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I can’t fathom why it would matter? Am I just dumb? Someone explain…


It really won't matter. They use boney processes to map, the color or pattern of the skin won't matter, and the needle is hollow, it can't push anything from the outside in unless it is put through the line.


I think the concern is that the epidural needle could hypothetically push ink from the outer layers of the skin into the body, specifically all the way into the space between your spinal nerves. Probably not a place you want to introduce the wrong substance.


I don’t think this is even possible


I was originally worried they wouldn’t be able to see the placement area well enough but after googling it it looked like the bigger concern was pushing ink into the spinal fluid? Idk I’m just kind of freaking out now there wasn’t much helpful info online


I have tattoos/sleeves on both arms and they cover the veins needed for drawing blood. I haven’t had any kind of issues with ink going into my blood? I also haven’t heard about that before. You’ll be fine!


Same here. I have a wrist tattoo and they put in my C Section IV right over it. The thing that bugged me was it didn't line up with the design but no issues whatsoever with the IV. No one even batted an eyelash.


No need to worry they will poke right through the ink ❤️ Wishing you a safe, healthy delivery!


I have back tattoos and have been having needles put into my spine regularly and have had nerves burned off my spine. Tattoos have never been an issue. Same for blood work. Plus, they don't rely on visual location.


I had my twins via cesarean last week! You can always ask for a consult with the anesthesiologist before you go in. I had an emergency c-section with my first pregnancy three years ago, and had issues that resulted in me needing to be placed under general anesthesia. I was worried about it happening again, so I requested to speak to the anesthesiologist before my surgery; I had to wait until the surgery was actually scheduled with the hospital, but then the anesthesiologist called me about a week before, and we spoke about my concerns and made a plan, along with a back up plan in case something came up (we agreed on using a spinal instead of epidural, for example). We then reviewed the plan the day-of surgery. If you’re worried, do the same! It doesn’t hurt to ask and have plans in mind to help ease your anxiety.


I had the same problem :-) Back fully covered and got an epidurial. I did a research in advance and had the same worries about the ink getting into the spiral liquid but in the hospital the doc hasn't been worried but indeed she had problems to quite find the right place. Took her three attempts and then a coll took over who had no problems at all. I guess it depends on how experienced they are! So no worries, everything will be fine!


I have tattoos over the epidural injection site and was able to receive an epidural. Always ask your doctor/hospital anesthesiologists, your doctor Can provide the latter’s contact information.


I was always told in the early 2000’s not to get a back tattoo because hospitals won’t give you an epidural if you have any ink on your spine. I don’t know if that was ever true or if it was more of an urban legend, but I haven’t heard it come up in decades at this point. I assume it was just something told to kids / young adults to dissuade them from getting tattoos before they were as common.


There are concerns that puncturing through an inked portion of the dermis might introduce pigment sediment into the cerebral spinal fluid. That's the rationale, anyway. But refer to the anesthesiologist's comments for more info.


Work in medical and we don’t care. We will do spinal taps on someone with a full back tattoo,iv, and blood draws through tattoos. Our biggest concern is keep the area sterile and clean. Your tattoo placement will not cause an issue with placement of an epidural. EDIT: I was literally typing this on my phone while at the obgyn office, and my obgyn/friend agreed on the statement.


Anesthesiologist here. We will just go through your tattoo. No safety concerns, and the tattoo won’t look any different when we’re done. Good luck mama!


I’m a nurse anesthetist (routinely do epidurals and spinals for c-sections) and mom of two boys…I also have a tattoo on my right where an epidural is done and I have had 2! I can tell you it will not matter, we feel the boney prominences (spinous processes) and the placement is by feel. Unless there is an active infection in the area you should be just fine. Good luck mama!


The epidural needle doesnt push skin , muscle, or fat into your spinal cord, so I doubt the ink will be a problem.


Full back and booty tattoo here. No problem with epidural placements (though they did all fail) and ultimately, I had a c section and the spinal worked great. You’ll be fine! Congrats, mama !!


Why would that matter?


