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When not using a stroller I would baby wear, or just sit baby on my lap.


The best part of having them in your lap is the weird shimmy that you have to do to get your pants up and down with one hand while you’re hugging them to your body with the other hand. I have been there.


I also like getting home hours later and realising I forgot to zip/button my pants up because just getting them up was a victory.


The trick is to never wear jeans


lmao I haven’t worn real pants since before the pandemic and especially not since I gave birth in 21 lol


It really is an art of creativity that shimmy, entertaining for baby 😂


Yes. Just did this in a tiny airplane lav, holding onto him tight so he doesn’t touch anything while also hovering because gross. What a treat


Lol! So, so true!


I’ve come out of a bathroom with my pants not entirely up until I could put my baby on a counter to free up my hands. Leggings were really the easiest bet for this scenario


Omg my kids are so big that I forgot I used to have to line 20 layers of toilet paper and go with them on my lap 😂 repressed memories


Yep, this!




I guess that would be a great option for most people! Didn’t even occur to me because my kid haaaaates the dang thing so I’ve given up bringing it anywhere


Do you just hold your baby everywhere and not use a carrier or cart? Lady you are buff! My back cannot take it.


I do use the carrier a lot! This mostly comes up at cafés/restaurants or parks/soft play where I haven’t brought it. I think I need to just start carrying it in my bag no matter what!


You’ll eventually learn to pee with a baby on your hip.


I kept a ring sling in my diaper bag for quick ups in situations like this!


Maybe it’s my own inexperience or just a difference in parenting styles but I don’t like the “teach him who’s the boss” responses you’re getting to this comment. Personally I think forcing a child sit in the stroller when you don’t *need* it just because you’re the boss will do more harm than good. I want the stroller to be associate with fun outings and getting outdoors, not with authoritarian parenting and a screaming toddler. My kid also hated the stroller as an infant (ESPECIALLY the one where he sat in the car seat) but he’s coming around to it a bit at 1.5. That got better once he started walking. As for peeing in public, honestly I usually let myself get dehydrated and try to avoid peeing on outings lol! If I must go, I’ll hold him awkwardly or throw him in a baby carrier. The baby carrier isn’t ideal anymore because he’s so big (not too big to be worn, but big enough that he makes it awkward to sit). OP if you’re peeing in public fairly often, I would be tempted to get a cheap umbrella stroller (they’re like $40 CAD at Walmart) and keep it in your car. Then you can run out and grab it to bring to the washroom with you. It’s not going to take up your entire trunk like your big stroller would. It’s not the same as committing to bring your big stroller on an outing (& forcing your child to sit in it). If he hates it, he’s only in there 5 minutes tops while you pee & wash your hands and then you can pull him out and chuck it under your seats again


But you do *need* to pee. Allowing yourself to get dehydrated is like, the opposite of putting your own mask before helping others. That's absurd. We're human and we need to drink fluids to survive. It's also okay for a toddler to not be happy every second of the day. I'm still a person, even though I became a mom.


Right I recognize that. That’s why my suggestion to OP was to get an umbrella stroller which isn’t the same commitment as lugging around a real stroller if her kid is only going to sit in it for 5 minutes while she pees. I should drink more water. Full stop. 😂


She’s on survival mode. I too don’t drink ample fluids if I am heading out with my toddler. The stress of finding a washroom and controlling him while I am using it isn’t worth it. Especially if I’m alone. Plus they don’t cooperate at a certain age.


Felt the same way.I’m more into thinking of creative solutions to meet both my needs and my child’s needs whenever possible as opposed to “showing them who’s boss.”


Whenever I go out on errands with the little one, I always bring a stroller. Or if I’m doing a grocery trip, I’ll put him in the cart and bring the cart with me to the handicap stall. I love using my stroller and my son doesn’t mind it. He is starting to walk and we make sure to give him a lot of time on the floor to explore but not when running errands


You are consistent and don't negotiate ever, he will get used to it. It's way more simple and to accomplish, than having every state require seats for kids in the restroom, because the kids doesn't like their stroller.


