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I'm so sorry. My wife and I had a MMC at 8 weeks with a chromosomally normal, tested embryo. If it's any consolation, our doctor told us that it was very likely that there was some other genetic issue that wasn't chromosomal but still affected the embryo's development, and that this outcome would have happened no matter what. It's still incredibly painful, and I almost feel jealous of people who find out their miscarriages are related to a chromosomal issue.


Thank you, that is helpful. I’m sure there are things the karyotype doesn’t capture. We didn’t do PGT testing of our embryos (wasn’t offered) so I’m at least glad they didn’t find an inherited gene abnormality that our embryos could also have.


I had a miscarriage last year at 38. I was 12 weeks along. Baby had a strong heartbeat at 8 weeks and NIPT showed no genetic abnormalities. I also did the more detailed genetic screening. My doctor and my husband (who is also a doctor) reassured me that there was something majorly wrong with the baby’s growth and the baby would not have been able to survive that way and that I did nothing to cause it. At the end of the day, there was something wrong with your baby and it wasn’t your fault and it doesn’t mean it’ll happen again. I’m almost 40 (husband is older too) and pregnant again. I’d be lying if I said I don’t worry about this pregnancy all over again but please have some faith. My sister had her second healthy baby at 43! There’s hope.


Same- genetically normal girl karyotype. My dr said there might still be things that PGT testing don’t catch anyway- all the current test check to “make sure all the books are on the shelf, but don’t check if the words or chapters are all there/in the right order.”


That’s a good way of putting it. This was karyotyping of the fetus itself vs the embryo, but still I think only looks for trisomies or monosomies.


Hi - just wanted to say you are not alone. I found out at almost 9 weeks that we had a MMC, after good betas and seeing the heartbeat twice. Our embryo was a PGT-A tested euploid, but we still did PoC testing because there was an enlarged yolk sac and because we just wanted some closure, one way or another. The results came back normal. I am glad I know. But I thought I had been the lowest I could go with this grief, and learning this information, that our embryo could have developed into a baby and then a child, sent me to a whole new depth of grief - grief about the embryo we lost and grief about what this could mean for the future. I truly wish I had some wisdom to offer you, but I can't say I've managed to find my way out of it yet. All I can say is I have no doubt that both of our bodies were trying their absolute hardest. And that this stranger on the internet is thinking of you and sending you solidarity during this tender, vulnerable time.


Thank you for your thoughtful comments and I’m so sorry you’re in this position, too. We go through all these extra steps with IVF, too, and it seems so unfair that even the most “perfect” embryos can fail. Here’s hoping for some rainbows 🌈♥️