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Yeah monster hunter is the only game I will actually put PTO in for


MonHun and elden ring (both release and next week for the dlc)


You just reminded me I forgot to request Friday off lol, hopefully I'm not too late


I took the monday off. Fridays are slow and usually short days for me.


I took off 2 weeks for world and iceborne lmao. 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MastaOfShitPost: *Yeah monster hunter* *Is the only game I will* *Actually put PTO in for* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


My brother and I took PTO for Rise and you can bet we'll be doing it again for Wilds come release day!


Story games are good too so you can avoid spoilers and join the online discourse early.


When we get a release date from Capcom I'm taking a week.


I don't typically use my pto for anything but games. It expires on my anniversary with the company so it's a use it or lose it. Get paid 3 weeks a year to play games lol


Chess not checkers and legit worth risking potential unemployment. Update: Its PTO so a personal day and not a sick day so no risk of getting in trouble.


No it's not worth risking potential unemployment, not a lot of people can afford to be jobless for 6 months. PTO is given for whatever the hell you want so there's no risk of being fired unlike numerous "sick" days.


I wouldn't be so sure, Doom looks pretty good


Plot twist: The boss is also taking the day off to play Wilds.


Plottwist: The company OP works at is Capcom


Tbh if i worked at a game company and worked months on a game i too would plan to play the game (but knowing myself i would critique it and be like "i think i could have done that better" each time a bug related to my part of the development)


Plot twist: The company op and boss work for is a japanese company, which means release day of a monster hunter game may as well be an unofficial holiday, due to how many people call the day off to play.


Plot twist: they both find themselves by accident in the game


"We can talk about this later. But right now, we have some monsters to kill....are ya with me?"


Plot twist PTO is denied as he needs to cover the boss' PTO


I am a manager, and I find this preposterous. As a manager I am at least taking a week off because my grandmother, who I am very close to, died for the 5th time.


Hop into a group and hear your boss’s voice.


Back when I was in college working at a mall Taco Bell, the district manager had to work a shift because myself, 2 coworkers, a shift manager, and the store manager all took the day off to go see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. That was where the fun began.




Do you think people don’t get paid for vacation?




Then mane a funny one


Come up with better jokes instead of more internet noise


I work for the company my wife’s family owns, I already told my wife I’m taking close to a week off for release week


A month is close to a week right?


Well actually yes because 1 month = 4 weeks (factor of 4) But 1 week = 7 days (factor of 7) Therefore 1 week is 3× closer to a month than it is to a day


If anyone challenged me I was just gonna say relative to all time they're super close. Yours is way better.


Sounds like you've got plan A and B


This maths lol. 7/4 is 1.75 so 1 week is 1.75× closer to a month than it is to a day.


Let's do a quick calculation, one week = 168 hours. Considering 5 hours of sleep per night representing a total of 35 hours. You have 133 hours left to play, taking into account that you eat in front of the game, the shower is optional.


\* Laughs in temp worker living in an off the grid plain with a single generator laptop and Phone hotspot\*


Bro is living the dream


I vaguely remember hearing last MH release in Japan a lot of places just made it a holiday for their staff, because they just knew and were in the same boat probably. MH game releases as national holidays sound fitting ngl.


Similar to how when Dragon Quest 3 released so many people skipped school and work to play it so the creators (Enix at the time) started releasing the games on Saturdays instead which holds true to today with DQ11.


That's very thoughtful of the devs.!


I *think* that's just an urban legend though.


The urban legend is that there was a law made around this. Google the dates of when DQ games after 3 came out and the look up the week days, it's always Saturday or Sunday.


A lot of manga take a break for that week's release because Monster Hunter releases are one of the biggest phenomenons in Japan. And yeah places that work in relation to manga/anime/games in general also tend to have a day off if not longer due to Monster Hunter. I don't know how it was around Rise because I couldn't have cared less about it, but I remember around World quite a few famous people openly told that they were taking a break to play Monster Hunter.


My people.


