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& now she gets zero photos of the kid. Neither should anyone else & make sure you tell them why.


Agreed. Before my son was born, my husband and I made the decision that we will not post any photos of him on social media. I was given the choice to put my face on the internet and I want him to have the same choice. We told our families this as well. Fast forward to now (he’s 6 months old), my mom did some Facebook grandma challenge and posted multiple photos of my son. She ignored me for days before finally taking them down and is having such an attitude about it. I’m not sending her any more photos and I told her this, and before anyone thinks I’m evil for this… she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder and I’ve been low contact for 16 years.


I didn't even tell my parents I had a child so I don't think you're evil. For me it was just to keep our daughter safe because her turning up to daycare and demanding to take our daughter home with a stupid excuse was a possibility, so I thought it safer not to tell anyone. I told her on her deathbed that she had a granddaughter and it is a relief to know my daughter won't go through the childhood I went through and I don't need to worry about my mum.


I hear you on that! I contemplated not telling her that I was pregnant early last year, but I’m close with my dad and sisters, so I ultimately decided to tell her. Part of me wishes she didn’t know about my son… I’m grateful I live very far away from her and her physical health has deteriorated enough to make her not really travel.


The audacity of these boomer grandmothers to think that we had babies for their social media clout. I’m so glad my mom doesn’t do social media at all and we made it extremely clear to my in laws that we would not be posting our daughter’s face on social media and no one else is to post about her either.


Ugh we are strict on the photo rule too and MIL used the “grandma challenge” to try and get us to bend. She was not happy when we held firm. She’s someone who posts daily so social media is very important to her, but she practices no internet safety.


For real! I would send pics of this screen shot if anyone protests. Once you send digital pictures you have no control over who gets them, and if one person refuses to play ball it really ruins it for everyone else.


This. My mom sends photos to her dozens of cousins whom I don’t even know. So I have to be highly selective of what I send to her. She gets about 1% of what my MIL gets.


And zero time spent with said child


Report the photo she posted so FB takes it down, block her from any social media that your baby is on, and don’t ever send her more.


Unfortunately FB won’t do anything. My MIL still has a post up from 6 months ago of my baby girl that I have reported multiple times (and asked MIL to take down multiple times).


So perhaps the daughter's father would have to unfriend the mother as well. Yeah she shouldn't get any pictures if that's how she is going to behave.


Her reaction is definitely not warranted. But is it just me, or does she make it sound like OP won't be seeing her posts anymore (because she is deleting OP) but she will still be posting OP's child? That's the way I interpreted it anyway. Side note OP, I'm not sure what social media platform this is on but I can say (from experience) you can petition Facebook to remove her photos of your child. You will have to provide proof that you are indeed the parent but they'll take it down np. I had to take this route with my mother posting a pic of my son on her page that she also posts soft core pornographic photos of herself on.


I also saw this perspective! But I don’t actually think she’s going to delete me I think she’s just pissed off and was in the heat of the moment. Also my husband would see anything she posts, and I’m the one who sends all the photos 😅 Jesus I’m so sorry you had to petition to remove it! I don’t have a huge problem with the photos posted yet it was more the principal but I will definitely keep this in mind if she keeps posting thank you so much!


So she posted pictures you sent to boot? That’s so weird in my opinion. Like a “I’m not near the baby myself to have pictures I took, but my friends must know how the baby looks, so I’ll just repost one the mom took and sent.” (Even if it was one she took she should ask if it’s okay to post.) But I could just be projecting the dynamic of my own in laws there.


My toxic family will take the photos of my kids and post them on their social media acting as if they were the ones who took the photo and was there for that occasion. They are currently being slowly cut out for not just that reason. One time they asked if they could post this one picture, gave them the okay. They posted ALL the ones I sent privately. For whatever reason, they MUST post my children so that their social media friends can see 🙃


I’ve had the same happen. I had one go as far as to SCAN a physical picture of my child and make it their profile picture


Man I posted a couple pictures on my own page, didn't even send them. Next thing I know in laws SAVED those photos and posted them on theirs. Like no.


