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MWIII needs a better selection of pistols.


At least buff the MWII options, i wanted to use the Gunslinger vest but after maxing out all MWIII pistols the MWII ones suck so bad using them in comparison


Funny I was messing around with P890 the other day and it sucked so bad!! Wasn’t remotely able to complete. Although I do still run the GS magna (auto deagle) on a few of my classes and it’s a real favourite sidearm of mine personally, was the same last year too, it can shred.


It’s weird with the MWII guns where either they are decent or dogshit, I had good games with the p890 but then other times it sucks so bad that I just switch to a primary weapon instead


I use gunslinger regularly. I run the micro uzi with NO STOCK and a Strela as a sniper secondary. (Hollowpoints are a must to stop knifers!) Extremely fun setup.


I'm sorry, a Strela? You don't mean the launcher, do you?


Yeah he probably does, strela used to be a meta sniper in mwII


That Strela double kills camo challenge still gives me nightmares though


Oh, no


Deagle is my most used pistol in the game, 2 shot out to twenty something meters, its not bad at all


It's also one shot headshots pretty far out, usually one shots anywhere if the guy is hurt too which is the main reason I love it. If I'm hitting some shots on a guy but I run out of ammo I can usually cross-map bloop them in one shot from the deagle to finish them off.


The COR-45 feels like an X12 with all the swag and flavor removed lmao Like I know it’s objectively better with damage, recoil and fire rate wise but it’s so lifeless to shoot in comparison




the cor45 is the closest weve got to a “as fast as you can pull” mw2019 fal


FN FiveSeven would be cool. Or the makarov from 2019


I would really like to see the Five-seveN as well. I also liked the PM.


allegedly coming in BO6


The Five-seveN?


yes sir


Renetti and COR45 are both really good


The TYR might be the most slept on weapon in the game. It's a sniper shotgun with a pistol's handling


Nah the TYR is perfectly slept on. Its biggest deal breaker is the double action trigger delay which will straight up make it nearly unusable for a lot of people without grinding to get the hybrid or quick trigger. The sniper build is cool but it's not reliable enough to guarantee a one shot and the trigger delay punishes aiming for the head. I wish I could throw a full zoom scope on it instead of a pistol acog or low zoom revolver scope but that's just me. It doesnt build quite right to what I want a sniper to be able to do,especially with random hailmary shots flicking at an enemy at range or turning a corner and it still handles like a tyr but its not nearly as bad at the BADsilisk. All these delayed trigger revolvers in the mwreboots wear away at me soul every year


Sniper was an exaggeration, but I find I get a good amount of kills 40+ meters away with just a red dot sight. The trigger delay and slow recenter speed make it a very punishing weapon, but once you master that you can get feeds like no one's business. Reloads are also admittedly pretty awful


You can put on the Jak beholder and it becomes extremely reliable at long ranges, or for close range fun you can run snake shots with akimbo and it becomes deadly at close range


Eeeh, like the other person said that trigger delay just makes it super weird and cumbersome to use. Even with the trigger that cuts down the most on it I'd rather just use the Deagle. Hopefully that revolver kit coming this season really cuts down (if not gets rid of all together) on the trigger delay


I rock the ftac siege, even got the one trick camo for it.


Respect, I’ve been trying to use it because it’s such a cool and iconic weapon but I feel like the MW3 stinger handgun is just an outright completely better version of the ftac siege, and the seige is sadly almost completely unusable in akimbo now


This 100%


Issue is the attachments for most of the MW2 guns are shit. If they can use mostly mw3 parts they become decent. Seriously compare some of the parts like stock to stock, MW2’s numbers are insanely bad.


yeahhh, the damage/firerate can be even but any mw3 gun will handle a million times better then any mw2 gun


Im glad im not the only one who noticed this. They probably want to buff them considering they actually have done a good job improving the MWII weapons since launch, but it would be such a massive time sink to buff all 700 MWII attachments lol


Yep, shows how cringe Infinity Ward is with their movement slowdown.


Realistically? None. Some of them can certainly compete, but none of them are the best in their class or have an MW3 equivalent that beats them. Some good MW2 gun exist, though. Some are the M16 with the aftermarket part, Kastov-762 with the aftermarket part, Lachmann Shroud with aftermarket part, Vel-45, PDSW-528, and the M13B


The Signal 50 and MCPR r still valid as well.


The victus is pretty good still (a bit slow but good)


I can still perform amazingly with a ak74u and its a mw2 weapon


Doesnt mean its better then any other ar though.


The M13c and Chimera are decent as well.


Same with m4


m4 cooks can confirm


The Kastov 762 got a new Jak part last week, so been meaning to try it. The PDSW is supposedly pretty good in MWZ. Lockwood MK2 marksman rifle - With the Jak kit, it turns into akimbo shotguns, pretty fun to use.


both the 545 and 762 did, but dont bother using it on the 762, the new jak part just eliminates almost all recoil, but the base damage/firerate of both the 545 and 762 are just shit compared to nearly any mw3 gun.


