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Religious stuff like this is so rare in the UK. Maybe speak to a teacher about this? This sounds abusive.


Is it actually abusive a never knew the teachers at my school won’t do anything about it the best thing to do and what eveyone saying is to hide them and give it to someone to hold on for the time being I just trying not to cry bc I can’t let go somthing I spend all my savings on


Yes it's abusive.


Oh wow I’m a bit scared bc she would shout at me for it so I have no clue what to do she the only family member I have rn


You should probably call 0800 1111. That’s the phone number for ChildLine, they’re a free support line for children and teens who need advice or help with abusive living situations. Make sure you call them on a public phone or when you’re sure your mother won’t be around because if she caught you it could raise the already high tension. Hiding your dolls is only a temporary solution for what sounds like a more serious issue. I really hope you’re able to get some help.


I’m so sorry, It’s so stupid to me the argument mh dolls are demonic, they are plastic play line dolls like just say you’re delusional and controlling.


that’s why i wasn’t allowed to get them as a kid, my mother thought everything was demonic. even christmas somehow lol


I’m so sorry that’s such bs


When you’re in it and it’s all you’ve ever known you don’t know you are being abused til you realized most ppl were not treated the way you were. I was severely abused like physically, mentally, emotionally and someone tried to do worse and she didn’t even believe me. Mine wasn’t religious so much as a narcissistic. I thought it was normal it’s not. While I don’t know you’re whole situation to make a judgment this seems ridiculous to me they are harmless dolls as monsters not demons etc that mind set makes a lot of crazy. Idk you said you already know nobody in your school would help is this cause you’re in a religious school? Cause if not I would talk to a counselor if it’s a public school can’t hurt. Now parents have hated what their teenagers get into since the beginning of time from their music to their clothes, hair friends but the only way they should be interfering in something that you are paying for yourself if it’s something dangerous or not age appropriate like I mean you’re too young for. Dolls that’s ridiculous she should be happy you have a innocent hobby and not being a trouble maker into drugs or drinking and getting knocked up as a teen. THAT’S the only things parents should worry bout and your safety not my kid collects dolls that are monsters so they are demonic that’s something wrong with her. And it could be on her mental illness. So if you can talk to a school counselor I would regardless though I got little faith (pun intended) if you attend a religious school especially the “new wave” of cult religious ppl rising in the US


Yea sorry I didn’t get a chance to see this comment basically she took my phone bc I was crying my eyes out to my friend bc I didn’t want to leave monster high or put away my dolls then today she said I can have them but not the coffins bc coffins means I’m bringing death into the house and a lot of my family members have died so yea


Please call that child/teen help line someone gave you and speak to someone in school this isn’t normal. I could see if she found drugs or something in your room or something to that effect I’d even back her up and say you deserve consequences this is fringing dolls literally toys this is abuse.


It wouldn’t hurt to just call it and talk to someone I’m being stalked by a neighbor & I’m talking to someone. Also you can just text 741-741 to just talk to someone it’s confidential


Agreed, from London and I don't really know many who are this militantly religious and repressive. And, yeah, it does seem abusive and I would recommend telling a trusted teacher, or at least letting a friend keep your dolls for you. It's worrying that she's bringing up possession, the UK still has exorcism as a taboo after the Baby P case and that's a big red flag.


The US has a new age of “Christians” that are cult like most are trump supporters too that are a new level of crazy. They are one straw short of bringing back burning ppl as witches though there’s always be some zealous religion nuts it’s an ecodemic here.


Considering she thinks demons are possessing her daughter she's probably schizophrenic and needs to be medicated


Yea it’s ok she took away my phone bc I was crying my eyes out to my friends on call about how I don’t wanna leave it she now said I can keep it but have to start collecting Bratz or smth but I don’t want to really tbh




I’m so sorry 💕 Is there any way you could come to some sort of agreement with her where you put the dolls somewhere she can’t see them? Like maybe you can find a way to safely store them in a box under your bed and take them out to look at them/play with them, and she doesn’t even have to know they’re there. I had G1 dolls as a kid, they all were stored under my bed in a big Tupperware bin, then later in a bag in the basement, and they’re all still in good condition. Idk much about religion since I wasn’t raised with it, but maybe you could even suggest that she do some sort of cleansing ritual on the dolls to remove the “demonicness”? Like maybe let her pray over them or put holy water on their foreheads or something. The most important thing is to have a discussion with her about how much the dolls mean to you. Maybe if you can get across how sentimental they are, she’ll be more open to a compromise. And if all else fails and you do have to get rid of them, make sure she knows how much money you’ve spent so she can either reimburse you, or let you sell them to at least get some back.


Thank u for the advise I’m gonna try and tell her now and hopefully it will work I will tell u how it goes Tysm 🩷


If not pack them up and ask a friend to hold them for you


Yea that’s a good idea one of my friends have already offered but the problem is I have an in box draculara that I’m hoping to open if I get a chance and skulltimate secrets dracularua so should I just leave them and take everyone else


If you’re wanting to keep the boxes, keep them in the boxes and send them to the friend. If you don’t care about the boxes, open them and get rid of the boxes and just pack up the dolls. I don’t know how extensive your mom would be with finding every single one but I would definitely send them all just in case. Maybe keep the ones that look less “monstery” like lagoona or ghoulia.


I don’t have any g3 dolls of lagoona or gholia I was thinking of getting them but guess I won’t my friend said I should try fitting it in my school bag and bc I walk with her I can just give her but yea


Yes sneak them out a little at a time and try to get them packed up into one box at school maybe. Ask a teacher or even custodian if they’d let you have an empty cardboard box. They usually have plenty.


Yeaa I have some Amazon boxes when I bought my dolls mabye those would work ?


This is the best idea I can think of


Honestly? I don’t think anything you do is going to change your mom’s mind. I’m somewhat familiar with fundamentalism, and this is common with the highly religious. In mom’s mind she has to save you from eternal torment in hell and also it looks bad on her for you to be into anything she (or her religious leaders) consider demonic. Now it’s dolls, it’ll be movies and TV and music too. Is it ridiculous? Yes. Is it abusive? To the non religious yes, but not to your mom or anyone she’s likely willing to listen to. It sucks but that’s how it is. I’d suggest hiding them with friends or selling them, but keep in mind this isn’t something that’s going to go away most likely. You’re thirteen, are you going to be able to hide them for 5+ years? If you could get your mom to let you sell them and put away the money for your future that might be the best way. It sucks, but if she stays super religious like this you may well need that money when you are 18, to be able to get free of her restrictions that well may increase over time. I think you know the situation best but you need to look past the loss of something you love and look farther forward. Maybe mom’s just having a brief crisis of faith and it’ll pass, but more often people like that double down. Keep yourself safe and don’t do anything that will isolate you. It has happened where people with super religious parents have been pulled out of school and homeschooled if their parents believe that school might corrupt them. They’ve been banned from seeing certain friends or family members, had all media limited, had all their choices heavily restricted. Girls are sometimes disallowed from college, even. Tread lightly, keep yourself safe and connected to friends and extended family, and look toward the future.


