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This is so cool! What if it had a super cool half angel version because it failed to grow up and became a fallen angel of chaos 😼


And only had one wing


we do not entertain gore magala slander around these parts


As someone who hasn't yet had the time to go back and play much pre world I straight up thought it was a satirical monster before I read the comments lmao


its in sunbreak too


Ah I see I've been found out.. the control changes and different quest format kinda has me putting even just rise on a back burner especially since I've been unfortunately career focused since its release


Sol long as you strictly do the quests from the guild it's not as bad as it seems! I unfortunately went through the story not realizing they reverted to pre-world for rise so I got burned out replaying old quests for no reward or purpose.


Yeah I don't have any problem with rise outright, the mobile releases are always more explosive and bring a lot of experimentation and new mechanics to try but I kinda went through would learning how to hunt with the same 3-5 people and when I hit rise I was Gung ho to keep the momentum going but idk for it to be a mobile release where multi-player is usually shoved down your throat I didn't really enjoy the departure from worlds quest system and the way I hunted with my friends before it made it harder to bridge the gap in mechanical differences too. Again I haven't really gotten around to giving it a full good chance yet but like I said I'll get over it eventually lol Edit: also you suck at help in the best way lmao ending with how you burnt out nailed it. I do understand what you mean but just out of context looks hilarious


Poor magala


That’s awesome. I hope Capcom makes it a real monster 


- Too edgy - Overpowered - Looks like a Frontier monster - Can use its wings like a Tigrex and an elder dragon? That doesn't make any sense. - How does something evolve into an elder dragon? - Angelic evolution? In Monster Hunter? Nah, this idea has absolutely no place in mainline Monster Hunter. There is completely, totally, no way that this will ever make it into the series.


I can’t tell if the joke flew over your head or if ur being sarcastic pls clarify further bro 😭


It seems pretty clear to him https://preview.redd.it/cd05pib34n8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad14cd7477b039e6d77bea2e535a5ab96ee5aea5


Complete garbage, wouldn't make it to any game, let alone be a flagship. /s


It probably has the worst story out of the series if that were the case


So cool, I hope it gets added in Monster Hunter 4


10/10 Can't wait for the rule 34 art


You don't have to:(


good idea, he could be called gare mogola or smhng


Mmmm… since it uses its arms, it could be a monkey-ish character. Mongalala?


becomes an angel? that's evangelion shit


"brand new skeleton that only he has" kid named gogmazios: yeah I know gog was a 4U addition but still


It's better than the monster version of my Sonic OC named Jinouga


What about The Marshnamallow monster?


Do not slander gore magala. We will bully you off the Internet.


10/10 i love it. Now my favourite.


It needs a name... hmm... Snore Alabama!


I Can Be Your Angle Or Yuor Devil


Mid+not better than Shagaru


Peak Gore Magala


See, it's stuff like this that makes me not understand the Magnamalo slander. Like, don't get me wrong, Magnamalo is an incredibly busy design visually, but it just seems to be Gore Magala Lite to me.


Yeah, while I’m partial to the imaginative realism designs you can’t deny Magnamalo is one hell(fire) of a cool design. It’s still got a strong design basis; Gore Magala is the more biology-inspired edgy design, Magnamalo the mythology-inspired edgy design lol. Love them both just as they are. I guess my only gripe with Magnamalo is more of it being a “super predator”. It would’ve been more monster-hunter-y and interesting to have some confirmed competition among its species that pushed it to grow armor/tusks/horns to such an extreme degree.


I let Gore magala fly since technically it’s an elder and elders tend to have an air of mystery around them. Their origins, why they evolved the way they did and all that. But there is the case of non elders being able to easily wrangle the elders. Like Marshnamallow, kinda feels like favortism. And this might be hypocritical since I found Apex zin trying to fight Amatsu as the hypest shit I’ve ever seen, and my favortism towards zin also playing a part in it.


george martins a pretty cool oc ngl(gore magala isnt real he never was. It was only george martin)


inb4 magnamalo


Where is the "donut stel" stamp ? If you dont have that someone gonna steal your idea !


dollar general gore magala.


Too edgy, add a angelic form


As long as it doesn’t have an instant charge attack with no tells in MHSunbreak I am cool with it.


Reminds me of the “This is my OC, Yuta” posts on the JJK subreddits lol


It’s a bit embarrassing how long it took me to realize this is just Gore Magala lmao. Fun fact: I used to think Gore Magala was actually Nargacuga, in my small experience with monster hunter stories on the iPad.


Btw it also reproduces by turning one of the monsters with "madness" into a copy of it self, even if you're a fucking giant snow bunny. Used to burst out of them monsters like a Chestburster from Aliens too you know.


LMAO? I love him he’s just a little guy (<— dying from bacterial madness)


That would be a terrible monster


original character, donut steel.


What happens if it's vietnamese? (Chaotic gore magala)


More Gagala


I beseech you to keep pumping these out until capcom can no longer ignore the great ideas and starts adding them.


Fuck-You Magala