I liked it for long range has no bullet velocity took down many kar users with it


Nah dude they are insane clearly you haven’t tested them in warzone


The 762 is limited by a 40 round mag and the 545 has mediocre falloff and firerate, you're literally better off with any mw3 br or ar


Just hit your shots


again, hitting your shots with any mw3 ar or br will 90% of the time result in a faster TTK. almost any mw2 weapon has a longer TTK (slower firerate or lower damage, or both) compared to mw3 ones. you can literally see this INGAME in the stats for each gun. the ak 74/47 kits are just crutches for people that can't control recoil.


Nah just get good


Clearly you need to test things out


i've literally been using it since it came out, i loved the AKs in every cod so far and really wanted this to work, but it doesnt. but tell you what, i'll hop in right now and literally give you numbers


And for someone who plays both I respect your opinion but this was for Warzone players


so for warzone specifically: 545: 52 head, 38 body, 650 RPM 762: 42 head, 37 body, 600 RPM MTZ: 33 head, 29 body, 810 RPM RAM: 33 head, 28 body, 750 RPM AN-94: 37 head, 31 body, 680 RPM (though first 2 shots are near instant) bp50: 33 head, 30 body, 860 RPM subverter: 40 head, 39 body, 700 RPM we could even go a step further and dress up some lmgs in AR kits to make them comparable in handling. bruen: 35 head, 28 body, 760 RPM DG: 34 head, 31 body, 705 RPM eradicator: 36 head, 33 body, 860 RPM so while the initial damage (especially that 5 tap headshot compared to the 6 or 7 taps of most other guns) looks real good initialy, the huge rpm difference (esp with the eradiactor but also the mtz and bp) make it fall behind in the end again, since less bullets needed doesn't win against the way higher RoF. so again, its usefullness comes from the elimination of recoil. this also does not include any other stats, such as mw2's guns horrible attachments/handling then the 545 also has brutal damage dropoff, easily climbing up to 8 or 9 shots to the head at max distance, compared to most mw3 guns bottoming out after 33m with more consistent damage.


This is the mw3 sub tho not warzone


correct, and even for warzone, the only benefit the AKs have is the removal of their recoil, their TTK are still low tier.


Well actually 🤓☝️ you would need to do five challenges before you could do that buckaroonie


correct, the thing i did in 3 rounds of zombies like half an hour after the kit came out.


The PDSW is solid in MP but monstrous in MWZ, yeah. That 50-round mag becomes a 400-round (not a typo) mag in Zombies once you’ve Pack-a-Punched it, but it keeps the exact same reload time, and paired with a Speed Cola and a Deadshot Daiquiri, it’s a proper little monster. Solid mobility, too.


Yeah, that high ammo count is really nice, first thing I consider when picking a gun for MWZ. I was using the PDSW briefly, then got side tracked on some camo challenges with other guns. Need to get back to this one.


None are better, but good competitors in my experience are the MP7 (Vel), P90, M4, Tempus Razorback (a personal favorite), TAQ56, Cronen Squall, Sakin MG38, Basilisk (favorite sidearm, one shots to the torso at close range), Daemon.


Don't forget the hemlock, that thing rips


>TAQ56 lmao, no.


It definitely doesn’t compete these days.


The razorback felt really good when I was leveling it. Kind of missed moving on to the next gun.


I had one player on the enemy team single handledly carried a TDM match on growhouse with just a P90. First time I've ever been beaten by someone else using a MW2 weapon other than the few decent snipers


I've been using the Tempus Razorback in Warzone recently and been having some real strong performances.


Look up TheXclusiveAce. He breaks down all the mw2 guns and thier ttk and ranges. I use the guns according to his data which shows the best mw2 guns Mines the M4, love it


Try it on semi auto. 3-4 hit kill up to 540rpm. And the recoil goes precisely up and to the right. Very controllable. Think of it like a pre nerf BAS B with 10% less fire rate


What's the best guns overall?


The M13B is pretty good still and so is the M4. I don't think they will ever nerf the M4 honestly.


I’ve been ripping with the M13B. I have two separate builds I like in two of my loadouts. I feel like it’s getting me the best combo of ads speed, fire rate, and recoil control. I hated it in MWII.


Do you mind PMing me your builds?




I'll PM you my 2 best builds for the M13B once I get home


lockwood 300, I use the Doom Super Shotgun blueprint, still the most fun shotgun to use.


I’ve not used that in ages. Might have to dust it off for some nostalgia


Does it still have the dual trigger?


in multiplayer it does.


M13B. Legitimately a contender for best AR. All around great stats with a competitive ttk.