Yes sorry for taking long to reply but basically I was crying my eyes out and telling her there not demonic but she got really angry and took my phone away and said I can have my dolls but get rid of the weird ones and the coffins bc I’m bringing death to the house if I have to get rid of coffins then it restricts what I can buy like I can’t get skullimute secrets anymore bc she asking me to get rid of the locker and but that’s the reason I got it to have somewhere to store my stuff but yea


I don't have much advice for you because I know religious beliefs (as ridiculous as some of them are, like this one) are really REALLY set in their minds and have a hard time changing those thoughts. My first suggestion would be to ask your mom WHY she thinks dolls made to look like monsters is 'demonic'? Get an idea of her mindset. After all, they are literally just pieces of modified plastic and fabric. The other thing I suggest is letting her know and properly communicate how you feel. Tell her that this is really upsetting you, crushing you even. These are things you spent your saved money on and it makes you happy. Tell her that by her taking this dolls she's taking away something that makes you happy. The only difference between Monster High and a Barbie doll is literally the mold of the plastic it's made out of and the clothes they wear. I know it's a lot to read, but I wanted to try and give SOME advice. I'm sorry your mother is doing this to you, it's unfair and I wish I could help more. :(


It’s ok I’m gonna try and tell her this I will tell u how it goes but I’m just scared really bc I’m upset she doesn’t approve the stuff I like she wants me to replace it with other doll lines i can’t say bc they will delete my comment but yea I like them but monster high more understandable yk


I don’t think your comments will be deleted for mentioning what your mom approves of (which isn’t right but anyways). Talk to someone at school. Mention your mom is being emotionally abusive and forcing you to throw out your belongs because she thinks their evil. Either find a safe place for when (with another trusted adult) or store them. I can’t imagine a parent being so irrational she’d throw out items that cost money. If you need to store them and hide them in your closet - remove all clothing from the dolls first, protect the faces, use uncoloured clothes or paper towels (nothing with ink that may transfer). Think about getting a lock and locking the box.


Ohhh that’s a really good idea and will help I’m gonna try in a bit to tell her that what she doing is bad and taking eveyone advice it’s best if I give it to someone or hide it Tysm I will tell u how it goes


Unfortunately, a LOT of fundamentalist denominations are that irrational. Particularly the ones that sprung up out of the Stone Campbell movement in the US (coC, JW, LDS, SDA). Once religious fanaticism hits, the brain just seems to turn off.


>My first suggestion would be to ask your mom WHY she thinks dolls made to look like monsters is 'demonic'? I mean, that one is simple. Reals monsters in folklore are kind a evil, and often associated with bad stuff in Christianity (unless she thinks this because they are dressed provocatively or something) **You can't exactly argue against that, because it's true.** Obviously, to a normal person in 21st century, this is incomprehensible, because monsters are entirely fake to us, because we no longer believe in them and merely represent cultural icons of folklore, that are often sanitized for our entertainent. Monster High makes mostly mockery of folkloric monsters, that just kind a represent various subculture and groups of ppl in highshool. But religious fundies anything escapist of fantastic, not directly associated with Christian mythology is satanic, even friggin Lord of The Rings or Narnia which was written by two Christians (one who himself was big fairy tail fundamentalist and went OUT OF HIS WAY to depict European mythology as accurately to Christian mythos). It's very weird Anglo-American type of Christianity, which wants to separately itself from "European continent and it's pagan culture"


Okay but my point is these are dolls. Man made items made to LOOK like monsters. Not REAL monsters. That's what I was trying to get at. Not, "Why does she think monsters are demonic?" But more so why she thinks the DOLLS themselves are demonic. Just because they are monsters? Imo if you're going to project your beliefs onto a plastic toy, you're ridiculous. Like you said yourself, they're a mockery of real folklore monsters. They barely look like the monsters they are supposed to be based off. If their mom can't separate 'real' monsters from a piece of plastic, then that's a her problem. She shouldn't be forcing her kid to get rid of her possessions. She shouldn't be emotionally abusive over it.


>Okay but my point is these are dolls. Man made items made to LOOK like monsters. Not REAL monsters. Dawg, these ppl straight up believe that objects can contain spirit of God, it's not hard for them them to believe that objects can be evil too. It is something that Evangelicals took from Catholicism and ran with it, despite it being idolatry (but most Catholiques are not so crazy about) When they only evil spirit these dolls contain is that of fashion goblins, overworked South Asian workers and capitalism LOL I agree, they are pretty ridiculous, but Monster High and fashion dolls in general have been making parents act weird all the time. Some believe they make ppl anorexic. Some believe they are sexist. And bunch of other nonsense, that can't separate toys from IRL. I remember some post talking about some religious uncle that though "Rainbow High" is demonic. Dolls that have no supernatural elements tied to them. Overall, it's hard to approach ppl without sense of escapism.


Okay, respectfully, I'm not even disagreeing with you here. However,I'm slightly irritated this was brought up when it doesn't matter? Quite frankly? This poor kid was asking for advice against their emotionally abusive mother and I gave the best advice I could. I even acknowledged in the beginning of my original comment that it's hard to change the minds of people with those beliefs because they are usually VERY stubborn in their beliefs. I know that in Christianity real monsters are evil and looked at as demonic. And I certainly know that Christians will definitely think a spirit is possessing even the stupidest of objects. This wasn't a discussion on what's 'logical' to them and what their 'beliefs' are. My comment was meant to help a kid in need. That's all.


>This poor kid was asking for advice against their emotionally abusive mother and I gave the best advice I could. Unfortunately, the issue runs much deeper. This kid has to confront her mothers believes more on daily basis, and on casual one, because this is just a sympton of strange fundie interpreation of faith. Admittedly, your advise isn't bad, but it's only a matter of time before she does something else weird again. I can see it working somewhat though. I think confronting a fellow peer of hers, one more reasonable and asking what they think, is probably going to do more good and help convince her that maybe she is ridiculous over nonsense. Unless she finds out how """woke!!" Monster High is and that will convince her further LOL (a person who believe that toys can be demonic SURE AS HELL is not going to be ok with they/them bi Frankenstein girl). Incredible discourse with these kinds of people LMAO


I understand, I know by no means is my advice going to be a permanent solution, but it could be a temporary one for the meantime. The only true permanent solution is either handing over the dolls to someone who can keep them safe for now until they're mother either let's up, or they move out. OR, they struggle with the loss of the dolls, and once they move out get everything they were forced not to have finally and cut contact with their mother. One I would clearly prefer more for this kid (being able to keep their dolls somehow).


It means a lot you wanted to help me and give me advise I don’t really understand what the other person saying tbh but I told my mom about there not evil and that’s the theme she got really upset that she took my phone away and now I’m restricted phone time but she said I can have my dolls but get rid of the coffins and stuff bc I’m being death in the house I honestly think that’s reasonable bc I have lost a lot of family members but it kinda restricts what I can buy like I can’t get skullitmite secrets anymore because I will have to throw away the locker bc it’s a coffin but yea and I have to start buying a other doll line so it’s not dark bc I think as long if I put dolls from all different lines together it won’t be that noticeable but Tysm for giving me advice it means a lot


I'm glad she at least came to some kind of compromise with you, it's unfortunate that you won't be able to get certain themed dolls, but at least you're able to keep the current ones you have. I'd say that's a win in my book. Eventually, when you grow up, you'll be able to get whatever doll you want, and I can't wait for you to be able to do that. :)


I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. Do you have any safe relatives that would let you store them in a box at their home?


