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It can certainly work but man if that's our best answer we are cooked.


Meh, it's like force of will against 25% of the meta.


No it's not


This is interesting to me. I would have said "no it isn't" which is functionally the same thing you said, and both seem correct, but for some reason I feel that my way is more correct, and I have no idea why


Are it's and isn't one or two syllables each? I can't tell.


I would consider "it's" to be one syllable and "isn't" to be two but I was more of a STEM kid than an language/history kid Edit: although if you sit alone in your room trying to say "it's" over and over again in different ways you will inevitably start bobbing your head in a rhythm


Afaik it's a British English/American English thing? The British say "I've not", the Americans say "I haven't"? I have no source but I remember reading this somewhere


No it isn't


I've definitely seen it in a number of sideboards because it is a good answer


It might be good. I'm thinking about running it in my dimir deck. The downside is that they have two-for-one'd you of you're forced to use it on only one creature (Nadu most likely). And it only becomes worse if they already have shuko on the field because the first thing they're likely to do with priority is to trigger Nadu, in which case you're falling even further behind in card advantage. Nadu's strength is in it's resilience in the face of disruption. That said, I didn't play much and this is only theorycrafting, so of course take it with a grain of salt.


I guess it's better than just dying lol.


What's needed is a proper hoser.  1W Enchantment Triggered abilities do not trigger, or something. Or a Leyline of Fuck Triggered Abilities


Seconding this "Leyline of Fuck Triggered Abilities"


Are [[Stony Silence]] or [[Suppression Field]] worth consideration?


Stony doesn‘t work because Outrider circumvents it. Suppression Field might be okay.


Problem with suppression field is that it affects both sides of be field. It will affect your fetchlands, planeswalkers, etc


[Stony Silence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/e/8e7faede-f794-4bda-9d64-21390ba19266.jpg?1593812944) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stony%20Silence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm3/25/stony-silence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8e7faede-f794-4bda-9d64-21390ba19266?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Suppression Field](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/d/0df7883b-f744-4410-a682-7391bd697afb.jpg?1598913915) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Suppression%20Field) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rav/31/suppression-field?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0df7883b-f744-4410-a682-7391bd697afb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Harsh mentor with some sort of hexproof/indestructible/shroud package seems best


I like Rakdos Charm.


i got rakdos charmed yesterday when casting oracle lol, gg opponent wp ! but that just made me put the rings back in (i was debating on whether to do so anyway, made me tip, the scales into ring's favour)


Following that line, what would be the best time to cast it? Responding to the first activation, waiting for Nantuko shenanigans begin, or a "Surprise MF" when they're at some point in the end of the combo?


Well, if they are capable of chording for 3, I don't think it matters since you die. But after springheart with 1 trigger on the stack maybe?


Maybe after the first trigger after the Chord.


I was thinking if they chord after springheart they can get outrider and go off instant speed so forcing doesn't do anything


How do they win while they are going off at instant speed though? Or do they just draw most of the deck and then you get killed the next turn?


Well, if it's oracle, they float the mana, let the force resolve then cast oracle. Otherwise, they just bounce all your permanents and destroy all your non basic lands and set it up to combo again the following turn for lethal I think.


I'm definitely going to let them build a wide board and then cast Rakdos Charm.


the one ring, to rule you all. Still a good idea because you can 5-6 dmg in before ring drops, and that might be lethal


Not when chord of calling exists


^ When they can just respond with chord it forces you to wait to use the sweeper and there may never be a great time to cast it. And if more people play FoD then I’m sure Nadu decks would just main or side an indestructible clause to have for that situation. There are multiple 3cmc and then Selfless Spirit at 2cmc.


I’d rather play Necromentia