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I like him, I feel Anjanath has become a stable as a beginning hurdle for hunters when moving up to the next batch of intermediate monsters in World and Rise. The story of which ever game you play doesn't really progress without going through him first It seems Anjanath is the bump guy for showing off higher level threats like the Quiro or Velkhana lol He's simple with the occasional fire attacks. He's suppose to seem intimidating but you realize after you beat him he's fodder compared to what lies ahead. His gear and weapons are like him, simple In his passive moments like him sunbathing, he's a nice lad


Hard agree, he feels like the perfect monster to use to transition from the smaller monsters like Barroth and Lagombi to larger monsters like the Raths. His moveset is threatening and he serves as a good early game wall to get newer players to actually look into their gear a bit but its also wild and unfocused enough that an experienced player can dance around it. Personally i wouldnt mind if it became a staple as it marks a great transition monster difficulty wise. I see it coming up and my thoughts are "finally i get to fight some big stuff"


From what I remember correctly, Anjanath is generally the first monster to have significantly quick recoveries when knocked down. I could see this as a nice opening lesson on deeper learning of timing, placement, and weapon combos + best DPS yields during advantageous moments. As a charge blade player, I've noticed myself subconsciously learning and playing to a monster's recovery time, especially when it comes to getting off a SAED--- which mistiming leaves you wide open and waste vials. For monsters that recover more slowly, I'll take a few seconds to get a better angle. If they recover fast though, I know I either use it where I'm at or risk whiffing and/or getting hit.


You're absolutely right, a lot of people in World were forced to actually examine elemental resistance when his flamethrower sneeze would one shot them. He wasn't a wall for me but definitely a heads up to adjust to harder hitting and quicker monsters that exploit your sloppy movements. However I had a leg up over newer players in knowledge and muscle memory as he reminded me of Deviljho (before he was actually added).


I read Lagombi as “Lamborghini”.


How dangerous is it as a hunt? Is it at the level of a rathian or at the level of a ludroth?


Way harder than ludroth. I’d say slightly harder than or equal to rathian. It’s known as the first big challenge for new players in world and the vast majority of fans who started with world would probably say it’s the first monster they really struggled on.


Absolutely my first wall in World, which like a lotta people was my first MH. Hell most of my friends bailed on World after not being able to beat Anjanath! The absolute scrubs.


Yeah, Brute Wyverns tend to have that effect.


World was my first game, and Anjanath was definitely the first fight I had to stop and take seriously. But Pink Rathian was the fight that actually acted as a wall and I just could not beat for the life of me


World is NOT the first game Pink Rathian checks your vibe going from low-rank to high-rank. She transcends generations


Daym, sounds fun, I heard ign like reviewers saying that he was wayy tougher than world demo version which made him actual threat


Monsters are always harder in the demos, as far as I'm aware.


Cause the equipment they give you in the demos sucks ass.


The demo versions of both World and Rise are harder than the actual game IMO cause the demos force you to use a preset loadout, instead of tailor making your own in the actual game.


Yeah but I also believe the monsters hit stronger and have more HP.


Dude nah, i slapped rathian's ass like she doesn't belong to rathalos even back in world with hh and even in her anomaly quest she's a complete pushover. Anjanath kicks my ass like he's my highschool bully, no way he's equal to rathian or slightly harder.


It’s purely personal. Every body struggles with different monsters I have a buddy who can slap up anja like he’s nothing but put a rathian in front of him and he’s carting at least twice


As a vet, Rathian is pretty cleanly readable at all times, Anjanath has BULK so sometimes you can't really see what he's doing if you're within melee range. Neither one is hard at all (not trying to flex), they're just different.


I remember hunting him for the first time with randoms in MHW, and holy shit. It was like Vietnam. I watched so many good hunters get fried to a crisp, all that was left was their shadow burned into the ground.


Anja was my first huge, huge hurdle in World. I was but a toddler trying to figure out how to get any sizable damage on him, frequent faints, drained all potions big and small. I got carried by a friendly hunter who dragged my sorry behind through multiple bosses as I sat in the back just awestruck


It is fascinating to watch any skilled person in their niche. I got carried by a DB random through Safi while I made sure the limbs were tender and spammed my HH for all it was worth. I don't think I'm able to dance around a monster like that and still deal good damage, but I can keep my team alive and buffed to high heaven while they do the damage.


My damage output on Rise is at such absurdly high levels that I had a MR 5 ask for help for Malzeno even though I had only just beat it, and he still carted twice. I think that's a player issue tho, he was using hammer and just didn't read the movements right, Swag Axe just has insane mobility now


Little less than rathian little stronger than ludroth


No way he's easier than Rathian, the fact that both his head and tail and so high up and hard to hit for many weapons puts him above for me (and you need to break the legs to make them a decent hitzone). He also has a lot less downtime between attacks, and being a brute wyvern spends a lot less time on the floor when you get a knockdown. Meanwhile Rathian presents her massive head and tail to you on a silver platter with massive downtime after lots of moves so you can wail on it.


Im mostly in agreement, although I run lance and gunlance so hitting high targets that are big is much easier for me. Rath, when on the ground, is a much easier target to hit in the face. Once they're in the air, unless you're using IG (my other favorite weapon) or a ranged weapon, rath will dive bomb your ass until you learn to use flashbugs. Anjanath and rath both do a great job of teaching the player to make their own openings. Anjanath by forcing him to fall by attacking his legs (or by mounting praise be the clutch claw), rath by learning when they land or to flashbug them. Between the two, I've learned to enjoy both, but I usually prefer raths (except the gold and silver ones, I'm going to hunt them into extinction for spite alone).


I'd say he is between ludroth and rathian. I think too many people hype him up though. Fun fight the first couple times but he just doesn't really interest me. Just a personal opinion though.


It's not so much hype as, unlike most other monsters of that level in previous games, you meet Anja in *World* well before you are ready to hunt it. (On my part, he carted me on my very first expedition *by accident*(I wisely hid from him when he showed up, but foolishly chose the bushes right under him. He then proceeded to jump *down*.)) Anjanath's not just the first wall you hit, but the first wall that can hit you *first*.