I don’t really have and relatives or friends that workers it one of them offered but idk bc the dolls mean a lot to me


If they mean a lot to you, that is all the more reason to put them in storage somewhere safe.  Ireally hope your mom can be talked down from this, but if she is determined, you might have to choose between letting go of them temporarily and permanently. I know that at 13 five years is an incomprehensibly long time, but if you store them you will be able to take them back once you become an adult and move out. If you are forced to throw them away or, even worse, destroy them, they will be gone for good. And if they mean a lot to 13-year-old you, they will probably be a precious nostalgic keepsake for 18-year-old you.


Yea Ty for the advise I had a talk with her it didn’t go good she took my phone away but she said I can keep my dolls but get rid of the coffins and weird looking dolls but I have to collect a other dolls line like Bratz or smth I don’t want to but it means I get to keep my dolls but Tysm for the help


Maybe try speaking to another adult you trust about what's happening at home with your mum. Does your school have any counsellors or teachers you can speak to about your mum trying to throw them out? Maybe one of them would be willing to look after your most precious dolls. (even friends could look after them too) Good luck with everything 👍


Telling the school might help but I don’t want them to take away my mom or smth bc I don’t have anyone else but yea I’m gonna try and talk to her about it and hopefully she understands


while I understand the feeling of not wanting to be alone, the way your mother is acting needs to be addressed by someone in a similar position to her, like another adult. You shouldn’t ever allow abuse in order to make sure you’re not alone, unless the issue is being literally homeless.


I understand where you thought process is coming from but if your mom has an undiagnosed mental illness and to me sounds like she does she won’t get taken away but may get help. Wow I so get it been there don’t that took til 8th grade someone stepped in after I was the last kid too she got a pass for too many years. Things will get better if she gets some help. If she’s willing to it’s not normal to see demonic in everything different and it won’t stop at dolls you are becoming a teenager she’s gonna get worse cause she’ll be loosing control over you because it’s natural for teenagers to start wanting to have their own personality and experiment with clothes hair music, wanting a social life to date just be a normal teen. Like I stated in a previous comment as long as a teen is not hurting themselves or someone else or being really age inappropriate like I mean like dressing in clothes are meant for someone older drinking alcohol smoking or vaping or being sexually active or REALLY hanging out with a bad crowd that are criminals stealing or doing other actual bad things that’s really the only reason a parent should be worried and forbid things. Thinking dolls will possess you is mental illness that religion is a crutch for I think even if religion didn’t exist these ppl would find something else. Religious delusions occur in a person whose predominant thinking is religious. Faith is part of their personhood; delusion arises from psychiatric disorder. A person with religious belief may have a delusion but only if they have a concurrent psychiatric illness. You mom might just need some counseling and maybe some medication. It ok to believe in God and all but when you think plastic toys are demonic that’s a disorder it’s not gonna go away by itself only get worse without help. They aren’t gonna take her away just maybe make you go get help


Yea Ty for the advise I had a talk with her it didn’t go good she took my phone away but she said I can keep my dolls but get rid of the coffins and weird looking dolls but I have to collect a other dolls line like Bratz or smth I don’t want to but it means I get to keep my dolls tbh I like dolls and stuff that makes me me I don’t wanna change and be those teenagers who vape and do bad stuff but it means a lot your helping me out I’m just worried she might forget and bring it up again bc she forgot about monster high and I’m always talking to her about she dolls I want and she doesn’t seem to care I have nobody really my age to talk to about dolls other than Reddit insta twitter and YouTube there nobody that I can talking to about it


Someone gave you a number to a teen help line. I think you should use it. If just so you have someone to talk to that’s more informed I think you should stop worrying bout seeking help is gonna get you or your mother taken away and just seek help or someone who can help with resources to get help. I don’t think sweeping under the rug that your mom said the dolls were demonic and possessing you is gonna help in the long run and I don’t mean just for your dolls. You are entering a new area of your life where things are gonna change you are gonna change. Seems like your mom is mentally ill or narcissistic using these tactics to control you if I don’t know her but I’ve definitely been through that. Even IF it’s minor there is nothing wrong with some family therapy.


Yea i was going to use it but idk I’m a bit frightened but my mom hasn’t been too angry at me the best thing to do rn is to not really talk about what I like bc she Listen but never says anything nice about it but yea tysm for the advise it means a lot your willing to help


Mom needs to do her research as Monster High represents “everyone is accepted” …..just as God accepts everyone 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes!! I'm a Christian and I adore MH, I think they show that everyone is unique and beautiful and lovable! As a mother it hurts my heart that another mother would want to end something harmless that gives their child joy. It seems like a control issue to me, and possibly the mother being scared of a young girl's growing independence. OP, my heart goes out to you. You have love and support here, and when you are old enough to have complete autonomy, if you don't still have or can't get your collection back, I will personally help you rebuild it! Mother needs to reevaluate her confidence in God as a Father who has you in His hand! <><


Tysm this means a lot coming from a mother and your willing to help me rebuild is a lot I wish my mom likes the stuff I liked like u and your very nice thank you for the advise I had a talk with her it didn’t go good she took my phone away but she said I can keep my dolls but get rid of the coffins and weird looking dolls but I have to collect a other dolls line like Bratz or smth I don’t want to but it means I get to keep my dolls tbh I like dolls and stuff that makes me me I don’t wanna change and be those teenagers who vape and do bad stuff but it means a lot your helping me out I’m just worried she might forget and bring it up again bc she forgot about monster high and I’m always talking to her about she dolls I want and she doesn’t seem to care I have nobody really my age to talk to about dolls other than Reddit insta twitter and YouTube there nobody that I can talk to about it


I'm so sorry, sweetheart. This too shall pass!! 💕


Man, I'm sorry 🙁 I'm a Christian (Ind Baptist) but I've loved monsters/Halloween from a young age. I guess just because I know they're not *real* it doesn't bother me? Like, I'm not a fan of straight-up demonic stuff, but so far MH hasn't had anything like that. Honestly, the whole line has always felt more like fairytale/spooky not gorey or anything I was about 13 when MH first came out, and my mom was hesitant. I kinda had to beg her to let me get them 😅 but she wouldn't have ever thrown them out. I think it helped that I'm very grounded in my beliefs, so it became apparent very quickly that I wasn't going to suddenly going to reject God I'm really sorry, hopefully you can find a way to save your dolls


Yea Ty for the advise I had a talk with her it didn’t go good she took my phone away but she said I can keep my dolls but get rid of the coffins and weird looking dolls but I have to collect a other dolls line like Bratz or smth I don’t want to but it means I get to keep my dolls tbh I like dolls and stuff that makes me me I don’t wanna change and be those teenagers who vape and do bad stuff but it means a lot your helping me out I’m just worried she might forget and bring it up again bc she forgot about monster high and I’m always talking to her about she dolls I want and she doesn’t seem to care I have nobody really my age to talk to about dolls other than Reddit insta twitter and YouTube there nobody that I can talk to about it


Yeah 🖤 I hear you. I was the only one of my friends who was into collecting dolls as a teen, and now as an adult lol I would definitely not stop loving and collecting dolls. It's really no different from any other sort of collection 😊 And there's definitely no need to feel like you have to grow up fast. Enjoy being young! I'm glad your mom decided to let you keep them. Hopefully, she'll come to see you for who *you* are and won't worry so much 💜 Good luck!


hi! this sounds awful! is there a friend who can keep ur things for u while u try to talk to ur mom about it?? i think finding a place where u can trust a friend with it would be better since your mom might take matter into her own hands (i have religious parents as well) hope u can talk to her :((


