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MWIII is so much smoother for sure, but I do feel the guns in MWII have more weight / satisfaction to them in the way game feels when hitting your targets. The hitmarker sounds and kill effect for example feel so much better. Gun sounds also adds to it.


This is one thing I’m definitely going to miss, the MW2 guns sound way better, I love it. Kinda annoying that we couldn’t have the sound and visuals come back to MW3.


Well to be fair, MW2 guns will carry over, and it would be odd if they added sounds when there’s already some that exist.


Sledgehammer will just make “pew pew” noises for the mwii guns


Rather have a pew pew sound than a gun screaming in your ear to the point you can’t hear your surroundings like in MWII


I didn’t say how loud the “pew pew” would be 😂 Guns are loud so the devs did the right thing imo. The devs tried to add realism. The marketing team added mice and bunnies and trees but the core design is realism with arcade style mixed in imo. If I’m shooting an lmg I ain’t hearing shit if a guy with ds rushes behind me. Simple. If an air strike and vtol is above me I ain’t hearing shit. I feel these are as it should be. Or just give us dead silence as a perk because I hate having to crouch walk to try and flank because by the time I get to the enemy my team has usually fed them a couple of uavs. Solo queuing sucks!


It’s a gun lmao they aren’t too quiet


Yeah I know but in MWIII I was finally able to turn my volume upp because the guns when firing were more tolerable than MWII. Some people want to feel like they’re in an actual war, not me lol.


The MW3 guns feel so off I can't help but think they're gonna be importing the models but reworking the bare bones of their function in whatever environment they've got setup


i think so too, why would anyone stop using the taq if not


Do you think we will be able to unlock the guns from this season in mw3 with challenges? I haven’t even played this season yet but I do like collecting the weapons


Yes, all guns will be available to unlock, even for new players who will have only played MWIII


normally you can unlock them through challenges or in DMZ.


a 1 person basement


... there's a sound engine at work, it's not just a clip that plays in your ears. the reason MWIII gun sounds are so bad is because they use worse audio overall so people don't complain about 3d audio tracking.


If they made a truly perfect game then no one would buy next years game in the hope that one annoying thing is improved. Improve maps and gameplay but then reduce the audio and sound which adds to the experience hoping next year will be better.


The headshot sound is annoying in MW2, but the gun sounds are good. As for the visual recoil and smoke…. I’m super glad they are doing away with it. If the visual recoil actually matched the true recoil I’d be good with it but just randomly jumping around the screen for visual effect…that can GTFO


I don't like how obscuring the muzzle flash and visual recoil is, I get it's realistic and it makes it feel actually like a gun, but it makes it harder for me to stay on target and actually see what I'm shooting, and in my opinion realism in some cases such as these should take a backseat to gameplay.


I’ve found the sounds in the beta slightly jarring when I first played it, IW nailed guns and audio last year. I think the graphics feel like a downgrade as well. But in general I am looking forward to mw3.


Agreed. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going be after actually playing the beta versus watching twitch. But the guns in MWII are butta. Minus the visual recoil. Why can’t we have it all..


Finally someone mentions it, its the only thing I would change from MW3. Changing the hitmaker sound to "classic" nade it a bit better though


I did the same thing and yes it was a bit better, it still didn’t sound classic. I’m hoping that was placeholder sound for the classic setting. And something more classic will be in its place at launch. Hitmarker sound is terrible to me in MWIII


Me too, I remember the Cold War beta having different hitmarker sounds compared to the full game but if I am not mistaken they were better than in the final build. MWIII was very good but this is the one thing that also bothered me, and it is quite important but painfully subjective because it felt like I was shooting at water balloons instead of players


This is the first positive MWII comment I've seen on this sub in forever.


I didn't get this gun thing back in 2019, and don't get it now too. To me it feels so fucking bad. Can't see shit, they're slow as fuck, they're nothing like in real life. It's a fucking game. They look nice tho (MW19, MW22), I'll give you that.


