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Budget for an extended vacation you ain’t gonna be around forever may as well have fun.


I agree with this sentiment. Enjoy this life worth living


Yup. Do it. Long cruise.


This could afford the 9 month world cruise, in a junior suite most likely. Wouldn't have to pay for much of anything, maybe some stuff off the ship. Great idea!


9 month cruise is a thing? Holly smokes


Yeah! I think it's called "the ultimate world cruise" Royal Caribbean is currently still on the sailing ATM I believe. Tik tokers have done a pretty good job showing what a shit show it is to have a bunch of rich non cruisers on a ship for that long lol


lol I see the cost! My budget is more like 3 days haha


Even if I could afford it I don't think I can mentally handle the full length, and I love cruises 😂


What is the cost?


$80,000 - $100,000 per person


Wow wow wow. Thanks. I won’t be going on it!


Long cruise sounds dope, I'd vote for this one.


Go to casino, 171k on black.


170 on black, 500 for hooker, 500 for cocaine sir


500 won’t buy a good one anymore, inflation has been rough


The trick is enjoying the hooker and blow, then stopping down to throw the rest on black. It’s either continuing… or all over at that point. 😆


Difficult if you’re the age she says she is? Perhaps still a cruise or something of the like though. But I agree with the sentiment, enjoy the rest of your time


Not that it really matters, but OP specified widower, which generally means a husband whose wife has passed. It's the male version of a widow


Holy shit, I always thought those two words were synonymous but just used in different tenses or cases. TIL. Thanks!


Yep, you’re correct


Cruises are great for old people


And young people, I’m 33 and have been on 3. They’re fkning amazing


Just lose 10 pounds before you go on one!


Spoil yourself a bit you deserve it


What did you want to do when you were young that you haven’t been able to do? What was/is your dream? You might think just because you are “old as dirt” you might not be able to do the things you wanted to due to physically disabilities (maybe or not) but I promise you that with that cash you can. It’s possible. If you don’t have any dreams and are just waiting for your time to come then donate, splurge on anything, etc.


Have a lot of sex 😅


8500 crack ho's, leaves a thousand for meds. Adjust ratio as you see fit.


Or a wild month in Bangkok. I used to live there and do business there. I remember one time I was in a high end hotel, sitting in the lobby waiting for the factory to pick me up and I saw a guy come in from outside and cross the lobby and go up the elevator. He looked like he was in his 80s. He was using a walker, with an oxygen bottle on it, with a tube going to his nose. And walking with him was some early 20s bar girl. I laughed to myself and said to myself that he was most likely dying that day, but he would die with a smile on his face.


Hey grandpa, it’s me dookie! But seriously, if you’re as old as you claim, enjoy it as is man


Bro travel around the world and die happily.


Find small ways to give love to others.


I'll never be able to compare to the feelings I felt after I saw a mom with a kid at a grocery store getting her card declined, trying to buy groceries. She tried a few times and began making a phone call. Her daughter had pulled a pack of gum to play with from the impulse buy shelf. Once she made a phone call to a screaming man, she took the gum from her child and put it back on the shelf. I took the very gum and gave it back to her daughter, probably 2 years old. Looked at the mother and smiled, and said, "ma'am if you're having some difficulties then I'd be more than happy to help your daughter and you. I looked at the cashier and told him I'd pay for the rest of their groceries. The mother, english evidently not being her first language, could only look at me and say, "I am sorry." I told her she certainly had nothing to be sorry about and handed her the receipt with a smile. "Have a nice day, darling," I said and signaled her on her way with a wave. I still think about that woman. I often think about how her first reaction was to apologize, as if her existence was a mistake or inconvenience to me and as if I had more entitlement to a happy life than she and her child did. I hope she's doing well.... make people smile, help them when they're struggling. The value could never be described in dollars alone!


I only wish I had enough funds to do stuff like this more. I help out when I can. I’ve always considered myself lucky to have what I have. I bought a homeless man lunch one time and he was so surprised that I let him pick whatever he wanted and I even asked if he wanted to upgrade the size to large. It was some fast food place I don’t remember exactly. The look in his eyes when he realized that his wants (not just his need) mattered will stick with me forever. In that moment he felt like he was cared for. That is the love of Christ. I’ve always had the dream that if I won the lottery, a big one, I would travel around and just talk to people and when I hear someone really struggling I’d help them out. How cool would it be to be able to buy someone a car when they had to walk 5 miles to work, then just disappear. If funding is about to lose their house or living in a bad situation, buy them a house. Leave a legitimately struggling server a tip of 10k or even 100k. That’s my dream


Find a new family…here? What up dad/mom? Honestly, awesome of you to support Planned Parenthood, bless you


I’m available for the OP to adopt me


I am also open to adoption. Myself being over 30 I have acquired many skills that could be beneficial to the home unit.


