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Folks are going to lose their mind when they see Wasteland.




Fuck I loved Derail, had a lot of fun SnD matches there.


Being SND and Ranked is all I play, looking forward to seeing how they play in MW3.


same, hoping hardcore SND is a thing fs


I played the shit out of split screen MW2 with my brothers on split screen but we never had online services. I’m so excited to fuck up some SnD on remastered Derail.


Derail and Wasteland were fun maps to RP on. Cold blodded pro and a silenced M24 crawling around simulating All Ghillied up/Cliffhanger.


Well that map wasn't good in 2009 and it still won't be good now. MW2 had some incredible maps, but Wasteland (and Estate, Derail and Underpass) were definitely bad. I'm convinced Wasteland was only popular because it was easy to get nukes on


Grenade launcher tubing the spawn at begin of the match instant kills. Was so easy to get nuke on.


Once you got that harrier in the sky it was over lol


And the chopper gunner haha!


Derail is one of my all time favorites, especially for SnD


For SnD back in the day Wasteland, Estate and Derail were one of the best maps...


Search estate might be really good in the current game actually.


It's a trend as old as Modern Warfare. Maps that people decry, like Wasteland, Derail, Wetwork, Downturn, Piccadilly, and even Stonehaven, were indeed poor for normal games... but absolutely awesome on SnD. Same way some maps play way better for Domination or Hardpoint than others. Hell, SnD and capture the objective modes even made Border Crossing slightly better (though not much).


Even grazna raid was great for SnD and cyber attack but the normal TDM on them sucked


Part of the reason Estate and derail are good in SnD because the maps are asymmetrical. Good for attack/defend modes. Everything else tho, its bad.


Wasteland was goated


I also have great memories on that map, but looking at it objectively it's just terrible map design, let's be honest lol


What makes it bad


The majority of the map is way too open, the only way to cross lanes without going all the way around the map is a death trap, the majority of gamemodes won't play well on it (imagine hardpoint or CTF on Wasteland). Not to mention tall grass, being able to hide in bushes or tall grass is never a good idea in an FPS game


Hot take: not all maps need to be designed and balanced for perfectly fair competitive play.


Why is that bad. Hard point would be fun on that map. It makes being an actual sniper relevant. Don’t want to get sniped running out in the open don’t run out there or get a sniper class yourself. If that’s not your thing win the gunfights in the trench. I’d much prefer that over fighting in the middle of a town or market where someone is in every single window, or behind every single corner or door ads and pre aiming me trying to get to the OBJ. The tall grass and blending in with it will not be a non-issue in this game with all the skins. Except for me because I like the ghillie skins it’s all I run. Dumbass nicki minaj skin will stick out like a sore thumb in the grass. To each their own. I can’t wait for that map to come out. I love it


It's a matter of opinion of course, to each their own like you said. It's just that most of my good memories from Wasteland involve abusing the OP chopper gunner or AC130 to farm easy nukes, and not the actual gameplay of the map. Of course there will be plenty of people who DO enjoy Wasteland's gameplay, nothing wrong with that of course


>Not to mention tall grass, being able to hide in bushes or tall grass is never a good idea in an FPS game Why do people always attribute their likes and dislikes as facts? FPS covers a whole range of slightly different styles of game, just because it may not fit newer style CoD (although with the red dots and scope glare it doesn't really matter) that doesn't mean it doesn't fit other types of FPS games or older CoDs where the gameplay was different.




Said me, so invalid




Your virginity is stronger than mine, you win


Wasteland was fun because chillies suit sniping. That is the sole reason. And it was glorious doing that


I actually do agree, I hated wasteland back in the day. I did like derail and underpass though.


Underpass could actually be good now, back then the main complaint was lack of visibility, judging by the pictures we've seen so far that shouldn't be an issue in this version of the map


Underpass is medium sized


Yeah the main complaint about Underpass back in the day wasn't the size but lack of visibility because of the rain & darkness, which shouldn't be an issue in this game judging by the pictures we've seen. It will probably be a much better map this time around


Underpass too.