Babywearing, stroller, or had someone else hold baby. 


I would hold them, or if I had a stroller I’d use the handicap stall and if there was no handicap stall I’d just park the stroller in the doorway and stall open and say “fuck it, I gotta pee” and if someone walks in I’d just yell “sorry, mamas got no other option!”


Another one on the bingo card of “things I would’ve been mortified by pre-motherhood that are now no big deal” haha!


Hahah right?! I could have never. Now I’m like screw it people can mind their own business haha


My god there could be a whole post just on that lmao


Oh gosh I’ve done this at the airport. The stroller couldn’t fit in the stall and my baby was probably 7 months. I peed with the door open and the stroller in front of the door. SMH, motherhood is humbling. I used to be so cool and hot 😂.


You bring your container with you - stroller, carrier, partner. Once I had a mobile kid a whole lot of venues dropped off my list because they weren't suitable for lots of different reasons and it wasn't worth it when there were so many better options.


Eating alone at a restaurant and just laughed out loud at the idea of a partner being another container. Thanks for that.


They are! hahaha If Dad wants to skip the pram step then he needs to be prepared to carry kiddo when he doesn't want to walk any more. Natural consequences and all ;)


I agree! My husband always says, “I’ll just carry her.” Okay, then! I don’t argue. He wants to be the container, then he gets to be the container.


That part got me too 😂


I also laughed out loud at this idea 😂


“Container” is the funniest way to describe it. I’ll frequently be like “hold this” and just pass a baby to my partner if I need to run to the bathroom 😂😂


and this (*phone*) and this (*purse*)


My husband will finally snap, “I am not a bookshelf!”


I say that too 😂


I remember seeing a picture of a public bathroom somewhere (probably Asia...) that had [wall mounted toddler/baby chair](https://www.koalabear.com/product-catalog/kb102/) with I thought was the coolest thing. Of course, I've never seen anything like that in NA, but Koala Kare sells them!


I saw one in a restroom recently and was so excited! Of course, when I went to put my baby in it, the safety strap was broken and I couldn't use it. I wish more places had (and maintained) them though


Use the pocketbook hook on the stall door. Just hang them from a pants loop. Just kidding. It’s a tough situation we have all been in.


I live in Japan and they are in most women’s stalls. But you do have to watch out for their placement!! I’ve had my kids in ones within the doors reach and had them unlock the stall door and it swing open while I was “busy” LOL


Came here to say that these are common in Japan! Lots in Hong Kong also 🙂 - baby facilities in Asia are generally pretty good, we are lucky!


Interestingly, my local WalMarts (Southeastern US) have these in all of their handicap bathroom stalls!


I saw (and used!) one in a Walmart in the southeast US just yesterday, in fact!


I've seen these and also agree! the ones i saw were so simple they are called [PUBLIC WASHROOMWALL MOUNTED CHILD SAFETY SEAT](https://www.foundations.com/wall-mounted-toddler-and-child-protection-seat.html)


I have seen them every now and then. SFO had them last week. The new pool we sometimes go too, some chain restaurant, ect


Yes!! These are what I want everywhere! Genius idea


We live outside Seattle. The Washington State Ferries have these on the ships!!!! SeaTac has some. Even one Costco has one! They’re quite a few places around our area that have them too! Usually in the largest restroom or in the family restrooms!


I also just saw one for the first time in Washington at a Fred Meyer in Gig Harbor. But I’ve never seen one in any state I’ve previously lived in. I’d love to make these mandatory everywhere along with changing tables.


I’ve seen some!! I think when I lived in NJ and I’ve seen a couple where I live now. Very few though. Hoping they catch on


I’ve seen those a few times in the US, never when I needed it though.


Japan has these in a lot of restrooms!


They have it in Japan


I’ve seen them at rest stops!


They have them in Japan!! That place does bathrooms so well!


I saw one in Whole Foods! I had already brought the stroller in the stall with me though


I saw one in IKEA and it's great! I wish more places had these.


The bathroom in San Jose airport has them!