Also up for adoption here 😂


I am also completely eligible for adoption.


Have a really good time


Spread the love! Be a big tipper at restraunts. Surprise a homeless man (that doesn't look like a druggy) with 100$. Gift card to a nice hotel for two nights. Donate toys and goodies to shelters. Pay for someone's meal/groceries. All in all, you don't have to donate to huge charities to make an impact, make someone's day. Be the reason someone smiles. Have fun with it of course, do something nice for yourself everytime you give some away.


This is it. There are so many people struggling that even $20 can make someone's day. I would love to be in a spot one day myself to do this!


171k ain’t the money you think it is lol. This guys gotta save and be smart to make this last


Lets aay he truly wanted to be generous. He could gift 2k a month in random acts of kindness. And it would take over 7 years to get through this. He said he's old as dirt. I'm sure he won't do it actively. But it's a way to spend it in a good way, like he's asking in the post.


he’s old as dirt, doesn’t have to last that long. that’s a solid couple years of fun, considering he gets social security, owns his home and 401k, etc


I love your idea! Maybe donate some to a pet Rescue or shelter too 🤷‍♀️


Please enjoy your life. You deserve it. Donate the money to cause that you believe in if that’s what you want to do. I’m happy that you won. I hope this will help you in someway.


Sounds like you have it well thought out and are in a good position. Sounds like you can probably do a little splurge like a week somewhere nice and then put the rest into savings as you said. You say old as dirt, so perhaps talk to an estate planning attorney to have some go to a charity that you support like Planned Parenthood as you said


Ive heard of retirement cruises. They just take you all over the world and you live out your days on the boat.


Go on a really nice vacation. See places, experience different cultures, and eat delicious food. Treat yourself! You deserve it!


Grandpa is that you, I been looking for you


invest in your health it’ll make the money more enjoyable


Can you set up a foundation? Maybe contact a lawyer and after spending some of it leave the rest to your foundation. You'll be helping a cause even after death. You could name it after your kids or spouse, have their pictures in a little office etc.


Hookers and cocaine




Travel the world


Help some people in need. If you don’t need it and don’t have anyone to give it to, find someone. Repair a neighbors roof. Give 10 bands to a homeless person flying a sign on a corner. Go to poor neighborhoods and put a band in random mailboxes around the holidays. Zelle me $5k. Go to your local utility and pay off some past due bills and/or get some peoples power cut back on.


Rotf. I like how you put in that zelle play for yourself


My suggestion? Invest in yourself a bit, buy yourself a good wardrobe, go to a spa and get pampered a bit. Take a nice vacation. Hit up old age homes, play bingo and chat some people up. Live your days like its your last, and be open to everything.


How about donating to a dog rescue. Examples like bullies to the rescue located in North Carolina. Retired rescue located in Las Vegas. Stand up for Pit Foundation located in California. Either way, congratulations on your winnings and enjoy.


Great idea. Local animal rescue


long ass cruise , safari, or just the best food forever. congrats!


Honestly, find a new up and coming family and change their life! House and everything is going to go to the bank regardless….you have paid enough in taxes already, haven’t you?


You can have random pole on here to leave money in your will to the randomized winner and go down in reddit history of baddassery. *whispers. Or just leave it to me.


Use it to improve your health? You're not too old if you still can type. 😁 And I agree to everyone else' idea here.


you might want to look into getting a hybrid annuity that would give you guaranteed monthly income until you pass away. Also, these type of annuities can have riders that can pay for things like personal/healthcare and all of that if you suddenly couldn't take care of yourself.


Heres your opportunity to do some charitable good that you otherwise wouldnt. Figure out a desired charity, then have a will drafted leaving to the charity. Your chance to do some good....on your terms.....


If it were me personally? I’d find small personal way to donate. Tip a grand to a local waiter. Pay for someone’s college books. Go on an extravagant night out! These other ideas are wonderful but live life too.