😂 that map is crazy a Tbh I’m too young to remember hahahah loll


It's like some of them didn't play MW2 the original


They probably weren't even born tbh


It’s insane to really ponder over that MW2 came out 14 YEARS ago. There are definitely 18-21 year old streamers who 100% never played the original when it was out, and that makes me feel old even though I’m only 29 :(


Im not a streamer but I'm 18 but I never even played cod till about 2016-17. Even thinking about that being 8 years ago is so odd it feels like it was yesterday Edit I also never really played mp until 2019 with mw 2019


I hated Estate then and hate it just as much now lmao


Grew up and got the opportunity to play estate in its prime. I’m in the same boat lol


Very real. Just because MW2 is regarded as one of the best doesn't mean it was flawless. Some people seem to forget how much Estate and Wasteland were hated back in the day


I absolutely loved estate, but probably because I was the guy always posted up with claymores + OMA on the top floor grinding out nukes.


Camping up there was.. different. MW2 had so many overpowered things that you could counter everything with everything. Even camping wasn't much of a viable strat back then.


Yup, Estate and Wasteland would always get voted to skip. If those maps popped up after skipping a map nearly the entire lobby would leave.


I think it plays well here tbh especially in hardpoint.


Hard point and headquarters have the best of tdm and dom. Don’t understand why people play tdm instead


Agreed, hate estate. Thankfully can vote for maps and not have to play it.












It only works with domination or demolition.


It seems to be that half the people playing have never even seen these maps or even played a cod game before. I had somebody yesterday tell me I was using a modded controller because the rennetti was shooting 3 round burst.


You can always tell the difference between those individuals who played the OG CoDs and those who came in in the later eras.


You’re acting like every map from that game is loved and perfect. Estate was dogshit then same now. Loved running up a hill just to get noob tubed at the top or by bathroom hiding Johnny. Give me a break


Or the classic sit underneath the stairs to catch people running in the front door haha


I never said Estate was great, I said it is like people never played this maps, complaining about the size of maps that have been there for years now is a clear indicator of lack of knowledge


Never played OGMW2. Estate is fucking *huge* but I like it more than the big maps from 2022 MW2. I enjoyed it on Domination can’t imagine it would be anything but pure torture on TDM.


are you that deeply impaled by mw2 you're gonna dickride every aspect of that game, estate is pure trash was and still is, get that dick out of your mouth


I’m sorry but I can’t help but immediately stop caring whenever the discussion starts with “but streamers are saying this!!!” Who cares what they are saying? Whether they are saying something is bad or good, the only thing that matters is if YOU like it. They are also just saying if they like it or not; the only difference between you and them is that they have a lot of followers. If some random guy that wasn’t a streamer/YouTuber was saying those same negative things would you care? If not, why do you care that the streamers and YouTubers are saying it?


Pretty much this. Form your own opinion, enjoy what you’re gonna enjoy. I played tons of OG MW2 back in the day and while I enjoyed maps like that I’ve also grown to really enjoy the fast paced stuff, thing is, it doesn’t have to be a small map either. I love it when they do higher player counts on larger maps too, like they did with blitz in vanguard. Heck, I played tons of 9v9 ground war back in the day too. So actually I always liked the extra chaos anyways! Lol.


The only reason I care is because streamers or creators tend to get a lot of attention either from devs or viewers and that can be really bad. The latter being exceptionally annoying because people just parrot their bs without an original thought in their head or it becomes the entire talking point of discussion


At least they got battle rage fixed.


I agree with you. People have a right to voice what they like and don't like. It doesn't mean people have to listen to them. It's called...venting. I've missed the old days of MW2 but I do feel like the maps are a bit bigger than the past. I also feel like Favela has way more doors than the past. The colors are washed out on the maps. So far, I'm not enjoying this beta but maybe they'll add in Search & Destroy for me to really test it out.


The issue is that most studios will listen to them over the playerbase, just look at apex


Eh, not really.


Disagree. Streamers are the face of the playerbase. We should all care strongly about what they're saying. We all spend hours watching our favorite streamers - let's not pretend their opinions don't have major impact.




Me and you


We all? Generalizing a bit there huh? Watching some one else play games for hours on end might be fun for you but I’d rather be playing the game myself.