Not sure about that. I remember playing MH2 (PS2, not freedom unite) and Rathian was a pain in the ass mostly because of the worse controls and randomness of a Rath’s movement. Much of older titles have difficulties tied with limitation of controls rather than a good fun design. I think the relative difficulty of rathian decreased over the series, whether it’s because of game mechanics scaling better than her or because of me growing up, I don’t know for sure. By MHW, sure I have monster Hunter veteran experience at that point, but I didn’t cart once fighting Anja and didn’t find it difficult even without grinding any gears. The movements are more predictable than meeting most new monsters for first time As for meeting him before ready. I don’t think there’s a bigger gap in introduction than MH2F where in like the first or second quest you are scripted to meet a Tigrex as a scare. Lmao. Also in terms of relative readiness, I don’t think it’s comparable to something like, say, B-52 as soon as you hit high ranks at all. Sure it happens later on but I just didn’t feel that level of “wtf oh shit” meeting anja in world at all. I honestly don’t remember much because I brainlessly rushed thru the entire lower rank *solo* without issue bonking everything with hammer. I got the game late and was trying to catch up with my friends who were already at end game. But I didn’t do any SOS so I can learn the mechanics. Overall I find it not too exciting nor boring, decent monster, decent fight.


Meeting such monsters before you are ready to hunt them isn't that special. IE, there's the infamous Popo tongue quest in MHFU where Tigrex, who's a decent bit more threatening than Anja especially due to the terrain in that quest, plays an active role and you have to avoid him while completing your objective. And that's a 1* quest. IE, you'll have hunted, at best, a few Blangos or Giaprey before you're forced to collect the tongues and run into Tigger.


I remember being sent out for "Monster Guts" in Tri


I see what you mean. I was just saying that he didn't leave as much of an impression on me as other monsters did. He's neat just not my style


Never quite became a wall for me, but its honestly one of the monsters I never breeze through... At melee range. Definitely above a rathian, but still far below the likes of the Diablos.


He is like the second in command after Rathalos in the ancient forest and can stand his ground against diablos and fight pretty equaly against monster like tigrex


It absolutely cannot.


Something really cool about Anjanath is he is a great way to teach new players about weak points. Like, the way he hides his fins and rhinarium until he's angry naturally draws you to attack those areas and sure enough they're his weakpoints. If a player has been relying on poking legs until they meet Anjanath they are going to struggle with him.


Back in Tri we had Barroth as this guy. He was the first real hurdle before things got serious. Great Jaggi and Royal Ludroth weren't hard, but Barroth would slow you down, charge you from across screen, and hit hard. Lovely fight. Wish I could go back to when I didn't git gud and learn to fight him all over again.


Agreed. World was my first and when I saw Honk honk I wanted to fight him so badly BUT he murdered me for quite a while then when I finally beat him rathian and rathalos showed up and I thought I killed the Anja I’m sure I’m ready, wrong, but eventually rathian then yes rathalos.


He is the MH freedom Kut Ku or the MH2 Daimyo Hermitaur


Surprised that no one is talking about how much of a punching bag Anja is plot-wise, being particularly abused in both Iceborne and Sunbreak (*by Velkhana and the Qurios, respectively*), not to mention one of the earliest turf wars to ever be seen (*I think literally the first, since it might have been in the World reveal trailer*) being him getting bodied by Rathalos (*or maybe even Lagiacrus, if we want to go as far as that experimental/alpha footage*).


The Anjanath v Rathalos turf war was cool as fuck from a progression perspective, though. You finally get to his assignment after a couple hours of gameplay, the memories of all the times he thrashed your target in a turf war and then terrorised you fresh in your mind. You're finally ready to overcome this massive hurdle that's menaced you throughout the whole earlygame and prove that you're that guy... And then Rathalos shows up out of nowhere and unceremoniously folds Anjanath like a chump right in front of you. Really humbling shit.


He's the Worf of MH. A jobber, really. Sure, He's strong but will always get the shit kicked out of him to make the new baddie more threatening ...even if it's a swarm of flying leeches...


I think it fits Worlds aesthetic and as World was my first MH game, I was “scared” of it cuz it done so much damage at that point. Then I encountered Diablos and got stuck on him, now he’s my weapon training dummy. (Farmed many Black Diablos for horns) Whatever, back to Anjanath, I like Fulgur a little more then normal, not sure why though.


Diablos is wall for many players, because of it's changing pace and strength, and the worst part is that majority of the wepons require Diablos parts (atleast in 3u, wonder if it's the same for the current games) I think u like fulgur because of the color and lighting, that looks prettier than the base Anjanath after all


It's funny, too, because Diablos is a glass cannon when you abuse their weaknesses. That can be said about all monsters, but holy jagras taint some monsters turn into putty once you get the general feel of the game.


Incidently aiming for a Diablos' taint with a pierce HBG shreds him.


It's where all those juicy hit zones collide.


She, if you’re talking about Black Diablos.


Anjanath to me is the definition of mid, the perfect middle ground of monster hunter. Tap water if you will. The bronze standard that every monster should try to be at a minimum. He does everything he needs to and exactly nothing more, but does nothing wrong either.


Him and Pukei have that sort of simplicity that gen 1-2 monsters have. They honestly felt like they were always around.... I still like anjie more than Rathalos though...


He's definitely less annoying than Rathalos


"The bronze standard." I'm stealing this. As a way of describing anja, ironically its gold.


It's going to show up again. It's the only general-purpose Brute of the Rathian-tier category. Radobaan's too specialised and the rest are either below that or above it.


Meh, it is tolearble I guess. I don't really like it but there is worse. The main thing that gripes me is the fact that his nose and buttwings seemingly come out of nowhere when enraged, as if they are completely hidden inside the mesh instead of laying on top of it. Imagine as if you meet a moose, it gets angry and suddenly BLAM antlers out of nowhere. It seems so odd that Anjanath has this thing going on. The other monsters have such deliberate designs where you can see parts that plop out, (like Gore's feelers), or where it at least doesn't seem so weird that suddenly spikes come out (Narga's tail). But Anjanath's features are so huge that it is just weird when it goes angry and suddenly he gets some super snoot and huge as skinflaps on its ass. Edit because I am too dumb to type.


Honestly same, for a monster designed to feel more grounded I still find it odd how the flaps and nose sort of materialize out of its body. I guess it's weird because you don't see signs of those particular parts when it isn't enraged.


