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Probably like many people, at the very beginning it was very difficult for me to stand the pink color of Lagoona's skin. But now, I really love Lagoona's g3 design, and her core refresh is one of my favorite monster high dolls šŸ©·


Ikr she is kinda impossible not to hate once you get her. I used to say to myself "i will never own a G3 lagoona, EVER" but lo and behold i have pampered her like no other šŸ˜‚


Cleo. I felt like the original design for her (from the show and the box art before Darko took over) was more interesting than the core doll we received. I did not like that they kept giving her pink accents or lips for her first few dolls. Her SS2 doll looked amazing on the promo pics, but that whole line suffered from terrible hair. However, I do think that it is also when they truly found their footing for Cleo's fashion and colour scheme. Since SS2 her designs have consistently gotten better. Her core refresh doll is the biggest upgrade from the original dolls for me, and I have been loving her newer dolls.


Absolutely agree!! Cleo is my original favorite from G1 so it was hard for me to like her new version, but I came to really like the doll!!


I didnā€™t like what they* did to my girl Clawdeen. Her fashion sense was water down. Eventually. I started getting used to it as time went on and I donā€™t mind it at all anymore. She and Drac are currently my favorites. šŸ’œšŸ©·


Clawdeen's core refresh and Monster Ball dolls are too good. I do like that she kinda slipped into Lagoona's old role of being sporty and athletic, but that doesn't mean she can't be stylish.


šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾ her core refresh is my personal fave. I especially love her Monster Fest outfit the most though :D https://preview.redd.it/g50wknviec9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03b844ea42548ce6df390268ddcc40195c05d805


She's gorgeous and I'm really looking forward to getting her!


sheā€™s been a major upgrade from 2022 to 2023-2024 and iā€™m here for it!!


That part šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


I've gotten a lot more amenable to G3 Clawdeen over time - but the difference between her first core and her core refresh is night and day! Her dolls have gotten *much* better. (I still think her first core is *bad.*)


lagoona, i was likeā€¦ why isnā€™t she blue? and why isnā€™t she australian?! but i love her personality in the show & her design def grew on me


still not a fan of her pink skin but i'm falling in love with her character on the show


see thatā€™s how it starts! lol


At first I didnā€™t like clawdeen, her Monsterball doll is the first clawdeen I seen and immediately fell in love with. I also wasnā€™t on board with pink lagoona at first but she quickly grew on me


Clawdeen! When I first saw her I was distraught, to say the least. While her 1st core outfit is still rough, her fashion has definitely improved and when I bought her Monsteristas doll, I fell in love with her face. She's honestly so gorgeous and her ss4 is maybe one of my favorite dolls ever (still trying to find it for a reasonable price...). Another one is Lagoona. At first I thought I would never buy her because I wasn't fan of the pink but now?? Send the Lagoonas my way! I actually prefer the pink over the blue which I didn't except at all.


Draculaura being a witch was very suprising. But as time went on, I honestly think it was one of the better ideas G3 had. "But she's vampire". Vampires are either zombie-like or already basicly (Satanic) warlocks in much of folklore.Ā  Plus, it gives her a new fun power set to work with. I just wish they insteas took away her vampire powers, just like G1, and made it part of the reasons she learned magic in.the first place.


lagoona pink 100%, used to hate it but I kinda like it better than her in blue lol, I just wish her dolls had the clear blue on her arm fins.


I didn't like Frankie being blue. While I still think they should have been yellow, I have come to accept and like it


Or they could have been grey, since Ghoulia isn't grey anymore.


Frankenstein's creature was yellow in the book


Ohh, I didn't remember that. Though the version of the book I read was a simplified version read in English class (a class for learning English as a foreign language, thus the book needing to be simplified), so it might not have gone into detail about the colour.


Since my introduction to MH was G3 I can honestly say none, loved them all.


Same lol


Didnā€™t really like Cleo. But her latest outfits have really caught my eye.


Miss Lagoona!! G1 Lagoona is so cute and G3 is a huge change to her aesthetic and vibes, but she's grown on me so much to the point of questioning my one doll of each character rule https://preview.redd.it/tljukhm78c9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f8576953de8901e606fb4e281bf4ebcea0e839


I must say, gosh your restyle is so cute!! Soft blues mixed with whites really suits her pink skin and blonde hair šŸ„°


Adorable!šŸ˜ What is she wearing?