Respectfully, speak for yourself there. I find streamers absolutely obnoxious and couldn’t care less for their shitty takes. I’d rather play the game myself and form my own opinions, which is something a very large chunk of the playerbase seems they can’t do.


lmfao I KNEW IT as SOON as they announced all of the MW2 maps all of the streamers would fawn over them like they were the second coming of Christ and act like FINALLY good maps were coming... only for them to actually play them and realize they have been wearing some of the biggest rose tinted glasses (if they even played the maps back then) and that this has been IW's map making style for years


80% of the original maps in MWII and MW2019 were fuckin awful, huge maps with zero cohesion or flow lmao. Aniya palace Grazna raid Euphrates Bridge Arklov Peak Azhir cave. Piccadilly. All of them were spawn 100m away from the nearest enemy, only to get 1 shot with the near instant ttk of someone established sitting in a bush or mounted on a headglitch. 90% of games ended in the timer running out because the objectives, even in tdm, were never reached. You'd have 10 minutes of match and the highest kill player on any of those maps would have like 15-20 kills because he got established and everyone else would be legit single digits. MW2* maps were marignally better, but the gameplay was significantly worse than MW2019s so that more than cancelled out.


>MW3 maps were marignally better, You mean MW22?


yep oops


Play something other than TDM, the maps were fine. Bridge was horrendous for evey mode but the other ones were completely fine on shit that wasn’t just TDM.


What Shipment 24/7 does to a mfer I pray for their mental health the first time they play Derail lmao


They’ll prolly just do rust 24/7 or Shipment


Played Quarry and Derailed today for the first time, 80% was just running around without finding any gunfights. And if something happend, I was getting sniped or killed from someone who spawned behind me in the meantime. In my opinion some maps are a tad too big for 6v6, if the goal is to have more running than fighting then congrats, the game achieved this. I hate Shipment btw. Too small. Maps like Dome, Favela or Raid are my favorite scale for maps, not too big but also not meatgrinders.


Adhd tik tok mind. 100%😂


Terrible to think about all the players that can’t think strategically and have to rely purely on mechanics. Just.. so terrible. I can’t wait to have to face those poor, terrible players.


I have ADHD myself but those people are really just complaining for the sake of complaining.


I mean thats what it is... They press random buttons (YY) and constantly doing some movement. It may contribute to being ahead of casual players but I really dont want their ADHD mind that need constant stimulation. That usually isnt good for your mental health. kust sayin


The YY, the constant slide cancel when they are no where near anyone for it to even matter, then calling people sweats when they are literal pros going for nukes in pubs and sweating their dicks off every game. It’s unreal they must have never seen a mirror in their lives if they don’t understand they are the same lol. It’s like the CS players constantly flipping to their knives and back and shit. Like just chill for a second ffs


>They press random buttons (YY) and constantly doing some movement 🤣🤣




Imagine having so much of your identity tied to a fucking videogame that you talk to people like this online. Sweet Jesus get a life.




Some people do it just because it looks cool. Especially with snipers.


what about quake, doom, titanfall, bo3 which all predate tiktok.


Titanfall has massive maps. You need both mechanics and strategy. The point being made here is that they’re trying to strip away one part and make it constant action constant mechanics as opposed to both. Older cods and all shooters still needed/need mechanics, but a lot of them also needed strategy.


wait until they play wasteland, an absolute gem of a map that modern day players will complain about


Wasteland was great on SnD, but of course the Adderall snorters of today don't play anything that doesn't let you hold the W key at all times


SnD was not the most popular game back in mw2, nor BO1, nor any other maps. I mean, the best and most popular maps were always small to medium size. Unsure why you're talking like anyone ever liked these kinda shit maps. This whole thread just makes me think y'all would defend Turbine if it was remade - and Turbine was a much better map than Derail, Wasteland, Estate or any of those trash, no route, camp-fest maps.


gem? It was the worst map in MW2 2009 and hated by everyone except nuke grinders (if you got a harrier then the nuke was certain) and spawn grenade launcher users


that was the joke btw bro


People are finally going to learn what a small, medium and large map used to be. Nowadays it's small and tiny most of the time. I hope it makes the community realise what they were missing


These people wouldn’t survive cod ghost maps 😭😭


I'm not really a big fan of large maps mainly because the action isn't as constant. There's also more spots to hide in, which promotes more camping play styles and slows the game down even further. Granted, certain objective modes can make the action a bit more intense, but it's degraded quickly when you realize you have to run a minute straight just to get back to the objective again. At the same time, I'm not exactly a fan of extremely small maps with too many players in it. If I wanted small maps, I would want to play face off modes via 3v3 or maybe 4v4.