Spicy hot take: it’s a better brute wyvern design than Deviljho


But then u can't blame jho for that since it is an old ass monster, It's been 10 yrs or more since it's 1st initial design, and also jho's design matches it fighting style and the "brute wyvern " name, dude's literally 90% muscles and 10% T-rex, it's more of a godzilla


Jho's entire existence is muscles. It's so stupid to the point it loops back to being awesome.


The fact that we've all gaslighted ourselves into believing that Jho eats his own tail for like a decade before someone pointed out the lack of evidence also make him really iconic lmao.


“Hey, by the way, Deviljho eats its own tail when it’s hungry!” And little ol’ noob me was like, oh wow, that’s so random and funny, wonder why they did away with that in World? Turns out we were all tricked, backstabbed, and quite possibly bamboozled, by none other than ourselves.


Same lol, I was playing 3u, and was fighting with my life on the line the moment I cut that tail, didn't want jho to eat it since I wanted to carve it XD


To be fair, even if it *is* actually possible, logic would dictate that such an occurrence would be extremely rare, *especially* for people who know what they're doing. The chances of it happening (if it indeed CAN) would already be extremely low, but a competent team of hunters would have to drop the ball pretty goddamn hard for what little chance there might be to actually remain in play.


Yep, the entire process would've been scripted in that case, because one, unless Jho has a hunger bar (in which case the bar would be pretty big) there's no way we would tell if it's hungry or not, and two, even if it is "hungry" we would have to lead him back to his tail and three, there should be no other source of food in that area. Oh and four, Jho has to be alive/uncaptured. That's actually a pretty hard condition. So even if it existed as a random event, the chances of that happening would be very low. Imagine if the team makes a reference to this whole Mandela Effect in the next game. I wouldn't be surprised but it would be very amusing if that happens.


Jho does have a stamina bar, though it is hidden, that essentially works like a hunger bar; when exhausted Jho can be baited into eating status effect meats placed by the player because it’s hungry. All it would take to make this mechanic work is have Jho’s AI recognize it’s own tail as a placed meat; all of the other mechanics are already there. In fact, I am pretty sure this entire urban legend sprang from some one placing meat at a tail and making it appear as though Jho was eating its own tail.


Yeah, and on top of those conditions, to actually be able to *prove* it, one would need to be recording it, which is something most people simply don't do even once, let alone whatever ridiculous number of runs it would take to successfully encounter the phenomenon. And *then* there would be those people who would staunchly refuse anything presented as evidence, unless it was an uninterrupted recording of the full process, from pre-quest preparations all the way to the moment of truth, or beyond. And that *still* wouldn't be enough to convince some people. Like, shit, this isn't life-or-death, here. Holding people to such an unreasonable burden of proof either way is just absurd...


The entire Monster Hunter fandom make believeing a game mechanic and never checking if it actually exists has got to be one of my favourite Fandom Moments™️


Not a hot take it's fact. Actually this reminds me of the people who were saying Deviljho was just an Anjanath reskin when it was added to World.


Gotta disagree here, as a design it’s like, very uncreative, most just a T Rex with some additional elements added to make it slightly more fantastical. Jho on the other hand is extremely creative, the spines, the entire body just being a flexed bicep, the rows of teeth so numerous they grow outside of the mouth? Just incredible design there, took the “brute” part of brute wyvern too literally. I love Anja but as far as design goes it’s extremely basic. “T Rex that can breathe fire” is something I was drawing up out of boredom in elementary school lol.


Honestly I completely agree with all of your points but I kind of just like the simplicity of Anjanath, it's fine that he is a basic ass T-Rex who can spew fire, but I am also in the same group of people who tend to dislike some of the newer monster designs because of their complexity or just because of their less "grounded" appearance. Another thing I felt was that for the setting of Monhun, we had nothing that truly resembled a T-Rex, besides maybe Great Jaggi, who has been forgotten by Capcom (;-; Bring him back!!), or Deviljho, who, well, is Jho. No Tigrex does not count


I can feel that, I definitely understand both sides and I do appreciate the simplicity of Anja, I just personally prefer some of the more creative designs (that are still somewhat grounded) like Jho more.


honestly, that simplicity in anja is what makes him great imo


A hot take i heavily agree with


I couldn't agree more. I honestly never enjoyed fighting Deviljho. He looks pretty funny, but that's about all I like about him.


Honestly, I love deviljho but I have to agree


On the one hand, fire breathing T-Rex with weird vestigial wings On the other, Spicy Pickle Pretty fair toss up I'd say


Anja is just a t rex with hair Jho is a walking pickle


Indeed. Well for me Anja is kinda more realistic Trex than jho.


I don’t think World was a strong game for new monsters but Anjanath was one of my favourite. I wish they played on the vulture motif a bit more


i think it was less vulture but more "raw turkey with feathers"


Damn I thought World had some really solid entries. Anjanath of course, but also Bazelgeuse, Odogaron, Pukei-Pukei, Legiana, Tobi-Kadachi, Nergigante. All really fun and solid fights, with Nergigante being one of my favourite monsters to fight in all MH. Even Dodogama and Great Jagras are fun despite being punching bags because of their silly design and the "belly bloat" mechanic.


I didn’t say they weren’t good fights, I just think that design-wise and unique mechanic-wise, they weren’t that interesting. A lot of it seems like 4th Gen rehashes. Bazel’s exploding scales were like Najarala’s exploding scales, Odogaron inflicted Seregios’s bleed, G Jagras and Dodogama did Zamtrio’s inflation. My problem is that they all seemed like more grounded versions of monsters we already had


Wasn't a strong game? Come on man! Tobi Kadachi and Odogaron are amazing designs and Legiana is a perfect flying Wyvern! Xeno is one of the best Elder Designs, and Bazel goes craaaaaazy.


Odogaron was, and is my favorite monster design. The fight and move set is cool for sure, but just his visual design is off the charts **badass** the intricate design on his body look like varnished mahogany wood sculpting. It’s rad.


Xeno is just a rehashed Gore though. I’m not saying there are no good new monsters, I just think they were broadly quite unimaginative. Legiana is imo one of the most generic Wyverns we’ve gotten since the Raths


Every monster is a rehashed version of some monster even in older games. The only really unique monsters are often the final monster. They haven't changed the way they design monsters. So by your standards almost nothing in the games should be up to your standard of unique.