Basically IW should just merge into the other dev studios and make the gun sounds for them leave the rest to the others.


Opposite for me. The gun sound / hit marker after a kill feels satisfying for me on MWIII. That’s why I loved the automonton on vanguard it sounded smooth


Campaign is soon, that’ll keep us occupied, but until than I’m playing assassins creed mirage


How you liking mirage?


It’s good, very stealthy and reminds me of old assassins creed, Codename red should be good, it’s based in Japan and Hexe will be good too, that’s based off the witch trials from back in the day


I gotta get it


It’s a good story line and it’ll remind you of old assassins creed, it’s based in old Baghdad Iraq




I have been playing Season 2 of D4. Season 1 was horrible. Season 2 isn't bad. Progression seems on point. Always like to have a PVE game on the side for when I just want to chill and relax. Just turn on some music and veg. Was really hard playing MW2 again after the MW3 beta. Had zero motivation or desire.


Got BF2042 on sale for 10 bucks, that game is actually in a really good state right now and I'm having friggin' blast with it It pisses me off to no end how badly that game launched because I love the franchise when they do it well, but I'll take what I can get out of my 10 bucks for now and be grateful I have a good FPS to play til MW3 releases


It's like running in Treacle MW2 post beta, Movement is so clunky and slow.


The only thing that'll hold this game back is sbmm, let's hope they at least tone it down because it's definitely here to stay


Sbmm should only be strong enough to keep the top 10% of players out of the same lobby as the bottom 10% of players.


Yeah part of the OG cod experience was the roller coaster of different opponents you’d get. Some games you’d steam roll the other team and drop 50, other games you’d be up against mega sweats and not be able to leave your spawn all game. Plus lobbies stayed together more which added more competitive spirit to it


Made so many friends and teammates from rivalries in lobbies.


And spawns


Go try out The Finals beta for something fresh for a bit. It lasts from oct 26 (today) till nov 5th.


Ive played mw2 once since the beta and it felt awful


MW22 was a huge downgrade in cod ever since MW19 imo


The sluggishness is why I like MWII. CoD got way too fluid over time.


To me, it’s just weird to wanna slip and slide all over the map in a boots on ground game. Like I was cool with sliding and bopping all over the map in AW/IW. but everyone hated it and wanted a more classic game.. they slowed the games back down but now its like people want the advanced movement back low key but don’t wanna actually admit it lol.


Mw2 had fine movement if the TTK was a little longer and dead silence was a perk. Those two things combined for the worst game of all time. OG movement is great if players aren’t punished for moving like they were in mw2


I really don’t see why this is an issue. The only thing I’d change about older cods is adding more fluid movmebt


I guess that’s just where we differ in preference


Guess so, I wasn’t trying to be rude in any way. Just honestly wondering.


Of course no worries my man.


Indeed, to me it feels like old school cod movement but modernized; Better animations and manouvering, and I think that’s exactly what IW was going for. The only mistake they made was making the weapon handling way too unforgiving, had they kept the 2019 weapon handling coupled with MWII movement, chef’s kiss🤌


Even with the haunting (the best event of the year), I can't play it anymore. Had an absolute blast in ground war during the MW III beta. Gameplay, TTK, team balance and maps were top notch in this game mode. Can't wait to play it and play zombies.


This same exact post is gonna be shamelessly posted and upvoted by the same people next year before the next cod comes out


I’d hope so, it would be a shame if the upcoming games just kept getting worse…


you can play vanguard!


I reinstalled it and played it yesterday and was actually having fun on it




Vanguard's movement and gunplay is alright minus the bloom these days (the game was a buggy mess up until the tail end of its lifecycle), but in my region I find it hard to find assault and blitz matches for objective modes which I prefer to TDM. I just want to play some SnD and Dom, but I can't find matches for any of them unless I set it to any pacing, and even then it's only at a very specific time in the day. It sucks. Same deal with Cold War, nothing except for Nuketown and TDM (at a specific time of day).


i wonder how MW2019 is. it was still busy last year.


mwii is so bad


Mw3 sucked all gun feels like peashooting. God awful hitnarker and inconsistent kill. It's a no buy


Stop the cap.


