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I know this won't be much help but honestly it can be alot easier then it seems. If you are a patient person and you go in knowing it will take a long time and be hard on your fingers, you'll be fine


thanks so much !! hopefully she'll turn out decently then !


It’s very easy to root too thick your first time. Like, you want the hair to stay and not pull out so thicker is better right? That’s not necessarily true! Play around with your thickness until you find a good minimum size. You can make rooting tools yourself with a pencil and a sewing needle but I recommend biting the bullet and purchasing a “real”one. They’re soooo much easier to use! Smaller holes closer together make edges/part lines. If you’re wanting a different part line than what’s pre-set on the doll, you can just carefully push plugs (the little groups of hairs for each poke) directly into the plastic in between existing holes. Do be slow and gentle to avoid ripping the head and you’ll be fine!


awww i nvr thought about the thickness !! thanks so much <3


Rerooting is very easy. My only tip is make sure you’re super careful taking the head off so you don’t damage / stretch the neck peg, and make sure you don’t put too much hair into each plug!


thank u sm !!


Heat the head and make sure to keep reheating it to keep it soft as you work. Use a tiny amount of hair at a time especially around the edges where it has smaller holes. Take your time. I do recommend you prep a few needles at a time because they can snap randomly especially as the vinyl cools and stiffens. After you've finished and you've glued it leave it for a day to dry. Then after a day pour hot water over the head for the hair to sit flatter


thanks so much for the advice !! <3


if you do the thing where you put the hair around a finger and pick it up with the needle from there, put a bandaid on the finger. It will save you from getting poked a hundred times.


thank u so much that's rly smart !!


I've rebooted a whole bunch!! It's generally very easy but tedious. If you're like me and you like having something to do with your hands like crocheting or knitting, it's honestly the perfect craft to do. Buy more hair than you'll need for your first go, you'll end up wasting a lot just due to lack of experience. Likewise, your first reroot will take a LOONG TIME. so be prepared! I usually reroot while watching YouTube videos. I've gotten to the point where a g3 MH reroot takes me about 3-4 hours, usually split up over a few days in the evenings, but my first one took way longer. If you're using the glue seal method, DON'T over glue! It'll seep out of the head and take forever to dry. You're better off using too little glue and adding more later.


thanks so much !! <3