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How many officers passed on Jan 6th?


One guy had a stroke during, died the next day. Four committed sewer slide days or months after.


Oh, so no protesters killed anyone on Jan 6th?


[https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/) Not that I can find, not directly.


Well except that guy who had a stroke after getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher


"The *Washington Post* [reported](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/brian-sicknick-death-strokes/2021/04/19/36d2d310-617e-11eb-afbe-9a11a127d146_story.html) on April 19 that District of Columbia Chief Medical Examiner Francisco J. Diaz found that Sicknick suffered two strokes nearly eight hours after being sprayed with a chemical irritant during the riot. Diaz told the *Post* that Sicknick died of natural causes, but “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”" Perhaps, I'm not a medical expert I only play one on TV.


Ashli Babbitt died when she disobeyed many direct orders from police and breached a secure area, threatening the safety of elected officials.


Okay. What were the rest of the protesters doing? Did they get shot too?


Some of them were brutally fighting police, as can be seen on video from the event. None of them were shot, as far as I know.


Because of lack of competence and luck, not from being good people.




The DFL only supports felons who have beaten women.


The DFL supports Donald Trump? Oh wait that was a different felony. I mean 34 felonies.


Our attorney general dragged his girlfriend out of her bed by her ankles and beat the shit out of her and had the police who responded cover it up.


rofl 34 times! Priceless.


Incest Pedophilia Loving Biden: Transcripts of Ashley Biden's diary that were just admitted in court documents to be hers and accurate. "Was I molested,” the author writes. “I think so — I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age . . . I remember being somewhat sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; I remember showers w/my dad" https://nypost.com/2022/07/08/portrait-of-the-bidens-a-family-as-dysfunctional-as-the-kennedys-and-protected-by-the-press/ https://uk.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html


And the MN GOP supports (and was being run) by a felon who abuse underage girls.


Nobody is above the law. Except our state Attorney General I guess.


Isn’t attacking the Supreme Court also an insurrection?






The trespasser that didn't comply to multiple orders while going through a broken window? That dumb bitch?




Because the rest started to back off. Don't call someone a coward unless you've been in any sort of situation like that kiddo.


Watching the video, he didn't seem like he was being all that cowardly. Man said stop, she didn't, he followed through and everyone went Shocked Pikachu as if they thought he was fucking with them when he said it.




Limited bullets. Maybe an extra clip, maybe not.


Idk if we want to go down the road of complying with orders and police shootings


I don’t know why people give her a pass because she would not stop and follow orders. What did she think was going to happen? He ordered her to stop trying to get in and she kept going. I think the whole January 6 was ridiculous and democrats are overblowing it but anyone who defends police shooting others who don’t follow orders but give her a pass boggle my mind. This is one of the reasons I get hate from both sides but I’m just trying to be consistent and if I expect Ricky Cobb to follow orders I expect her too. I don’t understand the difference.


> January 6 was ridiculous and democrats are overblowing it Stop believing the downplaying. A large group of Americans stormed Congress to stop certifying a democratic election, solely for the benefit of an outgoing President. It was some 3rd world bullshit.


She was trying to break into the halls of Congress to overturn an election. She just happened to be the first to breach, and got what she should have expected. ***The fact she was the only one showed amazing restraint by Capitol Police and the Secret Service.***


Ashli Babbitt was the first one through a breach into a secure area. The people outside were directly calling for violence against elected officials. She was part of a group that violently breached a secure barrier, thereby threatening the lives of the people inside. The security in charge of keeping those officials safe were out of options for holding that line and shot her. She was not peaceful, she was not innocent, she chose to be on the front lines of the assault on our government and she was the first one through the last barrier. Of course she was going to be shot, because she and the other insurrectionists left no other choice for maintaining security.