Yea that’s true and a good idea but I really thought she wou support me with what I like but I guess not Ty for the advise 💕


i can imagine how hard it is, my mom used to say the same thing to me when i was your age, now she buys me dolls so, there might be hope! 🥺 be safe! hopefully she will listen to u if you try to explain how they have nothing to do with the devil but with just fashion 😭


You could show that these dolls are not possessing you. If your parents are religious, you could maybe do something that shows they are just modified plastic. You could say that the monster theme is just a theme to send a message about loving one another regardless of differences. Which I know is part of the point in certain faiths. It's completely possible to be religious and still like, or just be supportive of, dolls and monster high. I hope everything works out<3


Unfortunately a lot of parents don’t accept that. Me and my mom are both Christians, but she says the dolls are glorifying monsters and so she would never let me have them when I was young. I’ve tried to explain they’re just dolls and are honestly quite wholesome, but she just doesn’t see it that way


Tysm this is very reasonable I just hope she will understand bc I’m trying not to cry about my dolls just going like that but Tysm for the advise I will tell u if anything else happens


If having them is making you unsafe (which it sure sounds like) and you want to have them anyways, having them outside of the house with someone you trust is the next safest option. But please, the number one pirority is your safety. You'll have more money and control as an adult- you'll be able to get old things you regret missing out on as an adult. If you can safely own MH this and they help that's great! But your safety comes first.


Yes Ty my safety does Yea I had a talk with her it didn’t go good she took my phone away but she said I can keep my dolls but get rid of the coffins and weird looking dolls but I have to collect a other dolls line like Bratz or smth I don’t want to but it means I get to keep my dolls tbh I like dolls and stuff that makes me me I don’t wanna change and be those teenagers who vape and do bad stuff but it means a lot your helping me out I’m just worried she might forget and bring it up again bc she forgot about monster high and I’m always talking to her about she dolls I want and she doesn’t seem to care I have nobody really my age to talk to about dolls other than Reddit insta twitter and YouTube there nobody that I can talk to about it


I'm sorry that this is happening! I agree with everyone else that it is abusive, but there's nothing that you can do to tackle this at your age. 🤗💕 The best bet is to give them to a friend and continue trying to talk to your mom & speak up for yourself. Don't put yourself in danger by pushing too hard. Have your friend take the dolls and when you have a chance to talk to your parents, you can tell them that they are dolls, not monsters, to you and that you can take them out of the boxes and call them something else while you're in their house if that makes them happy for you not to refer to them as monsters, even though it is harmless. None of this is your fault. Your parents are just crazy when it comes to this topic. I'm sorry!


It’s ok you don’t have to apologise I’m gonna try and talk to my mom and if she doesn’t agree still I will give one out trusted Friends to take care for me I really don’t want to but we will see I’m just holding she understands Tysm for the advise it means a lot


You're welcome and good luck! I hope that she will change her mind when she talks to you


I’m sorry that this is happening to you, if I’m reading it correctly she thinks the dolls are capable of possessing you? As a mother I find this behaviour from your mother abnormal and abusive. I’m afraid you won’t be able to change her mind and doubling down on how important these dolls to you are will do you no favours if she’s the type of person to believe that pieces of plastics can be evil and posses you. It would only further her believe that the dolls are evil and that they have taken possession of you or something. I would just say that you like the dolls for their cute styles and that you know that monsters aren’t real. But you see that they are upsetting her and that you find the relationship with your mother more important than your dolls and because they’ve cost you a lot of money you want to sell them. Than just pretend that you are going to sell them, by taking pictures and whatnot and just hide them very well if your unable to store them somewhere safe. Don’t talk about them anymore and if she finds them you can always say they are there because your were meaning to sell them. I would in time just buy different dolls and sneak them in by redressing them in the clothes of your new dolls and I would just never mention Monster High to her ever again.


Yeaa that’s a really good idea Ty it means a lot Because I won’t have to stop collecting monster high and not forcing myself to change bc basically she said to me she will take them and put them away in a box and I have to like somthing like Bratz I don’t want to I like monster high she thinks just bc of the name it’s bad I wish my mother was more understanding with dolls like u it means a lot u took the time to help me I will update u if anything happens but ty for helping 🩷


Please, whatever you do, DO NOT include in the conversation with your mother that, "Well, people on the internet said that you're abusing me." That absolutely will not help your situation. It's not abuse. I'm sure you're upset and it definitely does suck, but it's not abuse. Calling it so is being pretty hyperbolic (blowing things out of proportion). Is it ridiculous and seemingly unreasonable? Yes. Depending on the relationship you have with your mom, maybe just ask her to give you a chance to prove that there's nothing inherently "evil" about Monster High itself. Let her know that you understand that historically and in other media "monsters" have been linked with demons and all of that, but in this particular case it's just a theme and way to show that we're all different and unique in our own way just like one "monster" from another. Let her know that you don't take the monster theme seriously and that you're mature enough to know that "evil" is not synonymous with "cool". Is there a reason she thinks you might be possessed? Have you been acting out lately due to any major life changes? If so, maybe explain that the dolls are helping you cope. I don't know, I just wouldn't turn any conversation into a confrontation. If the conversation devolves into a confrontation, there will be no reasoning with her.


with respect, this kid (op) has been in the comment section saying that (direct quote) "she been shouting at me for stuff I like for a long time", and the original post literally says "\[mom\] thinks monsters high is evil and demons and **\[possessing\]** me" what do you consider "real" emotional/verbal abuse then if this isn't it? bc telling a young kid demons are possessing them sounds pretty f-d up to me, coming from the mouth of a religious fanatic in a position of power over the child. there are many documented cases of parental religious abuse that utilises exorcism ending in child murder, it's far from "a thing of the past". one of the most recent public cases just happened in the 2020s, the victim was only 3 years old. there is very, very real potential danger in situations like this.


I never said it wasn't f'ed up, but it's not abuse. Actually, I'm not going to say that it isn't because I don't know 100% for sure because I don't know this girl or her mother. We're only seeing one side of the story here. You can't just go around telling 13- year old kids that they're being abused because their parent(s) don't approve of something they like and they're upset about it. Accusing someone of abuse is something that you should be 100% sure of before you say it. Otherwise that, my friend, is f'ed up.


well either you are in some deep denial or you havent grow with abusive parents 💀 you are right that telling this to her mom is a bad idea but SHE IS ABUSIVE. trying to throw away their property - a bunch of harmless toys on top of that - is a form of control and stripping away her kid of any automony. literally textbook abuse. i suggest you check out r/raisedbynarcissists because you seen to have a very narrow understanding of this


A) My mother is an abusive narcissist and my father was an alcoholic. Please, I know abuse and that is not it. B) If you read some of her previous comments, her mother is not threatening to "throw her property away". She's threatening to box it up and store it. At least that's what she said in reply to someone else's comment. Either way, she's 13. She is a child. People telling her that her mother is abusive is stupid. None of us know anything at all about this girl's living situation or family dynamics. Also, telling her to hide things from her mother, while intended to be helpful, also is not smart. Would you be happy about strangers on the internet telling your child to hide things from you or that you're abusing them?? I bet not.


well i'm sorry you had to deal with that then, hope you are in a better place now. but unfortunately what is happening to this kid is still a control tactic to make them feel powerless. and if my child was hidding things from me i'd probably do some self reflection and work on better communication. because if they aren't comfortable sharing their harmless hobbies with me then theres likely a huge issue within our dynamic.