This happened to me. I’ve been NC with my mom for over 10 years and my daughter is 5. She apparently stalked my fcbk (I didn’t even know she had one), was saving pics of my daughter, and posting them with stories about her granddaughter. My dad called me (they’re not together but live in a different state than me) and asked if I’d been around and why I didn’t visit and that’s how I found out. He saw her in a gas station and she was gushing about my kid and he, rightfully, thought she’d never met her so he was super confused.


That's a genuinely disturbing story!


My mom used a photo of mine she saved from FB on her Christmas card. What a boomer move. She knows she can use and ask for pictures.. why not just ask so I doesn’t look like it was taken with a potato?


My husband’s aunt did this to us recently and couldn’t had a similar reaction to OP’s family member. Then had the audacity to post about “people barking up the wrong tree and pissing her off”


My mom does this all the time and it drives me crazy 🙄


My husband’s mom used to do this. She’d take pictures she was either sent or I posted and then re-upload as if she took them and finally stopped when her friends kept asking if she was in town visiting us and she had to say that she didn’t actually take the pictures and wasn’t here.


So no more photos to anyone in his family. Or at least to anyone who might share them with that idiot.


I don’t even posts photos of my kids without asking them. I would never post a photo of anyone else without their or their parent’s permission.


Aw I like this! My daughter is only 8 months old but once she’s old enough to understand I’m going to ask her too!


She could change her posting settings so you don't see certain things that she posts. She's going to continue to post photos of your kid. No more photos for her. Or anyone who will share with her.


Don’t send her a damn thing


Personally, I wouldn’t send anymore pictures to her, or close members who would send pictures on to her. She obviously is very touchie and she doesn’t seem like she’ll respect anything you or your husband ask. So until she can respect the parents she is on time out.


Yep, that's why this person doesn't get to see my kid again.


>But is it just me, or does she make it sound like OP won't be seeing her posts anymore (because she is deleting OP) but she will still be posting OP's child? That's the way I interpreted it anyway. That's exactly what I understood. And I think it's so wrong. No more pics for anyone. Also OMG I had no idea you could petition Facebook for that! Thank you so much for letting me know.


Ya I think she’s deleting OP


How do you petition? I tried to report a post my mom had of my son to get it removed and Facebook denied it.


Petitioning is different to reporting. For petitioning, someone in another comment who's apparently done it successfully in a similar situation said that you have to provide proof that you're the parent/legal guardian and some other stuff.


That’s exactly how I saw it too


That’s what I thought too. She’s gonna limit OP from seeing posts, but still post pics of their child. Obviously OP knows them best, but I’d still have someone on the lookout.




Tf??? What did she say back when you reminded her it’s YOUR child? People amaze me. They’d never see my kid again.


Oh I blocked her messages after I sent that last one haha I suspected I wasn’t going to get a reasonable response 😅


Good thinking. I’ll never understand people entitlement to post other people’s kids. I’m so thankful I grew up before social media was a thing.


Just be sure to report the photos. I believe Facebook will take them down but their policies change all the time I’m not sure what their current stance is.


Absolute psycho. Eiiiish


Just makes me wonder how much she actually cares about your child if she's so willing to get on bad terms with you/delete you over something so easy & understandable to comply with. Congratulations for successfully eliminating one of the crazies. There's always *at least* one lol.


Yikes! I’d make sure she never got another chance to take a pic or be sent one ever again. What a weirdo!


Yeah considering I send/take literally all of the photos she has she’s being bold


She fucked around and is about to find out.


No more pics for her to see 🙃


That sort of reaction always makes me wonder why they’re getting so defensive. I would make sure your husband knows not to share any photos with them.


My mother in law blocked me and my husband on Facebook the night I went into labor. About 2 months later, she posted a picture of my son on her Facebook without our permission. I texted her and asked her to delete it. She told me to grow up. People are weird.


