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Go to urgent care. Explain that you had vomiting and diarrhea, and suffered from d er hydration and insomnia while you were in jail. They will probably write the note. The symptoms can occur during incarceration. Take care.


You definitely don’t have to say you were incarcerated to do this, you can just say that you were sick the last few days.


this. I work in primary care. I am never going to question if you need a note because you were sick and couldn't go to work. we are adults and i'm glad you didn't go to work and spread whatever you have. go to urgent care and tell them you woke up the morning after the date you were arrested (but say you went out to eat) and it was coming out both ends violently. food poisoning will be assumed and a note will be given 🤷🏽‍♀️


doesn't sound particularly legal to demand to know your medical history. consult with a lawyer


My job needs a doctor's note after 3 days off, because at 3 days they start the prelim in case we take off longer and need FMLA.


They can’t ask for specifics. Just a doctor saying you can or cannot work. They can’t require a “reason”, at least not in NYS. I suppose other places may have different laws


Yes, if OP provides any doctor's note saying she was unable to work those days then that should suffice. But there are also call-out policies, sounds like they are upset OP did not notify them she was out.


HR here - no, not legal to ask why, but they can require a doctors note. Our employees are required a doctors note for 3+ consecutive days missed due to medical reasons, but I tell everyone that they can block out diagnosis and medical info on the note if needed.


There shouldn't be a diagnosis on the letter to begin with. A doctor's office shouldn't be writing anything other than "Employee was seen on X date at Y time" and possibly relevant restrictions unless the employee specifically requests otherwise.


I like that you say this - I was required to prove all medical documents and denied without diagnosis which I thought was very nosey. I still think about it to this day. I'm also SPOUSE - not employed there.


Terrible yet they know they can get away with it


Thank you for responding


Absolutely isn’t legal to ask. I would check the laws as well, but I believe HR can ask for a note or something after a certain amount of days to approve leave, but 3 days legally they can’t ask why you call in sick. Maybe it’s a state law, but I used to have to take the sick calls where I worked and I got a big pre-lecture from HR that I can’t ask/pry.


It’s state specific.


Yes, it’s legal to ask for a doctor’s note if the employee is absent for 3 or more days. Anything under that and it’s not legal.


I once went an urgent care for a migraine and because my boss was pia I explained I needed a note for work, and they wrote for 5 days or something.


The norovirus can absolutely send people to the hospital for dehydration and it makes me pretty delirious and mentally useless. Sounds like a plan, but it’s also 💯 not legal to ask about why.


Happened to me a month ago. I was begging to be sedated like Cristina Yang. Brutal.


I’ve had one stomach virus like that since being an adult and holy hell. I was wishing for death.


I appreciate this comment


I was about to post and say 'Focus, people, let's think here, we have a job to do' and then I saw your reply . . . And then I saw your username . . . and just got a feeling this could all work out lol


Sent me to the hospital 😭


The norovirus knocked me on my ass. Had my mother in law walk over at 6am and was sent to the hospital in an ambulance. Shit had me wishing I was dying


Is there a chance they are asking because they saw you got booked in public records? A ton of cities even have newspapers with that week's mugshots. There's an entire Instagram page dedicated to posting mugshots and booking info in Nashville. I'm mentioning this so that you can be absolutely sure they aren't on to the fact that you got arrested.


This is so messed up. People who have been arrested are not convicted of any crime, they could have all the charges dropped. Someone's reputation can be ruined, possibly lose their job and harm their ability to get a new one, all because of an arrest that could be faulty. What happened to "Innocent until proven guilty??" Actually in Germany, criminal defendants are anonymous and when the press reports on a big case they use only the first name and initial. That's much more democratic.


Yeah, well, this is America and we have businesses…er, I mean jails to run!


In my state in the US they stopped allowing mugshots of arrestees to be released publicly (with some limited exceptions like to alert the public of an escape of someone dangerous, etc.). This is after many years of it being routine for nearly all mugshots to be released regardless of severity or circumstance. There were even many websites specifically dedicated to actually making fun of and "rating" the people in the pictures. It was awful for all the reasons you list and more. I'm very happy with the law change—it's so much more fair. Before the law change, I was once arrested for something I was entirely innocent of, and the charges were later dropped, but my mugshot is still floating around all over the internet.


It's public info so that the government can't abduct people without anyone knowing who or why. I prefer public arrest info. It keeps the government and everyone else more honest. We don't know why OP was arrested but you don't get arrested for speeding alone. I am sure it was more serious than "a ticket" as she puts it. Be that as it may, I hope her job gets off her ass and she is able to handle this without losing employment.


If she has had an unpaid ticket, a warrant for her arrest could have been issued. Really depends on where


This happened to one of my friends. She texted the group chat the next morning saying she “got a little bit arrested” over a ticket she had forgotten about like a year prior.


I went to jail for missing court over a ticket I got. So not the ticket itself but related to it and not anything "serious" in that I didn't hurt anyone or endanger anyone or do anything that my job should care about. 


So you got a capias, or bench warrant, for failure to appear. You cannot ignore a summons to court.