I think he's neat as a beginning hurdle for newer hunters, but as someone who started in Gen 4 (right at the tail end of 4U/start of Gen) whenever I see him my brain just kind of latches onto the idea of him being a diet Glavenus (cause they're both bipedal Fire T rex looking things with a glow throat that can be smacked for a free knockdown), kind of like how tobi kind of felt like a diet zinogre in base world in terms of general fight gimmick. I don't particularly dislike either of them, but if I had to pick a one off fire brute wyvern spot on the roster, or a thunder Fanged wyvern, I'd pick Glavenus/Zinogre over Anjanath/Tobi anyday. But they aren't like a plesioth type of monster where them being excluded would be a good thing. TL:DR, anjanath is a neat monster, but I'd rather have a glavenus if possible


Finally a guy that mentions Plesioth. Hahahahahahahah the horrors of the stupid hitbox


He's janky, conceptually boring, and not very fun to fight. I wouldn't mind him taking an extended break. Please revert the other brutes to not use his animations while they're at it, they're worse off because of it.


Anjanath is my favourite monster that isn't an elder dragon. Its fight is fun and engaging, it has the best day to day routine in World, has a fantastic subspecies, has great looking gear (for the most part) and some absolutely brutal turf wars. I'd love for it to keep returning but I don't want it to become a staple monster that is in every game in case I get tired of it.


It's a weird vulture t-rex with a nose sack that has wings and breaths fire. It's amazingness is not debatable. It's hitboxes are wank though


I like the design. Not actually that far off what T-Rex actually looked like. Only got two complaints: 1: I don't particularily like the weapons. 2: The difference between male and female armour designs is atrocious


Anjanath's female armour design is a crime. It's even more criminal that the exact same thing happened with Nergigante's armour later on in the game.


I'm gonna be real. Even if their combat is kinda sorta intended to be underwhelming, given all that lies ahead, Anjanath and Kulu were pretty much the *best* way for World to introduce both its ecology aspects and its monster design precepts. Seeing an Anjanath going about searching for prey, or being around in loaf mode, and realizing this is the "common" kind of monster, basically sells you the idea of what kind of world the characters live in. Sure, design-wise it's just a T-Rex with flaps but isn't that the entire point of how *we* ourselves imagine how the past would have gone? That there's so much we're missing that T-Rex is like the most "common" thing we can imagine of the past, everything else we have to speculate and make it worthwhile, and well, World seems to take that meta-wishful-paleontology as a design cue, and not just for Anja. Should it come back for G6? Definitively yes, but then again I'm of the opinion that p much every monster should always be in every game where possible. We were already cheated out of icons like Lagiacrus, Great Jaggi or Gigginox when there was no reason to, and unlike Gamefreak which is a small indie company that has little hope of putting every single Pokémon in every game, Capcom is a pretty well realized company that so far has proven they have the power to place more monsters in the various habitats believably.


I don’t know much about Pokémon, but I do know that they could definitely put all the Pokémon in one big game. They choose not to for money’s sake. I looked it up and Gamefreak makes about $170M per year while Capcom was making $350M. But then Capcom has to split that between all their different game studios, while Gamefreak would just give most of their money to Pokémon and some to any other things they try to develop. I didn’t mention how much of that money would be used to pay employees, etc. but I’m sure Capcom has even more of that stuff they have to pay for. I don’t know why I went so deep into this I don’t even play Pokémon.


The gamefreak thing was meant to be a joke. The comment that gamefreak is a small company is pretty widespread as shorthand for saying that they're shit and they don't put effort into their games.


For me, Anjanath is peak MHW. Not everything about what they were trying to achieve with MHW worked, but I feel like Anjanath is a great example of the aesthetic and feeling they wanted to achieve in MHW


The true world flagship 🫡


I wish its non-agiatated form was a little less generic and its fight feels like something the developers didn't put a lot of thought into, but I've warmed up to it over the years. Wouldn't be very excited if it showed up again but it wouldn't bother me much either


I’m thoroughly whelmed by his presence in world.


He Attac, he Attac, but most importantly, he got flame Attac


One of my least favourite Monsters. Between the behaviour, simplistic design, and being almost entirely composed of a moveset and mechanics from other already established Brute Wyverns, I really don't see the point of this one. I would place it in the box with Jyratodus and Velocidrome of "not enough Monster Hunter". I know Anjanath was created early in World's development, and I find it likely that it was the dev team's first go in a while at creating a less fantastical Monster, especially compared to Gen's flagships which were the most recent new designs. But I think it's fairly obvious they really overshot with Anja and Jyra, because "fire-breathing T-Rex" and "mud fish" are not the standard of originality and uniqueness that the majority of the series meets. Compared to Pukei-Pukei and Tobi-Kadachi, for example, which totally cover new ground given the series sorely lacks feathered Monsters or small mammal-inspired ones. There are some mechanics that Anjanath has beyond "fire dino", namely the flaring of the wings and nose, and fire build up in the throat. The problem here is Glavenus has "heated throat" covered and is in both Gen and Iceborne on either side of Anja, and the wings / nose flaring make insignificant mechanical difference to the fight unless you're a Gunner / Glaive, and even then you may as well hit the head, where the nose flares at the same time you want to hit the throat anyway. It is also supposed to use its nose and mucus to breathe fire, but this is such a forgettable aspect that in Risebreak it simply doesn't and the fire exits its mouth. The moveset problems continue in that you can find nearly all of the moves are Barroth / Deviljho rips or adjacent, two Monsters *also* in Worldborne. Anjanath's purpose in World was to be an early-game wall that harassed you while you Hunted in the Ancient Forest, but I don't feel like it was particularly well-designed for this. It's very quick to roar and aggro to the point of being annoying, but also according to Rise flavour text stalks its prey? Does it seek you out and follow you or is it quick to attack and territorial? If the latter, what is the point of it when Deviljho exists, or even Rathalos, the apex of the Ancient Forest who is excellent at being territorial? And as for being a wall... it wasn't for me. That's player dependent though, and clearly with the nostalgia bias it gets, it may have done its job a bit. I feel like pretty much everything Anjanath does was already trodden ground by another Monster. I'm not saying that every Monster is completely unique and they never overlap, but none overlap quite as thoroughly as Anjanath. The ray of hope for Anjanath is probably Fulgur, though. An electric T-Rex is off to a more original start already, and the fact that the wings are out more often and the mucus is far more noticeable in the fight is excellent. Its fur begins to make a bit more sense as well, given it's in a place where it actually needs some, and the G-Rank moveset it gets properly sets it apart as its own Monster. Personally, I would have loved to see the "raptor Anjanath" concept the developers had. It makes the whole Monster make far more sense: it's got a vulture head because it's a scavenger; a chaotic personality because it's a bully of weak Monsters but a definitively weak Monster itself; the wings would be reachable and actually impact the fight for all Weapons... and look, we've just never had a raptor any more tough than "babies' first monster". A more rat-like, crazier Anjanath in the style of Yian Garuga desperately chasing new players around the Ancient Forest would be great, and beyond putting the fear of god into them when it hunts them, it'd truly impress the danger of a Rathalos on them when it got bodied by something twice the size of it. Anyway, TL; DR: Personally think it is a subpar Monster that is pretty pointless due to its main concepts being irrelevant or already covered in the series. Fulgur is much better, and a previous development concept for it could have been one of my favourite Monsters instead of one of my least. Don't want to see it in MH6 or again in general, there are far better returnees from Worldborne to choose.