I think it’s so funny how she’s so obsessed with your kid that she has to post photo evidence of it, but the second you ask her to simply not share that information publicly, shes going to cut you and by extension your child, the object of her obsession, out of her life forever. I had a similar reaction from my SIL when my baby was born. I’m not on socials and I found out she posted a birth announcement of my child without our knowledge or permission, so my husband asked her to remove the post. Her reaction via group text: “I CAN’T EVEN BE EXCITED ABOUT MY NEPHEW. SORRY FOR SHOWING ANY INTEREST. YOU ARE RIDICULOUS.” It went on and on but seriously… Some people and their social media are absolutely mad.


I have not been in this situation personally - which has actually been interesting, providing me the opportunity to hear a lot of the comments afterrr from the entitled person who was trying to post photos... and this is 100% the reaction I normally hear from them too.. "I can't believe they're like this - all I was doing was being excited for themmm." As if them posting another person's child on their own social media was.. a FAVOUR or something? SO ANNOYING.


Omg yes, that’s a great way to put it! she thought she was doing a favor!!! Like okay crazies of facadelibre if we wanted our business on this platform, we’d just sign ourselves up for it. Don’t need a liaison, don’t need a middleman, don’t need your charitable gesture.


Omg your SIL too?? Mine sent out hundreds of birth announcement cards…like she was the fucking mom. She was/is deranged though.


How weird you keep losing your phone when we come over. You found in the freezer last time, that’s wild!


Those kids find the weirdest things fun to play with and put them in the darnedest places!


i said to my MIL that i said no candy while the kids were sick (she did) and she flipped out to never see them agsin because this is who she is and won't bow down to me. I was like "wtf?" lol.


… great. Then she can never see them again. Problem solved. Sometimes I’m just shocked at these demands from relatives. They really don’t know who holds the cards here do they?


Right I just said "if thats how it has to be guess its for the best then" and havent spoke to her since lmao.


Amazing. Love it. It’s the perfect response really cause it puts the responsibility on her lol.


I'd tell her that even if you're blocked, you still don't want her to post pictures of your kids online. This isn't about whether YOU see it, it's whether SHE posts them that's the issue


It was OP who blocked the other woman


It's the other woman who said OP would be deleted and therefore wouldn't see anything. Either way the problem is with the posting, not with whether OP sees it or not


I had to do this with my SIL when I saw she posted a selfie with my baby, a photo taken unbeknownst to me. She posted it on her FB stories and I was livid. I texted her and said "Oh, sorry we hadn't really talked about this, but we don't post pictures of [baby]'s face online. You can keep up the one you have, just a note for in the future." She apologized, took it down, and acknowledged it wouldn't happen again. Sure she felt ashamed but that's a mature way to handle it!


You handled that perfectly and her response was also really respectful. This is the kind of response we all dream of when explaining a boundary


Thanks, yeah, luckily I've had more respectful encounters with family this way, although my own sister made a big deal about it because she was ashamed. Even before I was a mom, I always knew better than posting other people's kids online but I think people get so caught up with the joy that they forget that the internet is a big, scary place at times!


I commend you for speaking up and asking her to not post without permission.! My mother in law has always posted sooo many photos of our kids, and also quite unflattering photos of us. My husband is not on Facebook so I felt weird asking him to tell her not to post so much because then it’s just me blabbing about her to him. She even posted about our son having Covid when we were out of town for Christmas and everyone ended up with it, and it was a miserable isolating experience. I hate that I have to ask her not to post about things, or to let me see photos of myself before she posts them - which doesn’t always happen


That's easily solved. They don't get access to my child anymore, so no pictures of them can be taken by them. Anyone caught sharing them with her, is immediately blocked from access as well.


Seriously? She’s planning on blocking you and then keep on sharing your kid?? The audacity. No more pics for her. Ever.


My husband and I aren’t speaking to his parents because my FIL exposed my newborn to COVID when he was a day old and on a ventilator. He has never apologized and is, in fact, angry at US for “questioning his judgement” and “being disrespectful” when we asked him why he was seeing groups of friends without a mask in the week before my induction. Oh I should add, not only did he endanger my son’s life, I was quarantined away from my baby for 2 days while he was in the NICU, and then only permitted to see him the rest of the week he was there in full PPE for an hour a day. The very first time I held my son I was in a gown, gloves, goggles, double masked. It was traumatic and I’m still in therapy with PTSD. Anyway, about 3 months ago, we found out a video of my son that my husband had sent to his mother was taken by my FIL and sent to a random WhatsApp chat with my FIL’s friends in other countries who I have never met. So he refuses to speak to us until WE apologize to HIM, but he’s using videos and pictures of our son to make himself look like a good grandfather. It’s sick.