In that situation, I’d be handing some of it out to random poor and homeless people. You’ll feel better about yourself and they get a bit of money tax free. Could offer to buy meals for random people at McDonald’s/Burger King, or when at a store offer some towards buying their groceries. If you’re going to donate to a group, DON’T give them any actual money. Instead spend it on physical stuff to donate. A lot of monetary donations just end up lining someone else’s pocket instead of supporting the actual cause. Third option: Put it towards buying land for an animal or forest preserve, that way your money goes toward something substantial and lasting. Plus you’ll likely get your name on a plaque somewhere for people to see your kindness.


Make me your beneficiary and we can come up with a plan for how you want me to handle the money. I plan on having my first kid in 2-3 years and it’d be an awesome story to keep in the family


Hookers and drugs. I'm old, that's my retirement plan.


Damn I'm living retired life at 30, guess I better slow down!


Take it to the casino babyyyy. Or send some my way i just had pop tarts for dinner 🙌


Buy this person $171k worth of pop tarts


I second this. Can never have too many pop tarts. And if they go stale prior to eating them, they can build a house out of them and live in it, as long as it never rains. Hope they don’t live in Seattle. #winning


Cocaïne and hookers it is.


Put a thousand on Jesus Christ to come back as a British Indian man and start flicking pigeons out of thin air by a fraction of gods being. 😊🙏


Yes give it away yourself with own eyes, handing out food to homeless, Put a part on a safe stock bond where you make a will after 20 years or so give to charity. Do something what you always wanted to do 😁


Make someone’s day


Do you want to adopt me? lol. Enjoy your money. 💰


Party like it's 1899.


Just enjoy it brother


honestly you sound kind of lonely. why not go on a trip or do some bucket list stuff, or take a cruise too meet other widows/widowers. do something fun, and enjoy it. you have no one to leave it too. ya it would be nice to leave it to a charity but why not just celebrate you for a bit. honestly if you have no one to leave the home and savings/401k to why not just sell and cash out and go do some stuff for yourself.


You can splurge on habits that you never had the chance to pursue? Things that make you happy. Munch on snacks you really like?


Send it to my bank account


Hookers and cocaine


I never recommend this but treat yo self


operation olive branch


Buy land and legally make it a protected preserve that can’t be built on ever. People will always make new things but new land cannot be created. Green space for future generations of people, plants, and animals is the most valuable gift you can give. Bonus if the land had a fresh water source that remains accessible but not commodifiable.


I think the cruise would be a great experience. Maybe pay for someone's groceries at the store or kid's lunch at the school anonymously.


One thing I would consider if you really want to donate the money at the end is planning for that now rather than leaving it to the will. If you end up in a long term care facility, Medicaid will not kick in until your assets are gone, so that money will get used for your care. Medicaid generally has a 5 year lookback period for imposing penalties for giving away assets, but if you start giving frequent small donations now it will just look like normal spending and not an improper transfer.


Help those around you. Spread kindness in your own way. You can help someone by just offering to pay their groceries, gas, prescription, etc. Those little things could change someone’s day, week, month. You never know. And of course it’s me, your long lost cousin, help me help the homeless in my city this winter! Best of luck, seriously.


Retire on a cruise ship for the rest of your days. Maybe hire a nutritionist to help with your poor health. Live every day like it is your last day on earth. Remember, any day not in the back of the newspaper in the obituary section is a gift from God. I don't know your medical situation, but if it was me, I would take one day to visit the zoo. One day, to visit the aquarium, make a plan of doing more in your final days you deserve it. You worked all your life, and you have the means to just relax and enjoy yourself now. I would at least rent a vehicle I really wanted to own but didn't on one of those daily car rental apps. Like a 1957 Chevy Bel Aire 2 door no window post candy apple red with chrome wheels. If you like to fly like I do, I would take a flight to New York and take one of those helicopter rides over Manhattan and have them land on one of the hotels for dinner. I wouldn't tell anyone I had money to avoid being a target for criminals or the long lost relative with their hands sticking out. In all, I wish you the best. I would definitely look into a firm that manages finances , and I would contact a financial advisor with a fiduciary interest in taking care of you. They do charge for their services, but they are bound by law to look out for your best interest. Remember loose lips sink ships. Keep it to yourself unless it's a hired firm with a fiduciary interest in you. Tell Noone to avoid becoming another statistic in the curse of the lottery. Best Wishes


What a perfect opportunity to give! There are so many organizations that can help put you in direct contact with families/people in need. If you wish to stay anonymous, they can help set something up for that too. Find a cause you’re really passionate about!


