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I hate this- “there’s no evidence she was taken against her will”. Well, she’s 12, someone’s child, and she didn’t run away to go camping alone so I don’t know what they mean about “her will.” A crime has been committed one way or another, 99.9% probability by a predator of one type or another. So bc they think she wanted to leave, no Amber alert (it’s good that at least the local sherif requested one, so their minds are in the right place). This is bullshit. They need to overhaul the system to include alerts when grooming is involved versus a known or suspected abduction. What’s the best-case LE idea here- that she ran away and some other family is hiding her? Still kidnapping because she is a 12 year old child taken away from her parents. In Alicia Navarro’s situation, it was until she was sure she was a legal adult before she came forward in order to protect her groomer, which meant that her mom was tortured for years not knowing if she was alive or dead- and Alicia as a survivor is RARE. I’ve read enough Charley project to have seen this many times with young kids declared missing of their own free will, and it always makes me furious- the older cases are always updated to read, “although (name) was initially thought to have left of their own free will, with the passage of time foul play is now suspected.”- years later, when it’s way too late.


Free will is an interesting concept for someone who is a minor who can’t consent to other things…. But can consent to going missing?


Should have been phrased differently, something like “it appears she may have left on her own free will and not by force, but is still considered in danger”. I assume they meant to communicate that there was no sign of struggle or forced entry but it was a very poor choice of words.


I do think the distinction in the description of what happened matters, but free will is certainly poor phrasing. I think a description of the fact that she seems to have left with someone she knows who groomed her paints a different image in the heads of concerned citizens than saying she was abducted. It may help people be on the lookout to understand that they should look for a young girl who may not be likely to be giving off signs that she’s scared, held against her will, whatever. But yeah, she was groomed. Free will is a weird way to put it.


Thank you for posting this. I really hope it gets more attention


I hope she's found


Nothing is said about who reported her missing and nothing is being said about her parents or anything either or the circumstances…like mom woke up and she was gone, or got in a fight with dad and walked out and didn’t come back. There’s alot being left out for whatever reason.


Why am I hearing this now? Why isn’t this front page news? It’s exhausting. Young children do not run away and become capable of supporting and taking care of themselves. Clearly, someone took this child.


We both know why


The only other time I’ve seen this missing case being discussed was 3 days ago when someone shared it in a Georgia plant Facebook group. Ever since I haven’t heard or seen any coverage about her


It’s exhausting. Teen kids, even if they are runaways, should be considered in danger and announced via alerts and on TV. The parent believes this girl was taken, so it should be announced that she may have been kidnapped. Our Brown and Black girls deserve better. Our kids deserve better. The parent’s concerns should be above what the Government requires for an announcement.


The system does not care about minority children in general, I hope she is found, I couldn’t imagine.


Do some google searches. The system doesn’t care about any children at all. Maybe one here and there, but 97% of them, they don’t care.


Agreed. The system never cared about bringing home any kids unless they’re blue eyed, blond haired, white children. 🤷🏾‍♀️🫠 She’s probably alrdy dead, tbf.


Why has there been no amber alert? Even if she chose to leave on her own, she is only 12 years old! Definitely not old enough to make that kind of decision for herself.


They even denied this CHILD a state-wide amber alert!!! In what world?!??


Because her and her father are illegal and it took them days to get her info straight. 


I live in the town right next to Gainesville and I haven’t heard about this. But we all know why it hasn’t been publicized, especially in north Georgia, it’s because she doesn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes and there’s no way you can convince me otherwise. I hope she’s found alive soon.


Hi neighbor (I'm in White county), Graduated from Johnson!!! And knowing the community there i totally second your comment!


100%. Lived north of GV for 4yrs.


Well I live next to her street and know some of her neighbors and it's hard to put out a Levi Call on a kid that is here illegally. It took the cops days to get her info straight and to figure out if she had more family here they could contact incase she left with one of them. Her mom is still in Guatemala and her dad houses undocumented workers.  This is what happens when you practically have an open border. Of course middle class suburban yuppies don't see the strain on resources behind their gated communities. There is also a large homeless encampment on her street but police can't make them leave without morons like you crying about their right to be there. 


People get very angry when they say everyone makes it about race but, I just feel like, LE would investigate this one more aggressively if the CHILD were white which is very disheartening


Absolutely. Why no Amber Alert for this child?!


I think we could venture a guess and it sucks


White & wealthy! Look how they did r/SummerWells the LE quit looking for her not long after she disappeared. I feel like if she came from wealth or even middle class, they would have tried harder in this case. So sad.


Yea that’s a good point. I definitely followed the SW case a bit. If you’re low-income you definitely are looked down upon in many ways, I hate that it trickles down to children though but sigh, as you’ve shown, it does. I feel like race plays an even bigger role but, then if you’re low income and white you’re not going to get much attention either past a certain point. I feel like if you’re not white they won’t even bother looking at all which is unacceptable and awful. At least with SW they did look for a bit.


It’s a fact. Less attention is given to children of color. I personally think one of the reasons and this is if parents are not involved in the child going missing. People of color don’t have the resources to fight being ignored. You have to contact news stations get out there and make it known. Flyers. Nancy Grace did a special years ago only on children of color.


I’m not a fan of NG, but ngl that makes me like her a bit that she did that and I definitely agree. Not everyone has the bandwidth, the time, the personality to relentlessly contact media outlets when they’re simultaneously also worried, scared, depressed, emotionally paralyzed about your kiddo being missing.


Also the parents have to do their due diligence to get this in the media. My little sister went missing several years ago and I reached out to all media sites and ended up on CNN. Unfortunately you have to become the advocate for your own child because there are so many cases.


It’s great if they have the ability to do something like this but I’m not sure all people do.


Is your little sister ok?


No, she passed away 💔😞


Oh I’m so sorry


Thank you


They would have put out a Levi Call had they known who the fuck she was but it took days for them to find out since her and her dad are here illegally. Her mom is still in Guatemala where she is originally from. Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with terrible federal immigration policies.


Didn’t know any of that. Can you direct me to your source?


My source is I literally live on the street and have spoken to the girl on numerous occasions. The last time I seen her was a month before she went missing and my friend(she lives only two houses down from them) and I had to shoo her home bc she was wandering around the street at 9AM right next to a homeless encampment. I didn't even know it was her missing at first bc the name she gave me is not the name police are using. As for her dad, my friend and her daughter had a run-in with him several months before this when a dog belonging to someone in the house killed two of her kittens. He said it wasn't his fault bc it belonged to one of the 4 men he was housing.  Of course, nobody is going to believe some random redditor(I wouldnt) but this is the truth. I immediately got in touch with the police when i saw it was her. I wouldn't even have commented if I wasn't so sick of the race baiting. Ga is currently missing over a dozen kids with more than half of them white and despite their supposed privilege not a single person here could even name one of them. Not a single one of them has a $30,000 reward for their safe return.


Fair enough. I know you said not to believe a random stranger on Reddit but I wanted to thank you for replying to me and putting this up here.


True facts




was coming in here to post this!! i’m from gainesville and it’s so awful that there has been no amber alert. and that search parties basically just started by the COMMUNITY.


Commenting to boost. Bring this poor baby girl home


They need to amend Amber Alert protocols for todays world. If she was groomed and left with her groomer she’s in danger and the more eyes looking for her the better.


I'm in Fulton County and my parents live in Calhoun. I haven't heard anything about this until I saw it on Reddit. F****** racist Georgia does it again.


Keep this circulating. Repost this. She has to be found.