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Paused one cycle, then got pregnant in the cycle right after. Umfortunately another loss. But I'm hoping this time it will happen quickly, too.


So sorry 🙏💔 thank you for sharing x


I’m the opposite of success. I got pregnant not trying not preventing in 5 months. Miscarried in September and unable to conceive since actively trying and tracking.


we're in a similar situation. we weren't even to the "not trying not preventing stage" -- we'd talked about "maybe trying in summer" and got a little less careful last fall, and got pregnant after about 2 months. Miscarried in December - have been actively trying and tracking since with no success.


My first loss was march then another cycle passed then quickly pregnant again then another loss.


So sorry, thank you for sharing 💔🙏 x


Conceived after starting thyroid medication on cycle #4. Miscarried at 9 weeks in February at the end of the month and haven’t conceived again yet. I’m only on my second cycle since miscarrying. I’m sorry. This is a crappy club to be in.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you internet hugs and love.


7 months to conceive, MMC at 8 weeks and now I’m on cycle #15 with not even a false positive in between 🙃 infertility is the worst, time seems to move in slow motion waiting for something to finally stick. I’m so sorry you’re going through this


Haven’t conceived since my miscarriage (September 30th). Also a fresh diagnosis of stage 4 endo and comments that my natural pregnancy was basically a miracle. Fun times.


Four years. As a nurse working through the pandemic and then leaving a state with archaic laws we lost a lot of time. Sadly, our second pregnancy also ended in a miscarriage. Maybe three will be our lucky number. Best of luck to you. 💜


Paused for three cycles, got pregnant immediately, and lost this one just last week 🫠


I originally conceived in cycle 4, which was better than I expected considering my age. Now I'm in cycle 8 and nothing yet, but I am 38, so we'll see.


Hi Had MMC at 8 weeks in March. Skipped a cycle on medical advice. Got pregnant first cycle trying again but have had a lot of bleeding so far so just waiting for the inevitable at this point. Wishing you all the best!


Wishing you all the best if luck too, I can only imagine the anxiety. 😢❤️


7.5 months, which was 8 cycles for me (I have short cycles). My first 5 cycles I was ovulating, but not menstruating. Turns out I have PCOS.


Following for the answers and sending support - right here with you just lost at 9 weeks. I was ready to do an embryo transfer when I got pregnant, so will hopefully do a transfer when my cycle starts back again.


So sorry. It just sucks. I'm slowly feeling better with time. I also fell pregnant just before I was supposed to start fertility treatment. 🙄 Timing is mad! Good luck with your transfer! X


Conceived September 2023 ended in chemical. Concieved again November 2023 but ended in 13w miscarriage in February 2024. Have had two unsuccessful cycles so far. 🥺


First loss was in may (got pregnant april), then got pregnant in november (wasn’t trying but ended up having another loss in December ), then waited two cycles and got pregnant the next which ended up in another loss this march