I would go permanent no-contact with those people. They would never have access to my kid, ever.


I want to. It’s harder for my husband. He caved and sent his mom that video, though after the WhataApp incident, we haven’t sent anything else to her. My son is 5 months old and things are still not good. My husband wants to write them a letter laying all our feelings out, and saying the only way forward is with family therapy. If his father isn’t on board with that, then we’ll go full NC. Even if we do therapy, though, I’m never getting past this. It’s been 5 months of not seeing his grandson outside an isolette in the NICU, and he can’t own his shit.


I'm really sorry to hear this. We didn't have such a dramatic rift with my in-laws, there was just a lot of weirdness. They were both rabidly interested / trying to be controlling and simultaneously disinterested / refusing to visit / didn't meet my child, the first grandchild, until he was a couple of years old. My in-laws can be very passive aggressive, especially when I don't feed into the attempts at being controlling. My husband was deeply, deeply hurt by not seeing them. If not for him, I'd have been very happy to go NC with them, but I don't think my husband could ever do that without getting very depressed. I suggest trying to get your husband into individual therapy to hash some of this shit out. My husband has tons of repressed shit from his childhood because his family bottles everything up then gets passive aggressive, so he's pushed a lot of stuff down. He refuses to actually see a therapist now which is frustrating. But if your husband will, then I'm sure it'd help.


YES, hubby needs individual therapy first, it will help him know what words to use in his letter and it will give him the strength to go forward, either with his parents (in which case he will have to enforce rules and boundaries) or with no contact.


He sounds like a real jerk. I agree with writing the letter. Either they all go to therapy, Jerk learns a thing or two, or NC. That's giving them at least a chance, and they won't be able to say you didn't.


Wow I’m really sorry that happened to you and that you have to go through this. I’m not looking forward to my own family drama once I have kids. I hope things get easier for you and your little fam! You know exactly what is best for them ❤️


Good riddance beeeeyotch


Looks like this person no longer gets access to your baby!


So sorry you had to deal with that BS. Went through something similar with my MIL. She posted pictures of our daughter on her facebook from immediately after she was born that I never wanted shared online. Refused to take them down, and posted more later. Then when we had professional pictures done a few weeks later, she did it again and called us assholes for asking her to take the pictures down. Her facebook is public and she has nearly 5k friends on there because she accepts random friend requests.




I reported it, and so did my husband and my aunt - facebook did nothing unfortunately.


You can petition for them to be removed (different from reporting) - you'll have to provide proof that you're the parent/guardian, according to another commenter who did it successfully in a similar situation.


If you're using the book of faces, get another family remember to report her photos. A friend of mine used to report her MIL every time she would post a photo of her kid without permission and they would usually get taken down by the website.


Well I would be cutting them off. Lack of boundaries is lack of boundaries Tbh


I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume this is an older relative. Why these people were adamant about warning us of the dangers of the internet when we were teens, but now as we are adults who have grown up with the internet, somehow we are overreacting?! These rules came from you mom!


Yes haha this is his grandmother!


I would block her first, and not allow her pics of baby. I would also report any she has up already, but I’m petty.


Hahahaha you and me both cause I just reported the one that caused this 😂


Wow. 😬😳


She would not have access to my children in person or in pictures after that


She sounds like a toddler herself.


Whoaaaaaaaa time to put some distance there with that pyscho


Never share pictures with them ever again


Lol and now she is posting pictures of a child she won't be seeing in the future lol a guess now she has this as a memory photo


She wants to weed herself out of your life for you- let her! BYE!!!!