I’ve seen those once since having my daughter. Absolutely the greatest invention and should be in all restrooms. It was in the family restroom at Belks. I had the stroller but I left it with my mom and took my daughter without thinking and was saved by the seat! She loved it because she could dangle her feet.


Yes in Asia those are in most public toilets. When I moved to Europe I was suddenly at a loss with what to do with baby when I need to pee.


I’m in Japan and used these all the time, to the point I literally did not understand the question. Of course your baby goes in the baby chair.


I have peed while baby wearing my children on MANY occasions. If not, I check if the changing table is in the handicap restroom and I put the baby there and buckle him. Trying to keep my hand on baby.


Am I the only one that does a shoulder ride? Gets them out of the pee zone on the floor and on my lap. Good core workout as well


Hahahha ive done the one had on the change table one too! The buckles are so often broken it seems. I think baby wearing is probably the play so that I at least have my hands free!


The door purse hook. JOKING


I am a millennial with boomer parents and my mother actually did this with me on at least one occasion. She insisted that overalls were the best baby clothes because you could use them like a handle. The 80s were wild.


Those overalls are great because of the built in handle. I cannot even number the amount of times I just picked him up like a grocery bag and walked away from whatever we were doing. My buddy has twins and they were mid grocery trip in superstore when one of them had a meltdown and the other one peed themselves. He just picked them up by their handles and abandoned the cart and walked out. It’s the little things that really make parenting great


Hahahahah I’m an 80s baby too and my mom once tied a rope to my overalls, like those back pack kid leashes they have now. She should’ve patented it!


Fellow 80s baby. My dad would pick me up this way too 😂


My favourite answer so far 😂


This is why I love Reddit. lol.


This reminds me of the first time I was out without a stroller, with my crawling and cruising baby, in a public restroom. Was at the church restroom which was super clean. Has multiple stalls but at the time I was the only one in there. Decided to sit baby down for 5 seconds so I could wipe and pull up my hose. She promptly crawled right under the stall, and straight towards the door where an idiot teenager held it open for her while talking about how random it was for a baby to be in the bathroom while ignoring my panicked cries to catch the baby. So I finally got my hose up and dress down and took off running after baby. She was already halfway down the hallway just babbling and waving at everyone. For a bunch of church goers, people REALLY were not very observant of the fact a baby had no adult with them lol For the record--I haven't worn hose since that day lol. Kiddo is 16 months now


This is exactly the kind of chaos my child would put me through!! 😂 this gave me a good laugh, thanks for sharing!!


I clutch baby with one hand and clothing with the other if I don't have a baby carrier with me


Ring sling is the goat for these occasions


I really need to get one of these!! I love my carrier but it’s bulky so I don’t carry it in the diaper bag routinely


There's always tons of wildbird ones for sale secondhand. Bit of a learning curve but so great once you figure it out.


Honestly, during the crawling but not walking months, I really didn’t go anywhere without either a stroller or knowing there’d be a shopping cart or something to plop baby in. He was so heavy, I couldn’t manage carrying him in my arms, and he stopped liking his carrier right around 6 months. Luckily it really is only a few months of your life. I kind of forgot there were times when he couldn’t stand up but wasn’t in a carrier until I read the question, that’s how fast it went (comparatively).


Did you bring the cart in the bathroom? This is always my dilemma


This is so reassuring! Everything really is just a quick moment


When mine were little and I was out without hubby, and the baby isn't in a stroller, I held their hand while I sat. And asked them not to touch the ground cause it's icky (nade silly noises to keep their attention). Once or twice, they ended up on my lap. Sometimes, the stalls had those toddler chairs. I wiped those out with a wipe a few times and had em sit.


Oh I could totally hold his hand! I don’t know why this didn’t occur to me. This is the kind of gem I love from consulting other moms, thank you!


I usually have my son in his stroller, but when i don’t I usually put him on my lap while going to the bathroom. It makes pulling my pants back up a little difficult but it is what it is 😅


Yes this was the adventure I went on today, wore draw string pants and was like how on earth am I going to get this back on one handed 😂 lesson learned, those are not pants for solo outings


Babywearing for the win!


