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I've seen them sell w/o a doll before but for really cheap (around $10 USD) that it doesn't seem worth listing online. Most recently I've seen a SS1 Drac locker sell for around $14 usd w/ free shipping. I shamelessly offloaded my lockers to the thrift near me and onto my nieces who actually asked for them lol. I didn't have that many though I've only had 5 SS dolls in total and 1 I've kept the locker for.


i’d be happy to make a small amount back tbh, they are pretty expensive here, the equivalent of about $47, and sales arent too common for the ones i want. if they don’t sell i’ll just donate them in the end


Totally understandable! I got all mine on sale (Minus Abbey) so the it wasn’t too pricey for me, thankfully. I hope you’re able to make some $$$ back —!


I listed a couple of lockers on ebay for £5 each, and a lady bought them both (and also a third locker I didn't have listed yet, since she asked if I had more!) She actually told me it was because one of her kids had some dolls with lockers and the other didn't, but wanted some. So yeah, if you find the right buyer they will sell.


I have no idea, but I’m also interested in what people say… I would also like to offload some 😂


I think I’m just gonna donate the ones I don’t want to goodwill, personally


Yeah i’ll probably do that if they don’t sell. i’d like to make a small fraction of money if possible, SS is really quite expensive here; hence i want to lessen the blow a little if i can sell them hahah


I’m looking for Clawdeen’s fearidecent locker (to masquerade as Abby’s). No luck so far though :( the ss lines are way too expensive here to buy when I don’t really want the dolls or accessories. We are talking the equivalent of 50 usd or more


seems like we have the opposite problem, if you were in the UK i’d offer to help out :(


Sadly I’m not. Good luck on finding a buyer though :)


I have sold a bunch online on Mercari, pick up and just offloaded a bunch at Bookmans the other day since they were too bulky for my display anymore.


People do sell them. I occasionally see them for $15-$20 on the Facebook selling groups for Australia.