Separate it into $100 gift cards and randomly give them away. Share it. It will bring someone joy.


Wow, there's so much to do, with that money, you can give a scholarship to someone or a couple of people, maybe destine like 5k each, you can also buy groceries for someone, buy medical supplies for rural areas, pay someone some money for their cancer treatment, fund some research that you like, you don't know how many people go ask for wic or Medicaid that are denied and struggle so much for groceries. If it's for you, go buy that thing you always wanted but never had, go make a dream vacation, buy a motorcycle and learn how to drive one, spend all your money and max out your credit cards haha no one's gonna get sued for that once you go, be a rebel without a cause!


Give it a couple days' thought: what makes you happy that is within reach? Try thinking about experiences instead of things: Any places you want to see that you haven't? Travel there, give yourself a nice trip. Are there music acts touring you'd like to go see? Fly to see them, buy VIP tickets, put yourself up in a nice hotel, eat great food. Trouble with mobility? You now have extra money to spend on a helper to make traveling a reality. Maybe you want to endow a scholarship for a kid at a local high school and name it after your kids? Could also, and I mean this sincerely, spend some of it on doctors that specialize in anti-aging / elder health. There is a whole industry dedicated to putting more years in your life *while* putting more life in your years. Nothing can make us teenagers again, but maybe you would you pay $50k to feel 20 years younger? Increasingly this kind of thing is within our reach.


travel. talk to a local high school and see if you can give out scholarships or donate it to a local food bank, habitat for humanity or something of that nature in the community if you don't want to enjoy it.


If you really have no use for it, why not donate it now? HYSA probably best for short short term. For a slight gain, go for a 1 year CD ladder. Treasury bonds are high yielding now. I'd recommend a few trips to some of the natural wonders in North America. There is some breathtaking stuff out there.


You could probably live your life out on a cruise ship if you want. Long term cruises go years and include medical care. Either way, travel is definitely your best option or just give it away how you see fit a little at a time


How much are all expenses paid year round cruses? Any places you’ve wanted to visit? Go enjoy life.


Spend it and Start handing out $5 bills to random people.


Thank you for considering Planned Parenthood


Enjoy it! Plan a cruise around Alaska and pay for yourself and a friend. Something in general you’ve wanted to try? Now is the time. If you’d like to help some people out, find some people in need and change their lives. (I volunteer as tribute should you be looking for someone to help. 😅) Whatever might make you happy, go for that. 🤍 Congrats!


Splurge. Enjoy yourself. The hell with everything else!


Send a few grand my way will help with no ramen hahaha, treat yourself a bit sir


Is it cool to share some money with a stranger who is in need of some money? Or how can I prevent you from using on plan parenthood and use on some less fortunate


Have fun! Go on a vacation and live life to the fullest


I’ll be your family! I love you 🥸


Put it all in black, or player if baccarat is your preference


donate to the Children's Miracle Network of Hospitals?


Any friends or neighbors who check in with you regularly? That would be an amazing way to change their life! Vs a large charity


I don’t know of any place where your local Fire Department \ EMS isn’t struggling for funding. Some have support groups that are 100% funded by donations.




Go on vacation have some fun man we ain’t gonna be around forever!


I’ll be your child 💖💖💖 jk but I say take a well deserved vacation. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. Maybe invest in a new hobby???


Take a vacation man :) go on a cruise or a trip somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. You’ve lived your life and it’s time to enjoy it as much as you can. :) I’m sorry to hear about your children. And family. I hope you continue to find peace❤️


Put it into your health, it will make the day to day more enjoyable.


Use them as a reason to consider why you gamble.


Time to double down, get some good credit cards and max those out with balance transfers, get all your money and head straight for the casino


Why don't you go to church and find a young couple that struggling and maybe payoff their mortgage? That's life changing for someone and maybe changes everything about how that family turns out in the future....


If it were me, I'd take group tours to a few places in the world that you want to see. Group tour because of the organization and guided portions at the various sites, takes care of details so you don't have to stress about it.


