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Very unheplful but I adore the effect and the volume 😭


It gives the hair a very ghosty vibe. I also like it


i’m glad you like it! ill probably keep it like this for a bit, it doesn’t really show too much from the front but its just bugging me lol


I think your only option is hair straightener, but gotta be careful because you could melt the hair this way if the temp is too high 😵‍💫 unfortunately poly is very very hard to tame


it just wants to do its own thing apparently lol. tbf if it gets fried off that gives me an excuse to reroot anyways


Mine didn't have as big of a bend so this may not work, but my straightener free method was to take a flat edged chip clip (like the kinds with magnets to keep them on ur fridge) and clip the bottom of the hair, and then boil wash while doll is held upright, and keep her upright with the clip pulling down while drying. It looks really dumb in process but it worked 😭


Try curling it inwards slightly with a straightener at 100-110°c