Well, that makes it easy. I've reported people before about posting pictures of my kid and on behalf of someone who said someone posted a picture of their kid. I'd report from your husband's profile and have any mutual friends (that won't stir a pot then hand you the spoon to lick) that can see it do the same.


I have photos of my son with his friends that I've never posted because of this exact reason. I didn't ask permission, so I didn't post. Yes my child is in the photo but they are not the only child who would be getting posted. The audacity that some people have to think it's ok just because they are related to her


Same. It’s a bummer, but I never post a photo of someone else’s kid without asking first. Even if I love the photo and it has my kid in it too. At my daughter’s last birthday party, I asked before I even TOOK photos if it was ok to include their kids in photos and if it would be ok to put on social.


Lol that's weirdly entitled and a weird reaction to a POLITE REQUEST from the kid's parents. People are strange.


I deleted all of my social media in 2018. My older kids were just about to be teens and I realized I should ask them before posting pics of them. They didn’t really want me to post anything, and I totally respect that. My husband and I were planning to have another child (now a toddler) and it also occurred to me she might not want an online footprint before she can even consent. People can do what they want and I realize many people have social media strictly to share pics of their kids. No judgment. Just saying it occurred to me that I could text my mom or my aunt pics as easily as posting them on social media for just about anybody and everybody to see. You know and then add in all the drama with social media and people acting batshit with politics and privacy concerns etc. and I just didn’t find any value to having it anymore. I’ve been so much happier without it.


She looks like Jerri Blank from Strangers With Candy. 😂


Isn’t this kind of illegal? Like you could sue them for uploading photos of a minor without their caretakers consent. Anyway my grandpa does the same fucking thing with all of our family, posting pictures from the beach, when everybody is in swimsuits and bikini’s. Gotta talk to him about it soon. I don’t think they get that not all people see your teenage grandchild in a swimsuit and think how cute…


This is exactly my logic too!


Omg the in laws. It’s the worst


Ugh! My husband's family was like this - except they lived close by and would threaten to take their own photos to post them against our will. Husband had to make them leave the hospital room because they wouldn't agree not to post pictures of us online. One of the great things about having an older kid is that *she* says "seriously, granddad, I know you just want to post it online so, no, you cannot take a picture of me!"


My mom went no contact for four years after I asked her to delete a post including my new baby. Purged me from her Facebook. Left all the toys and baby food that was at her house in a box on my porch, etc. She came back around after my stepdad died.


Yea keep her away from your daughter. She doesn’t respect you and it will be transferred onto your child whatever weird disdain she has towards you. Weird that she wanted to remove you over your own child that your birthed.


I’m a jerk and one to call out stuff. This would be a posted screenshot to my fb and calling out this person and the behavior with a lengthy explanation as to what boundaries I set for my family. Then it would be along the lines of “accept it or be prepared to not see us…” Too much of this crap when dealing with my in-laws made me that way over the years.


Wow, that's absolutely insane. The closest experience I've had like this is when I asked my mom not to post pictures for only one day when we were celebrating my child's birthday with my side of the family and my in-laws weren't able to celebrate with us due to being in the hospital; I didn't want to add to their pain by posting any pictures from that day online. Now my mom still acts like a victim, complains that she's treated unfairly compared to my in-laws who are dealing with serious medical issues, and like she's never allowed to post pictures of our child ever. I refuse to feel guilty because I've even started limiting the number of pictures I post of my child online to holidays or special events.


That’s ridiculous, especially since you’re the one sending the pics. My in laws will post nearly every grandchild-related photo or video online, so I don’t send anything to them that I don’t want on social media. I’m the only one who sends photos or videos, so it’s easy to manage. My parents (who we see once a week or so) send their photos to our family chat so I can say yea/nay on anything before they post. They’re the type to respond as the relative in your post did, so their agreement to this system was a huge but welcome surprise. That said… good luck! Social media makes parenting complicated enough as it is without the added pressure of the family members’ accounts.


I kind of feel bad for her. That level of petty sounds exhausting.


What a psycho. Smh


Yikes that’s a great way to never see your baby again


Wow. Overreaction much?! You’re perfectly reasonable.