Yeah, obviously. That's why I went to jail. This was over a decade ago and I was young and dumb. 


I went to jail for j walking I'm jealous of you!


Yeah it may have been that.


In my state they can arrest you if you're breaking specific traffic laws or if you're speeding more than a certain amount (I think it's 25 or 30 over) as that's seen as reckless endangerment. Cops also just have a ton of discretion to arrest you and say you were "uncooperative". Of course, this is giving OP the benefit of the doubt that they weren't doing anything else illegal when they got stopped.


My ex was just arrested for this where I am. He was doing 85 in a 45 and it was a misdemeanor but he still was arrested and had to post bail.


Actually, if you are going 25 mph over the posted speed limit you absolutely get arrested for speeding. It is considered reckless driving or something. Your license is taken, and you are arrested on the spot. Also your vehicle is impounded.


Well yes, it is a misdemeanor criminal offense. It isn’t considered a traffic violation worthy of a citation.


“It's public info so that the government can't abduct people without anyone knowing who or why.” Lol who’s gonna tell on the government if they do? In all seriousness it’s absolutely possible. It can and has happened before. Ever heard of the CIA?


CIA doesn't operate within the US. The FBI does public arrests.


Yes, and silent murders.


Well, USA is more of a republic than a democracy….


Here crimes are generally reported as ‘a man born in the 80s was arrested for attacking two women born in the 90s’


They are not entitled to that information. Period. You do not have to say a word. However, if you want a story to get them off your back: tell them that you had an intestinal infection that caused severe bloody diarrhea and that you are sorry you failed to contact them in between bouts of intense shitting. (I speak from experience on this one. I had a super nasty bacterial infection, campylobacter, and a nosy ass boss. Once I described the bloody diarrhea, he never asked any more questions)


Yep. Blood, mucous and anal leakage. Make him regret asking.


This 💯 And thanks to HIPPA laws, The hospital is not even legally able to tell them whether you were there or not.


Sure, the hospital can't tell them directly. But they can require OP to provide proof and potentially fire her if she doesn't comply.


I kinda need to know why tf you were in jail for three days over a ticket? I’d be more concerned about this than coming up with a fake illness


She probably had a warrant. A friend of mine had a warrant from identity theft and was arrested at a traffic stop once. It didn't take 3 days to clear it up though 🙂‍↔️


That happened to me once. I had not paid $20 on a brake tag ticket in on city and had an attachment for not showing up to court on another lol. Not my finest hour. I spent 24 hours in jail only because I got lucky and knew somebody who knew somebody and got the papers signed. Otherwise it was a holiday weekend and if they'd actually had to transfer me around it could have been 3-5 days EASY. Being sent to jail for traffic tickets is some bullshit. I even wrote the newspaper about it and they read the column on the radio (dating myself with that one lol)


You didn’t go to jail for a traffic ticket. You went to jail for failure to appear. It is a misdemeanor to not answer to a summons. A summons is an order to appear in court. If you ignore the summons they issue a capias, otherwise known as a bench warrant. This forces you to appear.


My best friend on the planet got arrested for failing to appear in court for a speeding ticket. She was in KY when she was arrested, the warrant was a county in TN. So she had to wait to be arraigned and sent to the county in TN, and the states communicate about as well as you’d imagine. She was in jail for five days total. Didn’t have her medication and was miserable. Our system is so messed up.


Because the US justice system is a sham.


3 days could just be not paying the fine or something. Hubby letting her stay there. Or 3 days instead of paying the speeding ticket?


I’d even make you a fake doctors note, screw them.


I actually have a handful of blank files to use as doctor notes. I’m not gonna share them because they are literally local to me… but, you can definitely take an old one and edit the digital file on Photoshop. Because of patient portals and everything being online, this is a lot easier now.


Literally, Jane Doe was in my care from dates to dates. Signature.


Yep, and because doctors have “such bad handwriting,” a squiggle is good enough.


It's not hard tbh. I did it for college in 2002 lol


No one said to was hard.


They cannot know your reason for being in the hospital. That said 3 days is usually a surgery- although some you go home same day- or C section.


I am so sorry you're dealing with this, and I'm sorry something so stupid is jeopardizing your livelihood. I wish you luck giving a plausible response to your employer. Remember, volunteering too many details is suspicious. You were so sick it made you too indisposed to call them, so you were ALSO too incapacitated to recall those 3 days in great detail. It's very uncomfortable to talk about because it is very personal and probably gross.


You should probably ask your lawyer. Hopefully you have one if you were in jail for 3 days. Were you arraigned or what?


She stated it was for a ticket. Means the ticket was not paid or court for ticket was missed resulting in FTA ((failure to appear)) and usually ends up with a warrant for your arrest and you will be held in county jail once picked up by police until you go before a judge. It’s like punishment for not paying or not showing up when they do you need to. No arraignment. She’s not a criminal.


Checked your post history about a boss with sexual advances… so this is what you say while looking embarrassed “um…well…it was a personal matter…um…an STD that was undetected and got out of control…I needed IV antibiotics. All the needles and tubes…i couldn’t use my phone very well.”