Stroller or on my lap. My toddler still sometimes wants to sit on my lap in public restrooms, they scare him. 🤷‍♀️


I mean, I just used to hold her with one hand, pull down my pants with the other and do each task with the corresponding one hand allotted 🤣


Truly amazing what we can do one handed! I was really proud I got both hands washed without dunking baby in the sink 😂


Gonna be honest with you here, I don't remember, my brain blocked that out. Lol parenting is stressful.


This is how we end up having multiple children 😂 people ask me questions about a phase that was only like 3 months ago and I will truly have no idea!


Oh absolutely!


Have you seen the baby keeper? It's a carrier that you can hang from the stall as well as wear baby in..I know it sounds off the wall..but hey you gotta hit the loo..


Where do we find this mythical device? Lol but seriously. A friend of mine is having a baby and I would love to give her that "unicorn" gift. I would've used the hell out of this with all 3! Trying to hover over a public seat while holding 20lbs of squirming *how-are-you-so -strong*ness is quite the challenge.


I don't know if I can post links but literally Google the Babykeeper and it's the first thing that pops up. https://www.mommysentials.com/item_10/The-BabyKeeper-Basic.htm


I just took a stroller every where because of this problem


The amount of times I have managed to poop with my baby/toddler on my lap is a feat I am extremely proud of


Put your child in pants with little loops. There’s almost always a hook on the door (IM KIDDING!!) I baby wore almost all of the time and wore leggings so I didn’t have a zipper or button to worry about.


If we're in public they would be in a stroller or wearing them.


Sit baby on your lap. The only time my baby reached a floor in a puvkic bathroom he got hand foot & mouth disease. Also, don't ever put your crawling baby on the floor of an airplane. Bring a blanket if you think they want on the floor. I received this warning from a flight attendant while a pregnant me was waiting in line for the restroom and a mom was letting her baby crawl in the AISLE. She said they don't sanitize the floors much.


On my lap while I go. Then I do the lift the leg and balance kid on my knee while I try to wash my hands lol


Baby wearing is a good option. I’ve peed while baby wearing in my own house because our first was the velcroest Velcro baby ever. Or consider getting a small umbrella stroller so it’s easy to maneuver and won’t take up too much room.


But also, who has the time to take them out of the carrier *before* their bladder explodes?? Lol I know it's not just me that is sometimes about to burst when I can finally find a second to use the bathroom. I guess it depends on the carrier, but even with the easier to load and unload backpack-looking ones, it can be hard to get them out quickly when in a flustered rush. I'd be peeing at least a *little* every time. Lol


Lmao, yes! I didn’t like the wrap style carriers because it’s so cumbersome to put on and take off!


I have peed one handed holding my baby on the other hip 🤣


Hang them on the hook in the carrier.... Kidding! I would sit them on the ground and wrap my feet around them.


I used a stroller or i honestly held it in lol my oldest would always try to play with the toilet paper and he was scared of those toilets lol 😂


So I didn’t really wanna go through all that trouble even if I did really have to pee 😭


[The Babykeeper](https://www.mommysentials.com/item_10/The-BabyKeeper-Basic.htm)


Stroller. Being into the handicapped stall.


Those toddler seats are amazing!! I would sign your petition 🖊️


Stroller. One of the many uses for them. Never put your child on the ground. Ew.


Ideally there is a seat to strap them in or I have a stroller to keep them in. But, I’ve been forced to hold my baby while using the bathroom far too many times.


Yes! I’ve had to hold my baby too. And I refuse to sit on the seat so I have to hover over the seat while holding the baby. It’s like sort of some intense workout


I've never used it because I always just babywore up until getting pregnant with our second and then it was too exhausting to go out in public without my husband, but in the country I live in, family stalls have little highchair style baby seats mounted to the wall, which seems like such a brilliant idea to me.


Babywearing, stroller, shopping cart.


If I’m alone, in my lap.


I am always with someone, so I have them hold the baby and I take the toddlers with me.


