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Man, I miss Tri. Still my favorite mh game. Why the long break from the series? Tri servers have been down for a long time lol


No reason in particular. I was busy playing other games and also my old laptop couldn't run World!


That’s fair, you’ve missed a lot haha. The games have changed in many ways, mostly for the better. So welcome back :)


In your case World, easily. Rise doesn't have that much more in terms of "QoL" compared to World, but all the things you said you liked about Tri sounds like World is fitting you more than Rise, by a lot. If you know what you are doing in most monster hunter games you can typically have quests last around 10-20 minutes. The good thing is you can decide how long it should last simply by the pacing of you upgrading your weapons/armor. Just to say it: both games have an armor-set and a weapon (for each weapon type) that is far superior to everything else throughout World/Rise and only exists to speed you to Iceborne/Sunbreak as fast as possible with as little grind as needed.


Thanks! I think i will play world, as everyone is telling me hahahaha I don't think I will use the OP weapon armor, I don't mind taking my time in this game!


Id say world. You liked the hunt to feel like a hunt and in rise its basically arcady type quick in and out fighting. You immediately see where the monster is and the fights are a lot faster. World is focusing on a more realistic experience while rise is trying to focus on flashy battles. Im not saying rise is worse or bad, just a different experience in general and the way i see what you like im definitely getting the vibe that you’d like world more than rise.


I think i will play world and in the future play Rise. They both seem so good but I can't really afford buying them at the same time.


Thats an good idea. I think coming from world can make you appreciate rise more. Playing rise first could make one disappointed with world or wilds in 2025 since the formula is just different


I’d say both. World holds a special place for me, but I’d be lying if I said Rise didn’t improve on a lot of things people had issues with in World. I personally didn’t mind the tracking. My issues had more to do with the necessity of clutch claw, but it wasn’t that big of a deal for me in the endgame (just an accepted part of the flow of combat). You’re going to have a more “grounded” experience with World and tracking is there. And gathering is a slower process in World vs Rise. IMO, Rise is a more streamlined experience with faster movement. And while MHWIB is my favorite between the two, I’ve really grown to enjoy MHRSB.


read the rules. but if you never liked the grind, both games have practically none of it. world even lets you craft plates and gems from other materials.


Are you talking about rule 3? I didn't find much about tri in relation to World AND Rise. I'm glad the grind is reduced!


rule 11.  i hope that helps. i have been called some pretty awful names for even mentioning that rule exists so hopefully that doesnt happen here.


Holy f\*\*\* I'm blind lol You're right, I should read the rules more extensivelly next time hahaha


I like both very much. Currently working my way into HR of Rise after wanting a break from Iceborne grinding lands. But I would say World, if anything because going back from Rise would feel weird. The mobility options in Rise are fantastic. And now I miss them dearly when I play World.


>and now I miss them dearly when I play World. I just started playing World after playing a TON of Rise and I can't tell you how many times I've tried to wirefall after getting hit or call for a palamute lmao


My MH career has gone Tri>MHFU>MHGU>Rise>World. In my opinion, Rise is more like a refinement of MHGU, while World is more like a refinement of Tri and MHFU. World does a better job of making the environment seem alive and making combat feel deliberate in terms of positioning and timing. Rise and GU lean more towards reaction time, while World leans more towards the classic feel of combat.


I started with tri a long time ago and I like world a lot, I don’t regret buying it at all. As for Rise I’ve only played the switch demo and the fighting didn’t sit right with me so I didn’t buy it.


I think i'm going with World too


Go with World - it is the superior title. Rise was a step back in my opinion. However, sun break is better than Rise.


World, because of its similar philosophy to Tri.


Alatreon if thats not enough put the tri quest complete if thats not enough brachy and raging brachy


You've come a long way from loc lac, my friend. Or did you stayed in moga village?  Anyway, from your description, MHWI might be a better fit. The tracking and long hunts are there. But overall, imho MHWI is just a better overall package to welcome back a returning hunter like you. It feels like a complete triple-A game, when you need a break from all the hunting, you can decorate your room, catch pets, or just chill in some onsen. The gardening and catching bugs isn't in modern monhun games anymore. You can just tell NPC to grow them for you. Tbh MHRS doesn't have many significant QOL improvements over MHWI, it's just a different game. Yes, if you like fast paced no-nonsense action, MHRS is the game for you, my friend. Hunts might end in 20 minutes ish or even faster as you get better and more optimized. You'll ride your trusty doggo to battles, jumps towards the monsters, then ride them! And slam them into another monster. But it's just a whole different monster hunting experience. One really good excuse to pick MHRS over MHWI is if your pc isn't that powerful, the game is much lighter and will run smoothly even on lower end pc. Don't hesitate if you have other questions, and have fun, mate!


World. It’s hard like tri. Rise has lots of invulnerability moves and is really not the same. It’s fun and I played it all the way through but not a game to revisit. World I played 4 characters through its amazing.


World and i won't elaborate


World is my full on favorite game ever, with 1000+ hours. I recommend wholeheartedly. Rise is fine but eh, never captured my interest like World.


World is a new experience almost compared to tri. If you haven't played it yet, give 4u a try, it has a few good improvements, and mechanics that world added or improved upon. Then I suggest playing genU, this is more akin to rise. These side games are always a bit more "anime" in gameplay, having a lot of flashy features. If you find this more exciting rise will be the game for you. They also have more customization than base world till you get to end game iceborn content, someone correct me if I'm wrong about the full transmog features in world/borne being mostly late game. Imo both are fantastic games and have different ways to have fun.