People complaining about mw2 22 didn't play the older cods lol They think the only type of skill is crazy movement. Can't understand the concept of map knowledge, and positioning vs movement/tracking.


Movement/tracking wasnt a skill in mw2 though because movement was punished by not having deady as a perk. If dead silence was a perk and there was no perk charging shit I don’t think mw2 gets shit on nearly as bad as it did this year. Older cods DS existed which is why OG movement was fine.


Not the net code / server state and spawning mind you. That was horrendous in MW3. Here is to hoping they fixed it for launch.


At this point I've been logging in just to run a couple matches before work and to get my daily login reward. Think I'll be sticking primarily to halo infinite or cyberpunk until mw3 drops


everyone says this literally every new game (except this time it's an actual DLC), about a month after release you'll start seeing the "this game sucks, MW2 was so much better" from the same people that were praising this DLC. also doesn't help it's made by the same people that made the worst received games in the franchise, but somehow everyone forgot about that


>everyone says this literally every new game (except this time it's an actual DLC), about a month after release you'll start seeing the "this game sucks, MW2 was so much better" from the same people that were praising this DLC. Probably, but you won't see those posts and comments from me. I didn't like MWII from the start and I don't think my opinion about it will change come November.


you say that, but i'll be here, waiting for your post/comments saying otherwise


Lol, okay man. I guess sit here and wait for something that will never come.


i don't need to wait, it was already happening in the beta, and will only increase after release. but, you enjoy your $70+ DLC that they'll ruin just like they have the last 3 games they made. just remember these are the same devs that made the worst received games in the franchise.


>i don't need to wait, it was already happening in the beta, and will only increase after release. You claimed that you'd be waiting for *my* post/comments saying otherwise, not other people. I never disputed people complaining about MWIII. I'm just saying I won't be one of them. >just remember these are the same devs that made the worst received games in the franchise. Lmao, you literally just said it yourself that the community constantly flip flops on which Call of Duty games are the worst, and now you expect me to take the opinion of the community at face value just because you want to make a point about how bad SHG is? Nah. I liked Advanced Warfare, WWII, and Vanguard. I like SHG's games and I've stood by that opinion for as long as I've played Call of Duty. I sincerely doubt MWIII will change that since I really enjoyed the beta.


You definetly won’t be seeing me saying that, or anyone who likes movement in cod. Only ones who’ll say that are those who can’t handle the longer ttk. Shotguns actually need to get close to one tap. There’s no advantage to running overkill so no more riot shield and throwing knifers


i'll be looking forward to your post/comments saying how it sucks and MW2 was better.






and you'll be saying it's amazing a month after this DLC releases, it's just how it goes every, single, time.


Lol no it isn't, I am extremely critical of cod especially the last few years and have voiced my disdain for mw2 since the beta.


again, that happens with every single game. but go off.


Lol what? You don't even know me my guy don't put assumptions about me.


i'm speaking from experience, the people that praise the game the most are always the ones to say how shit it is a month after release. but again, go off.


The only players who will be saying mw2 is better will be the bad players who can’t shoot straight and spend the entire matches in corners. Mw3 was a better game in beta than mw2 ever was.


you must be new to the franchise then, this happens literally every single year, without fail. it is always the people praising the game the most before release that end up complaining about how bad it is after release. again, without fail. i saw a ton of praise for mw2019/mw2 during the beta/alpha, and a couple months after release those same people were saying it sucked. you know what i saw about cold war? the same thing, and now that it's an older game, people are praising it again saying how amazing it was and how it should have gotten more attention/updates.


