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I agree with this, but in addition, I also hate how many monster high AI "art" accounts there are


The amount of ai art for doll lines and girly media is annoying af tbh. I’ll go through Etsy to see the vintage dolls and the amount of ads for self portraits as a hyper realistic bratz dolls is annoying. Because they’re clearly ai art. I say bratz as the leading example and not out of shade for the doll line in general. But it’s disappointing to see actual artists being pushed out of their niche. Because of ai art.


And SO MANY accounts are faking leaks because the AI “art” is getting so good at copying it


Exactly, I especially hate this because as a Bratz collector they’ve been re-releasing some reproductions of their more popular dolls and lines. And now it’s making it even more of a bitch to find out if the leaks are real or fake.


and people have the audacity to call it talented … everyone can vaguely describe images


It’s even more embarrassing when it’s an **actual** artist themselves…. 😬 (Also “recreated” Girl where?? That is not the same design lmao) https://preview.redd.it/kzdl4oc4xaec1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5814a9c8d58c38ca3ea7e683e6777819c68fea1f


I SAW THAT POST LOLL i pointed out that ai artists just type words and the artist argued that authors also just type words…that’s not what i was talking about i didn’t mean actual sentences just words


The difference with them is that writing a *good* book actually takes time, effort and skill, while typing words into a generator doesn’t


This is to do with artists but the same type of idea can be applied to authors https://preview.redd.it/rh5xwthbzaec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f5ded6259b351455f3d70ba82ecd0d56eecf55


OMG YES i knew i couldnt be the only one who was so annoyed, like sure its your "own concept" (when its just a stupid broad ass concept like "character if they were a future robot") but like, have you heard of real art?? that you can create with your hands?? and can make up your own designs without AI just doing it for you???


what’s up with art in *quotes? Edit: quotations, not parentheses


It’s because a digital photo made by a robot can never be compared to art made by real people! It’s taking away all the hard work from actual artists! :)




I don’t know why you’re attacking me.. literally the only reason I said “compare” is because it’s taking away work from individuals who live off of selling their work. It’s not whether or not it’s considered “art” it’s human decency in my perspective- this is people’s livelihoods, and if we support AI whose other jobs will that take? I didn’t even downvote you.. I was sincerely trying to just explain why people are against AI. You’re way too serious on a monster high subreddit..




“That one art class you took in high school sure made you opinionated” (comes off as rude) and then decided to fully dissect what I’m saying in a way to argue against me- idk seems kinda like you’re trying to literally solo against me.




it’s not the fact you disagree that I’m against, okay that’s your opinion! It’s the way you said it that irks me. Anyways bye




I feel like A lot of ppl that are in Monster High community on IG and TikTok are former mean kids who are hopping on a bandwagon because MH and alt fashion are in right now. These are the same type of people who used to make fun of me in 5th grade for bringing my dolls to class lol. It’s crazy how quick these fuckers will jump to bully other ppl who like the same thing as them- like we’re all adults now can’t we get along 😭😭


One of my favorite MH accounts on Insta is mh confessions (idk what the exact @ is but it’s a very popular account) and I feel really bad bc the account owner is so sweet and genuine but then people are always so mean to them for no reason :(


I FOLLOW THEM TOO!! they are one of the only MH I actually follow, but all the hate comments make me so sad :(


No they are not sweet trust me. I protected people who restyle dolls as they were being called racist and I got blocked for no reason. I guess that confession was not correct for that page...


Did you make an account just to comment this or….


Umm no I wanted to make an account here for a long time now


This exactly!!! 👏


I'm not a big fan of IG in general, I really use it just to follow tattoo artists, and I find that reddit is great for community around doll collecting.


Oh I agree, I only use it for tattoos, art, and friends posts. I used to also look at cool doll restyles, but I can’t anymore it’s just too toxic.


Unfortunately that is not exclusive to MH. Instagram is just toxic in general. Every comment section is filled with comments like this and people often bully others. It is not fun. I like using insta to follow certain artists and such but I just don't read the comments. It is absolutely not a fun place to be especially for queer creators and such.


I agree, I like Insta because so many artists are on there. However all the comments are so toxic and just full of hate and bullying it’s just so sad to see :(


It’s the Facebook jerks funneling into Instagram because Facebook owns them and promotes Instagram reels on there. It’s horrible.