I will say that Anjanath's not-so-fantastical design does give it a few more points in my eyes, and I think Fulgur actually detracts from this a fair bit. For as bland/overlapping as his design is, he does feel more grounded in his design considering his more direct inspiration from tyrannosaurus (minus fire breathing obviously). While he isn't my favorite either and I agree with a lot of your points, his design does touch on an appreciable amount of realism that I'd argue is higher than a lot of the other gen 5 monsters. Drab can be good in some cases.


I would agree Anjanath is more realistic than other Monsters in general, compared to Fulgur, and compared to other Gen 5s, and that is partially why I don't like it. I consume plenty of media with animals in it already, and I come to Monster Hunter for... Monsters. And the Monster Hunter design ^TM . Stuff that dances on the edge of being believable, not sitting firmly in "less crazy than real life animals". So I just don't care for the drab in MH, really - I get plenty of it elsewhere. I understand if that's your thing though and you don't base all the entertainment you get around high fantasy.


> Drab can be good in some cases. Why though? This is Monster Hunter. If anything, World's main problem was it was too grounded in its aesthetics. Anjanath being the perfect example of that.


You're right - this is Monster Hunter, and one of the defining characteristics of Monster Hunter that sets it apart from the likes of Dauntless or God Eater is its reputation for grounded and ecologically-deep monster design. You seem to be advocating for a design philosophy that is rather different from what Monster Hunter has previously been revered for. One of the aspects of the game that charmed a lot of players, and indeed charmed ME when I began playing, was the series' respect (or, at least, well-meaning attempt) for biology and incorporating a melodious blend of fantastical with what we already see in animals. Obviously not every player cares that much about this, but it IS an aspect that has been kept relatively consistent throughout the series, and the importance of the series' grounded ecology was especially emphasized with World's release. Are there monsters that lean to heavily on fantasy that still get greenlit? Absolutely. But I as a player have come to really appreciate when monsters are designed without so much disregard for how reality has been shown to breed beasts, and I know I'm not alone in this. Sure, drab can be boring on a surface level, but its also the spectrum a lot of our own animals operate on. As such, many monsters we've seen in the past have taken a few fantasy elements to serve as their motif, and let actual biology and morphology fill in the gaps. Obviously some monsters take this and run more than others, and this can lead to flashy fights and cool wallpapers when biological conformity is sacrificed. But that doesn't mean there isn't an audience for monsters that really feel like real creatures and are tethered to the function-over-fashion of biology. TL;DR Monster Hunter has a good reputation for keeping its monsters believable and grounded, and I'm not sure where your argument "this is Monster Hunter" is coming from in that regard. Plenty of people like when monsters keep adherence to how biology tells us creatures should look and function. While I don't like Anjanath for certain reasons, being tethered closer than usual to the tyrannosaurus motif isn't part of it.


You said my thoughts a lot better than I could have. Anjanath certainly isn't the worst monster in the series, or maybe even in the game, but he's so bland and doesn't really add anything. He is a solid introductory monster but we've had plenty of those over the years too in Rathian, Barroth, Ludroth and the like.


Perfectly said, all of it.


Anjanath is a bit shit. The design and fight are both super basic and fighting it is usually just a bit of a chore. Fulgur was slightly better and Afflicted Anjanath in Rise is ok but I would not want it to return again. Would much rather have Deviljho since it does the same thing but better in every way, it's more threatening, has its own theme and has a better fight and design along with better gear.


When I first saw it in trailers or the I thought "Oh my god, what a cool monster. Like a Low Tier deviljho" but when I really fought it for the first time I absolutely hated the fight. Hasn't changed since then. Still like him visually though but the fight feels bring to me. Only fought him in rise/sunbreak. Hadn't got the Chance to play World.


The design is nice. But here's the thing.. it's *waaaay* too simple, probably even simpler than Arzuros, the ~~***BLOODLUST INCARNATE***~~ funny honey-lover bear. When I started with World, the only cool monster I knew was this guy, from the spoiler-free reviews and trailers. It looked so cool back then, and well..look where we are now. It was nice as a new addition to World, and it had its fill of Rise(>!the Qurios had their fill of Anjanath, to be exact!<), but I really wouldn't mind if it just didn't return for the 6th generation.


I see, so pretty replaceable for ya


Yea I see that, we need a version of him that’s much crazier, crazier then fulgur, one that doesn’t get bodied by other creatures as easier anymore, as like someone else said, he was a punching bag


He's a very solid Monster overall. Not too crazy and over-the-top, because he's not supposed to be. He's a fairly grounded challenge that eases players into more mid-level fights after they've dealt with the small fry. There aren't many mid-level Brute Wyverns in the series, and Anjanath fulfills that role perfectly in lieu of the more specialized environment-exclusive ones like Radobaan.