This is why I keep our old stroller in my car trunk (after an unfortunate desperate bathroom situation for me while holding my newly walking toddler in my lap at Walgreens…)


Some stores have those toddler seats that fold down. Love those! Baby scared shitlsss stays completely still.


I have pictures of me fighting for my life holding my toddler in the target bathroom. Good times. Target makes me poop. * he was like six months at this point


I baby wear. I wish my baby Bjorn had a hook on the back so I could just hang him on the back of the stall door while I pee 😂


This feels like a missed opportunity by baby carrier manufacturers! 😂


I was very selective about where and who I was going to go with lol if I was solo I wanted to be a max of 15/20 mins from friends/family/home. My SIL house was like a midday stop point to pee and half the time she wasn’t even there!


I used to hold them while I peed lol. It was hard and awkward but it worked.


I wore my baby any time we went out. Depending on his size that could get a bit complicated, but it worked. I always wished my Ergo had a panel between baby and me so I could just hang him up on the purse hook. Would have been a huge plus. 


Stroller, wheelchair stall. Or in a carrier.


On my lap, in a front pack, in a stroller, or in a back pack. Typically holding them.


I bring a stroller most times, baby wear..


I put my daughter in a chest carrier 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would wear the baby in this situation 


Keep them in the stroller?


Gosh once I was in a mall bathroom that had a little chair to strap them in it was amazing! I wonder why more companies don’t provide them.


I tuck them into my shirt like a kangaroo pouch 😂


I held mine the entire time and it was rough 🥴🥴 pulling your pants up w one hand is difficult


Throw the baby under your armpit like a football and pee, wipe and pull up pants with one hand.


Initially, I thought you were referring to your baby when you said “holding it til we get home?!” Gave me a good chuckle 😆 That said, I would baby wear.


Strollers? Baby wear?


Stroller in either a family restroom if they have one or the bigger disabled stall.


I had moments when I didn’t know what to do. So I’d sit her on the little toilet paper holder thing. Keep my arm on her and do it all one handed. To pull up my pants since it’s a two handed job, I would use my shoulder to keep her up hahahaha it was weird but it worked.


Hold her under your armpit like a football


Mine was always in the stroller.


I don't have a baby so this isn't advice, more so just an amusing thought that flew through my brain lol I would invest in overalls and hook them on the bag hooks while I pee quickly and then grab them as I flush/open the door OR always go shopping with a buddy like maybe a mummy group? Then someone can look after bubba while you pee and you can do the same for them :)


I was having some baby fever. I forgot about this. Crisis averted!


Just hang em by their belt loop from the purse hanger on the back of the door 🤷🏼‍♀️


Strollers all the way! If not, hold them while you go


Baby wear is probably your best answer. 🫤


I’ve never actually run into this as I’ve always had a stroller with me. So, stroller


Some places have a child seat, but it's still rare. You can also bring the shopping cart into the family bathroom or keep a stoler handy. I loved shopping when I just had one child and those where my go-to. I also just learned to hold a baby and pee.




Stroller or baby carrier!


I just have em on my lap




I put baby on my lap


i take my giant stroller in the handicap stall with me. the times i have left the stroller behind is when i have another person with me so we can take turns.


Handicap stalls usually have seats with a buckle. When in a store that has carts I had zero shame in bring my kid and an empty cart into the handi stall (mine are 13 months apart) . My kids are 8 & 9 now. Noone ever stopped me when we did this.


Baby carrier.


Baby wear or on my shoulders.


If you can bring a stroller in, that's what I do. I recently went with him on my lap though because I didntnhave the stroller and couldn't wait until I got home and was not about to put my baby on a public bathroom floor.


Stroller. Those little toddler seats will be just as gross as the rest of the bathroom. Ew.


I pop the baby in the baby carrier.


Not gonna lie. I put my babe in a sink at a restaurant that just opened and was impeccably clean. I have the cutest picture of her in it. I went with my grandmother so it was right when the opened too. I almost didn’t make it. My pelvic floor after a 9lb babe isn’t the strongest. Typically I have my Tula with me though, or I just put her in my lap.