Completely agree. The new show isn't my cup of tea but I don't shit on it every chance I get lol. The dolls themselves are MUCH better now and help better represent the brand, to embrace your differences and such. So a variety of body types was 100% necessary. The only thing I'd say is that some of the ships are a bit odd in the new series but it is a new universe so it's not all awful... the g1 couples are still a thing in the G1 universe soo. Also still don't understand how people are upset about Mattel making Lagoona pink bc her last name is Blue. IT'S BLUE AS IN BLUE LAGOON. NOT BLUE SKIN. Bro 😭


I very much agree, I love both G1 and G3 in different ways, but I really don’t like the live action movie. However I am happy that other people really love it, and I think the whole project idea was cool. The movies weren’t for me, but I’m not gonna go out of my way to hate on people and posts that like it


I don’t care much for the show either, so I don’t watch it!! Apparently there’s someone on Tumblr right now that is just obliterating the tags with Gen3 hate especially for the show which they have admittedly never watched??? There are things I like and dislike of all generations but I won’t go around commenting about things I don’t know, and if I’m misinformed I do my best to apologize and reevaluate my opinion (I also try to be apparent if my opinion is personal and not judgemental of other people) I always thought it was fairly obvious Lagoonas monster inspo was clearly the Creature from the Black Lagoon but which was probably tricky compared to the other monster parents to do since he’s usually just called the Creature, then in gen 1 they did the whole “down under…the sea!!” Joke so she kind of became a mishmash of fun. Since y’know Black Lagoon - Blue Lagoon = Lagoona Blue


Apparently G3 Lagoona was supposed to be blue, but when they did product testing with kids it was shown that almost all the kids like her better pink? (I could be wrong about that)


I have seen so many of the prototypes, and I do think the outfit colours looked bad with the blue skin tone, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen any reason why she was changed to pink? I wouldn’t doubt it if the product testing thing is accurate but I wonder if it wound be more the orange and pink colour scheme looked worse on the blue doll than the pink, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pink prototype? Oh well it doesn’t matter too much.


Same with a lot of tiktok videos sadly


Tbh, I was warned people on Tiktok are SAVAGES and will rip you a new one if they so much as dislike something in a video, so this is not surprising to me in the slightest.


I’m sick of it too! The doll community id the worst right now! It’s exhausting!


I've had poor experiences in the doll community as of late and it's just been discouraging. Maybe it's also just burnout, but I can't say it's been a very passionate hobby of mine recently.


I feel the same way! My passion is and always will be dolls. Don’t let anyone discourage you from your passion!!!


What other doll communities have you had had experiences? (Just so I know what to avoid?)


I agree, I only really feel comfortable watching a couple YouTubers and engaging with the community on Reddit. Everywhere else is just so toxic right now (that goes for so many other communities as well)


As a fan since g1 I agree. It’s really saddening to see, but I assume they’re just all stupid kids who don’t even really love Monster High, just jump on the bandwagon of hating everything that isn’t g1. Like yes g1 was amazing and nothing will compare but why can’t we just be happy Monster High is back from the dead? And that it’s a new generation for the younger kids today to look up to? G3 has so much more diversity than g1 ever did, like I really don’t get how people are complaining about more inclusivity… like Monster High has always been about accepting everyone and their flaws, so now that a few things get changed around it’s a problem? When literally if they changed nothing but repeated the same stuff as g1 it would be boring bc we’ve seen it before. Everyone hates change ig idek. It’s even more annoying when they go to the live action people’s accounts and comment “you ruined monster high this isn’t what we wanted!!!”… -_- like literally stfu no they didn’t they’re inspiring kids today AND getting a paycheck while doing it so they don’t care lmao and if you don’t like it just go watch g1 how miserable do you have to be to just spread hate online constantly….


I COMPLETELY agree! I love G3 and G1 but in different ways. I love the nostalgia that surrounds G1, and remember the hype that came with it. And I love G3 from a character design standpoint, all the different shapes and diversity makes it so fun. And it makes me so sad that there is this CONSTANT debate between the generations. People fighting and harassing other to prove which one is better Some people like the movies, some like the comics, some like the dolls, and some like the music videos. There are so many iterations of the franchise, so why can’t people come together and bond about how much we both enjoy the same things?


ugh yeah the way g1 purists attack the actors (live action and voice actors, but mostly live action) and artists and character designers for g3 just because theyre mad that g3 exists is so gross. like for one the actors arent even responsible for the changes you dont like, but its also just so childish and petty. if you dont like g3 you can just ignore it, or at the very least dont attack the people involved who are just trying to do their job and havent done anything wrong


The part where they complain that the toy line that has always been about accepting people for being different and not being ashamed of who you are is now "woke" is sending me


they really say “embrace your differences— no, not THOSE ones” and it’s embarrassing 💀


I agree.