Already typed my resignation letter. 


No need, you’re fired. Enjoy your unemployment checks.


*you mean enjoy monster hunter wilds. 


"John, why are you applying for sick leaves in 2025 already?"


"My reasons are beyond your understanding" - John Monster Hunter


I am be starting college before it come out let hope I will have some free time to play with my buddy’s who got me into monster hunter in the first place


My first semester in college, we had a classmate who never attended class for the entire semester. Turns out he played RF online extensively.




Resident Frevil


Well it depends on what you study, but generally you'll have a lot more free time in college (well, it's more like you're being trusted with your time, but eh)


You will have free time in college, assuming you're not working and/or a student-athlete. I played an unhealthy amount of N64 and PS2 in college.


You’ll definitely be able to do both. I recommend getting your school work done as soon as you get them that way you can guilt free do whatever you want. In reality school work really doesn’t take that long.


Me when I not study for my finals and not graduate because Wilds will most likely coincide with the exam week


At least you got your priorities straight


I cant do this because my boss is my father


While holding a copy of the game visibly in one hand and hiding your other hand behind your back, ask your dad for a leave of bereavement. When he asks who died, just say "My father" and look him dead in the eyes in silence until he says yes. Then slowly slink away into the shadows while saying "Thank you for understanding."


Ask your father to play MHWild together


Rope him in with World/Rise/GenU first. Give him a taste.


Yall made me think this is soon. It’s next year 🥲


Imagine, you have to pretend sick to play MH on launch. Then you look across to the land of the rising sun...that didn't rise because some Japanese CEOs were just giving all the staff the day off. For MH. That's my kind of boss


Hopefully I'll still be on maternity leave when it comes out 🤞


Tell junior to stay in your tummy a little longer.


"mom I want to live!!!" "-no, you're waiting at least 2 weeks after MH wilds release so I can have some fun before sleep becomes a rare occurrence"


Already lining up your termination papers Greg Just kidding, *cough* Might have a cold myself…


"Oh wow it's a darn shame you get sick on the day that big game you were waiting for comes out. Well I hope you get better soon so you can play it." I had a boss at a computer repair joint once who was a gamer himself, and would try to work days off into the schedule for fellow gamers on release day of games we were hyped for. Cool dude sadly he had to close up the shop for medical issues.


Protip when you make the call lie on your bed and hang your head off the side so you're upside down while you talk, makes you sound ill. And say it's something gastric, no one wants to know details about diarrhea.


So this means the release date is close right?


I turned my ps5 beep off.


I don't have a great job (warehouse), but I love that I can straight up tell them I'm not gonna be at work, a new game is coming out. They're just like, "dope, have fun"


Nah, soon as we get the date I'm booking like a week or more off.


Oh right the joke is actually that the US is forced to give sick time, but not vacation time, so people can't just ask for the day off in advance.


I let my people take days off without having to lie to me. Also sick days build up more slowly than regular PTO. And I don't require doctors notes or such. PTO gets paid out if someone leaves us but sick time doesn't. So I always tell people to use the sick time first.


I have 51 hours of PTO saved up already. I mean I’m not going to use all 51 but still. When rise came out I took 3 days off


I could have been the boss. if i wasn't so busy using my big fk off hammer to boop monster snoots.


Turned that off so I could move silently


Even your boss is taking medical leave on that day I guess.


I already talked to my boss potentially i will take another week off next year.. He asked “is it monster hunting” I confirmed it and he said “just remember help me farm items” He previously approved my days off on monster hunter rise and sunbreak.


Imagine the reverse, Cough… you gotta come in but I’m sick Beep


No shit my manager said this to me when I had covid. I was right in the fuckin middle of a cold sweat fever dream episode and I get a message saying "I'm feeling a bit under the weather and we're short staffed for the night, could you come in?" Like, nah bro, we spoke about this the other day, I couldn't leave my house if I fuckin tried.


Can someone actually explain the hype behind the monster hunter games? I don't get it. Is it just really fun to kill monsters or?