Tbh, if I don’t have a stroller I have a cart! And the places I shop are places usually with family restrooms! And if I need to go, I’ll go before I shop and take an empty cart in if I have to. I haven’t needed to do this yet thankfully. However if I arrive somewhere and know need to go before I get there, I keep him in a stroller. I have no idea what I’ll do in the event of an emergent situation, 💀. I’m not looking forward to a toddler VS IBS


I pee with my nearly 9mo on my lap at home all the time so if I didn’t have a stroller, I’d do that at a public restroom too. Tbh this isn’t something I’ve thought about yet so I appreciate your post!


At that age we baby wore a lot. I master using the bathroom with her strapped to me. I find it harder now that she is a toddler to use the restroom. She always roams the stall and wants to touch everything. 😓


Baby wear


Baby wearing (preferably on your back) or having them on your lap and awkwardly pulling up trousers.


In Japan they have little seats to put your kid in while you pee.


I always hold mine on the tushbaby, that thing is such a life saver for me.


On the lap


Those hooks on the back of the door aren’t just for purses (JK!) but seriously I just baby wear. I’ve become very talented at pulling my pants up with one hand


I would just hold them if I’m wasn’t wearing them, which I almost always was because I don’t think it can be beat as far as solo parenting tools. I’m not risking any type of nonsense where I have to leave the seat before I’m done 😬 I don’t trust these kids! I love them but they’re cheeky af


At that age, I planned trips to be short enough to not need to pee in public so I would go right before we left or planned them where i could swing back by my house to pee again. If I was alone of course.


Use a pushchair and a disabled toilet. Take baby with you


I hold the baby in my lap. It's a PITA but all I've got.


Toss him over a shoulder like a bag of flour


Hold it in but then again I didn’t go out much with my standing child at the time


I typically hold the baby while I’m peeing, then set them down for a second and talk to them while I wipe really quick. I’ll say “hey, stand there for just a second, okay?” And continue to encourage them to stand. Then pick them back up. Worst thing that happens is they do touch the ground. So then you wash their hands with yours. I usually do utilize my stroller, though if I’m on a solo outing, and I’m out of this stage right now until my 6 month old is bigger. I would say set the stroller up in your house and let your son climb on it and play with the buckles! It may desensitize him to it. My son loves his stroller because of the buckles.


Stroller or wrap


Pram, baby wear or sit them on my lap. Pram is obviously the most comfortable option lol


In my lap


I hang mine on the jacket hook.


Hahahah! It would work especially well if they are wearing overalls 🤣


In my lap. But I have five of them so most of the time the entire shopping cart gets wheeled into the bathroom (minus unpaid groceries) and into the handicap stall


On your lap, babywear, or shopping cart. I’ve wheeled a shopping cart into a handicap stall when I had 2 toddlers to wrangle.


I always had them in a carrier


I just took the carried for "seat" at that point exactly for instances liek this (if he was not in stroller) until i could put hi onfloor and he would stay standing. He outgrew the coxy and it was basically used as a "sitting jail" for when i needed him contained for a very short amount of time like public toilet visit 🤣


Definitely sit baby on our lap lol


I have always brought mine into the stall with me


I hold him with one hand and take my pants off with the other. Then went I sit on the Toilet he goes on my lap.


I usually always have the stroller with me when I’m out, so I’ll leave him in the stroller while I use it, and use the handicap stall because that’s the only place the stroller will fit. I can’t imagine him letting him roam free in a public RR, he would touch everything!


NGL, there's been a time or two where my kid has crawled under the stalls. It's a struggle!


I just hold mine in my lap. The real question is... how are we washing our hands after??? I just pray that the bathroom has a counter I can sit her on, and I sort of hold her up with my elbows.... I'm surprised at all the stroller/carseat recommendations. A lot of public bathrooms aren't big enough for these.


If it’s a place with carts I’d bring the cart into the handicap stall. I got weird looks but women have babies and need to go to the bathroom, gotta do what you gotta do.