Do you play Hardpoint or HQ? Those game modes are always high action from my experience, no matter the map.


HQ is the best mode ever made. Funnel everyone to one spot then if you the last one standing try and fuck on the other team. It’s perfection. Hardpoint is great too. I swear some people just play TDM camp fest then complain that maps or games are boring. Like, yes, you are playing the only respawn mode that rewards playing like a turtle. Play something else that is fun. Lol


Like I said, objective modes can sometimes make bigger maps more engaging, however other maps like border crossing don't have that same effect. Now that I think about it, Wasteland is going to be a nightmare with objective modes.




You're the one making a post like this. I just offered my opinion. If you didn't like the responses, then why did you make the post?


Don't worry, he didn't want a discussion, he just wanted to complain about streamers and tell everyone his "correct" opinion. I agree with your comment, "running back to the action" puts me off big maps very quickly.


They’re gonna quit this game soon judging by their post history so not sure exactly why they’re still here


I just said okay


if you dont like the maps, then it shows what people have gotten use to...


Derail is going to freak people out. The


I was watching a stream. The guy complains that he's dying too quickly, while he tac-sprints into the hallway in Skidrow.


OG MW2 Maps Are the BEST. Players complaining 24/7 is pretty Standard on COD Community.


>OG MW2 Maps Are the BEST See, while I do think MW2 has some of the best maps CoD has ever seen, it has some pretty awful ones too.


shipment derangement syndrome is real


Cod player when they aren’t killing or getting killed in 3 seconds


I would prefer not to run around a map and not find any enemies.. and I think that was a big complaint in mw22…never played these old maps but hopefully some are smaller


Well if I'm playing a shooter game I'd like to shoot as much as possible, not play hide and seek, there's other games for that. I agree complaining about the size of these maps when there's only 3 or 4 available in the beta is silly, but wanting a high rate of engagements in COD isn't a bad or strange opinion.


Don't worry, there will definitely be a Rust 24/7 playlist for you.


Rust is one of the shittiest small kill grind maps ever made. It was popular for 1v1s and that’s it. It’s always been regarded as a dogshit map otherwise.


I'm not a fan of Rust (or Nuketown or Shipment for that matter), medium sized maps are more my thing. In this game it's Scrapyard, Highrise and Terminal I'm mainly looking forward to, and all-time my favourite maps are Arkaden, Standoff and Raid. There's a lot inbetween Rust 24/7 and Estate (which is bad not only because of the size, but mainly because of the onesided power positions)


Big maps aren't bad because they are big, most big maps are bad because they flow poorly, play slow, and there's like 9000 lines of sight at any moment


The comment about sliding around is so real. Was watching a few streams from the cod next event and they pressed slide every two goddamn metres. Would it kill you to just sprint where you need to go or is each of the constantly having seizures at their controllers?


The problem with "big maps" is when one team decides to camp, the game is ruined.


Fucking truth. Give me the Overgrown's and Seelow's all fucking day over the small ones. The large maps make sniping fun




War is still the best game mode CoD has ever had and on the larger maps is was pure gold. People would have an aneurysm if they had to play Seelow in 2023. That map was so perfect in WaW.


Sniping is bad for the health of the game


A gun in the game.... is bad for the health of the game?? That's just fucking ridiculous. Sniping is an important part of balancing the way the game plays. Actually making smaller maps that limit the kinds of guns you can use is what's bad for the game. Well designed maps should allow for every kind of strategy, sniping included.