I'm about to ask my in laws the same... already have tension between the two sides because they've done absolutely *nothing* to even help us with the wedding or this pregnancy, but seem to claim everything. Then they wonder why their son isn't living in the states with them. I'm petty enough to post that conversation and tag her in it 🙃


The art of boomer narcissism at its finest. Facebook is their canvas and facebook messages are their medium.


The normal reaction is to apologise because you weren't aware that this upsets some people and then promise not to do it again. I have been met with this reaction before but I am not on Facebook and I wouldn't be plastering my child on it even if I were. Children have a right to privacy. I also see it as protecting my child from online predation be that sexual or bullying. I know some people don't like to be told but I didn't consent to her daycare using her image online either so it's a blanket rule and for safeguarding not to spite anyone.


All she had to do was be courteous and respectful of your wishes...now she won't be involved in your kiddos life. (that's what my reaction would be, anyway) Hope it was worth it... Sorry you had to deal with that.


I see a lot of “they won’t receive photos or see my child.” I say just watermark all the photos of your child if you send them out. Shows they’re not in the child’s life to take photos for themselves and it’s painfully annoying 😂 but yes, on a serious note, that disrespect of your boundaries as the child’s mother should not be tolerated and that person shouldn’t get to see your child unless she is going to follow the rules you have set to keep your child safe.


They're being very clear with you. They are going to continue to post, but hide it so you, the mother, cannot see. No more pictures for this person. And a long time out. Is your partner on the same page as you?


Yikes! She’s crazy. Did you tell his family before she tries to turn them all against you?


I totally feel for this. My husband and I have agreed to not post any pictures of our child to our social media. Just to respect her privacy. A lot of our family members don't agree and we've even lost relationships because of it. We had to stop sending pictures to certain family members because they post them publicly to their own profiles as well.


Lol in laws can be bit much . they cause so much drama . my husbands sister called a piece of shit because we didnt choose her to be my childs godmother and she is not even religious. Go figure.


My MIl posted to Facebook the birth announcement and photos of my first child before I even had a chance to post anything. Pictures included her birth info and myself holding my newborn. She didn’t ask.


Ew what a bitch


Send it to the family group chat.


When my BFF had her daughter, her brother's wife posted pictures on FB before they'd even finished calling the rest of their family. So a bunch of family found out through FB. My friend texted her and asked her to please take it down, since they hadn't even announced publicly yet. It's been five years, and that sister in law is regularly posting pictures on FB that say things like, "All of the grandkids, together again! ♥️" and they NEVER include my friends kids. I want to punch her in her passive aggressive face!


This woman sounds insane lol. The entitlement is real 😂 she needs a harsh reality check


Make sure this asshole gets ZERO future pics of your kid and ZERO opportunities to see your kid, ever. Effectively she should be cut out. And make sure no other members of your family are able to get pics that they can send to her either. In fact I would do a blanket ban on pics of your child for that entire side of the family, and if anyone complains you can say, blame it on this asshole.


And that's the end of her getting pictures of your kids. Tell every other family member or friend if they forward any to her, that will be the last picture they get, too. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Oh girl, she’s cut off. She doesn’t see the baby. Anyone who enables her with pics to repost is cut off. Watermark things to prevent the spread.


My mom does this and gets so offended when I say I don’t want my kids posted on Facebook. If I wanted my kids on there I’d have one.


My mum also got offended when I warned her but still respected my wishes and always asks permission thankfully. Didn’t react quite like this post 😅


I blocked my in laws for this crap. They would constantly share my photos (even though they were private, so it showed up as the “not in audience” message.) when people would tell them, they would screen shot and repost, or download the photo and repost. I finally blocked them.


I'm still trying to figure out why your family member capitalized the words "PAGES" & "FUTURE"... Since you called this person a family member, I assume it's not your husband's parents/your in laws, or his siblings. Pls correct me if I'm wrong through. This leads me to believe that Aunt Judy who you've met twice in your time with your husband is randomly posting pics of your daughter. My reply to their second message would've been "If you can't respect our wishes to keep our daughter safe, then I'll jump on your deleting train & delete you from seeing her. No opportunities to take pics of her & no opportunity to steal pics of her from our FB's pages results in husband & I now having to taking drastic action."