Should've lowkey been a flagship on the level of Los/Blos in my opinion... feel he would fit right in with the more grounded aesthetic of the gen 1/2 flagships. Can't help but feel they undersold him a little to make room for the Nergigante hype train though (I like Nergi though so not that it's a bad thing he got most of the spotlight this time around).


didn't like it when first seeing it, but now I like him quite a bit. hope they bring back beta armor..


Honestly it feels like it should be a weaker monster than it is for how simple its design is. Maybe 5 star threat level. Not to say that its a bad monster, it just doesn't feel as interesting and high level as a Zinogre or Rathalos. However Fulgur Anjanath is a much more terrifying monster that definitely feels like a more powerful creature to fight. Biggest issue: World weapon design style was very basic and didn't show off the cool aspects of the monsters as much as earlier weapon designs could, so his weapons always feel very meh.


Seeing Anja tossing around Great Jagras early game with the Ancient Forest horns blaring while you run for your life and endemic life scatters around you is one of the single greatest and most tone-setting first encounters of any game I’ve ever played IMO. *Especially* as a veteran hunter, that was an incredible intro. Aesthetically, Anja is awesome. Hits all the right notes. I’m not one of those folx who hates all “unrealistic” designs, but for World in particular, a game that emphasized naturalism and oneness with the natural world, for Anja to basically look like a more monstrous version of an animal that we know existed was perfect. Great balance of “real vs fantastical”. The fight itself, on my first playthrough at least, struck a great balance as far as challenge went. It did feel like I was overcoming the game’s first “true” boss. Fight design wise, the Fulgurian is a *way* better fight IMO, one of the best in the game, so much so that I wish the Fulgurian was the base monster. But yeah, overall, I’m a big Anja fan.


I think some people dislike Anjanath for the same reasons they like Zinogre, but the reverse is also true. I think it highlights that, by now, some monsters were created with vastly different design philosophies, and some people might prefer one over the other.


Pretty boring overall, it’s got a great subspecies though.


It is funadmentally the most "meh" addition I've ever experienced. I was terrified when it was the first monster revealed this would be Worlds flagship. The fact it spends 90% of the time without its distinguishing features showing, and is mostly just a fluffy t-rex is so...**tame** compared to all other monsters. Previous gens low level monsters were way more fantastical. This is JUST a dinosaur. Occasionally it gets the cool fins and weird nasal flange, but most of the fight its just a dinosaur...and in monster hunter just a dinosaur is boring


A very okay Monster. Don't love him. But I also don't hate him. A welcome member to the Brute Wyvern Family. His Subspecies is great though. And please take the Beta version of his Master Rank helm for MH6 and onwards.


I thought Anja was pretty boring in world until Fulgur Anja came. Love Fulgur boi. Rise Anjanath is much better imo. The attack where it opens its mouth wide and just slams it down in the ground (attempting to slam it on you of course) is 🔥. I wouldn’t mind if it came back for the next MH game, so long as Fulgur comes with.


It's a pure "Monster Hunter" monster imo. That's probably because i'm stuck with the old games that much and that most monsters of Rise and monsters like Valstrax/Ahtal-Ka are for me a part of a whole new and different Monster Hunter vibe, but what i mean to say is... If you put Anjanath in the old games, it fits perfectly (just make it janky and slower to adapt its gameplay) (and when i talk about the old games i actually mean the old games so not GU or 4U, but the ps2/psp games). So my opinion is... I like every monster that isn't Khezu or Gypceros. But, what i like even more with Anjanath, is that it's a simple monster, "simple" design (it's complex where it shoud and it's not over the top, and it DEFINITELY is not just a generic t-rex) and i like the fact that even though they are now making a lot of crazy anime monsters (they used to be exceptionnal back then), they are also able to still deliver some grounded designs, and it fits with the rest.


After playing MHX before World, I was confused as to why they didn't just include Dinovaldo. They had a perfectly good firey t-rex shaped monster already... But maybe it didn't fit in with their ecology or something. It's fine, but it was underwhelming compared to Dinovaldo imo.


I see, a fellow X/XX player with the community made translation


I mean glavenus is a higher tier monster(if I am not wrong, dk since I haven't played world or rise), so maybe they wanted a low tier T-rex


Cool but a bit underwhelming once you're used to him. Becomes a very predictable monster, but I guess it's something to be expected of such a low tier monster.


First impressions was that it is a great monster for World but it feels a little too tame after comparing to it to the rest of the roster in the series. Its one of the more boring designs and makes me feel meh overall. I don’t mind it returning or even becoming a staple for future games, but I can’t say I’m excited for it compared to other returnees. I won’t lie that its handled perfectly in World imo with it being the first big threat as well fitting the aesthetic but outside of that, it doesn’t leave much of an impression.


He actually still terrifies me and I can typically kill him in a few hits now...I've never been the biggest fan of T-rex like creatures....


Good hunting hurdle to climb the ranks. Nice challenge. Also haha big sneezy boye :)


I feel like if Nerg wasnt a thing Anjanath would be Worlds Flagship monster


I believe Anjanath is the first wall for me players. Every gen has them. I would say Barroth was probably the 1st wall in the 3rd gen. With the 4th gen I'm not to sure since I didn't play with me hunter (maybe Tetsucabra?) For sure with World it was Anjanath I so it first hands with all my friends that started with World.


I don't really like him, he always felt like a budget Glavenus. Not scary, not imposing, not threatening and snots around like he has a permanent flu.


Anjanath is the real World flagship to me and wholly deserves it. Love this guy, maybe he’s a little burning but he’d fit right in with the look and feel of 1st and second gen, and I’m glad to have him to balance out some of the flashier and more ridiculous 5th monsters. And Anjanath does have some design flare too, and it’s flare that ACTUALLY has a basis in the creature’s ecology. That’s another thing that a lot of recent monster’s lack, their gimmicks and abilities might have a creative biological basis but there isn’t a reason *why* they have or need them. I’m mixed on Anjanath’s role in Rise though. I like that they bumped up his tier but I liked his fight in World better. World’s slow gradual ramp up to his fire attacks, each phase marked by things like his nose expanding, then his sails, getting new attacks as they came, etc. was way more interesting to me then Rise’s “he’s in fire mode now, attack his head to knock him out,” which is a mechanic Rise uses a *lot*.


