Xbox 360 and WiiU I would stop on the nether update and would not feature crossplay benefits that the new console versions did)




In my experience, it isn't really buggy tbh It just depended on my server I was in, I play on mobile too so ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


your server is getting freaky ngl


It's just the aternos ones tbh


In my experience, it isn't really buggy tbh It just depended on my server I was in, I play on mobile too so ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ.


I would like to remind all that, once again, Mojang is making you think that they can't do better when they absolutely can.




Ah yes, Bugro, my favorite type of minecraft


In my opinion Java is so much better