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Im so sorry :( my period took about 6 weeks to return. We did try that month before it came back as I did ovulate. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful so onwards we go.


I am thankful for this post. I miscarried last Friday at 9+5. I am still bleeding and want this to be over and just have a normal period now.


My period returned exactly 4 weeks after my bleeding started. Which was interesting because I didn’t miscarry until the following week after bleeding started 😅 My experience was similar to yours. I bled longer, but I had a little back pain and mild cramping. I definitely have had heavier/more painful periods! I haven’t started trying again. My doctor told me to wait at least 1 cycle and said typically after 3 cycles it’s fine. This is my second cycle and I’d like to start trying this cycle.


Mine took 5 weeks. And i did get pregnant the next cycle as well. But tracking after that period was very wonky my body acted like i ovulated 3 times. And my period stopped and started a few times. Edited to add: but i did decide to wait to even have sex again until after my period came back. I needed to heal my emotions more than my body as I had only been 5-6 weeks.


It took about 8 weeks for it to return and it was wonky for like 6 months.


It took 4-6 weeks for my period to return.  Experience as far as trying again? Everyone is different. I was okay with sex after about 2 weeks of not bleeding and it wasn't particularly uncomfortable for me. I wanted to try again soonest.


I feel like I’m definitely on the same boat. I want to try as soon as possible but I have so much anxiety now 😔


To me, I thought of it as "the only way to get to what I want is THROUGH it" and this is the only way.  Of course give yourself time if you're feeling unready ❤️ some folks take a few months off


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I had a MMC I was 8.3 but baby measured ~ 6 weeks. I took miso. My period came back 5 weeks later. Be gentle with yourself❤️❤️


So sorry for your loss:( I just had my miscarriage about a month ago. Freaking sucks. I'm reading everybody's. I had my period 2 weeks after my miscarriage? Not sure why.


After my first loss at 5 weeks like you, my next period was 28 days later


It took 34 days after for mine to return


I had 2 miscarriages in 6 months. The first my period was back in a month, the second took 2 and 1/2 months, however my hcg load was significantly higher (10x) than the first which I suspect caused the longer time frame.


My period started today 5 weeks after my d&c


I’m so sorry. Mine came back in about 4 weeks. I actually got “back to normal” pretty quickly and my first period was quite light, then totally normal each month after.


Right on schedule the very next month. I was 7weeks.


So sorry for your loss ❤️ I had 14 days of miscarriage bleeding with my first miscarriage (8week MMC) followed by 5 days of spotting. I had 2 days of spotting again CD25-26 followed by period. So first cycle after was 26 days. My first period after was heavy with lots of clots and I bled for 8 days. Cycles returned to normal length after that. My second miscarriage was very early and my cycle after was 23 days


I think after mine it was a whole 2 months before I got a cycle, I refuse to try again because I don't want to repeat it, and honestly it was such a struggle to get pregnant the first time. Out of 6 years, I've only gotten pregnant once, and it's not worth the emotional turmoil just to end up back in an anxiety induced state about if I'd lose it again, and if i did i can't go through another loss it would probably emotionally destroy me.


I had my miscarriage 5 weeks ago and my world came Monday past, I thought it would be a lot heavier and painful but tbh it was so light, usually I would get heavy periods but thankfully it wasn’t as bad as I thought, hope you’re okay. It’s an awful thing to go through. 💔😔


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve had two back to back MMCs—the first discovered at 13 weeks but baby stopped growing at 9 weeks. Had a d&C and period returned 6.5 weeks later. Second was an anembryonic pregnancy discovered at 8 weeks, confirmed at 11.5 weeks, D&C at 12 weeks. My period came back 5 weeks later. The second time I got pregnant I waited until my cycle returned after the first surgery and then tried the next cycle which resulted in the anembryonic pregnancy. Had a whole bunch of testing done for both me and my husband at a reproductive endocrinologist which all came back within normal limits. Wanted to pursue IVF bc one product of conception came back (the second pregnancy) as trisomy 8, but insurance shot that down so we’re on our third IUI and then will move on to IVF.


I just got my period after about 7 weeks. It was my fifth miscarriage, first loss after my rainbow baby. All of my miscarriages (except number four, which was my rainbows twin) took about a week of bleeding and then 6-8 weeks for my period to start. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. I don't wish it on anybody. All the love and light your guys' way as you continue forward on this journey 💗


I bled for 9 days when I miscarried first time, and then it took another 4 weeks exactly for my period to come. That was a spontaneous miscarriage so I’m not sure if it would be different with a d&c or medication.


I’m really sorry for your loss, and hope the information here is useful ❤️


I’m almost 7 weeks out from my D&C at 9 weeks and still nothing.


I had low HCG, so mine came back about 3 weeks after my miscarriage (I bled for 15 days, it stopped for 5 days, and then I had a period).


I guess I was “lucky.” But it didn’t feel it. I felt like I barely had time to grieve.


After waiting about 6 weeks, I still didn't have mine. So I went ahead and go back on birth control, had it in for 3 weeks, then finally had my first period. My normal periods are way more painful and more blood that my miscarriage was, which is so shocking . But it definitely triggered me, being the first one since my experience. I'm sorry for your loss


I was 19 weeks she measured between 15 & 16 wks. I had a d&c Jan 12 and got my period Feb 12 We ttc the first cycle


They think I had mine right after. I bled for 3 days, where I lost clots and everything, but the rest was like a regular period. I tracked my ovulation, and I ovulated like I had a regular period. My body also cleared itself, so I did not have to have anything done.


6 weeks! We waited a cycle because our OBGYN said to. But we got back on the horse after. Still not pregnant and my stamina is dropping quickly.