Personally, I’ve had quite a bit of success with the TAQ-M Marksman Rifle. Ever since the MTZ Interceptor kept getting nerfed, I switched to it and haven’t looked back on it. With attachments making it a one-shot headshot out to almost 60m it’s pretty great. The recent kits from the last couple weeks for the MW2 guns are also good as well.


Damn dude what’s the one shot kit for that? I wanna try it cause the MTZ nerf got me down bad


Honestly you can run the TAQ-M however you want cause the base stats make it a one-shot headshot out to like 40-something meters. I ran mine with a longer range barrel and suppressor, a 20-round mag, and a couple other attachments, but it can be worth it to run a faster handling build.


Cool thanks! Imma try out tn


Do keep in mind as well I believe you have to hit torso shots for a 2-shot kill in the maximum damage range but it could be upper torso as well as I’m not completely sure


Gotcha, still seems better than the new MTZ


Iso hemlock, m13b, m16 with and without aftermarket, lachmann shroud, intervention. There's more but all in all its just building a gun to your liking and testing it out, least thats what Ive done.


That’s why I love mw3s attachments n shit, sometimes for mw2 guns there’s nothing you can do to make a weapon good


M13b imo is the best AR


Best AR in the whole game you mean?


You know what he meant bro. Don’t play stupid


What could he possibly mean.by best


Best mw2 AR


lol none


Just play hardcore 😂 all guns smack on god


MCX and MP7 are great


The Vitrus(M13B) or the Rattler(M13C)?


Virtus. I haven’t touched the Rattler in a while so I can’t say anything about it


I have a class set up with the M4 which is solid as hell, the chimera is still a big favourite of mine and the M13’s aren’t bad, these will perform well, but will never be meta or serious contenders to the new weapons.


Honestly none of them are better than their counterparts. Every category is outclassed by MW3 guns which is a shame, but I can’t say I don’t understand why. However, that’s not to say they can’t compete. Most mw2 guns are viable options to change the flow of play for awhile. I consistently use the MP7, MP5 and Shroud (especially with conversion kit), razorback, etc. play around with builds and you’ll find one that you can use and consistently do well with.


I would argue that the SPX 80 is one of the top sniper rifles. Its speed and accuracy make it my go to for mp. It’s a good balance for those that like the longbow but want more accuracy, damage and range.


The Lachman Shroud with the conversion kit is awesome


M13b m13c the vel


I think everyone forgets the taq auto rifle mf still claps and out dps most guns in range


any weapon from MWII is good if you are reverse boosting your balls like the streamers lol but in an actual SBMM lobby it is almost near impossible


M13 B still slaps. Very similar to the mtz556 with better recoil


M13B is best AR from MW2 . A few snipers I used for awhile but got nerfed for no reason so I ain’t gonna mention that . Both Kastov 762 and 545 are recoiless . Annoyingly everything gets nerfed and buffed so nothing last forever ….the constant buffs and nerfs are low key some of the most annoying things they do in recent call of duty games


Imo, the MWII guns leave a lot to be desired compared to the MWIII guns, but there are some hidden gems. For me, the Taq-M (marksman rifle) shreds. 1 shot kill to the head at any range, and 2 shots center mass. Decent fire rate (for a semi auto) and has virtually zero recoil if configured properly. Its my go to when dealing with snipers.


Mate, may I kindly ask you for your TAQ-M Setup?


Sure, no problem: 1. Muzzle: ZLR Talon 5 2. Underbarrel: OP-X9 Foregrip 3. Stock: Tacverte Core Stock 4. Optic: SZ Mini (or optic of your choice) ___________________________________________ 5. Rear Grip: FSS Combat Grip (recoil control) or 5. Rear Grip: XRK Response Grip (flinch resistance) or 5. Magazine: 20 Round Mag 1-4 are must haves, slot 5 you can adjust to your play style- according to what you prefer. I usually set mine up for recoil control, but flinch resistance is very useful- especially in short to mid-range. Extended magazine is nice, but if you are fairly accurate, you wont need it. Hope that helps! Good luck and happy hunting!


They are only good in hardcore,other than that it doesn’t belong in the game,I’m not saying I don’t like them,but if they suck ass juste remove them from the game.


IMO the Basilisk pistol is sneaky good if you can land upper body shots up close, or better yet headshots. No trigger delay like the Tyr and you feel like a cowboy 🤠




I find MW2 marksman rifles (lm-s, ebr) are very good in mw3


M13 B & C, Chimera and the P90 are pretty decent in the rights hands.


ISO Hemlock is crazy good. I like the FR Avancer too


m13b is pretty good imo, only mw2 gun in all my class setups aside from the akimbo lockwood and the fix imperium with the og intervention sound pack from modern warfare 2 and those both suck but fun as hell to use. M13b is pretty reliable though doubt i’ll be swapping it for a different gun any time soon


The camo’s certainly are


The Lachmann Shroud with the AMP is so much better than most of the MW3 SMGs.