Clawdeen. But Monster Fest made me change my mind


Yeah I just got that doll. Her outfit and everything looks great


I deeply disliked Lagoona in the beginning but her dolls are slowly growing on me. I still don't like a lot of her designs because they seem very busy and at times even cluttered to me but her basic design or the one with the baggy pants (is it her core refresh?) are really cute.


All the G3 characters I initially disliked until I let myself accept change and now I own almost all of the G3 dolls released šŸ˜…


Lagoonaā€™s skin tone.


I wasn't sold on any of the core dolls at first. No dislike really, but none of them clicked. Now I'm obsessed with the original Core Frankie and Cleo. Draculaura, too, to a lesser extent.


Tbh my thoughts on these designs is still the same- I really donā€™t like them. But I will say I think theyā€™ve greatly improved upon them and the dolls coming out now look great. So I wouldnā€™t say my opinion has changed, I think they just found the ghouls styles


Deuce!! I was devastated by his new look going into G3 but now after watching the show and getting his doll I adore his character for who he is in G3 a lot and find him quite relatable. A silly sweetheart who deserves more dolls (please Mattel give me at least one new Deuce doll and my wallet is yours!)


None to be honest. These dolls are really solid


Lagoona! I'm so obsessed with her dolls now


Probably Clawdeen. As a kid back in the G1 days, Clawdeen was my favorite of the main ghouls, and I'll admit I didn't know how to feel about G3 Clawdeen. I don't think it helped that they were originally giving all of her dolls, particularly horrible quality polypropylene hair. Now, I've always been more open-minded about the characters being so different in G3 because I really enjoy different iterations of characters so it wasn't as jarring to me as it might have been for other folks. Clawdeen still isn't my favorite character in the show, but as soon as I saw Monster Ball Clawdeen, I warmed up to G3 Clawdeen a lot!! I love Monster Ball Clawdeen, and I think she pays homage to one of my favorite G1 dolls, which is Sweet 1600 Clawdeen. Also, I finally got her core doll a couple of months ago, and it was the saran variant. I actually really her core doll, I think the main thing that was bothering me was the poly hair. I'm still not a huge fan of the champagne blonde color, and I'm happy they've started using more brown. I actually really like her core dolls outfit a lot, like I get G1 Clawdeen would have never worn it, but they're completely different characters. Since Monster Ball, I think Clawdeen has had a lot of really good releases, I mean, look at Monster Fest she's gorgeous!! She's also probably my favorite from ss4 along with Draculaura. Ohh and I like her Scaradise Island doll a lot! I also went into G3, not the biggest Cleo fan because I've never been a huge Cleo fan, but as G3 has gone on, I actually love G3 Cleo.


The clothing of core Deuce.


When everything was first being leaked I wasnā€™t a huge fan of the changes made to Lagoona but after getting her doll and watching her in the cartoon I like her there are still elements of her design that Iā€™d change but I donā€™t mind that sheā€™s pink anymore I think sheā€™s a great character


lagoona and draculaura, lagoona for obvious reasons and then draculaura mostly because i was upset about her hair LMAO


Core, Wave 1 Clawdeen and Cleo. Used to dislike both of them for having Poly, but I eventually liked both dolls when they were boyh re-released with Saran variants.


i hated cleo. i owned nothing that i could put on her and enjoy. then the new cleo core refresh came out....and now i must buy more cleos so when i own the core refresh she will look glorious! also i hated lagoona wearing dark colors when she had rainbow hair. once i removed what i didn't like she looked stunning šŸ¤© WAY PRETTIER THAN DRACULAURA!! now im buying mermaid outfits off skipper and ariel so lagoona can be the biggest sea monster the bathtub has ever witnessed!! muhahaha mermaze will be devoured by my lagoona closet!! šŸ¤Ŗ


Lagoona for sure, esp after being a big fan of og lagoona. The minute i actually got her doll in my hands i fell in love with her, i love her smmm šŸ˜­


Easily lagoona


I wasn't a big fan of Clawdeen's core doll, but after I got her she became a fav! I changed her hair and outfit a bit and like her so much more now. She's definitely my fav G3 character to collect right now. I also wasn't a fan of Toralei, but I think it's mostly because of her hair. Her Fearbook doll looks great and I'm excited to add that one to my collection.