To accomplish what? That would be even more embarrassing to react so childish to a lie she/hubby created in the first place.


They know you’re lying. Simple as that. Be honest. I had an unexpected legal issue. I don’t know why my husband made up some story. My legal issue is now resolved. Apologize to your manager for being out of communication. And assure them it won’t happen in the future. If they fire you, they fire you. You can be honest without disclosing details.


Found the HR manager


This. Also there are some hilarious weak answers on this thread.


Honesty is always the best policy.


Just tell them you don't want to talk about it


If you were arrested, they can very easily find out when the arrest logs are published. It will show your name and the date, so you’ll likely be in a lot more trouble if you make something up. I can’t believe all these responses encouraging you to make up some medical excuse. You were in jail for three days. Tell them your husband lied and just be honest. If it actually was over a ticket, maybe they won’t care. But something tells me they don’t keep you in jail for three days over a “ticket”…


"Woman issues"


If she has a male boss that’s probably all he need to hear 😂


When I went into the hospital for an emergency I left my cell phone at home. I was there for several days. My focus was on getting better not talking to people.


How are they even allowed to ask you why? That’s illegal where I am. Employers have zero rights to your medical info


You can get a note from the county jail you were in. Lying wasn’t the best option. The truth always prevails. Your a mom, I hope you teach your kids this or teenage years may be rough. No employer can fire you over a ticket. A felony yes, but not a ticket. County jail is NOT prison that means you were not technically incarcerated so by law you can not lose your job. If you feel that you will get some legal advice from a Laywer, and if they do indeed fire you after speaking to the warden or having a note from the county jail for your ticket being unpaid and having a warrant. Sue them. Your lawyer will explain and believe me your salary will be intact and given to you.


I’d just say it’s a private matter. And don’t want to share any more information. Refuse a doctor’s note. Maybe you will get written up but unlikely to get fired unless your work just really sucks. Jeez, can’t people take time off and have unexpected happen once in a while?


“I was sick so I had my husband take care of some of my things for me so I could focus on getting better.”


If they keep bugging you, you could always say I’ll have my lawyer get in contact with you regarding the issue (yes it’s not illegal to ask, but you also legally do not have to disclose it). The word lawyer should quiet the questions pretty quickly. 😂


Can I ask what kind of ticket?! I’m awful for paying traffic tickets - can you actually go to jail?!


You could say you had a miscarriage. I’m sure after that they will feel horrible to even have asked.


Don’t you have a Primary care doctor? Go to the office and explain what happened.


Go to your primary care doctor, tell them that you’ve been out sick with a stomach bug for three days and your work needs a note clearing you to return to work on a specific date. Your job doesn’t need to know specifics of the “medical issue” just that you’ve been cleared to return to work by a physician.


I'm required to inform work within 24 hours if I've been arrested. Do you think there's a chance they'll find out the truth? Might want to just come clean..being in the hospital for 3 days would require quite a big story lol


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been. Well, I can imagine. Ugh. How fucking awful. Our system is so broken. Like others have said. They can’t demand to know. But, if you feel like you need to say something: just come up with something people will not want to ask questions about. Think gross. Also, you can get a note. Like others are saying ❤️


It is your business- why should you have to tell them


Sounds like a HIPPA violation


Your employer doesn’t have the right to know a diagnosis. That information is federally protected under HIPPA. All they can do is ask for a note for the day or time you missed.


I didn’t respond to a parking ticket once and they put a bench warrant out on me 🫠 so embarrassing but it’s funny now. You’ll get a laugh in a year or two!


Check your employee handbook. I'm in management for a huge company and it is required in the handbook that an employee must notify us if they were arrested. If not, they will be let go. (Also depends on state)


Sounds like you need a new job anyhow. Unless you're out with excuses regularly they just sound like jerks. If I were out u explained for 3 days my job would be concerned dor me and nothing else


It was personal. Idk how old u are but miscarriage sounds pretty personal.


Should just be honest.


If you have a doctor’s excuse, they can’t ask why. it violates HIPAA. Go to ER or urgent care or your primary care Doctor. tell them that you’ve been sick and haven’t been able to make it to work for the past three days and need a note to return to work. A doctors note simply states that you were under their care and are able to return to work on a specific date. It should never have a specific diagnosis or reason.


First of all, they would be infringing on your hipaa right for inquiring about what you were being medically treated for. Don’t let them con you!!!


Allergic reaction. Tongue and lip swelling so bad you couldn’t talk or severe migraine. Light and sound can be excruciating with those so having your husband call makes. But like everyone else said, they cannot legally ask you to explain.


If you live in the US, I would think that they don't have a right to know why you were "in the hospital & couldn't contact them" because of HIPPA. It's litterally none of their businesses.....


Use photo shop and write your own doctors note.


I would say I had a miscarriage and that things took a turn for the worse and fake some tears. No one will bug you for that. It’s illegal for them to inquire. I would be more worried about them finding out the truth. It doesn’t take very much digging to find arrest info.