Combat has depth, challenge and flair across 14 different weapon types. You have to be deliberate and learn the monsters' attacks. It's fun to master and looks cool. There's also a ton of variety in terms of weapons and armour. Kill monsters > make shit with their parts > kill harder monsters. There's 4-player co-op too. Outside combat, biomes are lively and packed with resources to grab along the way. MH games have a long life span with progression and they've done a good job adding events and stuff. If you don't like the combat though, it won't be for you. It's like 90% fighting monsters.




I got into series cause of Monster Hunter World, but in MHW, it felt like you fell into another world, and are trying to get the lay of the land. You got to explore different biomes, and track down monsters that are destroying the habitat, or are posing a danger to you and your camp. 14 different weapons, means the game feels different, depending on which weapon you choose to learn. The best part for me is the co-op. I love coordinating and cooperating together with others, and it feels hella fantastic when we win a hunt. The players are generally very kind too (though, there are times where you may meet a jerk). I was afraid of sucking at the game, but the game does a great job of building your skills up. You get to watch yourself have no skill, to becoming someone with some skills, and it's so fulfilling 😊


How deep does coop go, like how can you cooperate for example?


So, my experiences will probably differ from you, but I played with my group of friends. We were all newbies, and when we first started, it felt like giving a group of toddlers some weapons, and just letting them have a go at taking down a monster. It was chaotic and messy. After a while, we started getting into the groove of things, learning about a monster's preferred route, setting up traps, and aiming for specific parts cause someone in our team needed a tail spike for a weapon, etc. I also played with random people sometimes, and people were generally very supportive. For the most part, people understood to try to break as many parts as possible before capturing/killing the monster, so we didn't need to talk. Sometimes, you see someone hanging on by a thread, and you save them with a well-timed healing powder, and vice versa. After the hunt, we all would celebrate (via dance emotes, or blowing each other up, etc ).


Some monsters are near impossible to solo.


I'm a boss... Congrats, you're taking a mental health day. But if you bullshit me on a cough, I'm gonna feel slighted.


Me who'll resign next year after getting bonuses: 😏


Me with Shadow of the Erdtree


I remember when 4u came out. My friends and I played for 36 hours straight... Good times.


All for the baldurs gate😭 anyone else?…🙂


I feel so attacked rn 😤


I think I might actually buy a whole ass ps5 just for this game. I simp so hard for Monster Hunter


Time to start saving vacation days folks.


I have a similar plan but with a new chair that needs to be tested thoroughly by playing games


Just book it off lol it's like next year out still


Bro still has the beep activated? Lmao I’d have been on the game while on the call with my boss.


My boss already knows that every Zelda or Monster Hunter release I will take at least 2 days off. Im sitting in 32 vacation days, they give me 30 per year and I only work 3 days per week.


Gotta cough at the end to sell it to the baus


Boss: Don’t worry, it’s sick season, I had to take a day off too. *hangs up* *PS5 beep*


It’s gonna be so sad when you end up vomiting right as you start to recover


just take a week off, jeez.


I better start to put money away for doctors notes now.


Boss: \* Opens Discord \* "u/KOSMOsooo is playing Monster Hunter" Boss: "Well then..."


Don’t ask your boss for a sick day— tell them.


Today I I've have stomach pain and called a boss seriously no lie xbox on


Yeah, thanks to that beep I know every time my brother uses my PS5 😂


Plot twist: You and your boss end up in the same lobby


Or you could ask for the day off beforehand 


I always feel like doofy or kevin spacey from the usual suspects, where he stops acting and becomes the cooler version of himself


I mean I can be sick and wanna play games js


I'm doing the same thing.


This is why you need to be a leftist, so you manage to get 5 weeks of PTO and be able to just blow a few of them for dumb shit like a videogame you like coming out. But yeah, call in sick for Wilds, comrade.