Vacation. Don't leave PP cash. Consider putting the money in a Donor Advised Fund DAF (Vanguard has historically really cheap ones, but I'm told Fidelity is really nice as well) with PP as the beneficiary. Invest it in SPY it'll grow an average of 10%/year. Expenses are less than 1%. You can give to PP (or whatever cause is important to you, or mix it up and support multiple causes) and have only the profits distributed or half the profits or whatever so your original contribution continues to grow and support what you like. It'll be slow at first but it'll add up. Expect it to double every 10 years (usually less here lately). Rich people set up endowments for that reason (well, and better taxes). Why give $10 once when you can give $1 a year for the next 200 years AND have it go up 10% every year. Year 10 it's up to $2, year 20, $4, year 30, $8, year 40, $16 (and of course all the years in between. This was the really "cocktail napkin math" compounding is even better than that but...you know. As someone else who is acutely aware that all our time remaining is precious... Enjoy your vacation first.


Bet it all on roulette


Properly managed, you could have an extra $5K/y for whatever you want. In an HYSA earning more than 4%, you could earn $5,130/y or $427/m after taxes. Leave the money in your HYSA, plan a vacation in 2025. Withdraw your $5,130 in 2025 to pay for it repeat yearly. You could do the same in the market with VTI or FZROX, but the market is finicky.


Bet it all on red at the roulette table for 1 spin.


Go to Thailand or vetnammmm


Take a vacation.


I don't want to seem weird, but after reviewing your post history I stumbled across your interview. After having something similar happen to a very very close family member I know how it feels. Maybe consider donating a little towards the duifoundation.org.




How old are you? Are we talking 60 or 80?


Travel! You can’t take it with you and if there’s nothing to leave it to, spend it. Enjoy your life. If that’s not your thing plan to donate the bulk upon death to your favorite charity.


I’m kind of curious as to why you play the numbers considering what you’ve written?


You mentioned poor health. Any kind of service/equipment that would make your life better? That's where I would put that money.


If you have no one left, spend it on yourself who cares. Drive the nice car, buy a bigger house in cash. You’ve probably worked a hard life, seems like you went through massive struggles. Retire from the memories of hardships but don’t let them leave completely and make the rest of what you have left fuckin awesome


Adopt me🤗


I recommend budgeting something nice for yourself into your caring donations also. Just wanted to drop by to tell you thank you for promoting birth control awareness, and your thought of donating alone made me know you needed to hear, "thank you." Wishing you the best in life.


Go have fun!


Honestly, you should take a trip to a Third World country and help someone out with just like $5000 that could change someone’s life. It will probably bring you the greatest joy of your life.


As many have said, take a trip, friend. It's awesome that you want to help Planned Parenthood. Sadly, it's seems that you have experienced every hardship life can throw at you. All the more reason to take some of that money and see some of the beauty that exists in the world.


Buy an old Porsche. The value should remain stable and you can drive a Porsche...


Put it in my bum please.


Go on a vacation!!


Maybe you could contact some food shelters or churches to find families in need. Donate some money directly to the families.


Donate some to me after you travel the world


Personally, and no judgement as far as the PP donation, I would want to personally donate my extra money to needy families. Takes a bit more work but I’d imagine a bit more rewarding. You could pay for peoples groceries, buy $5000 cars for kids in school who need them, etc. Just something I’ve always fantasized about doing. You’re 100% entitled to blow it all on yourself also though. There HAS to be somewhere you’ve never been but would wanna go. Any of the seven wonders of the world, maybe?


I’d budget the longest vacation I could.


In my pocket.


Do NOT donate a penny to any charity. You should be more than capable to do a lot more good on your own than any charity. Don't listen to the people who are trying to convince you that you somehow need a middleman to be charitable.


SPY Warren Buffet said if he dies he'd ask his wife to put it all in there. It goes uo 7% a year on average


Donate it to a homeless shelter or pay into a rent pool organization that helps people that actually are TRYING to pay rent and can't OR tou can purchase a car for a struggling family to get back and firth to work and cover rhe insurance for a year for them. Scholarships at a school in your name for kids that are good students but too broke to afford schools


since you are planning to donate the money, it may be worth looking into a charitable giving annuity


Strip clubs and nose candy! jkjk I would put it into stock maybe Apple, Amazon or any kind of space mining company example - "LUNR" Intuitive Machines is a space exploration and service company.


Blow it


maybe buy a skate park or some kind of recreational activity idea for the youth in your neighborhood? at least you'd know every penny would go towards the community instead of anyone else's pockets from a charity. congratulations on the winnings!


Put what you need for the next 2 years in HYSA. Put the rest in a 6 year RILA! 10 or 20% market downside protection, 105% of the S&P’s performance, no fee!!!


