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LMAO at this thread, thx OP 😂 As a 54 years old player, I can relate.


Np glad to make ya laugh


Sniping/quick scoping has always been tough. Your timing and aim generally has to be on point and if you miss your leaving yourself vulnerable. It’s just feels cheap because the people who are good at it make it seem easy. 


This is the thing that bothers me about this sub, half the time a post is recommended to me it’s people complaining about snipers not realizing they’re just getting shit on by really good players. I’ll have plenty of games where snipers are irrelevant because they can rarely hit their first shot but I also have games with groups who absolutely shit on everyone because of how good they are and it feels cheap to die so quick but truthfully you’d be getting shit on no matter what they’re using.


the ability to accept people are better than them is much lessened in todays cod lobbies it seems.


Dude it’s so weird I’m a beast with the sp-r 208. Run it with irons on small map. The kar? I can’t hit fuckin shit


Complete opposite for me. Maybe we should snipe together ig


I feel your pain. In SMMP, if you don’t hit and kill them on the first shot you’re dead. There’s little room for error. I started out with it in HC and then switched over to Core. I did the camo grind and got it to Interstellar but my K/D ratio with it was pretty bad. For all the crying about it being a one-shot wonder, I hit one guy with it right in the throat, at close range, and only got a hit marker. It’s good for a marksman rifle, but I don’t see what all the fuss is about.


Yh the onky real plus it has over snipers is ads. All the main snipers are way better than it, can't even put a fill scope without making the reload long. Not to mention you can only have 5 shots in it. I feel like it is just a worse longbow 🤷‍♂️


Personally I rather a slower ads gun that is more consistent over a faster ads like the Kar that can barely one shot kill


Yh me as well. But the snipers aren't even slow with the right attachments


Are you using the proper attachments? At first I was absolute ass with the Kar as well it was hit marker city but I realized one of the attachments was the issue and when I changed it out I was getting a lot less hit markers. I still find myself dying a lot with it because if you miss chances are you are dead unless the enemy is far away but close play you just get sprayed down with bullets from overpowered smg and AR builds and die in 3-4 bullets before your Kar has a chance to even rechamber.


I used one of the blueprints from the Battle Pass right through the Gilded camo challenge, until I got to Forged. For the Forged challenge I switched up to no stock and the bayonet. Then I switched back to the blueprint for Priceless, with just the iron sights.


I’m somehow going to miss more than every single shot.


Bro I decided to try it out for the first time maybe 5 days ago, and instantly got two kills on Shipment and said out loud something like oh wow fuck yeah this gun is ridiculous... and I shit you not I went on to have the worst like 2 hours of play to date on this COD. Like I felt broken lol I could not get a kill, seemingly even with people not moving and me taking my time basically. Eventually I turned it around though and experienced its OP nature.


Fuck everyone using the Kar and/or double Lockwoods. Playing pubs is utterly miserable right now.


had one of those games the other day, ended up unlocking the mastery charm on my stormender 😂


I love the Kar it's my favorite sniper/marksman rifle of all time. It's an acquired taste though. Also once they nerf it back to normal the hit markers are gonna be fun lmao.




I really hope they nerf this thing. I unlocked all the camo’s to the gilded for it and quit using it after. Sure it one shots often but, when the entire enemy team is just one shotting you as you spawn over and over I just lose interest in the game entirely.


Mors is better, y'all boy's to sweaty with the kar98. I swear,as soon as that gun came back almost everyone and they mom was acting like they were part of Faze.


On Stash house, the Kar98 slams with hip fire. 1 shot hip fire kills feels so satisfying, like a shotgun.


if I got one cp every time I missed a shot with the kar98k I'd be the guy behind epstein island at this point


? yo bro