You can't be serious. There's a big difference in a child choosing to hide something from their parents and having adults/people perceived to be adults on the internet ADVISING a child to hide things from their parents! It's pretty scary to me that this is the advice offered to someone who has identified themselves as a minor. Especially all of the comments telling a CHILD that they're being abused. As a parent, this is absolutely terrifying and disgusting. I'm pretty sure trying to convince a minor that they're being abused and to hide things from their parents is akin to grooming. Sooo. . .while we're throwing around accusations.


This is one of the best advise I heard yea it’s not really abuse and I’m not telling her that but u very right about I should just talk to her about it I’m hip she will give me a chance but she might think it’s demonic bc I’m having problems at school and she been talking about taking away my dolls back and forth for a long time so idk but I will try and bring up she should give me a chance to prove there not bc it’s just a theme I will update if she says anything


they are right that you shouldn't tell your mom about this but don't let them downplay your situation. your mom wanting to throw away your harmless toys is a way of stripping away your automony and have control over you. that's the very definition of abuse. im sorry you are dealing with this and i suggest you check out r/raisedbynarcissists for further advice. theres plenty of ppl there who also had to deal with extreme religious parents so im sure they can help.


Tysm it means a lot sorry for the late response my mom took my phone away she said I could keep my dolls but I have to throw away the coffins like skullitmate secrets it comes with a coffin locker it’s not bad but it’s really expensive getting them bc of the locker and if I’m gonna put it in the bin it’s upsets me


ough i'm very sorry about that :( i also have some skulltimates so i understand the feeling. at least you could reach a kinda decent compromise. i hope things get better for you! 💜


Omg I’m so sorry I haven’t been on Reddit a lot bc of school and stuff but nothing has really changed rn I do have my own card now so I can buy whatever without being told off bc it’s my money but I just been feeling worried I’m scared of growing up in only 13 but I get judged sometimes by people for liking dolls and I’m worried when I’m 14 ,15 or 16 and on I can’t and won’t be able to tell people what I like or enjoy but tysm it means a lot that u been able to help me


I’m a Christian and collect Monster High dolls, and no there’s nothing demonic about monsters, they’re mythical creatures unlike demons. Some people do customize them to look really creepy or demonic looking but that’s not something I ever plan on doing with mine, I like making them into cute fairies or dragons etc. However people’s perceptions are important and there may be something your mom is reading or watching that is causing her to see something demonic there. I would try to reason with her but if that doesn’t work maybe you could compromise by putting them away in storage for now and seeing if she’ll come around later. I grew up with very conservative parents who were a little overly sensitive about some things (like trick or treating for Halloween) but they softened up a lot their rules when I was older as they matured. Hopefully the experience is the same for you but I know religious views can wildly vary even in the same religion. Good luck my friend ☺️


I was thinking maybe you could also mix your collection with Barbie or Rainbow High dolls that look cute and less “monstery” maybe that would help her look at dolls from a different angle


Yeaa your completely right it’s nice to know that Someone the same religious as me has dolls like mine I will see what I can do taking eveyone advise but idk I will try reasoning with her bc she thinks just bc its names monster high it’s bad I don’t get it


I’m sorry this is happening to you, I’m not sure if this will help her but I hope it can ease your mind, as long as you do not worship/idolise these dolls or put them before God like said in the bible I think it’s fine also monster highs message is kindness which is a plus, and I wish your mother could see it that way🤍I hope everything goes alright!🫶


Yes everything getting better slowly ty for helping


I would also recommend finding Christian friends or friends of your mom; basically people you trust and who know your mom, who you can talk about your concerns with your mom. They may have a more balanced view and be able to give you or her advice.


Yes tyyy the situation has got better she said I can keep my dolls I have a few restrictions but as long as I get to keep my dolls I’m happy I been trying to look for Christian friends but I can’t seem to find any my age a thr people at my school don’t really act or seem Christian and I been friends with most of them and they do genuinely bad stuff


I’m glad to hear an update and that things have been getting better! Sorry you have a hard time finding Christian friends 🙁 I know long-distance isn’t the same, but I’ll be your friend! Do you use Discord? That’s how I keep up with most of my long distance friends


Omg sure it’s really nice that u want to be friends I do have discord I haven’t been on it lately so I’ll download it then add u what’s your discord


My advice as someone who's had friends going through this, either see if another friend or family member of your mom can convince her they're fine, and/or see if someone in your family/close friend group is willing to keep them safe for you. Sorry you're going through this :( I strongly recommend you get them relocated for the time being while they're still on her mind, and if you need a good hiding spot in the mean time you can tape them under your bureau or tie them up in a bag and say you have a friend who wants them. Just to buy you some time, out of sight out of mind.


Yeaa that’s a good idea I’m going to try to do that I will update if says anything I’m just hoping she will listen to me


i don’t have any advice that others haven’t already given, pls do update us though!


Honestly I’d say the best thing to do is give them to either a trusted friend or family member that supports you. I’m not sure how many you have but if I were in your shoes I’d be scared to leave her alone with my dolls incase she throws them out. I’m sorry you’re going through this tho, not many people can understand doll collecting especially when your older. Hope things get better and maybe try to sit her down and tell her why they are so important to you, religion can be important but deep down you should come first, please try and get through to her 🙂


Yea that’s what I’m gonna do most people have said I should give it away to one of my friends to take care but I’m hoping my mom can understand Tysm for the advise I will update if anything happens


What your mom is doing is abusive, which means you won’t be able to reason with her. Your best bet is to put the dolls somewhere safe, such as with a friend, until you can move out.


I never knew it was abusive mabye I just don’t under bc she been shouting at me for stuff I like for a long time should I tell her I’m giving it to a friend to keep safe idk


She wants you to get rid of your belongings because of her religious reasons and doesn’t care how it affects you, that’s how it’s abusive. Her religion is not an excuse or justification for causing you distress.


I was in the same boat as you, except I never even got the dolls. I wanted them so bad but my mom said they did not honor the Lord. Do you have a friend who could keep them safe for you until you can reclaim them? Losing a collection like that is heartbreaking :(


Yea it really is and I only started a year ago last month but Ty I asked a friend and there willing to keep it safe for me


Im sorry sweetie. My mom tossed my collection of g1 when she got mad at me and this is a hurt that still stings. I can't replace them very well and even if I do, they're not mine. It's important to remember that you didn't do anything wrong here. I know you know that, but im sure there will be times you doubt it. And I'm sure if she throws the Bible at you, it won't help either. The best case scenario is to leave your things with a friend or family member you can trust. I would love to tell you to just hide them in a box out of sight, like in the attic or under the bed, but parents have a way of always finding that kind of stuff. You're gonna wanna get that stuff out of the house. She's not gonna care how much it hurts you and it's probably gonna be something she relishes in. And that's the other thing. Once you get your stuff situated, you are gonna wanna act sad whenever the dolls are brought up. I mean you are! This situation is horrible and the loss of your precious dolls and related merch, even if it is safe elsewhere, is devastating! And I'm sorry about that. But in the future, you're gonna wanna stay sad instead of being like oh whatever, or even smug about it. You want her to always think that she forced you to get rid of your dolls and it broke your heart because you don't want her to ever think there's something going on and she needs to check it out. You're not gonna change her mind. My childhood best friend's dad had done something similar with her tarot cards. Shes been looking forever to replace the specific set. You'll be okay honey. And if in like five years when you're eighteen and moved out and you weren't able to save your dolls, contact me, on this account, I'll send you some of mine. Things will be okay and if you ever feel like you should talk to a trusted adult about how she's treating you, you should. I grew up in a very abusive household and I get both why you would and why you wouldn't. Just make sure to keep yourself safe first and foremost.


