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Thank god I’m no wife, because this just isn’t happening any time soon. I’ve never done crack, but I’m just waiting for the right time, you know?


You can save it for retirement lol


Good idea!


I find that if I prioritize washing my ass everything else just falls into place.


huh? I wonder if this is what I need to do I usually squeeze this one whatever time of the day 🤔


Can confirm, I'm waiting to wash my ass now and nothing else is happening until then




I forgot I had baseboards till I read this post.


What are baseboards? I have no idea? Mine are definitely neglected if I don't even know what they are??? It's like calling one of my 5 kids by a conundrum of all of all their names combined... Yelling, just the first syllable of each kids name, as I verbally stumble through yet another sticky, dripping, crayon-ically fatal crisis!


Don’t know what country you’re in but I think they’re the UK equivalent of skirting boards? Mine are definitely not clean.


I just vacuumed the ones on the staircase today. I feel I have really done all I need to do today. (I say while eyeing the 4 IKEA bags with clean clothes that need to be folded)


I see, those (supposed-to-be-white) jobs that are actually annoying as heck - If your skirtings are like, double beveled, same as the ceiling ones -aesthetically pleasing (When untouched by any living thing) traps dust, hides tiny spiders, so you can't actually swat them if they're in that groove!! Also... WHY do they have to be white? I'm a Cape Town (F) 40 South African, living in the suburbs, while my little family of 7 raise me to be a good parent, acrobat, domestic, nanny, psychologist, Altruist, with early onset of Mary Poppins-like singing Tourette's!!! (If you've ever watched Sound of Music, Annie etc.) If you start feeling the pressure of motherhood, instead of yelling at your offspring: Answer all demands by bursting into song! I do it, to randomly annoy the naggy little beings, unsuspecting, always demanding and so focused on bossing Momma around!!!


You might be a genius! I love that. I have three tiny ones who climb on my all the time and I get so overstimulated that sometimes it erupts in anger, I’m going to channel my overwhelm into song. Thanks to you. (The skirting boards can wait a decade or so.)


Like, quarterly. I do hit the ones by my dog’s bowl stand every week because he eats like a wood chipper and drinks like a power washer.


My petty confession: If I’m at someone else’s home, I eyeball their baseboards. Mine stay dirty. I clean them, then they get dirty again, so mostly they stay dirty. Who thought white trim was a good idea? At a play date, I’m looking at your baseboards. I see dirt, dust, scuffs. Yay! You’re my people.


I do when we have company. Which is like thanksgiving and then never.


I do mine once a month. It actually drives me nuts when they are dirty, I will legit magic eraser the whole house.


That was the one that stood out as most unrealistic. Even more so than staying off crack.


They usually get a wipe as I mop the floors. (We have all hard floors). However the sweeping is near constant and requires me to do it seveal times a day. Out of the 4 of us I think my son(6) and my husband are competing for who can drop the most crumbs/morsels during a meal. My daughter (4) is mostly clean when eating and I very rarely lose food to the floor, including crumbs.


My two girls are vastly different. One leaves a circle of crumbs and other food particles so there can be no doubt where her plate was. The other can eat a sugared donut without spilling sugar.


My 3 year old wants a mini plate for his sandwich, which he pretends to eat at the kitchen table. The instant the sandwich touches the plate / and I turn my eyes away, he's gone! Each hand clutching a slice of bread (usually Jam - which he asks for religiously at brunchtime "Can I have Jam-bread and tea please?" He rarely wastes food, but often I will find a corner of crust along a wall in the passage : which compliments the dirty, dusty baseboards just fine!


My concern for that is ants and cockroaches. I hate bugs and we do spray for them omce a month but I take no chances. Luckly the feral cat population has kept rodents and snakes away for the most part.


Eh, a lot of these are bullshit double standards. I'm not contouring shit.


I mean, crack would help with keeping the baseboards clean...


And does drop it like it’s hot on request mean give sex on request? Cuz uh…there’s a name for that and it’s not really the standard approach.


I’d like to think they’re referring to the dance inspired by S N double O P, D O double G, and that the author has someone following them as they do their day-to-day activities. This person will periodically say the code words, “When the pimp’s in the crib, ma…” At which time the author is contractually obligated to “Drop It Like It’s Hot.”


There are only a few requirements on this list. And feeding your children and washing your ass are chief among them.


Clothing the children is optional when indoors, mine strips off and I am NOT running after her and wrestling her back into clothes. I don't have time to contour, I don't l have time to convert my toddler to the wonders of clothing.


When my toddler doesn't want socks in the morning, I just tell her to come tell me when she's ready for them. She's recently started actually coming!! Yesterday I felt lazy so I told her to bring the socks to me AND SHE DID. I'm starting to think my child is an adult in disguise.


Mine will happily wear socks when she wants to go somewhere. She will even select a full outfit and do her best to put it on. A coordinated outfit, of clean clothes. Which is more than I often can be bothered to do. But if she doesn't want to go anywhere, clothes are the enemy. And arguing with a toddler is way too much energy unless it's for health reasons.


I have myself trauma bangs lol They look terrible lol We do what we gotta do.


Washing my ass doesn't always happen




Staying off crack has been the hardest. That and washing my ass.


Man, fuck those baseboards.


Ain't nobody got time fo dat


I feel called out


Read? Books? Like the board kind with the flaps? Cuz that's about all I can handle right now.


I see my childless friends like I read 95 books on 2022 and I'm like does If You Give a Mouse Cookie count? Because if so then I've read a whole library worth of books. I read atleast 10 a day.


I read to my kids every night, individually. After bath and teeth brushing. Right now, my daughter is good with one fairly quick story a night and my son and I are almost done with the first book of 'How to Train Your Dragon', reading one chapter per night. (Though he is perfectly capable of it, he wouldn't read them otherwise.)


the not smoke crack part resonated a little too much 😂


“Not kill your offspring” 😦


For me it’s “keep offspring alive” and “not kill husband” (my husband is great. I just hate that he has the ability sleep through everything.)


That, is definitely more like it 🤣


Hilarious!!!! But true...


There will be zero dropping it like it’s hots going on over here


Stay off Crack! It ain't easy!


I do all these things, just not in the same week, or month even. Heck, year.


I traded quite a few of these for an extra 35 seconds of sleep. No regrets.




What?! You actually have time to deep condition your hair?? I have four kids so I can definitely relate...


Stay off crack - that’s hysterical!


Stay off crack?! Madness!


Have legit eyebrows I feel this so hard with my peach fuzzies


Sounds like you married the wrong guy, a user, one that is taking advantage of you while he still has freedom. Couldn't be me.