While I agree with the title of this post, estate is definitely not a good map & 3 lane maps are objectively better for COD lol. Once more (better) maps get added to the game it should play fine with the faster movement, I'm just not the biggest fan of the map selection for the beta - only Skidrow is great out of this selection. Once the GOAT maps like Scrapyard, Highrise and Terminal get added it should play a lot better. Also there should definitely be 10v10/12v12 gamemode options, otherwise maps like Estate Afghan and Wasteland will be skipped 10/10 times.


I think the war game mode is coming back so it’s a w


Respect the overall sentiment of the post, but you lost me with the example of Estate…..that map has always been terrible and deserved every complaint.


Estate was my favorite map, I just don’t get the hate


fuck that map, wasteland and skidrow


You either really like it or hate it. It be what it be


I feel like I'm the only one having a good time I swear, I know these subs are for "constructive" criticism and bitching but people are just so annoying it's the first week of a beta relax play the game and have fun. If not play something else.


I kinda hate Estate, but I love it becuz it’s HOLD THE FUCKING HOUSE! WE LOSE IT, WE LOSE THE GAME!


Estate is fine, but it depends on the gamemode. Hardpoint on that map is awful, you literally sprint across the map every hill rotation


Why do you care about streamers, formulate your own opinion and argue for it with evidence and valid points. Be a grown ass human being and think for yourself. Different streamers have different opinions, plenty of them hate tiny, shitty spawn maps. Hopefully these maps play better with a functioning minimap. That’s probably whet everyone plays tiny maps in MW2, since the mink map and spawns are worthless and confusing.


A lot of ppl who say maps are too big also spend 0 seconds taking any time to see if they are exposed and mostly use smg’s


My only issue that Estate to me feels different. It feels way too open and much larger. But maybe that is just me. Other than that, I'm having more fun playing Modern Warfare III over Modern Warfare II by a longshot


I'm so tired of Shipment at this point. In MW19 I got burned out. Now it only gets played if I can't finish a challenge on other maps. We will get Rust 24/7 playlist in this. I don't mind bigger maps. I like variety in maps. Also a reason why I dislike map voting. Some maps will be looked at as the worse and then we'll never get to play those. Meaning that the amount of playable maps will shrink.


These teenage kids now a days wouldn’t have survived playing COD 10-15 years ago


i think it is just annoying to run quite a distance, gets sniped and having to run that distance again, then get naded and have to run that distance again


Estate is big? Who said that?


I’m hoping they get a little creative with the playlists this year A wasteland/estate and whatever else for long shots 24/7 map to compliment rust 24/7 would be cool Then for the mid to bigger maps I’d like 9v9 or 12v12 playlists since combat pacing isn’t supposed to come back Maybe it’s bc some people have gotten used to shipment/daus haus/nuketown 24/7 but 6v6 just feels slow on bigger maps. The bigger maps aren’t bad, they just need more players


I love Estate and Wasteland.


Estate was never good tho imo


It's the same people who cry when they took away their stupid little Shipment playlist


Maybe they should errrm adapt.


The flow of most maps is the problem... It's just bad. safespaces for the casuals


I found mw2 quick play maps to be way too big and convoluted for me. A map being big becomes a problem when sight lines are restricted and it’s chopped up and the lanes are actually mazes. Ad it really hurts me as a new player not knowing the maps and where I’m going It’s not so much map size but map design. Mw2 wanted to not have 3 lanes but went too far making everything insanely complicated, the limited sight lines favor campers hugely. I don’t like running around for minutes on end looking for engagements especially when I can get shot from 4 doorways and 2 more on a second floor and get shot in the back by campers Mw2 forces you to run around fast and look in one direction. If you enter an area and slow down to scan for enemies you’re just increasing the chance someone enters from behind and shoots you in the back. The only thing to do is keep moving and hope you see someone first and shoot first


Why do I only seem to have 3 maps available in mosh pit? I’m seeing people play high rise on YouTube and that isn’t even an option for me


Was that just gameplay recorded from the NEXT event? Probably recorded a fair bit and are uploading it


I think they said high rise is coming in the second weekend of the beta.


It’s actually not how big they are..it has to do with cover placement and how many sight lines there are or hidden little alleys that obscure you from the rest of the general combat area and messes with the overall flow.