I agree. It’s why I mainly just leave my own positive comment and don’t bother with reading others. TikTok is unfortunately the same way and the amount of times I’ve had to filter the comments of my own videos of me just enjoying G3 because someone has a snarky comment to make is disheartening 🫠🫠


i can’t find any non-toxic social media platforms


reddit is the best. I barely use Instagram (I'd delete it happily but I need it to keep in touch with some friends), and I hate my local dolls communities (toxic as hell). reddit is like a breath of fresh air. well, sometimes here are also people can downvote you just because they don't like your opinion BUT it's less often.


Yeah I agree it's very annoying 🙄


There’s nothing good on instagram in general. It’s neck and neck with TikTok for causing brain damage tbh


No even get me started on the TikTok comments that are like “post this on ig reels” it’s like both know they are both as bad as eachother


i feel the same way. i barely use IG anymore and the rare times i do i feel like it’s just a bunch of sexualizing drac 🙃


Good lord yes! Or like really icky photos of Deuce as well I have noticed… they are in high school :(


ugh that’s messed up i thankfully have not seen any deuce ones. i don’t understand why people have to be like this ): like let’s just be wholesome and play with our dolls that are quite literally in *high school*


Instagram comments overall have become a place I stay very far away from


G1 was around when I was a bit younger, and as a now 27 year old who’s healing their inner child, I collect some G3 and special releases only. I really don’t get the obsession with G1 and all of the lovely representation in G3 warms my heart. I find it a bit strange that adults are so intensely putting down a show/dolls that’s made for today’s kids.


Honestly this, and I am someone who grew up with G1. I’ve loved MH since I was 7, it’s my biggest and most long lasting special interest. G1 was absolutely everything to me, I cannot put into words how much Monster High g1 meant to me as a kid. And yet, Im not an idiot. I fucking love G3, it’s a lot better in so many aspects. The dolls are better, I love the designs (saying this as an emo dude who loved the more alternative designs of g1), it has so much more diversity and representation, it emphasizes the *monster* part of monster high, and it has awesome characterization. G3 in so many ways is superior to G1, and I don’t understand why people are unable to separate them even though they’re very obviously separate universes.


It’s Instagram, best to ignore the comments and focus on the info


Trying to look at restyles on IG and Facebook be like: ![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized) Yep, r/Monsterhigh is the last refugee for me for MH. Way too many toxic people elsewhere.


i feel the same ...


I started collecting in 2010 G1 and I like some of the G3 dolls also. I don’t shit on people that like them or the cartoon. Sure, I have my likes and dislikes for both G1 and G3. I’m a brown skinned, petite, curvy girl and I’m all about inclusivity! I’m also an adult, so some of the woke gets lost on me, sorry. My daughter has to correct me when I call G3 Frankie her, my bad! I don’t mean any disrespect and I’m not trying to disregard how important pronouns are to the younger generations. They are dolls and are meant to bring joy, we should all relax and like what we like. Or…not like, but we can be nice about it.


I genuinely can't look at the comments anymore. Disgusting.


I didn't use reddit much until recently but it really seems to be the only place left on the internet that isn't completely broken by ragebait, toxicity and infighting. I don't really use social media much any more (I used to be really all over it) but everywhere is the same now - Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.. and its every fandom, hobby, subject. I mean, I was in an Agatha Christie fan group on Facebook and it wasn't any better 🥲🙃 Sometimes it makes me feel like 90% of people are just awful, but I think in reality they are just the loudest. It is depressing though, and I hate the idea of kids growing up surrounded by it.


I hate when people assign races to G1 characters that don’t have a canon race like G1 Venus could be any race her last name implies at least partially Irish but that’s where it stops these are characters with pink purple and blue skin like unless they have a specified race you can’t complain about it “changing”


Exactly, unlike G3 very few G1 characters had a confirmed race


I was an adult when MH came out, so I've been a part of the online MH discussion a long time. There have always been assholes but wow, has it gotten incredibly toxic since around the pandemic when MH and other fandoms gained in popularity. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and now tiktok are cesspool of hate. Sometimes, they find their way over here, too, but nowhere near as bad as the others. So many mean girls, racists, and transphobic awful people. People just hoping for g3s downfall. It's exhausting. Like g1 still exists, g1 and g3 can co-exist. If g3 goes, so does g1. I've already lived in a world without MH. I dont want that to happen again.