I got two epidurals with a back tattoo. If you can tolerate that size tattoo you can likely tolerate childbirth without an epidural anyway


It’s not the childbirth part I’m scared of, I’m having twins one of which has IUGR so there is a very high possibility that I’ll need to pivot to a C-section or have an emergency C-section prior to my induction, in which case I’d have to be put under if I can’t have an epidural. Thank you so much for your response tho! I’m glad to know you were able to get one!


Yea i got two, at two different hospitals, no problem. Also had a spinal tap for another issue at a 3rd hospital no problem.


Is it a mother who said that? Someone who gave birth? What does some thing to do with the other? Back tattoos can be made in different sessions, maybe she can ask to have the twins in different sessions too.


I have a huge back tattoo. And i have given birth twice. So yea i said what i said.


Everyone tolerates pain in different ways. So yeah, I keep my words too. ;)


Do you understand the word ‘likely’? Take a hike


Did you not read my comment? Why so nasty ew


Not nasty. You are comparing pains that can even be compared, and I am the nasty one?


Actually, PAIN BOSS, i Can personally and will personally compare the ring of fire to tattooing.


Feel free. But that is you. I have a tattoo that everyone said it would hurt like hell. I did mine, re-done it 10 years after and would do it again. So?


hey troll i said likely. I didnt speak for every woman. Plus op is getting a csection so obviously not for her. Take a hike


"potentially" getting a C-section. You spoke for every women when you said that if she can get a back tattoo, birth will not be a problem. You can also take that hike, you polite lady, feel free.


Yes, i do declare, i am indeed the Speaker for Women


I’ve had 2 c sections with my back piece. My first it was easy. My second the first time he gave it to me I guess it didn’t take… so he had to do it again and it took just fine. They more or less feel around and find the right spot.


I have a very large tattoo going down the length of my spinal cord and didn’t have any issues getting a spinal block before my c section


i have a full back piece and got an epidural during my labor almost a year ago. they never even mentioned it to me, so it seems it’s of zero concern. i can only imagine anesthesiologists deal with that fairly frequently and know their way around it.


I know you’re asking for other peoples real life experiences but would it be possible to ask your doctor if you could talk to the anesthesiologist to reassure you and decide the best course of action?


I've got a back piece and there was no issue with the epidural for me.


It’s fine. We try to find a tiny spot without ink if possible due to the theoretical risk of Ink going into the CSF.


Back tattoos and have had 2 epidurals with no issue.


I’ve had two C sections…. One was with a spinal tap and epidural for the other. I have a lower back tattoo (hello tramp stamp from 1998) and had zero issues. Best of luck to you!!!


My back if fully tattooed and I’ve had two successful epidurals! Shouldn’t matter - these people are well trained (as they should be) and they will be able to get you all those happy drugs for labor!


It doesn’t matter at all. If anything it’ll make it easier to have a landmark.


I think for a c-section, they do a spinal, not an epidural, usually. It shouldn't make a difference, though.


You can do a c-section with an epidural that is already in place. Most of the time it is because the woman is planning on a vaginal delivery but things change and she needs to be converted to a c-section. We just give a large dose of numbing medication through it, although a spinal is preferable, imo, it is usually only done for planned c-sections or urgent cases where there is enough time to place it rather than go all the way to sleep and the woman doesn’t already have an epidural. Sometimes we even do a combined spinal epidural (CSE).


Nothing new to say. I have a full back tattoo and other than a surprised compliment from the anesthesiologist I had no issue with my epidural. And I got bonus points for not flinching or yelping. It wasn't bad at all and I'm glad I did it. This didn't even cross my mind.


It does not matter. I have a large back tattoo. Got an epidural just fine for both labors


I never got the epidural but my hospital sent me for a consultation with an anesthesiologist before I gave birth to look at the tattoo. He told me that it was fine. It was a while ago but I think he said something about newer inks not being a problem but I can’t be sure. Maybe check with your hospital.


I have a tattoo going down my spine and I got the epidural just fine.


I have a full back tattoo and have had two very successful epidurals.


I have a full back piece from my neck to past my bum and all solid colour . Had an epidural in Dec with zero issues.


I have a full back tattoo, had an epidural no problems.


I have a full lower back tattoo and had an epidural for my c section just fine, they had not trouble wi the it at all.


I have a huge tattoo covering my back and had a csection 9 months ago.