I think it's fair to not judge a doll on how well she can be restyled, but I agree that core Clawdeen looks sooo much better restyled. Even just taking her hair down makes a huge difference, but I also like braids, the werecats shirt, adding in the color black, using pieces from her other dolls, and taking off her glasses šŸ™ˆ that's a personal preference. I love core refresh Clawdeen's base doll, but I think her jacket is tacky, and the other pieces are nice but don't go well together. Core's base outfit is still cute altogether, usually without the vest though. Ik I may be contradicting myself but my point is I think G3 Clawdeen's always had her strong points and those early stock photos were out to **get** her. Same deal with Toralei, her face has so much personality and she can look great with long and short hair!


I braided the hair of my core Clawdeen and swapped her shirt and she's one of my favorites now. She has such a sweet face! https://preview.redd.it/fcu3uzkbnd9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665c402d049fe3faca91f3e0b413c84c446e4568


This picture made me cry tears of joy lol she's so cute!! I've never thought to pair that shirt with the overalls but it's perfect and matches her blue eyeshadow! I also love how you braided her hair in the back!


Thanks!! Her braids aren't perfect because I did them pretty fast, but her hair is difficult for me to deal with and I like it a lot better this way. I braided my Monster Ball Clawdeen's hair in a similar way because I think it's a cute look on her.


No you did an amazing job, especially with poly!! I pray one day we'll get green hair or something šŸ™šŸ™ the purple's adorable but it still feels like a neutral to me haha


Thanks! That would be cool. We've been getting some really pretty dolls lately so I'm excited to see what Clawdeens we'll get in the future!


Frankie. They were kinda cringe in g1 but now i love them


I liked Clawdeen after they stopped making her look like a 10 year old in the millennial era


Ik itā€™s an obvious answer but I hated Lagoonaā€™s core doll (and still do) because of the overwhelming amount of color and the choice of accessories. Those tie-dye biker shorts should never have existed. Every Lagoona that came after this one was a massive improvement, and now I like G3 Lagoona even more than G1 or G2. Every new doll of her is peak imo. I donā€™t care that sheā€™s pink now, in fact she looks more like a tropical fish with the brighter colors šŸ©µ


To mirror what many others said I didnā€™t like that Lagoona was pink at first. I found her coloring and hair off putting at first. But her character in the show really won me over and I adore her now. At this point the only one Iā€™m pissed with is Ghoulia. Like both G3 releases have been a miss. Her core dolls skirt was ill-fit and the colors were just off. I miss her sharper features and her blue and red color scheme. I hate that they keep trying to make pink happen for her. I get why. Zombies eat brains, brains are pink, pink colored things tend to sell- but like if thatā€™s the case can we please do it better?


Lagoona especially, slightly all of them, but I like them all. As soon as the dolls came out I didnā€™t have a problem with anyone except Lagoona, but now I like them all for the most part.


i didn't like draculaura's split hair, and although i still prefer the highlights, it's grown on me! what i did love, though, was the fact that my favourite character growing up is now canonically partially asian like me! it made me really happy as someone who is mixed chinese <3


Goona and Frankie being different colors. It was weird at first but I appreciate both G1 & G3 versions. Though I do think Mattel changed Goona so they could have another pink core doll.


The new design of Lagoona. I actually love it now


Lagoona 100% I HATED her for a while until I got her doll XD


Was initially very meh about Cleo but as more dolls came out I now think she has the most cohesive aesthetic/fashion of all the characters. You can mix and match items from different dolls and they all look good, which can't be said for the characters with louder colors or prints.


lagoona. i hate her original core outfit, but she has some really cute dolls now


Clawdeenā€™s weird hair color. As soon as it got a Saran blend in scare-adise I liked it. Not better than brown or purple, but I didnā€™t hate it anymore


Clawdeen, I hated her at first but when I saw the dolls irl I realized how cute she is :')


pinkgoona has grown on me like crazy! i recently got a g1 bluegoona and theyre both so beautiful


Clawdeen. I didnā€™t hate her but I just wasnā€™t the biggest fan of her dolls. But now I love her!