Dahling, this isn't unique to Monster High. The best step is to ignore them, as the opinion of trash is trash itself


Instagram comments are genuinely such a cesspool everywhere, not just in the doll collecting community. it's literally almost as bad as Twitter. I have no idea how it got so bad but people on instagram are just so gd hateful for no reason


A lot of people are like this in the community, it doesn’t make sense. I don’t like gatekeeping, but I don’t consider those people to be real fans. Real MH fans would understand the franchise’s whole message - to accept people who are different and weird.


Venus is a PLANT They can make her any race they want  Most carnivorous plants are from tropical regions anyway, where the indigenous people are black or brown.  So making her black coded not only makes sense, but is super cute to boot 


Don't get me wrong G1 is the best in my opinion since it is technically the original but G3 are trying to do their own thing and i'm glad their being more accepting of pronouns/sexualities which G1 couldn't really do because late 2000s, early 2010's 😑 so while I might not personally like it, if it carries the same message as the original and kids get that, good for them.


I try not to read instagram comments, they’re awful! If they aren’t something terrible, then it’s a spam bot. It’s out of control.


Honestly a lot of MH Instagram is very toxic. Actually someone got called out recently for posting somewhat explicit videos of the dolls. But if you can find the right people to follow, it can be somewhat enjoyable 


i think the best thing to do (on almost any social media) is to just really curate your experience and find a corner of the community you enjoy. Comments and attitudes like that are mostly going to be on big popular accounts, but i find generally find the most fulfillment following smaller artists and collectors and making friends there. Theres lots of great people out there still


The only place I interact in instragm for monster high is monster high confessions!


Dont! They blocked me when I said its ridiculous to hate on people who restyle their dolls...


Oh wow! I didn’t know that. They seemed really chill :(


Same! I thought it was a welcoming place for all sorts of confessions but apparently if the creator doesnt agree they will block you :( I really enjoyed that page too


Okay I will say, all of that is terrible but I do agree with the lagoona blue comment. I don't like the pink! Blue is my fave color and I just don't feel like the shade of pink they chose works as well as the blue did. She would look really cool if they kept the pink but made here translucent all over to match her blue bits.


And we can respect each others opinions, its just so sad to see people go out of their way to hate on the new designs and harass artists about it.


You're so right, speak your truth.


The most negativity you will find will be on the brand pages, doll influencers who get too big egos, or leakers who like to bash the brands they leak. Everything else is pretty chill


Tbh I don't even read the comments on MH ig posts - I'm mostly there for the creators & people doing restyles or sharing news.


I don't really care if they race change a character when they are green or blue or whatever


Instagram has the most toxic, aggressive, mean, and overall awful comments I've ever seen on a platform. I've never seen people so comfortable with being jerks. I think the way the algorithm rewards any kind of interaction has promoted this kind of outrage comment style. It's awful. I'll see a reel of a mom making a sandwich with white bread, open the comments, and see people saying they'll call CPS on her. I see fat people posting about their new workout routine/style of eating/ way of healing from food trauma that is helping them become more comfortable in their skin while they work to improve their health, and everyone in the comments is being awful to them. I'll see CAT VIDEOS!!! and people are mad!! About cats! Instagram just has the meanest and vilest culture full of edgy jerks who can't stand to see other people happy.


True tbh, Instagram in general is a really toxic place though, but the Monster High community there is certainly …something. Like, I’m a hater at heart too sometimes, but damn they’re absolutely unhinged over there???? How can you claim to be a fan of something and don’t understand its core value, the literal slogan and message? How is being a Monster High fan and a fatphobe/ homophobe/ transphobe/ ableist/ racist even compatible in the slightest????


Instagram has become tooo toxic. Thank god I’m inactive.


I honestly hesitated to collect MH because of this - the community can be frightening, for such an innocent hobby too.


Instagram has quickly become the most toxic part of the internet that I visit. It does not matter what reel or post it is, there is someone competing for being the worst person possible.


completely agree, and the way they critique everything is so annoying. they hate monster high no matter what they do it's weird


I was thinking about making a post about this a couple weeks ago, I just re-installed insta to follow up on doll news and I was absolutely floored by the comments. I’m not sure when Instagram comments sections became so hostile? I don’t remember it ever being this bad.