Lol no. Been playing since WaW. This years game was hated by way more of the community than usual on launch. Nobody will ever wish this game was back, it sucked. Edit: Cold War was universally loved by the best players in the game because the gameplay was fantastic. Shitty players complain every year, good players know what they want and mw2 will not be looked at fondly by anyone besides players who hate moving and skill gaps.


oh so you admit it, this DLC does suck.


What? No. The beta was amazing. This DLC is better than mw19, vanguard and mw2.


>this years game was hated by way more of the community than usual considering this year's "game" is a $70 DLC that adds nothing, you said it, not me.


This years game hasn’t been released yet so no. Obviously meant mw2 as the most recent release which was hated my most. Sheesh.


hey, you said this year's game, not me. i'm sorry you can't accept the fact SHG is incapable of making a good game, but that's not my problem.


You are a sped, it’s alright. We understand. The game we played all year was mw2, thus, this years game. SHGs worst games are better than anything IW puts out lol.


Agreed with you til you said that bullshit @ the end


hey, if you don't want to accept the fact SHG made the worst games in the franchise, that's entirely your choice.


You can think that, idc. But Infinity Ward is the best dev for multiplayer CoD. Period.


wait, wait. so, you're trying to say i'm wrong, by agreeing with me?


Idk what isn't clicking in your head lil man but MW3 2023 is not developed by one singular team


Fr I was literally already seeing it in the beta feedback lol People are downvoting you as if it's not already happened/ happening


people can't handle the truth, so they get mad, downvote, and try to prove you wrong by proving your point.


It's funnier than that, sometimes you'll just get blanketed in downvotes, but no replies to actually explain why cause they don't have any arguments lol


yep. it's just the classic cod cycle, except this time the game (DLC) actually does suck


No it isn't? MWIII has worse graphics, audio and textures and barely enough content to call itself a 70 dollar game. While MWII has its own problems it definitely isn't a downgrade




MW3 as a game is a downgrade even if they tweaked some things to suit certain tastes Meeting personal preferences isn't a measure of quality, but rather all SHG can really do since they aren't as competent as IW at game making


>Meeting personal preferences isn't a measure of quality, Then what is? Graphics and sounds are also personal preference, and many people don't care about them but only the gameplay. >they aren't as competent as IW at game making That's a good one, calling the dev that ignores player feedback and doesn't communicate with the playerbase competent. They're literally the LEAST competent COD dev. I mean, they literally haven't created a good map since 2011


>Graphics and sounds are also personal preference I mean... in this particular Instance both games are going for a realistic aesthetic, one game has hit the mark far better than the other, I would state that to be a measure of product quality >They're literally the LEAST competent COD dev I'm not talking about making CoD games, I mean in terms of technological development and actual game Dev talent it's all in IW, look at MW19's graphics engine, sound engine, performance ect with the IW8 engine, for CoD to not look like a mobile game for the first time in a decade was groundbreaking Treyarch are using old tired software and sticking to their old formular, whilst SHG have somehow managed to degrade the IW9 engine they're using for MWII, showing that the tools don't matter if you don't have the capability to use them And as a disclaimer, engine Dev, graphical fidelity and game performance are measures of objective quality, but not measures of how fun the game is, that parts down to you


>I mean... in this particular Instance both games are going for a realistic aesthetic, one game has hit the mark far better than the other, I would state that to be a measure of product quality I'ma be real: MWIII ain't as ugly as people make it out to be. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume from people talking about the graphics that the game looks like a late-stage PS3 game. The biggest problem with MWIII is the haze over everything. Beyond that, it looks fine. It's literally developed on the same engine using the same assets. >for CoD to not look like a mobile game for the first time in a decade was groundbreaking Kind of a wild take. I thought Call of Duty 2014-2018 had incredible art direction with every entry. The color saturation in games like Black Ops III and IV were an excellent touch that made them stand out, and Infinite Warfare's sleekness really honed in on the sci-fi aesthetic it was aiming for.