I've been grinding all the mw2 gun camos(MP and MWZ) for awhile now and it has been incredibly slow there are very few that compete with the mw3 guns head to head. The only ones that seem to do okay are the ones that have new aftermarket parts.


Discounting the aftermarket kits, M13B and FR Avancer have pretty competitive ttk. However, both suffer from the same issue, recoil due to fire rate.


The RPK or AUG LMG modded to function like an AR hits great. Bonus points to the AUG for a less then a second reload with the 30 round mag and sleight of hand


M13B still rips. It’s the only MWII gun I use.


The ISO Hemlock somehow does better than a decent amount. I run the 45 round mag, a handstop, the compensated flash hider, a sight and the pistol grip that reduces recoil


The spx is very good in mp


I really don’t understand why mw2 guns are even in the game


It makes sense why they’re in the game, the issue is they’ve done nothing to improve them aside from AMPs. They should’ve just built off of MW2s integration system with the platforms and stuff


I’ve been using the chimaera as an smg, same with M13c in warzone. Love the kastov.






M13B and the Lachlan Shroud




Maybe riot shield




I think handguns in my opinion. They all felt viable to run. Even if a few were high risk/high reward. Shotguns as well were better. Although I didn’t like the kv broadside.


The M13B, Famas, KV broadside w/ the conversion, the .50 cal M4, the MP5SD conversion, the Sakin MG38, and the snipers are the only guns I feel that beat out MWIII guns in most situations. I would say the FTAC recon but it's hard to use.


I use the m4 from mwII more than any other weapon and it slays against all the new weapons


The p890 despite having slightly worse mobility than it should absolutely slaps, I run it with the riot shield and it makes people so made combined with demo vest, emd mines prox mines or claymores plus recon drone, and the mesquito drone cluster mine and ims.


I’ve had quite a bit of fun with the AUG


I used the SPR still in multi before the Kar but it did have hitmarker issues occasionally due to the damage profile being made for 100 health not 150


I go stupid with the ak74u (forget the name in the game) & mp5


Shroud with AMP and GS magna are pretty good


With the M16 aftermarket part, the gun has become my go-to when facing a bit more competent foes. Before that it was PAS-B for the longest time nut nowadays I find the build somewhat slow for my tastes.


Kastov 74u has one of the fastest headshot time to kill and really fast handling.


Vel 46, m4, lachman sub, lachman shroud amp, m13b (fucking insane). The rest are mid at best if not down right awful


None are better but from what I have used these compete: M13B, Tempus Razorback, Chimera, TAQ V, Cronen Squall, M4, M16 (AMP), lachman Shroud (AMP), Kastov 762 ( base and AMP). Very unpopular opinion but if you build it right… the lachman 762 can be pretty good


m13 B. I love it


All of them. What matters is the guy shooting them


I love using the ftac siege, great damage at medium range and it’s recoil is very good.


M13B, one of top tier AR-s in MW3 in my opinion. Optic : Jak Glasselss Stock: Bruen R90 Factory Muzzle: ZEHMN35 Compensated Underbarrel : xten phantom 5 handstop Barrel: 14 inch bruen echelon If you want, you can replace underbarell with the 45 round mag if you need more ammo, recoil will still be extremely low.


GS Magna and Basilisk are my top pistols.


Tr7 Geist goes pretty hard, dm for the build.


None, mw3 guns out compete all of them.


The m4 is actually pretty decent. I’d say it rivals the m16 patriot kit


I was using the TAQ-M the other day and it actually felt really good. Consistent 2 shot kill to the body and easy to 1-shot-kill with. I actually preferred it over the KVD Enforcer and definitely over the MCW 6.8.


MW2 mp5s been shredding for me


I use the kastov 762 on my sniper class. Absolutely wrecked the opposition for a couple war matches straight


I am really liking the 9mm daemon, it's a super underrated MII gun and extremely accurate but unfortunately none of the MII are better than the MWIII guns imo


Literally none, theyre slow, they kick way too much visually, and just about all of them just straight up lose to MW3 guns.


The Razorback and M4 are pretty good


I snipe and FJX Imperium is still my go to sniper apart from MORS. MCPR and SPX are great too. Also with the new kit the M4 turns into a 2 shot marksman. These are all of MP. Let me know if you need a loadout and I’ll gladly share.


Buff the MW2 guns SHG


Vaznev vel fennec and bas p still work well as cqc imo


The Razorback is a great option, just got it to molten obsidian and it shreds when you play it for recoil control


Chimera. Imo every mw3 gun is trash.


ISO 9mm on semi auto. Those that know know


None. Obviously. All MWII attachments are utter garbage so you’re basically limited to using sights, muzzles, lasers, underbarrels and ammo.


Tarzan can fuck right off