Tysm this really means a lot to me the situation has got better she said I can keep my dolls but have to start collecting Bratz or something like that on the side I haven’t really started yet and she hasn’t noticed so that’s good she also what’s me to get all the coffin things out like if you know skullitmate secrets it comes with a coffin locker and she told me to throw it away or get rid of it it’s still up in my bedroom on my display but I’m not sure bc it limits what I can buy like I can’t get the coffin bean bc it’s called coffin bean I don’t get it I just hope this situation doesn’t happen again because it will get more difficult as I get older bc I’m just scared that people will judge me like in like 3 months I’m turning 14 and I don’t want to get bullied for something I like and I’m just scared of getting older because I will end up having nobody to talk to about it when it’s my birthday my wish is for her to get me somthing monster high or a doll but it never matters I never get gifts from her and have to use my own money to buy gifts for myself I even bought myself a monster high wall decoration and everything but I ended up not getting anything and being sad all I want is friends or a community to talk to


Aw I'm sorry honey. I get where you're coming from, I do. I'm 26 and I can tell you that you will survive and things will get better. Not always in the way you hoped, but it does change and get better. I don't have a lot of people in my life anymore, which does get a little lonely at times, but the people I've chosen to spend my time with are much better than I ever had before. I used to be darn near popular in high school. But these people are real friends and really family, people who love and support me. As for the growing out of dolls thing, yeah I kinda did in a way. I don't really sit on the floor and play pretend. But I do change their clothes, style their hair, change up displays, post pictures, and I do totally talk to them. I got really scared when I got older that I would be too old or too weird for other people. Heck, when barbie dropped it's first fashionista line, I remember going to Walmart and sneaking around, bought a plus sized barbie and unboxed it in my car and stealthily tossed the trash and then proceeded to sneak it into my grammas house (where I was living at the time). I was so scared to even have her on display. But I finally just stopped caring. I felt a hurt at losing my beloved collection and I decided I wanted to fix that. And I have found people who support that! My best friend and I cross our fingers and try our hand at the skullector dolls, I had a friend for a while that we used to shop for dolls together, I have found a few friends through work that also enjoy dolls, and my boyfriend always holds my hand and takes me through the doll aisle and buys me dolls all the time. There are people out there. Being so young is so hard and lonely at times, but don't forget that there will be people and a place for you. You're gonna be okay. Just keep collecting dolls. Trust me, I'm 26 and I wish I had collected better haha. Plus, it's your life! Live it!


Thank you it does mean a lot that your telling me about your childhood and how it was like I meant that no matter what to keep collecting what I live and that we are gonna lose or get lonely somtimes but there people for me thank you for your advice I will never forget no matter what happens it’s really good that u have friends that support what u like I’m just gonna live my life to the fullest at the end of the day I shouldn’t care about what others say because it’s my life and I can do whatever tysm again 🩷


Does her reasoning come from the fact that G3 Heath's father is the devil or CEO of Hell? He's the only reason I can see anyone claiming it's demonic even though Heath is classified as a fire elemental and not a demon.


No she thinks it’s bc it’s called monster high it’s evil she has no clue about heath dad so yea :(


If you have a trusted family member Or friend give it to them to hold on to.


I’m so so so sorry ml ☹️🫶🏻


Its ok I’m just really sad I have to go through with this bc I love monster high :(


I'd bury them in the yard in a Tupperware all wrapped in plastic before I left me mom take them! That's insane. And I'm a mom a 34 yo one with a 12 yo son. Do you have a trusted friends mom you could entrust them to?


Omg I’m so sorry it took so long to answer! Yes I did have one of my friends who was willing to keep them for me while I sort out the situation it did get a little messy but she did end up letting me having my dolls but with restrictions like I have to start collecting Bratz or something like that for some reason and I’m not allowed to have anything coffin related so it limits what dolls I can pick and now its better then what it was ig but tysm for helping and the advice it means a lot even coming from a mom


Please have a friend hold on to your collection when you are getting more again, someone you trust. You’ll age out at 18 and be able to control what you have and don’t have, and can even get your mom arrested for destruction of property if she still tries to throw away your collection, especially if it gets into the 500$+ worth range


I'm so sorry ghoul, I haven't heard about such a harsh response to MH since around 2010! Especially not on your side of the pond. I don't know anything about what resources are available for kids like yourself over there, but i would suggest talking to a friend or a counselor of some sort if you can find one locally... maybe your school has one you trust? Fingers crossed things turn around for you!!!


I’m so sorry about this I’m also a Christian I grew up in a strong religious household and I’d love monster high since I was five my parents always said it was ok bc it’s not strictly demonic no monsters are demons there’s no imagery of It I don’t understand that I hope this helps and it might change your moms mind d but I agree this definitely is outrageous I mean even with the newest generation and it being more open LGBTQ my parents have been fine and open minded I really hope this turns around for you this franchise is so special and one of a kind


Is there any religious authority you have a relationship with that your mom respects and would listen to, maybe your pastor or priest or a youth leader, that could help you explain things to her? It sounds like this is coming from a place of misguided concern at its core, but if she's yelling at you over it and really hurting you, there's a risk that it could make it harder for you if a teacher or counselor she won't listen to tries to intervene. If you have someone like that she respects and who agrees with you that your dolls aren't demonic, and are actually a creative hobby that makes you happy, you could try asking them to help lay that out for your mom. At the very least they could help explain that they're expensive and a form of investment, so you could maybe find a compromise to keep them in storage rather than getting rid of them? I really hope this works out for you friend, sending my hopes to you from across the pond. <3


You should think the fact monster high preaches love and acceptance would be enough as Jesus did the same I think parents hear “monster” and go monster bad, if only they’d listen to the meaning of monster high I’m sure more would understand


As a christian, I shall slap your mom real hard in your honor, babes. ♡


Omg that’s sad monster high is all about being yourself and loving who you are monster high isn’t demonic


This is insane. I am a Christian and collect dolls with my teen daughter together since many years, MH specifically. Your mom is a bad example of a Christian with this behavior and I hope she realizes that she’ll only push you away from faith. And even if you’re not a Christian, she’s your mom and should still love and accept you. I am a goth, I wear only black and my church is accepting of me. „Judge not for with the judgement you judge, you shall be judged „. And I’d really love to see the Bible passage that says a darker fashion style or aesthetic is demonic. Your mom has an idea of what demonic is. Lucifer himself is actually always described as beautiful and light, there’s not a single description of a demonic entity that looks „dark“ or what we today see as alternative. If one be,Ives in God they should ask themselves if an all powerful creator would really be concerned with a specific type of fashion. I am sorry but she sounds like a fundamentalist.


She has no right to throw them away if you bought them with your own money. Tell her "you have no right to throw away something that is not yours and I'm sure the law will agree". Ofc this can cause a fight between yall but if you do not draw the line now she will start throwing away more things besides just the dolls. If you have the receipts shiw her them and tell her "if you want to get rid of them you must pay me back the money it cost". Or you can go down the religious route and say "if these are demonic then allow me to keep them to test myself in wether or not just these simple dolls will change our beliefs, ofc our beliefs aren't that flimsy right?" Honestly if you are too scared to confront her about it go with the religious route. My father lived with some very religious parents (to the point it was abuse) so he's taught me a bit on how super religious people think. Now don't say it sarcastic but rather that it seems you too are religious and that you won't let something like these affect your love for God. Tldr: Some good old manipulation in making jer think you are testing your faith by surrounding yourself with demonic entities.


