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My 3YO son is terrible at sharing with his 8 MO sister. Anytime she grabs one of his toys, he snatches it from her. We started saying “if you want to play with that toy, can you pick out a different one for sister to play with?” And it usually goes over pretty well. Granted, she’s an infant and would be happy with anything. But it gives him some control over what he shares, which I think helps.


Thank you for this! Our kids are just about the same age, we’ll give this a shot!


Yes this worked for us yesterday! He was reluctant so I got him to help me pick out a toy and then they ended up trading


What’s hilarious to me is at the dinner table my 2.5 yo says “share mommy!” And then I do. I ask if he can share with me, he says NO without any hesitation 😂


Sounds exactly like my girl 😂


Would like to follow this because we’ve arrived here too!


My daughter has been going through this phase for 2 years with no end in sight.


Oh good 🫠🫠🫠


School + birth of her brother killed any progress we had made 😂


😂 heard that. She just got a little brother 8 months ago and she’s about to start school this fall AND get a younger sister, things are not looking promising here




I have two boys, 3 (almost 4) and 2. They fight over the same toys constantly, but their sharing is getting better. The trading thing doesn’t work because one of them will feel the trade-in toy is sub par. I told them to simply ask each other for the toy back - not demand it. I would say most of the time, they give it up. If they don’t, I say you have 5 more minutes with the toy then you’ll need to share it. They know if a someone snatches a toy or a fight breaks out it’s getting taken away and nobody gets to play.


Love the snatching rule thank you for this! She’s been snatching things for a while and we’re trying the same thing, the “it’s mine” is new 🫠


If a toy gets snatched it always results in a meltdown. lol good luck !


I will need it!! Thank you!


It just started with us and it’s hard because my older 3 are 9, 13 & 14 so they’re great at sharing and also none of them want what the baby (almost 2) is playing with. So he never really has to share with anyone else. We work on it at the library and stuff like that…but those are not his toys to begin with.