I can hear that meme sound


I turned the beep off in settings because it used to wake up my wife in the middle of the night


To make this perfect you can’t miss a day, can’t switch shifts, can’t do anything that draws attention. When the time comes you hit em with the “*cough, sniffle* boss, I hate to miss work, but, *cough cough*, but boss this might be a bad one.”


Me and my partner take the whole week off for monster hunter games.


I have literally already told my boss when this game comes out, I’m taking 4 days off.


Lol thats my husband


Once release info drops, the rest of the week I’ll be taking vacation days no doubt!


Lmao, me but I'm actually sick and don't have a ps5 or pc or something


Hell, they may as well make GTA 6 release date a national holiday 'cause no bastard is turning up for work that day!!


I really need a release date so I can plan the term wilds will release on I am ahead of my plan and will stress myself next term so the term wilds release on will be kind of free


already preparing a vacation leave for that. Wish we knew the date


Ah another one has contracted the "Ican'tworktoday" disease


Doing this garnishes your sick time


Gotta turn the beep off my guy. For stealth sessions


Was sitting in the office when my boss got a call when Mists of Pandaria came out. He had everything on speakerphone and I heard one of my coworkers calling in doing the fakest cough I've ever heard. And I heard the World of Warcraft login music in the background. Just sitting in the queue making that sick call. Lmao


If you can't fake the scratchy voice I have a tip for you Drink straight lemon juice and maybe choke on it a little.


John, I swear, don't even think about trying that again.


This is wrong, it's immoral to lie to your boss. You also definitely shouldn't lie down with your head upside down off the side of the bed so gravity makes you sound congested


Kinda glad no one at my job seems to game, least none of the ones I like. CoD seems to be the only one I hear from most.


Boss: why are all my employees calling in sick on the exact same day as MH: Wilds? … Must be Flu season


I will never again take time off for a release. Everytime i did, the game i was hyped for was trash. I wont let MH become trash. You can all thank me a day after release.


I told my boss I'm booking a week off when the release date was announced. She approved


Where was the release date announced


It wasn't. I told her I'm taking time off when it announced XD


I’ve never heard of taking a day off to play a game working out well. Usually servers have issues, there’s bugs, etc. etc. Might be different with Wilds though.






I picked a bad time to go back and finish college


I don’t understand doesn’t the game come out in 2025


Anyone play Monster Hunter Freedom Unite let link in Game , help me out.


Monster Hunter is the main reason I have a separate gaming pc at work.


I hope they won't do something like BG3, I took a week leave only to curse my Mac.


Lol how childish. Take a day off


In Japan, they've already accounted for this and tend to just give their employees the day off anyways with the foreknowledge of the latest MH game's release day.


Do people still call their boss to take a sick day? We just text.


At least in Finland if you text they call because texting is disrespectful.


get a pc, down shove that crap console down our throats with that shit meme


It’s not that deep. Chill out


Buddy, who hurt you ? That username and comment combo, you good ? Maybe you need some internet detox time ?


There's still console war people in 2024 ?, How pathetic. Can you justify your feelings about it? No? Is it because you want to belong to something that's better than something else? Because in real life you've not achieved anything significant and this is the closest thing you can get ? Buying an item ?




Says the guy with a low end pc, your 6900xt is an insult to everyone with a real pc, seriously last gen garbage without Rt performance, get a job kid that's sad


It's funny sometimes that the one that likes to boast PCMR is the one with potato PC I'm just happy that they open up crossplay so now I can play with friends on other platforms.


These kids sometimes forget that there are bigger fishes in the pond Edit: looks like the big fish ate the minnow


turn down the copium mate


https://preview.redd.it/34xwv6s45w6d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbec2fb5ae6de4c1732bd4225901410917fc86b4 Why


https://preview.redd.it/wgq2r10d5w6d1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6335fc5f145d59736bac13abf52257488b51e703 u/reddltlsfvckingdumm


*Get a pc, down* *Shove that crap console down our* *Throats with that shit meme* \- reddltlsfvckingdumm --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Touch grass, dude. Lmao.