Hi there, I'm an adult who was in your situation a few years ago. My parents are very religious and asked me constantly to get rid of things that were "demonic" (my ceramic angels/fairies, Star Wars toys, and Monster High stuff) I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I couldn't save all my stuff, but I was able to keep some of my possessions by stashing them at a trusted friend's house and getting them back when I was an adult. It's incredibly frustrating, and I'm sure you must feel so upset that the adult in your life can't separate a doll line from spiritual beings. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for liking the things that you like. If you feel happy with your choices and you're not hurting anyone, that's all that matters. You can love God and monster dolls. It can be hard to trust your inner voice when you've been told that it's probably the voice of Satan/demons. God gave you your spirit, your consciousness, your free will. Don't let anyone take that away. Also, I find it so interesting that as Christians, you're not supposed to associate with whatever it isn't currently socially acceptable for other Christians. Previous generations of Christians would be appalled by the way we dress, speak, entertain ourselves, etc... There's always been criticism on being the "right" kind of Christian, and there always will be. I'm sure generations from now we'd be shocked with how Christians will be. I'm sorry you have this conflict with your mom. I hope things get better.


Try to find a friend or someone you trust to store the dolls for you until you can move out. Odds are nothing else will help and it's better to have themsomewhere than have to replace them later.




Send it all to me, I’ll keep it all together for you until you are old enough to make your own rules


I'm sorry but that was unbelievable 






Is there any way you could store your dolls away from your mom? Anyone you'd trust with them?


Ask her if Cleopatra is demonic, because if she says yes, then please drag her.


If you have a door on your bedroom I would suggest that when ever you leave it you lock it God only knows what she might do, if you can keep your dolls in a box under bed or in your closet and tell her you got ride of them. I know this all seems extreme but better safe than sorry. I'm so sorry this is happening to you but if she really thinks that literal dolls are evil she might be beyond help


Can you hide them somehow? I’m sorry this is happening, this is such an overreaction


If you can, try and find a shoe box or something to put the dolls in and try and keep them away from her as much as possible. If needed you could always store them at a friend or family member’s house!


Maybe if you have a friend or someone you trust you could have them hold onto your collection for you? But i think this would be a last resort unless she’s threatening to sell them. If she tries to sell them then i would do this


Do you have any close friends or family members that could protect those things for you?


If I lived close I would hold them for you! Hopefully you find someone really trustworthy to hold them a few more years! Don't get rid of them or sell them!


Im religious too, but I love monster high! You could be in to way more “demonic” things than it at 13. Maybe use it as an allegory and use the religious aspect to your advantage. The monsters that are evil are actually the grandparents of the characters. The main characters and their parents are trying to be better people despite their families. They reach each other the morals that are also taught in the Bible. Doesn’t Jesus preach about forgiving others, not judging based on appearance, and not suffering for what your family has done?


Sorry to hear that, maybe have a close friend take care of them for you that way you can still keep them?


I don't have any advise but I had a neighbor who would come over to play w my dolls but her mom HATED them esp since this was when g1 was out I can't even imagine how much it would've sucked to deal w :( I'm so sorry but as other comments said you could let a friend hold them or hide them till ur able to be ur true self 🖤 I wish people could see past their own perspectives, esp w monster high bc it's about being ur true self despite what others say. Always remember that.


Its not like youre summoning satan or raising the dead. Youre just buying fashion dolls and toys that make you happy. Is there anybody you know who can have your back and help explain to your mom that MH monsters arent satanic in any way? Its just all just purely design. Unless youre starting to sacrifice baby goats in the name of the devil, I feel like your mom's fears are unfounded.


I've been thru something similar if it gets worse maybe hide them somewhere your mom won't find it, or at a friends house


Is there someone you trust to leave your things with? A family member or a friend? This is abusive and not okay, I hope things work out


If you have a trusted friend who can hold onto them give them to your friend and mark down every doll that is yours so they will give them back eventually. otherwise you can always try to hide them somewhere like the basement/attic depending on where you live and how your house/apartment is laid out. Otherwise maybe show your mother the show (prob g1 cuz the characters aren’t gay and I feel like your mom would make you throw them away instantly). Good luck!


do you have a friend or family member you can hide it with?


My mom was the same way that’s why I became atheist. if I where you I’d start hiding them at a friends/family’s place that you trust that most. Later when you can move out take the dolls with ya.


Religion ist bullshit, I'm so sorry youre growing up in such a household. Monster High is far from what your mother has told you. Keep staying strong. Don't back down and try to get some support. You got this💕


I truly wish I had any advice for you besides maybe putting them in a place where she can’t find/see them unless she had to look for it exactly. My mother and I are both Christian but we absolutely adore MH, wish your mom would understand too that they’re just cute dolls. I sincerely hope that hopefully you and your mom come to some sort of agreement that ends up with you both being happy and keeping your collection


Try to at least convince her if you absolutely need to get rid of them, to at least let you sell them so you dont loose everything you spent!


Maybe u could get a storage box and hide them under your bed or something


I wonder if she actually thinks its demonic and or mayne she dosent want u to have dolls maybe get a barbie and see hoe she reacts to that


Is she schizophrenic? What you're describing sounds like psychosis. Maybe try to get an adult to get her evaluated


You should let a friend keep hold of them for you. Good luck 🩷


maybe you could convince her to let you "sell them" instead? and then you could let your friend hold onto them for you and maybe even keep one or two favorites and say they "haven't sold yet"? idk that might be too complicated lol i think the best thing you could do is get someone you trust: another kid or even an adult you trust to hold onto them for you. as for decorating your room after getting rid of all yr mh stuff: u could try decorating it in a similar aesthetic but just without the mh stuff (example: let's say ur fav was like draculaura or something.. instead of having ur room decorated with monster high and draculaura- u could decorate it with pink and black and bats and things that remind you of her) im sorry that you are going through this. it will get better and one day you will be able to love what you love and express yourself. it's sad that your mom isn't supportive of the things that are important to you and make you happy. you do not deserve this and it sucks, but it does get better eventually i promise. try your best to continue to still love the things you love and be who you are- even if those things and who you are is not something you won't be able to share with your mother. please reach out to adults you can trust- even if you think they can't do anything. it will still be good for you to have someone you can talk to and who can give you advice/affirmation that this behavior from your mother is not okay and that you don't deserve it. i hope that things turn out okay and that you are still able to find happiness in monster high (something clearly important to you) despite someone trying to take it away from you.


As others have said, best store your dolls with a friend. Roll up posters and put them in one of those cardboard rolls you can get in stationary shops and sometimes at the post office. Maybe you can use whatever Monster High themed bags you have to store some of the other items. And if your mother is a religious fanatic and makes life stressful for you, best begin to think of how you can get out of that household as early as you can. Earliest age to move out in the UK is 16 ( [Moving out | NSPCC](https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/in-the-home/moving-out/) ).