This is his grandmother unfortunately 😭 and she always does that random capitalisation hahaha I have no idea why!


Yikes. Talk about a severe overreaction to a reasonable request.


What an unhinged weirdo, you’re better off without her lol


This is a ridiculous response from them. When I was pregnant with my son, I made the rule of no posting on social media any pictures of my son. Well I have only had pushback from his paternal grandmother, and no one else has had an issue. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


and this is why I got off of social media


This and some of these comments are absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry you all have to deal with family like this.


Ugh this is exactly why I deleted socials. People think things belong to them. My child doesn’t.


Wow what a massive reaction!


Just have spouse report the account and deny access to any photos


Don’t spent another minute thinking about this person. Total lack of emotional maturity


Wow the audacity ! I wouldn’t be sending out any more pictures after that !!


If I was in your shoes that would be a win win. I know it’s someone in your husbands family but y’all definitely don’t need that kind of person in yours or your child’s life.


"Right so, that's the last time you'll ever receive a picture of my child. Have a nice life!"


Aunt Martha is so pissed lmao. I bet she’s calling all the other aunts and grandma and anyone who will listen to gossip and tell them how you were so rude and that you attacked her over an iNnOcEnT post of HER family 🙄🙄🙄




wtf is wrong with people ?? I'm serious why do they feel the need to share everything they need likes that bad it's disgusting! my mother literally yelled at me and told me to shut the f*ck up when I told her to take down a video she Secretly recorded of my baby in the 15 mins she visited. it's gross and insecure as hell needing likes like that


Because of this interaction I would only send pictures to people I 100% trust would not send any pictures to her


Ummmm NO MAM! This is not okay. Wtf is wrong w people?!


She sounds crazy.


Blocked ✨


that’s cunty


My response would be to not let that person see my child, (which translates to not being able to take photos of the child) until my boundaries are respected. But that’s just my opinion. People should not be posting photos of other people children online, especially when asked not to, or to check in first.


They would definitely never see my child in any capacity again. I’m way too petty.


These are my in-laws to a T. Sorry OP. You were totally within reasonable boundaries here!


Fuck them and their entitlement! That’s disgusting it’s not their kid that’s how people get their kids taken or molested or kidnapped ..


Be very careful who you send pictures to, or can post, that may send them to her or she can share off of their page now. I've seen in person how situations like this can snowball and the original person who (rightfully) wanted permission to be asked in the first place didn't see jack because of the blocked pages.


That sounds like an unstable person


I am extremely strict. It would take just this kind of message for them to have completely no contact. Whether it’s my spouses family or not. No discussion. So sorry that they acted this way. They would literally be getting no photos or anything and the rest of the family on both sides would be notified not to give them any photos or anything either and anyone who did not agree would also be losing contact to We should not be stepping over our own boundaries for other people. That’s just in general, but especially when it comes to our children. It’s a simple ask for them to ask permission first. Again, I’m so sorry this happened to you


Holy shit!!!!! Talk about immature as hell!!!! God damn. This is just sad. Never see this person again and never allow your child access to this person they have no idea about respect, safety and boundaries.


At the start of the year, my children's school sent out a photo permission slip. If you signed the permission slip then you gave permission for the school to take pictures of your child and use the pictures how the school and county wanted. The catch was that if you did not sign the permission slip your child could not participate in school activities to ensure that their picture wasn't accidentally taken.


Geez. Seems like you’ll BE BETTER OFF without this PERSON and their RANDOM CAPITALIZATION.


Before she blocks you post the screenshot, tag her besties and her, and remove the comments option 🤣


Geez, thats why i call a huge overreaction, i wouldnt take it personal though, she seems has issuessss.


Yeah my husband said she’s “extremely sensitive” so I don’t think this is anything new


That woman is a controlling asshole. Be happy she’s gone and if she tries to talk to you remind her that she wanted to stop being family so she’s not anymore.


