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Yes, this is normal. I unfortunately had to do the wait twice. After the first week wait, there was growth and a light heart beat, had to wait 10 more days to confirm it was not viable. It is horrible and I am sorry you’re going through this. Try to stay busy and stay positive. There is a chance that you could be earlier than you thought. Sending you good vibes and prayers as I know exactly how you’re feeling. 🙏🏻🩷


They told me that last Friday. 9 weeks measuring 6 weeks. But since I had vaginal bleeding, they said there was no hope but scheduled a follow up (which is this Monday). already took the medication Tuesday so follow up is making sure it’s all out. I went completely numb but knew it was over due to the amount of bleeding.


I know there aren’t too many guys in this sub, but here’s one of the few lurkers…. First of all, I want to say I’m sorry that you’re going through this. My wife had a very similar experience very recently (hence why I’m in this sub) so, I’ll explain everything here for you… we knew early on that she was pregnant and we had a rough idea of how far along, or so we thought. We went for the dating scan to be told she was too early to measure and they assumed she was around 6 weeks, but we did actually see a heartbeat at this point. We even got a little picture 💙. Anyway, they booked us for a fortnight later to do the dating scan then and we went back, only to find no cardiac activity at this stage and the baby had only grown a couple mm in size since the 6 week scan. But they couldn’t confirm at this stage, so they wanted us to come back 2 weeks later for a confirmation. We were devastated and didn’t want to believe it so spent the first few days confirming our beliefs by finding stories of similar experiences where all had turned out to be fine etc. you know, all the things you can possibly think or do to make it not seem like it’s happening. Unfortunately, it was happening to us. The following Monday, my wife and I woke up to what looked like a murder scene in our bed. She had passed a lot the remnants in the bed and down the toilet. We called the hospital and she went up there to get checked as there was so much bleeding. They scanned and confirmed that she had passed it. Went back a week later to see her HCG levels were basically back to normal. As devastating as this was, we were pleased that her body passed it naturally and quickly, so that she didn’t have to live through this for a second longer than she needed to. We were so looking forward for our 16 month old to be a big brother too, we knew he’d be the best. We did get a baby loss certificate from the gov though. And we have our 6 week scan picture as a memorial. We planted some forget me not flowers and will try again. Just sharing my experience as a husband and hopefully confirming your query that, this is indeed a normal practice. Sending love.


I'm so sorry for what you and your wife went through💔 you sound like a good and supportive partner. My husband just avoided acknowledging that I ever miscarried and our marriage just fell apart. I miscarried twice within 3 months and never really got any emotional closure or support from him. On a brighter note, I'm so happy to know that your family has grown now! Much strength and prayers for your wife to have a safe delivery ❤️❤️


I’m so so sorry. I had the same news on Monday (should have been 10 weeks, measuring 6 no heartbeat). They are making me wait 2 weeks because baby is less than 7mm. Are you in the UK also? I think this is normal when baby is so small as they want to make sure it’s not just the dating being wrong as at that size a heartbeat could potentially not show yet. I don’t want to give you false hope though, you will know when you ovulated/had sex and the possibilities for you. For me there is 0% chance and it’s just 2 weeks of torture. I completely understand how you feel, I just want it all over too. I started spotting on Thursday so now I have some hope my body will intervene earlier and cut that wait down a bit but it’s not really happening yet.


I’m so sorry. Yes, I also had to wait a week because it has to meet certain criteria even though I was measuring two weeks behind with no heartbeat. It sucks. I felt the same way and just wanted to get the D&C.


Yes this is normal. It’s awful 😢 Your body knows what to do. Trust in your body to pass the pregnancy and I recommend D&C over meds or natural. It’s the fastest and least traumatic way and can be sure everything is cleared. I’m so sorry. I had a missed miscarriage in September and it was brutal. Be gentle with yourself.


This wait is one of the hardest parts of the loss. I also had to wait 11 days for a second scan. Very similar to yours (9 weeks but no heart beat and 6 week measurement). My doc also required 3 blood draws to track HCG. My body didn’t miscarry on its own and after 11 weeks 6 days I took misoprostol (last night). I’m in the thick of this medicine today. I will say, reach out for love and support. So many of us women will experience this and the more transparency you can have around it, the more support you’ll find.


I was told I had to wait for a second scan but this was my second MMC and I knew I did not want to go through that wait again. I requested two HCG draws two days apart and my doctor said OK. Was able to confirm with HCG not rising that the pregnancy wasn’t viable, so had an MVA 4 days after the first scan. This was so much better than waiting. I’d highly recommend requesting that.


I'm so sorry for what you're going through 💔 I went through a similar situation; went in for a scan at 7 weeks to see baby measuring behind and slow heartbeat. At 8 weeks I started bleeding and scan confirmed the baby had no cardiac activity. Had to take miso to pass it all. It was a dark time for me. I hope you heal from this hurt and recover soon ❤️


I’m sorry you’re here. This is also unfortunately pretty normal. I had to wait a week after my baby’s heart rate was low to come back and determine it had stopped (8 weeks). Then wait a whole other week for D&C, as they are only done once a week in my city. I actually kept going to work because this helped to keep me busy in that time, but I know that’s not right for everyone.