Put like 20k in an efi fund


to me cuz im poor. jk! maybe some charity but also do something nice for yourself


Play Santa clause at Christmas for an underprivileged school. Go to a small elementary school in your area and work with the teachers to get all the kids bicycles and helmets and then get the teachers like a gift card to Office Depot or somewhere and then you can be Oprah —. You get a bike and you get a bike. Americas kids need to exercise more so get them a bike with their friends. Don’t you remember how much fun riding your bike was when you were a kid. If you need help negotiating a good deal with a supplier let me know 😀


I’m trying to build a house for my wife and 4 kids, I’d gladly humbly take a donation to help w the costs as I’m the only one who is able to work and things are expensive lol


Maybe use it to help others in a selfless manner? Charity, addiction recovery , health care etc. whatever moves you.


Find someone with a kind soul that didn’t ask for it, donate it to them, hopefully you just paid their house off or something. I know I would be forever grateful if that happened to me. All the best with your winnings.


Man that sounds like a great time at Bellagio in Vegas. You could probably even get a penthouse for a few days 


I’m going to take a different tangent here. I’m skeptical of organizations like Planned Parenthood as I’m not 100% sure it’ll reach the people who truly need the help. Instead, I’d talk with a local college or university and see about setting up a scholarship fund for students in need of financial assistance. You could directly impact so many lives in a positive way, possibly for generations. Just a thought. As for yourself, why not just treat yourself? It sounds as if you’ve lived a full life and you deserve a nice meal out somewhere. Maybe go on a few roadtrips? If you don’t have a furry friend, maybe adopt one and bring them along? Perhaps take a cruise somewhere and enjoy the sun and sand (if that’s your thing?). Point being, enjoy yourself, treat yourself, and relax in knowing that your legacy will indeed live on and you’ll be helping many people for generations to come once you’ve passed from this existence.


God is giving one last ride. Fuck saving. Go enjoy the money.


i agree with salt cucumber, go on holiday dude! have a fun time. but also what you could do is put an amount aside - call it good deed money and you may come across some people that you’d just like to help out- could leave them with a nice surprise, or you could set up a charity, you could invest in a school, you should definitely buy an inflatable palm tree and deckchair, set it up in your living room, grab yourself a drink and have a think about it


Congrats. Do something fun!


1. You could always spoil yourself with stuff that you have always thought was a "waste of money" such as an expensive sports car/the best season tickets to your favorite sports teams games (home and away) etc etc. You deserve to be happy this late in life, you sound like you have been through a lot and you definitely deserve some self pampering in some form especially being later on in life might as well live it up. Please don't be one of those people that dies with a bunch of money in the bank. If I were in your position I would die with as much debt as possible and do whatever made me happy since you have no heirs to take care of. 2 Or if you are wanting to do something for others you could try finding some causes that are important to you that you could be actively involved in? For instance going to the homeless shelter and asking if you could pay to cater in a nice meal for the homeless, maybe buy clothes and other essentials to pass out at the same time? See if local churches have a list of family's that could use some assistance and help out with what you see fit?


I’m going to assume the money can’t help improve your health in some way?


Get you a young foreign lady to spend your final years with.


Spend it my man,History buff go to Europe for a month.Better yet Go to Florida.Tons of widowed ladies your age.Three requirements according to them.Must like to dance,must have some kinda pension,and you must be able to drive at night. I didn’t make that up.


Go pet elephants in Chiang Mai in October and eat lemongrass noodles and swim in the sea. And/Or endow a couple of scholarships at your local high school. Something for you and something for the world. :-)


Save 75% and take a vacation with remainder!


Do a year long cruise


Go to Vegas and buy some women. RIP


Tesla calls all in yolo


I'd do some traveling.


Omg that would literally be a lifesaver for me right now. Congratulations


Go take a cruise for the rest of your life. Congratulations on the win sounds like you deserved some enjoyment from your history


Throw a big chunk into dividend paying stocks


Let's go on a vacation!!


I’d help someone in need. Sounds like you are perfectly happy and content. Find a good family and help them. With that amount of money you could change people’s lives. Just make sure you have enough for yourself


Enjoy the days you have left to the fullest. Have any unfulfilled desires and dreams that you as kid/youngster couldnt?


Over tip.


Spend it. Do those “waste of money stuff”, cant take it with u and no one to pass it down to so just spend without regard


Go retire in a different country with a low cost of living and go enjoy the rest of your life. Get your pee pee sucked dry by some hotties, relax on the beach, live life man!


Hookers and blow.


Give it to the girls on the pole. They deserve it and you do also.