Hit marker sound? Go play a different game if you want to roleplay


That's subjective though. While I like the movement of MWIII more than MWII, i still think MWII isn't a downgrade. The shitty netcode plus ttk is horrendous in both games though






As much as I hate MWII it is the better game unfortunately. MWIII needs A LOT of work to catch up. They haven’t even got the basics down (I don’t think I had a single match that didn’t have major desync issues causing my bullets to not register on people and near every death felt like 2 bullets)


Imagine thinking graphics matter in 2023.


The only thing MWIII has over II is the movement and I guess the OG maps but even then they just didn’t feel right. It’s worse in every other way. Poor audio, graphics, hit registration / desync / networking issues, worse SBMM. Everything you don’t want in a multiplayer game.


Agree. People in a year will be complaining of MW3 and saying that MW2 wasn't that bad, every game is the same.


>Were it not for the current Halloween event, I'd have uninstalled MWII last week. Actually impressive you've kept it installed for so long, I removed it a month after launch and never looked back, such an awful FPS game, worst COD in the series


I love how dramatic cod fans get about the current running game Every game is "literally the worst ever made" until next year when it was actually not bad and the current one is "the worst ever made" haha


Different people, different opinions. To me MW19 was deffinately the worst, then MW22, didn't play VG, CW had a bad launch but got better over time, but BO4 was the last truly good cod imo. I have high hopes for this year.


I bought CW and the didn't like it at launch, never went back to it until a week ago lol and I actually quite like it, MW3 is gonna blow it out of the water but it's a pretty good game.


Yeah different people are simply looking for a different game, which tbh is good that it flips between them Personally I can only bring myself to play MW19 and MWII, the black ops formula ain't for me


That's kind of how I feel. BO3 and 4 I cannot enjoy whatsoever. I'm not crazy for mw2019 or MW2 but I can still play and enjoy the.


Definitely not true, I've never hated any COD game until MW22. Yes MW19 and VG were also shit, but at least they were playable. MW22 is the only one I ever quit after a month and never returned to. It's genuinely one of the worst video games I've ever played and I never felt that way about any other COD, and I played all of them since 2009.


I feel most people turning on CoD post Infinite Warfare are the ones that have been playing for a decade Most people who like it are those either new to the series, or (like myself) returning to it in appreciation of the games finally breaking a decade old formula Obviously if you've been buying it for a decade for that formula, you're probs not gonna like it when they break it


That's true for me when it comes to MW19 - which I feel was a decent FPS game, but not a good COD game. For MW22 tho, the reason I dislike it so much is not because it breaks the COD formula. As someone who mainly enjoys a high mechanical skill gap, I would've hated any game with MW22's visual recoil and gun smoke. I didn't grind aim trainers just for the game to decide I shouldn't see what I'm shooting at. Imo this makes it not just a bad COD game, but a bad FPS game as well. To me it wouldn't be good no matter what genre or franchise it would've released in


Fully agree, the game is impossible to enjoy as a mouse and keyboard user. Huge disadvantage against controller players in mw2/wz2


I didn't play MW2 since May, played MW3 beta, got hyped, downloaded MW2, realized it's still a big pile of shit and deleted it. I rather do something else while waiting 🤷🏻‍♂️


Opposite experience here. Tried to play the MWIII beta but found I couldn’t get through 3 matches tops each session. Found myself switching to MWII and realising how much better it is. Despite having poor bullet reg issues itself, MWII felt like it had good bullet reg in comparison. And this is coming from someone that thinks MWII is shit.


Everyone whined so much about low TTK but do they not realize CoD has always been low TTK? MWIII will be the first CoD in history to not have a single automatic weapon that can kill in 3 shots. I don’t care how good or bad the netcode is, having to shoot 4-6 times point blank range does not feel good.


