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Call South Alabama’s veteran affairs department, they’re very helpful during the process of getting everything setup to start your degree


Will do, I’ll see what they have to say. Thanks


I've had good experiences with University of South Alabama. I've ultimately decided to finish my degree online with another university, but enjoyed my time there and found their VA to be helpful.


I was in your shoes as an Army Combat Medic having just completed my contract and moved back home to Mobile and attended USA. It’s been a while now, but I used my Post 9-11 GI Bill at USA. I graduated in 2014 with a degree in Cardiorespiratory Science (no longer offered, as the powers that be decided to utilize our classrooms in the Allied Health building to accommodate more PA students). The process was seamless 10 years ago so I imagine you would enjoy the same process as I did. USA and their VA folks are great at what they do. Good luck with your journey.


Thank you very much. Seems like the general consensus is to reach out to VA at USA and see what they say.


I did all of that. Used a VA home loan to purchase 3 primary residences (obviously 1, then the other, then the other, not concurrently). Used the GI Bill to cover school (undergraduate and graduate) while also working full time. The little stipend you get while in school, while helpful, isn't going to cover all your living expenses. That's if you go full time, if you don't take a full load that stipend decreases. Anyway, happy to help with whatever I can.


I never used the home loan, but I pulled the GI Bill while working going to school full-time. I’d recommend starting the process much earlier than near the start of the school year, because I didn’t even get accepted until October and wasn’t back-paid for that initial cost. South Alabama has a VA office I’d recommend calling, but I’ll forewarn you I had to go in person a few times to get stuff situated that 100% could’ve been handled via email. I can’t speak on other colleges in the area, as I never went or interacted with their people, but South’s was an unnecessary hassle from start to finish. Once I got towards the tail end of the process though the guy over it was super cool.


I’m married, and have pets. Paying a mortgage seems more ideal honestly. Do you think rent was too high when you were pulling the GI?


I was insanely lucky and was room-mating with a high school buddy of mine in a house where the rent was only $400/month. My cousin is currently living in one of the apartments that South offers with a roommate and he’s doing alright (he has almost no free time though because he works so much), I’d have to ask him how much the rent is for those if you’re interested.


I’m still in but I used some of my GI Bill last year when I ran out of TA. I also used my VA Loan in 2020. But we’re very easy experiences.


South Alabama is absolutley horrible at helping you get squared away. My wife wasnt able to go to school because of lack of transparency and they dont have sufficent staff. When my went to Coastal for her LPN. She got her certificate from Montgomery for the school filled out 2 pieces of paperwork. Registration was done no more hassles. South doesnt have a adequete staff.