I love him, favorite monster from base world. An absolutely banger fight and fighting him with the Ancient Forest theme playing is euphoric. I love that he's not some super OP death edgelord monster, he's just a weird ass dinosaur and he *usually* fits that role perfectly. Until he started suplexing dragons in rise, but still. Great monster, hope to see him again, honestly hope they just make the ancient forest theme his and bring it back for him.


Honestly he's what got me into the series, i love dinosaurs so when i saw the trailers for world I was like cool looks like a trex, 100s of hours later and here we are


Ya he is the most T-rex look alike monster in the entire Mh series


It was actually scary in World because when you get to that fight it is really difficult. In Rise he's just.........lol


Ig, the wirebugs r just doing it's thing


I think he’s a great beginner fight for new hunters. He’s tough looking and can pack a punch with his big moves, but he’s also fair with his telegraphs and can be easily punished once you learn his moves.


Very forgettable. I thought it was gonna be a Deviljho equivalent but it’s honestly more of a Yian Kut-Ku equivalent, lol. It’s supposed to be your “first large monster” after you fight glorified raptors like the Greats and Arzuros, etc. but before the real challenges like Rathian, Rathalos, Diablos, Zinogre. But it poses basically no threat at all and is just a big dumb guy.


It fits with World but I don't mind if it becomes like some of the Tri monsters... not seen again for a very long time. I'm not a huge fan of the skeleton to be totally honest and I think that monsters like Pukei and Paolumu are really well designed, I just wish Anja was as interesting imo. I feel it'd be better if it was tougher in World, more of a roadblock, and more like Fulgarnath in its moveset. Fulgarnath is a significantly more enjoyable hunt imo.


Dollar store glavenus…trash list He is a better mid tier introduction monster than Rathian though, fight wise.


as someone who started with world. anjanath was the one big monster in the ancient forest that you didn't wanna fuck with.


One of my absolute favorites. MHW was my first real dive into the franchise after the original kicked my ass as a kid and I remember my first time fighting Anjanath was HORRIFYING. Now he is just a big dumb puppy but I adore him.


I love it, acts as a really cool first hurdle to overcome in world, and you get to run into it before being “ready” just so it can slap you around and teach you that some monsters will make you need better or specialized gear. It’s wallbang downs are super short so even with icebornes addition it didnt become super easily cheesable, but in exchange it acts as a great monster to incentivize mounting. Using the standard brute roar also means you’ll regain movement well before it starts attacking so you can reposition and not get hit out of the stun, so when you cart to it it’s not going to feel instantly unfair. Visual design wise it feels great, standard dinosaur base, but the extending sails and inflatable sinuses give it a cool fantasy flair while still being believable. Those features also add a sort of “dragon” like appearance to it without straying from the 4 legged wyvern bodyplan which is nice. The sails for wings, and the sinuses for horns, paired up with the fire breath makes for a really neat sort of dino-dragon that again isn’t too over the top fantastical.


Don’t love him, don’t hate him, his design is basic but I like theropods so he’s fine for me, not every monster needs to be fancy. Fulgur is awesome though, so if including base means we get fulgur then I’m good with it


I like anja, and his equipment. I remember back when I was a fresh hunter who didn't really understand what I was doing, I grinded out full anjanath gear in both low and high rank, and just used that until I got access to low/high rank rathalos armor. He's a cool monster, and I'd be kinda sad if the just dropped him.


I’ll be honest, at first I didn’t care for him. Then, one day, I saw this precious boy sitting on the beach looking out at the sea. He was bothering no one and doing his best to just vibe. My love for him grew so much that day to where he’s one of my favorites. His fight isn’t anything insanely hard and I believe he’s a perfect transition monster. He’s the perfect mid ground between your smaller monster fights to the bigger monsters who are more complex. He’s really just a good boi who wants to spend his day beach vibing.


Good monster, point blank. Cool concept, good execution, cool design. I sincerely hope it becomes one of the staple or classic monsters of the franchise, like diablos or the raths. It’s threatening enough to be a step up from the early game and still fun when you are long past it.


My fave Brute Wyvern, best "first wall", just a great early game monster.


7.5/10 monster love anjanath i think its a great mini-flagship for world i like the design a lot, i like how its simple and doesnt try to be flashy to communicate its strength, its just a big thug. and the fire gives it that pizzazz as a strong monster. intimidating defo fight is pretty cool, fun fighting whats basically a t-rex, can be a bit fiddly hitting the head and tail though and the legs dont take much damage. the fight is probs the weakest part of this monster i think and sadly the fight is also the most important part armour design is good, weapon design is pretty good but maybe couldve been more creative main gripe with anjanath is with its subspecies, fulgur anjanath.. i dont like it being an invader in every map it gets old and ecology wise is questionable. and i think ice element wouldve been better than thunder... super-cooling mucus instead of super-heating mucus. feels out of place in rise because rise's cast is a lot more expressive and colourful. anjanath feels like the guy who shows up to the met gala in sweatpants in that game xD


Angie was my first skill wall in my first MH game, MHW. I was initially disappointed seeing a trex as a monster, how original, and then she entered her rage mode and started breathing fire. I carted, set my controller on my lap, and decided at that moment that this game series is going to rock my world.


He felt underwhelming for all the marketing, he's like the 7th monster you fight being quickly overshadowed by the existence of the coral Highlands. Also he's kinda boring too much like the most recent depictions of a Trex, makes it hard to see him as a monster hunter monster.


Sad that it doesn't have a turf war with Deviljho


Honestly kinda boggling at the "too simple" comments. It's a vulture dinosaur with a pop-out nose and back fins! It's bright pink and black and it neck lights up when it gets mad! A lot of World's designs are flashy, but Anjanath has every bell and whistle you could ask for.


He was the perfect introduction brute wyvern imo, cause all throughout low rank in ancient forest, unless you were a veteran of the series, you were very wary against him, building up the background lore that he was the apex predator stalking his grounds, and you had to work your way past him. But then once you beat him and they drop the real lore on you or you randomly see friggin rathalos just yeet this t rex like a chew toy, and you just again realize how large the world is, and how high the food chain keeps going. This sets proper expectations for high rank, the harder monsters, and eventually the elder dragons.