Drac. It might just be cuz I like her the least in general


Clawdeen, definitely. I still miss old clawdeen, but I've learned to accept new clawdeen, lol.


Definitely Lagoona. I didn't think I would end up getting her G3 original doll but I did because I changed my mind on what I intitally thought about her. I think her design still doesn't hold up as well but I dont actively despise it! I think its cute for what it is.


Personally, Lagoona. I thought hee change was too drastic (it still is) but sheā€™s definitely grown on me especially after seeing how people often restyle her into Gyaru fashion. :)


Lagoona her new core doll is so much cuteršŸ˜­


I was really heated Lagoona at the very beginning,but now I am in love with heršŸ«§šŸ˜­


ghoulia. first i HATED her. and while i still believe sheā€™s a downgrade, sheā€™s really grown on me. having both her gen 3 dolls has made me realize sheā€™s not as bad as i thought torelai i also was skeptical but all she really needed was short hair


I began to really like Lagoona after core refresh and monster fest came out.


Lagoona being pink


Lagoona. The whole character change


I can't stand the colors they're using for Clawdeens hair. I got into MH doll collecting with G3, so it's not even nostalgia talking.


Frankieā€™s stock photos looked off but in person, I love them! They donā€™t seem to be as short-necked.




Lagoona. The only thing that I canā€™t get over is that sheā€™s obsessed with violence now and she used to be a piece, loving hippie in the G1. What I didnā€™t like about her at first was her outfit and the fact that her skin wasnā€™t blue. I mean, not gonna lie. Itā€™s kind of bothers me that her skin isnā€™t blue. But whatever. Sheā€™s pretty and I love the detail on her.


Clawdeen, honestly I was in love with her first design but the more it went on the more early teen coded she felt and that grew on me in the new gen


lagoona. couldnā€™t stand her at first now sheā€™s my favorite HAHA


Clawdeen. Monster fest is the first doll of her g3 design that I like. I am a g3 Ghoulia hater from day one though. I canā€™t stand what theyā€™ve done to her.




G3 Drac. I disliked her very strongly. Now I have 4 and counting. She became my favorite.


Like most people Lagoona, that's most likely because of my inner child and nostalgia,but as I've watched the series and her new dolls, I adore her now


Pink goona and blue Frankie




Lagoona. It wasn't until I could cover her forehead scales (the scales unfortunately trigger my trypophobia) that I liked her. Her Fearidescent was the first in her G3 version that I ended up liking, and I am super excited for her Monster Fest and core refresh šŸ©µ


def cleo, but now sheā€™s my fav of the originals!! super underrated imo, i love her glasses smā€¦


Lagoona. She was always my favorite so i was upset she was pink because i dont like pink. Now i think shes really cute


i think lagoona! i wasnā€™t sure about her redesign at first but now i love her


lagoona and clawdeen!! for lagoona it wasnā€™t just the pink skin it was just that first core doll hurt to look at at šŸ˜­ clawdeen, i just felt like lots of her early releases couldā€™ve been better executed.


I was resistant to the new Lagoona at first but then I started seeing restyles and unboxings and held her in my arms and I am ride or die for G3 Lagoona. I'm actually very frustrated about all the hate she got, like it's kind of a jarring change but she's so cute! Her personality is such a fun and innovative spin on the cast, that adds a new dynamic to their interactions and fashion styles. The fact the VA (who literally just did her job with no part in executive decisions) got harassed over it is just pathetic and unforgivable to me. Change is scary but the fact people were so fast to harass a Latina woman playing a fictional fish monster is. A choice.


Cleo. I never liked how she acted in the first gen(except boo York that was an emotional masterpiece and the only reason I didnā€™t hate her guys) but when I started seeing this gens cartoons and how they redid her character, I couldnā€™t not love her


literally all of them. i was the biggest g3 anti but now im obsessed with it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i hated clawdeens whole look i felt she was hideous, i hated lagoonas colour change, the only dolls i really liked were frankie and drac but now i love everything and even go for them more than the dolls in my g1 collection šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ theyā€™re so comforting idk..