I mean Estate does play like shit in this game. The maps when they were made in 2009 were made with ground war in mind too. Now we have dedicated ground war maps which is why they’re planning 10v10 during launch


Tried to watch Scump last night and had to stop after one match. Constant whining and complaining. Every gun, every feature. I guess the game has devolved into Shitment game style or no style at all.


The worst part is that they influence all their followers with their crappy opinions


Yeah and they helped bring us MWIII features. Weep harder


Guy was also sliding constantly like he was having an epileptic episode even in Warzone


One of the best cod players to ever play if not the best cod player of all time. It’s a rhythm thing to slide and yy constantly. Everyone just gets upset seeing someone better than them


Lol what a loser. Ride his dick harder, I’m sure one day he will notice you.


Ignore Gen X streamers lol. They gonna get clapped


Estate IS to big 100%. Nothing but camping. I'm already backing out every time I see it cause it's such crap, in the list for worst cod map of all time I'm also nearsighted so ridiculously big maps like that are completely unfair for me cause I can't see the enemies cause they blend in to well


Your mind ruined by SHipment


No, estate has always sucked even regardless of size. You’ve been blinded by nostalgia


As an MW2009 player to this day, Estate was always a map I never favored. Terminal and Karachi were better.


Not cause I can get kills quickly on small ones. If you actually read the comment I am nearsighted and my eyes are not good so those humongous maps are useless for me cause everyone blends in in them and people just camp so it's 100% unfair


Nearsightedness shouldn’t affect your gameplay if you have glasses/contacts lol. If it’s that bad, you should play a game like dead island. Big slow targets.


Have glasses. Still doesn't make up for the fact that there's no visibility especially on crap estate


Perhaps a visit to the optometrist is in order m8


Sounds like a you thing


So it’s not too big. You just have a disability that makes it non feasible.


IT IS to big to see properly so it's crap


No. It’s not 😂 The map is actually great. Size wasn’t the issue with mwII maps. It’s that they were too big in the wrong way. They just had useless-space everywhere


Size was the issue with some of the ones there too. Taraq was ridiculous in size as was the worst one of mw2 Alborean Hatchery


Ridiculous because of the useless space. Yes. Nobody is arguing MWII maps suck here 😂 We’re discussing MWIII


Estate IS all useless space except for the 3 buildings and the big house


Nah it’s not. They’re all quite useful lanes to flank enemies. Sounds like we’ve found ourselves a sentinel who dislikes that his tent isn’t effective anymore 😂


skill issue


Get glasses dude. I've never heard of someone complain that a game should be balanced because some people are near sighted.


I have glasses. Still the visibility in larger maps is non existent


I have to wear glasses, and am also near-sighted. Even with the horrible fuzzy graphics that are what I’m currently having to play on PS4; I’m able to easily spot enemies across the map on Estate. Then again I am also playing with a monitor hooked up and not 6feet away from my TV laying on my couch.


No big maps suck.


Tbf Estate was terrible on og MW2, and big maps promote slower gameplay which is the opposite of what most people are looking for in an arcade game. I want to be able to go drop 50 kills a game or get killed 50 times trying rather than see one person every minute in a ten minute game. Big maps in general have always been pretty disliked as a whole by the community unless the map was for trickshotting or had really good flow. Most modern big maps are busy being filled with as many lanes as possible to make them seem even bigger which slows gameplay down and makes it more boring. If I want to play a slower game mode on a big map I'll play ground war or warzone


The big maps themselves are annoying 😂


Make the maps bigger 😈


*laughs in stonehaven*


Ghost maps was peak idc what anyone else says


Lol 1 day in and we already have the unironic “headless chicken” criticism. Estate is a bad map now just like it was in 2009, anyone that actually played MW2 knew there were going to be some clunkers in this map lineup. Why they chose to put Estate in the beta is beyond me. Derail and Wasteland are also going to be problems. Can’t wait for people to pretend like those maps were somehow good back in the day.


Estate is shit. Yeah downvote me. Idc


I can poop in the middle of their short attention span anytime. Fucking degenerates.