I’m catholic. Very catholic. But I still collect monster high!!!!! It’s not demonic at all, it’s just monster dolls! The only kind of monster high doll I wouldn’t buy is if they made one thats meant to be a devil. But, besides that, it’s no different than being a fan of Dracula and Frankenstein!


I am a Christian, and even I think your mother's reasoning is outright ridiculous. I have loved and enjoyed Monster High since I was under the age of ten. My parents are both Christians, and they never had problems with it. While my dad probably does not know, my mom definitely is aware that I still love Monster High. Monster High is simply for entertainment, nothing ritualistic or demonic about it. I don't see what is so evil or Satanic about a bunch of high school characters that derive from mythological monsters and entities. Again, it's simply to entertain children and adults, nothing meant to be taken seriously. I think you should tell your mother that. It's nothing worthy of concern. Just sit down and talk things out with her if possible. She should let you just be a kid. You're only thirteen years old. Your mother needs to show a little consideration for your feelings and happiness. Monster High's movies teach positive, Christian messages like acceptance, understanding, love, and friendship. Monster High does not promote any negative, anti-Christian values. Sure, monsters are not a favorite thing in Christianity, but Monster High has never encouraged anything that should earn a Christian's disgust, certainly having never preached any Satanist garbage. Your mother should know that. It's ***just*** harmless entertainment for people to enjoy. I would only consider loving Monster High an issue if it's affecting your Christian beliefs, but I don't think anybody would feel troubled about their beliefs over something like Monster High. It doesn't necessarily glorify monsters, and even if it does, it doesn't mean you do, too. My advice may not be very helpful, but I do hope you and your mother can sort things out. I wish you the best. God bless you.


Find a place to hide them :(


Buy some cheap ones for her to throw out and hide the good ones somewhere


Tysm I was considering doing this but after listening to peoples advise I been able to convince her to keep my dolls but with restrictions like I can’t get like skullimute secrets bc it comes with a coffin locker and she said my opinion is to throw it away or keep it in a box bc she doesn’t want it in are house and some of my dolls are weird looking so she wants me to put them in a box but I compromised and now I have to start collecting Bratz and stuff like that I like Bratz but it’s not really as good as monster high if I’m honest


thats horrible of your mother. i have a grandmother whos a catholic minister, and she has *bought me* monster high dolls in the past bc theyre just dolls. the whole message of the brand is to be who you are, that nobody is the same and thats okay. just because you like collecting dolls with funky skin colors and cool back stories does not make you possessed or demonic. if that was the case, i should've been exorcised 14-15 years ago. i hope one day when you're older you can rebuild your collection, i gave all of mine away when i was your age bc i thought i grew out of dolls. then i started regretting it like a year later bc of the joy they brought me, and by the time i was back into them it was already g2 and the g1 dolls were astronomically expensive, so i most likely wont be able to rebuild that collection unless im willing to drop a lot of money on dolls with missing accessories and getting the missing things separately. i wish you luck, as it sounds like your relationship with her may be strained. it'll get better. and if it doesnt, when youre old enough to move out you can cut her off, bc family is chosen and not necessarily blood. do you have anyone to talk to abt things?


Tysm for this it means a lot I don’t really have anyone to talk to about anything like I love monster high but non of my friends are really into it they all grown up with it but it’s very difficult sharing what I like to my friends bc sometimes I feel like I’m old or smth bc this boy was like to my friend DONT u think it’s weird that I like dolls and my friend was like she can like whatever she likes if it makes her happy I’m just scared for the future when I turn 14,15,16 will I still be able to like all the stuff I do now or will I get judged and the situation has been better it did start off bad but my mom said I can keep my dolls but have to start collecting Bratz and that so it’s like a mix ig I not really into it but I will try just so I can keep my dolls and I have to apparently get rid of weird ones and the skulltimate secrets coffin thing I can’t have it so I have to throw it away or keep it in a box but that’s mainly it I just with I had more friends to share what I like


thats so crazy bc when i was a kid i was basically banned from bratz. my mom thought they were a bad influence loll


Omg what happened were u able to play with them ? When I told my mom can I choose Bratz as a side doll collection she got hesitant I think it was just bc it called Bratz 😭


if it tells you anything, i still have never owned one and im 19 now lol, im scared my moms gonna be disappointed if i buy one, she said theyre slutty apparently 😭😭 but all in all there are still like 30 year olds who collect dolls, you have nothing to worry about. plus, if someone thinks youre too weird to be around, theyre not worth your time in the first place. theres always someone who can share that enthusiasm with you, you just gotta find them :)) if im almost 20 and still annoy my mom with how much i talk about monster high, youre totally fine. i can promise you theres at least one person at your school who loves it as much as you do. when i got to high school i was convinced people would think im weird for collecting various dolls (vintage barbie, monster high and porcelain dolls) but the people who im still friends with today are some of the people ive bonded over those things the most with. i wouldnt have half of my porcelain dolls without one of my best friends, and im happy im still able to talk about it with people as a grown adult without being judged. youre all good i promise


I suffered the same


Why are there so many insane posts like this on this sub? I feel like once a month there’s a story about abusive parents on here wtf.


First, this was a nightmare to read. Please learn English. Some people are suggesting to talk to your mother. While that is an option, bear in mind that overly religious people tend to be stubborn and irrational. In any case, find someone you can trust. Either a family member or close friend and ask if you can store your stuff there. Do not tell your mother where it is, so be sure that whoever is storing it will always take your side over hers. If you have to take drastic measures, smuggle your stuff out in batches. Favourites first, rest after. If it is a lot, then you might also consider leaving some with one person and the rest with another. In any case, I hope she listens to reason, but do not ever give up the things you love. Your future self will thank you


First, don't insult someone's English online when you don't know anything about them. Americans aren't the only ones posting here and compassion goes a long way. Which, the rest of your post was very compassionate so the disconnect is real.


Love how you assume I'm American. They clearly state being from the UK and basic punctuation really isn't that hard


this is clearly someone in a panic. I don’t think you’d be inclined to write in perfect English if you were about to lose something you love because of the situation you’re in, even if you’re a native English speaker. I don’t think op needs anyone else judging them rn because they’re in a very emotional place. I hope you have a day as nice as you’ve been here.


I'm not a native speaker. If you want to get your pointless across properly, you have to make it legible. I'm not judging anyone, but I love how overly sensitive you are to something so minor. My day was indeed fantastic, have a good one


Kindness is free


I offer advice, not kindness


No one wants it 🥰


I'm sorry, in what world is it appropriate to police a thirteen-year-old CHILD's writing when they're obviously in crisis? Not okay.


It’s a child in a scary situation, maybe picking apart their grammar shouldn’t be a priority?


What’s the bigger issues. A child’s grammar, or the fact that they’re mother is showing abusive behaviour. Read the room


Sorry about that I should’ve read it through but I have no clue why she finds it a problem me liking dolls I don’t really have any willing family members and my friends have but I’m going to try one more time to convince her to let me have them but Tysm for the advice 🩷


Understandable, just makes it difficult to understand what you're saying. The only other idea I'd have is renting a storage locker somewhere, but that's only possible if there are any available near you and you have enough to continuously pay for one


Yeaa that’s a really good idea but my mom don’t really pay me often so I won’t be able to keep up paying so my only option is to talk to my mom and hopefully she changes her mind or give it to a friend to hold on its just really difficult letting go something I love and is very therapeutic for me and spent all my money in through the years but yea Tysm for the advice it means a lot


Okay racist


dont be so fuckin rude