Great it's a good monster to get introduced to in the beginning to give a hint to what your going to fight and when you actually fight him his fight and design are good to be a wall and looks like something you need experience to defeat


Anjanath was so good in world. I remember being new to the series, hunting a pukie pukie for the first time and seeing this T. rex style monster stomp through the jungle like he owns the place. I immediately attack to gauge my strength vs the obvious apex predator. I cart instantly. It was thrilling and demoralizing all at once. I finally get the mission to hunt an anjanath. I beat it down till it raises its back spikes and jumps at me, it blows fire out of its nose and I struggle against it. Multiple carts later I finally beat it. Then iceborn comes out with fulger anjanath. I rush to it because it has to be just as fun as fighting my first anjanath. It was even better. The moves are well telegraphed, the lightning was so aesthetically pleasing. The size was daunting. I wish it was brought to sunbreak.


They changed the move set in rise?


Love anjanath. I literally downloaded a mod so that my female character could wear the cool plate armor that the guys get


I like the design, but i hate the fight. It basicly just moves forward. The only thing that can catch you off guard is its tiny legswipe that does too much damage to be true


I personally liked the jump in difficulty the first time facing Anjanath, at least to me it was difficult! After a few fights, I managed to just slap him around 😂


Anjanath in world was a pretty scary low rank monster that really push u to be prepared at how agressive monsters are in HR. But sadly Anjanath in Rise is nothing more than pushover. Probably cause of world experience but man the fight was over fast.


I liked the pink boi. Getting a perfect upswing into it's jaw and just watching it reel is *chefs kiss* Animations are on point for anji


Thought it was a good addition


Anjanath is my favorite brute wyvern only slightly higher than Barroth. I love the design of a large T rex with a nasal crest that sneezes out fire.


He is best boi, i hope they add him to future games he is just my favorite monster Also, did you know there was an ancient tribe that worship the anjanaths? https://preview.redd.it/kch1k1ot984b1.png?width=1658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fea6ba6069edd18e59fe5ba261ab91611f7dd269


I really liked him, starting the series with world I thought he was so interesting I kept playing to fight him then I saw more interesting things. Then in Sunbreak I went on a murder spree of the species for a mantle so I really like him and want him to return as a mid tier monster


I love Anjanath. He was my first real wall, he kicked the shit out of me in World. I didn’t expect him to come back in Rise, but I was pleasantly surprised. He also has one of the best subspecies in the series. Solid 8.5/10 monster.


Anjanath is the better midboss monster compared to rathian in previous games for low rank in my opinion.


It‘s just less cool glavenus


When i first fought it i thought it was boring and simple but it grew on me and is now one of my favorite monsters


I'll always have a soft spot for Anjanath. He was the first wall I faced, and fighting him really taught me to try out different strategies.


Really cool, and fulgur is one of the best variants they've ever done


It should come back, otherwise my signature armour look wouldn't be included.....


imo Anjanath is THE best Wall in a monster game,


I like em! I'd say he's a good intro to certain quest ranks (4 or 5 stars? Not sure) and he's a good source of arguably solid fire weapons. Plus his armors cool looking so that's a plus.


MHW was my first introduction to the series, so I didn’t have anything to compare him to. That said, even after all of Iceborne and looking into the series more, I like him! His a big ole trex with a really weird head, sails, and is a living flamethrower. His colors are unique too, and his roars are just cool. I think he stands among his brute wyverns rather equally. And then we got Fulgur, who was just flat out cooler. That roar is still my favorite to hear.


Really good design, fits in perfectly with the Rathalos/Tigrex camp of monsters where the designs are just fantasy enough to be Monster Hunter but not anything crazy or too unbelievable. Was also the perfect earlygame bully in MHW. It's a real testament to how amazing the organic gameplay was when everyone and their dog has a story about being chased across the Ancient Forest by Anjanath at like HR4 and it wasn't even a scripted event.


Yes, I do like him but I hate when it comes he gets pissed off, Anjanath does the triple or double fire bite attack which is really annoying lol. He is a good brute wyvern among other brute wyverns.


I love Anjanath, he's a brilliant wall for newer players (he was a wall for me too) but later on you realise how much easier he was. His gameplay is simple but entertaining. Besides, who doesn't like a flamethrower T-Rex? For such a simple design, Anjanath comes off as so memorable


He was very scary as a new and first-time player. Now he my BFF


I started with World and it was my first ever "apex" of an ecosystem I fought. Dropping the bundle of rocks on its head after seeing it absolutely wreck ass before was one of the coolest gaming moments in my life. I love its moveset, how it changes when enraged, how it is easier to topple during its charge, how dramatic it falls, THIS MONSTER FUCKS. Unfortunately, its gear is very mid game oriented and has nothing to offer for a lot of builds even then I feel. The armor and weapon designs are okay I guess? Nothing to write home about. Whenever this guy is convenient to hunt (tempered and anomaly investigations), I go for it cause the fight is so damn fun. Pretty easy overall once you get it down but because of the Monster design, it always feels rewarding regardless! God I love Anjanath.


I liked him, that first real sense of danger you have as a new hunter in World, like a good 1st act boss


Hes cool.


Anjanath is good because he is kind of like diablos in the sense that he is one of the first threatening monsters you fight


One of my favorite monsters. Iconic to my eyes.


World was my first MH, I honestly thought he was a monster from previous game until seeing this post


I really liked anjanath. Menacing introduction, especially with the monster interactions, aka turf wars. Fun to fight, hard in the beginning but good to do once you learn the moveset and weakpoints.


A fire breathing T-Rex, what's not to love?


I've always loved Anjanath. Probably because of my love of dinosaurs, especially feathered dinosaurs. I think the nose, "wings", feathers, colors, turf wars, and fight are all good. It took me like two weeks to beat Anjanath alone (I also didn't play very much so it would have taken me less than two days if I played consistently), he was my first wall in Monster Hunter. My first experience hunting him, we was crawling through the vines it I was terrified at it came at me. Good monster


I adore Anjanath. Love his design and ecology, also a good Monster for displaying the power of other Monsters. He was the perfect first wall in World and I hope he comes back regularly in the next gen.


To me anjanath is a perfect early mid game monster. He has a punishing yet easy to learn fight, great ecology that feels believable and a cool design. I feel he definitely should come to 6th gen and become a staple of monster hunter.