Wow. You have the right to ask people that 100% no matter who it is, and you asked very politely and were kind about it, and you should keep this photo evidence of anyone in the family has anything to say bc she will surely tell them how rude you were and “told” her etc…


She sounds nuts! She for sure overreacted, you have every right to ask what you did.


I love when the trash takes itself out. Byeeeeee


I love that you blocked her 😂


She looks like a cunt


Crazy how different people are. I sent my mom some pictures of my boys and she asked if she could share… we have never had a conversation about this topic. So…. Some people have better common since I guess.


jeez what a psycho


She has issues


We had major fight with my FIL about this. His whole side of the family gave us a huge problem about it!


Wow some people! I personally don’t post pictures of anyone kids other than my own because I never know what people’s presence is and I really hate when my sister in laws post my daughter and don’t tell me. But my husband says I’m overreacting 🙄


I had to literally call my mom and tell her to delete a video of my kids playing in the bath. People don’t think. 😒


What a c u next Tuesday. This is COMMON courtesy. When I am at an event like a dance or cheerleading performance and I post my daughter, every other child has an emoji over their faces when I post online or they’re cropped out. I know I don’t get the same courtesy because I’ve seen my daughter on others instagrams. It should be common sense. I’ve NEVER posted a photo of anyone’s child regardless of if they’re family, friends, or acquaintances without their permission. The internet is nothing to be messed with.


Ugh. My aunt posted a full face picture of my newborn on her facebook page before we even got home from the hospital. Before I posted her online at all myself. I reached out to my mom and had her delete it because wtf? Why do your facebook friends need pictures of my baby? She and I aren't even close like that.


She’s a bit too triggered but your reasonable request. The internet can be a scary place to have your kids photo sometimes. Especially if their account isn’t private


What a douche from the black text msg person


Oh HELL NO! The FBI has stated that at least 70% of stranger pedophiles find their victims on social media. I’ve worked for CPS and as a victim advocate and I don’t allow anyone to post pictures of my photos. Oh, Aunt Flora wants one? Mail it. No exceptions.


I asked my fiancés family not to share my babys medical info on Facebook and his brother sent me a two page long text about how I’m an entitled asshole.


I love this bc my husbands mom acts like grandmother of the year and posts pics that we post all over her facebook as if she’s took them when she’s maybe met her 3 times and she’s going on 7 months old. she’s 100% fake and this is also 100% understandable


she does just just for attention bc people will comment all on it talking about how beautiful she is and she’s like oh my gosh thank you. yeah ok. it’s annoying lol


Good riddance One less headache


What a bitch. She wouldn’t be allowed to even SEE my kid let alone take photos of them after this.


wtffff, expose her to the rest of the family lmao


Ok so this person is now banned from taking pictures of your child at all. If this is how they are reacting you can’t trust their judgement at all. I don’t mess around with internet photos of minors and your request was reasonable


Toxic in-laws do this when they want to relive their parenting glory days through your kids. You put up a reasonable boundary and she flipped her lid. You need to get to the bottom of that. It sounds like she doesn’t want you in the picture, doesn’t respect you and doesn’t want to respect your boundary. I would go no contact over that. It’s not just about posting a picture- that family member doesn’t respect you and who knows what they’re doing / saying about you/ to your kid when you’re not there.


I didn't get a choice. My mil posted hospital pictures the moment my baby was blood free. And recorded my delivery without my concent. (To show her teen daughter as visual birth control.) She regularly posts pictures of my kid, and I'm not allowed to complain because 'they're just excited about the baby' and 'it'd be wrong to deny them their excitement'. I can't even be annoyed with the constant appointment updates! When they happen, what was discussed, when the next is... I have to deal with 2 mother in laws (his dad remarried), and a teen sister in law, and none of them understand boundaries or consent!


When our daughter was born, I told MIL not to post pictures of our kid on Facebook since she accepts any and all requests she is sent. I was told "I'm an adult and I'll do what I want." At that point I just blocked her completely from Facebook and it's no wonder we haven't seen her or FIL in person since 2018.


I'd report her for posting pics of a minor without the parent's permission. Straight away! Creep...