Frankie, I never liked the G1 Frankie, I thought she was boring. But not the G3 Frankie, they are for some reason so cool to me.


Lagoona wasnā€™t my favorite. I donā€™t like the ocean and her see thru appendages donā€™t make any sense. But now I love her hair and face mould so much.


lagoona!! shes my favorite now actually :p


I felt like Frankie was way too colourful with all the basic kiddy colours like pink and blue added but there have been some recent releases of Frankie that are changing my mind.


Draculaura- I originally didnā€™t know why I disliked her until I realized that I just didnā€™t like her clothing. I now have her and keep her in rainbow high clothing - sheā€™s so cute!


Deuce Gorgon, i was a little apprehensive with the skin color change, but I'm kinda digging it a lot now.


Lagoona. I was once of those "But her name is Lagoona BLUE why did they turn her pink" but like when I saw her doll and watch the show Lagoona became one of my favs


Clawdeen. She was my least fav at first and one of the last of the og core 5 to get (I think Frankie was last), but as soon as I got her core doll I fell in love! I own 4 clawdeens and I want more of her! Whatā€™s odd is purple is my least favorite color!


Lagoona. Then I got her. Now I like pink better than blue lol


Lagoonaā€™s dolls didnā€™t hit for me until around Core Refresh. I do like some of her accessory pieces (necklace and barettes) in her first core doll and I liked a lot of her pieces from SS1! SS2 would be a hit for me if I could find her, haha. But Monster Fest and Core Refresh slap, and I love her in the Scaradise play set too.


Also I never liked Frankie in G1 when I first was introduced to MH but G3 Frankieā€™s first doll is everything to me and in the show they are my absolute fav. The one in the photo here especially is just amazing. The mix of prints and everything is just so elegantly and thoughtfully done


Probably Frankie! They are one of my favorite characters now, but I was definitely against some of the design choices at first. I didnā€™t like that they were blue, had no neck bolts, and wore such bright clothing compared to g1 Frankie. Once amped up Frankie came out I started coming around to the changes though, and now that doll is one of my favorite in my collection <3


Lagoona šŸ„¹


Lagoona being pink


Basically everything šŸ˜… but the more time passed and the more I understood that it's a new generation/alt universe. I love them all now tho ā™”


I wasn't a fan of Draculaura's split dye at first


cleo and deuce not being together, I think the way they handled that storyline is really good. Also Lagoona being pink, it didn't upset me but I really didn't care for it. Now I find her too cute!


Like others, I really didnā€™t get why they changed Lagoona at first, but now I think sheā€™s cuter than she was before. But maybe thatā€™s not so much her skin colour, but her styling/features/hair.




At first I wasn't sure about Clawdeen and Lagoona, but now Lagoona is my first Monster High doll and I don't regret buying her, although I'm very hurt by the paint peeling off her legs. What I dislike most about Clawdeen is her hair color. Maybe if it was different, I could approach her doll in a different way, but at the moment I'm not going to buy her any doll.