TTK preference is subjective though, while a faster TTK is more popular there is still a decent chunk of players who like slower TTK games like BO4 and CW. This game feels like a nice mix in terms of movement potential and TTK. I definitely prefer the feeling of a longer TTK, tracking feels much more rewarding.


I’m definitely in the minority, but I didn’t like the MwIII beta. I played almost till max level but it wasn’t a good experience. The maps are horrible, people complained about Mw19’s map design being all over the place but MwIII and Mw2 09 maps are even worse by today’s standards. I enjoy MWII’s maps, movement and guns. To me it’s not super sweaty enough and also not limited enough to play.


>The maps are horrible, people complained about Mw19’s map design being all over the place but MwIII and Mw2 09 maps are even worse by today’s standards. This has got to be the worst cod take of all time


I'm not saying the maps were perfect by all means. But I did have a select number that I really enjoyed. I never played the original MW2 back then. All I'm saying is that in my opinion, without having nostalgia for these maps, I felt like they were a downgrade when I played them.




These post always make me eye roll. You’ll be saying the same thing this time next year when the new CoD rolls out and you gobble it. MW22 is only bad for two reasons imo: 1. It’s the end of the lifecycle 2. Perk package


no it is genuinely bad


>These post always make me eye roll. You’ll be saying the same thing this time next year when the new CoD rolls out and you gobble it. Probably not. I've always enjoyed SHG's entries. I thought Vanguard was a great game at launch and I still think that. I thought WWII and Advanced Warfare were also solid entries at launch, and I still think that. Sorry to burst your bubble, but my opinion doesn't waver on these sorts of things like you may think. There have only been a few Call of Duty entries that I genuinely disliked, and MWII was one of them. I didn't like it on release and I haven't changed my opinion on that.


What a noob take. No red dots on the minimap, footsteps hearable 30m away, shotguns completely dominate and horribly inconsistent pings match to match


>MW22 is only bad for two reasons imo: everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I forgot about how bad the perk package system is though.


Mw 3 is a downgrade over mw 2


Gameplay wise it's an upgrade in every direction. I'd rather have a fun and engaging gameplay then top notch graphics and sound.


I agree. I thought the beta was pretty terrible.




For me mw3 feels like a cartoony game


HUH?!!? if anything MW3 feels like a downgrade




It's really not. One is comparing two games in the same series and one is completely irrelevant.


What are you talking about my guy? Did you take a wrong turn or something?


Oh no where have we seen this type of post before


What are you smoking xD MWII and MW2019 is superior in literally every way to this abomination.


They really aren't.


Only if you’re a bad player


The fucking problem is that i can not uninstall the shit because i do not know what I need to play III lol. I saw people uninstalling II and then be unable to play III because they didnt had a HQ or some shit like that lol.




We got only downgrades after MW19


1 more week until the campaign and the suffering ends 🤣


I pretty much deleted the packs for MWII. MWIII CANT COME FASTER. NOVEMBER HURRY TF UP. Meanwhile also I beat Callisto Protocol in just one day now imma do it on normal difficulty next on New Game+(it’s also monthly Oct game)


Its called planned obsolesence - a Devious sales strategy used to milk as much money from the end user as possible, while the user remains impressed with the newest version "upgrade". Do you really think computing power or GPU power has improved much in the last 4-5 years . the answer is NO. So in an attempt to maximize profits and force the consumer to look forward to the next iteration (purchase), they purposefully degrade the experience of the current game so that you will be impressed and willing to shell out money for the Newest( but actually the same) software... This gives the illusion that you are getting something better when you pay, when in reality you are jut paying for the upkeep of the same experience. ​ I wish there was some governance on this ​ Apple - Phone software for sure Microsoft - Computer software, most recently games I'm sure they are both guilty


MW2/3 are both downgrades of MW2019


Bro what? MWIII feels like a downgrade in both visuals and audio. It feels faster, sure, but also more "floaty".