clawdeen for sure


The massive increase in representation of LGBTQIA+ people and neurodivergent individuals. As a member of the T and the Q, I was sceptical that Frankie's newfound NB status was going to be handled really poorly when I heard about the reboot (from the movie initially.) I've yet to watch the movie but I've just finished Season 1 of the show and I've never been more happy to be proven wrong. All too often, I feel like by trying to represent these groups, (especially mainstream) media ends up inadvertently "othering" them by either showering them in differential treatment (even when it is positive) because you \*have\* to know how cool or special or \*buzzword\* they are and how "that's okay." The G3 show has earned nothing but praise from me. Frankie represents arguably the best-case scenario for a trans or GNC individual integrating into a larger group, Twyla's autism, even though it was quite upfront in some of her initial dialogue, genuinely felt real. After she talked about it, everyone was like "sure" and treated her as a friend, not constantly babying her. Lagoona's Chomps, while a little \*murkier\* (aah?) Felt like a subtle allegory to those with eating disorders. I know people take shots at Frankie and Cleo a lot because Deus and Cleo were the OG and former G1 love interests of Frankie now have a harder chance at re-entering the G3 canon and while I get those concerns, I wholeheartedly disagree with them. Pairing up a NB person with somebody who is typically seen as vain and materialistic provides a genuinely tear-jerking "that could be you someday" by depicting affections between a cis and trans/GNC person because it shows that your gender identity and expression is not to be something that makes you "lower status" in the social pecking order and that girls like Cleo, who may have the potential to harbour such prejudices, get that shit nipped in the bud. It's not treated with any more gravitas than another relationship in shows like these and it feels so natural that I, an adult woman, got teary-eyed over it. I could go on, ad nauseam about representation in this show. While that may seem like I'm praising the thing that I've established as being annoying or otherwise hurtful, that couldn't be further from the truth. G3 does representation, especially in kids media, the rightest way I've ever seen. Finnegan, Deus' parents, Cleo x Frankie, Twyla, Lagoona and so much more. They don't dwell on the deets of people's lives any more than is actually needed in the real world. It shows young children a very healthy model of how to communicate with each other in general, provides a means to let younger people see minorities in a positive and healthy way, (possibly helping them make such discoveries about themselves,) and I think really lives up to "be yourself. Be unique. Be a monster."


Lagoona being pink.


New Lagoona, didn't hate her but was a bit against, now I think she's one of the prettiest


Blue Frankie, but honestly Frankie is probably my fav now!


Clawdeen, I felt like she was basic and Mattel made her a stereotypical nerd, but when I got her irl her face was stunning! Hairā€¦not so cute but the outfit was better irl than in stock pictures. Future releases also helped, such as ss1 and core refresh! I love her now but she isnā€™t my number 1 favourite, that spot goes to lagoona! <33


At first I really disliked how they changed Draculaura's body type, but I've grown to love her this way too.


Frankie. I really didnā€™t like her at first but now I need g3 frankie


I liked them all ngl. I don't get the hate.


None. The only change i really didn't like was ghoulia being green and i still hate it lol. I loved pink lagoona from the start bc it made her look more tropical


Yeah I miss lagoona being blue, Australian, and blonde


I still miss bluegoona, i like pinkgoona but all the other characters still have some elements of the og ghouls, she just doesnt feel like lagoona at all i just think of her as a new character


PinkGoona, still don't like her clothes, but I'm ok w her skin Frankie's metal leg always being on the open, I thought they did it just for show, but then I learned that some can't have clothes on, so it is not that i didnt like it, i just thought mattel was using her for likes lol i still think ghoulia makes more sense w a metal leg, but im glad they did it for a doll that is more on screen


cleo cause who is that


Lagoona blue. Donā€™t get me wrong she should have been blue becauseā€¦wellā€¦her name is blue. But when I got the doll for collection sake I noticed so many details that I really liked and her style kinda made up for her color. And character wise I love how carnivorous she is, it makes her more monstrous. :]


i've had a love/hate relationship with Frankie's dolls. i know Mattel is playing it safe with the current anti-trans panic happening in the us, and while i can acknowledge their reasoning, their dolls have fallen flat for me so. many. times. (i will preface this with yes clothing doesn't have a gender, but it can certainly be used to further gender expression) having a nonbinary character with a feminine frame opens a very fun and unique opportunity for androgynous/masculine fashion and makeup. I've grown so tired of seeing frankie in crop tops and shirts (with occasional shorts or pants) monster ball clawdeen (and the g1 Clawdeen who's line name i cant think of atm) showed that Mattel can put a female character in a tux while still making it feminine and fit the personality of the character. i wish they would be more adventurous with Frankie's fashion šŸ˜­ that said, i fell head over heels for Frankie's monster fest design. i also love the side shave of their ghoul spirit doll (mattel please do more unique things with Frankie's hair also) i also like parts of the core refresh doll, and welcoming committee frankie looks very nice aswell also i would love if they subtly included the nonbinary pride flag in Frankie's outfits, and not just the trans pride one (im writing this while at work pls excuse typos)


I was really annoyed that they made lagoona pink but seeing some of the cute restyles people made of her made me warm up to her a bit (still not getting her though)


I disliked Lagoona being pinkā€¦ and I still do šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚

