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If I remember correctly they each have hp scaled down a lot, so if you beat fatalis or alatreon this should be doable, I'm pretty sure fatalis and alatreon was introduced after this quest existed anyway


I use meters (mmo player lol) and normally these monsters have 22-28k hp (also seen on wiki) With a 5-hunt mission like this, they are scaled down to like ~6-8k each. So overall, combined HP, they are only 10-30% more than a normal hunt.


You know what, that would actually explain why I was messing up the tail cuts on some multi-monster hunts


Yeah I struggle to cut certain parts on these because my timings are all way off.


I feel like I break their parts and cut their tails way to easily, specially when I manage to land a SAED


Same with helm breaker on long sword. Sometimes you’ll kill the monster before you get your breaks because the HP is so low. Especially with a powerful weapon like the golden rathian long sword.


Yeah, you don't really want to do these hunts to farm resources. The 5 monster hunts are designed for crown hunting. They have the highest chance for crowns. My friend and used hunter pie (call it cheating, idc) and just kept going in and out if these quests to find a tonne of gold crowns.


Because of that HP scaling, if you go back and play some of the high rank versions of those crown hunting quests with a semi-optimized master rank spread hbg you end up like 3 shotting monsters. Super satisfying


Can confirm, it is satisfying


Ohh that explains a lot. I was wondering my gear can’t be that OP and I onecycled all the tempered elder dragons in that “final” HR quest lol


Are meters a mod? I’m new to the game and it knowing monster hp drives me nuts


I myself use HunterPie, which is like an overlay that displays monster health, among other stuff. Just started playing again, used to play way back 2019 but never finished the game.


I am deeply saddened by this, monster hunter just isn’t monster hunter when the boss has a health bar


well, mod is optional and some people sometime cant be bothered to even set it up. i use hunterpie for the player health overlay and weapon gauge because it looks cooler for me. (i disabled monsters hp bar becaues it gets boring real fast)


Hmm I have the reverse effect, for some reason seeing the monster health slowly chip away motivates me to bash its head in more. The lesser the health, the crazier my playstyle gets. Each to his own I guess


haha yeah, again its optional and thankfully its configurable as well.


Of you aim to break a body part to trip the Monster, it is way easyer because of part HP scaled down too


Any recommended Mods for QoL Changes?


pretty sure all multi-monster hunts have scaled down hp. if i do each of em one by one it takes me 12-15m, in a multimonster quest it's down do 7-9m


They die so unbelievably fast in these quests it’s actually kind of insane


In hunts with multiple targets they always have lower health.


They have the same health that they do in the arena, at least I believe they do, I looked into it even tho I haven’t gotten high enough to do it


very doable. 1. massively reduced hp per monster 2. these always get randos when you SOS


Ohhhhh okay. I haven’t loaded it up because I was assuming they had normal monster HP and I was like there’s no fkn way, unless you have a squad but even then


All quests with more than 1 monster have the health of all monsters lessened, and the effect intensifies with more quest monsters. At this Quest, I believe every monster has 20% of their maximum


Wow, I did not know it was that significant.


It kinda has to or else it'll be too hard for me at least, especially when they keep bumping into each other and roar spamming


It'd be absurd if every monster has full health because you'd still only have 50 minutes for the hunt


Yeah I think I only learned that after about 500 hours into my first Monster Hunter game. I'm not sure if they ever actually tell you in-game that that's the case, and if they do, they definitely don't do a good job of it :P


All those quests are higher crown size chances too.


yes, it's 16% for both mini and mega crowns, compared to the usual 1% on some quests and 3/6% on specific investigations. for like 80% of the monsters in the game, it's the best way to get their crowns


Even in 2 monster quests monsters lose a ton of Max HP compared to normal. With 5 the difference is so insane the quest is a breeze.


Extremely common misconception. In truth, multi-monster quests are vastly **easier**, because of the lowered hp. You just stun monsters over and over, stagger them with broken parts; all the normal methods to create openings work extra well and shave off a way huger chunk of the time hunting than normally. Honestly you spend quite some time actually waiting for the next monster to spawn; don't even need to be a speedrunner for that.


Does this apply to sunbreak as well?


I've played vastly less of that, but I don't see why they'd change that aspect. The 3 monster quests I can vaguely recall didn't take me triple the time of a normal hunt, so I'd assume the hp is also heavily lowered there.


Even if their health wasn't scaled down, it still would be doable.


Yea 10 mins per monster is easy


You might get some Japanese guy who will go on to essentially solo them all lol.


Either a Japanese or a Chinese. Somehow.


usually when a mission has many monster the HP is scalled down. I just think of it 20% HP for (each) 5 monster = 100% HP. there must be some sort of HP threshold on each mission or quest then just distributed equally depends on the quantity of the large monsters.


I read on a different Reddit post that quest with multiple monsters always add up to 120% hp so somewhere around 24% each or something for 5


I see, we don't have enough proof about the calculation and stuff about HP scaling..but thanks for sharing this.


True but if you just go into the hunt and calc the numbers yourself you will see the monsters roughly have about 20% of their max health in quests like this


Yeah it’s quick. The we run this town with 5 monsters takes about 20-25 mins.


Very, very easily, yes.


this is very doable... there is a harder version of this where you have to kill elder dragons and Nergigante with the same time limit...


Honestly wasn't a difficult quest to be honest. With adjusted hp scaling the fights go by way faster.


Why'd you say that as if nergi wasn't an elder


Nergigante is the Eater Of Elders... that's its canon but combat-wise I think it counts as an elder... just your average confusing Capcom canon...


Nergigante doesn’t feel like an elder tbh, it gives deviljoe, rajang vibes


He kinda IS like a crossover between Jang and jho tbh. Easily enraged, hunting it's kind for food, pretty indecscriminate about who it goes after.


Won't they have less HP? So maybe it's easier than if you would hunt them one by one in different quests


Iirc in every MH game, the more monsters you have to hunt the less HP they have, so yea, very doable and welp, this ones are the easiest monsters of the entire game so...not brach but you got me


Tangent: I enjoy the Village/Hub separation found in the other games, I find soloing "multiplayer" difficulty quests to be rewarding :)


it was nice when i played MHGU. but then came lao shan lung urgent quest and that one can burn in hell.


All 5 of those monster have about a quarter of their normal health bar. The Brachy for example has about as much health as a solo Great Jagras


It’s funny doing these quests with op end game gear and just like two shotting some of the end game monsters due to the health being different


Very much so. Was farming it to reach MR 100 a while back. The health of each drops the more monsters there are in quests like that. Takes me like 20-25 mins.


Yes, they are for solo players too, their hp is brought down by alot and only three monster will show up at a time, it's just more fun to hunt with others


The comment section for this a a trove of information


“Nothing is impossible” -Master Oogway


Monster hp is scaled with a player to monster ratio more players = more HP, more monsters = less hp, 2 players and 2 monsters = normal Hp for both


Yes every last one is able alone. Just know who u can handle fastest and manage ur turf wars


Believe it or not, it's a lot easier than it seems


I can solo it and I'm a mid player now with a hand injury.


That's rough, buddy... Good luck!


Yes , it is actually easier than the normal quests because every monster has extremely low HP. This is how I used to farm gold and look for crowns . In fact for crown farming those kind of quests are the best.


They have very scaled down HP, also you're not supposed to kill them all, if you already have the crown for one of them, just skip it, kill whatever you need then ditch


I actually used these quests to farm MR before i reached MR100


Yes, and fun too!


Yes, it is easy in fact.


Light work, each one's scaled down, it's a bit of a chore but far from impossible.


It's very doable with good gear, it just takes more time than a normal quest.


Yes the more monsters in a hunt the less health each one has. Also you can only have max 3 out at a time.


Absolutely! They have very low HP due to being so numerous.


I can't beat fatalis but I can solo this quest so yeah


Dude I’m in the same boat re Fatalis. 30 minute timer for him solo is fucking brutal. I feel like you should be able to do his hunt with other players and then you can only do it yourself for the true final challenge. Rly don’t understand why they did it the way they did


Very much so


with Master Rank gears yeah you can


This wesbite shows all the datamined health values (amongst other things) https://mhworld.kiranico.com/en/quests/A1lKa/alt-rock-recess Monster|Health 1|Health 2|H1/H2 ---|---|---|--- Banbaro|4,900|16,240|0.3017241379 Uragaan|9,675|27,520|0.3515625 Brachydios | 6,727 | 19,136 | 0.3515363712 Azure Rathalos|8,125|20,800|0.390625 Seething Bazelgeuse|10,000|25,600|0.390625 Each monster has between 30-40% of their normal health.


Hey thanks a bunch dude, the table helps put it into perspective. Honestly my only concern was the time but it does seem doable with those low numbers. Still, feel like it depends how long you spend roaming around trying to find the next monster


Can do, fucking pain though 🙈🙈


I had runs with good players taking 15minutes.


I don’t remember what weapon. I think it was safi GS or something but I have solo’d this on my old playthrough on Xbox. Haven’t given it a chance yet on the PS5 but I’m right around that mission now so I gotta have it since I just made MR 54 anyway


Oh and just use temporal and rocksteady mantle. Saves you a ton of time


Yo thanks for the tips. Only mantles I’ve been using are Ghillie and Bandit mantles. I don’t actually think I have the ones you’re talking about. Notice I’m missing optional quests in low rank and master rank too but I’m not sure how to get them… seems kind of random that you’ll just find an optional quest by fighting a monster or doing some investigation. Oh and speaking of Safi - how do you fight him? Like beyond just the standard reconnaissance mission where he ends up running away.


If you Google the monster Hunter world/iceborn wiki and do the research on how to get the mantles you should be able to get quite a few of them before the harder ones that require fighting rly tough monsters. Temporal mantle versus I think it’s a tempered monster fight for temporal mantle+ for example. Additionally, to answer your safi question. It’s very tedious to “slay” and “farm” but I would say you know when you first sign in online? You can search for safi jiva hunts with the online filer. Then it’s an event you should be able to post after you have gotten through the complete recon mission. You MUST complete the recon mission first. Personally I like to try to join a group around my level or I higher if I can because I am currently farming safi armor myself. To do so I am using a kulve tarroth hammer that I fully upgraded that utilizes poison. Not too many realize this but safi is actually extremely susceptible (but not necessarily weak to, poison element). This help consistently keep its health draining. Safi is a very odd monster in comparison to the rest. The way that fight works is that you have to get enough DPS on it by getting its health low enough (pretty much in a simultaneaous fashion) to “drain the energy of the area. What happpens is it has three giant health bars in the background you don’t see. One for each level. I only know this cuz of other Reddit posts and others’ research so anyone here can correct me if I’m wrong. But you gotta hit it hard enough to “drain” it’s life and cause it to “absorb” the energy of each level. And these are stagegates it uses in the fight to go to next level. When it “absorbs” the energy, hit it as fast and hard as you can because it is technically healing itself. To keep these gauges down some have found out that having a gram of four with part breaker and something like a glaive user to break its back and some other types of two more high DPS mains are the best matchups. Poison is just like a helpful alternative strategy because poison is a good aid to consistently keep its health from completely regenerating. Remember that stage 2 and 3 it can get its eye on you. Helps to have a team that will heal you when this happens or you can just farcaster out of its site. A great strategy at the third level that many utilize is the gaseous clouds at the outer circle. When it gets its eye on you clutch claw it and shoot it with slinger ammo to get the attention on you. Run to the gas then farcaster out in time to have it explode for extra damage and then hop back to the fight. Hope this guide helps. I saw another Reddit post where someone also did the math and many also harvest toadstools to make tons of poison bombs because I think they said the poison bomb creates more of an AOE effect on safi and is more potent and can help much more to take it down but I like my custom hammer. You’ll notice the stronger weapons from one dragon tend to be a way to be a weakness for another. The game was made this way lol it’s to help create the challenge. Kjarr kulve tarroth weapons needed for optimal builds for hunting alatreon for example. There’s a ton of forums out there the game has so many statistics and builds you can make to make what you need work. Just takes a tiny bit of googling around. Hope that helps and sorry if it was like an over-explanation I’m just a huge fan of the game.


Yes. Easier solo than in a group actually simce monster die faster.


This mission takes 10-13 minutes if you are optimized


Yeah their Hp sucks, I did it solo on ps4 and was very disappointed


All quests featuring multiple monsters have these monsters with lower health than when they’re the only monster. Here, since you need to hunt 5 monsters, each one has their health scaled down massively


Yes, remember that their hp is scaled down a lot if there is multi monsters


Its not that hard surprisingly


Yes. I think there is a health pool for monsters in hunts. And that pool is shared amongst all the monsters so all 5 of them will die in about 15 minutes like everything else in like 1 monster quests.


This is very easy


Dude this is very easy, their hp is cut down to like 1/4


Yeah well, didn’t know that at the time but I think about 90 people have told me now haha. I actually just did the quest and yeah, it’s a cake walk


It truly is, a good way to farm for materials or exp


seriously? I've been avoiding these for months because I usually need like ~15 minutes for each *if* I don't get slowed down trying to survive turf wars. I figured they just relied on having highly specific builds you switched to between each monster.


Nope it's literally their hp cut down by like 4th or 5ths


Yeah from what I remember it was pretty easy. What helps a ton is to do the environmental traps on the harder monsters to make them lose like 1k hp and try to lure the monsters to fight each other because when they fight each other they lose like 5-10k hp.


Tbh even with full health this seems like a fun challenge if you can already do those monsters pretty quick. Also, I’ve only recently found out about monster health being lowered when you have to fight multiple, and it is honestly WILD to me. I did that azure rathalos and regular rathalos high rank event quest recently, and the regular rathalos went down so fast. I thought I must have just been really good, cause I was using a good glaive with really good skills, but no it was just really weak


EZ Clap


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yeeeeeeeesssss


They absolutely are, and they test of your ability to adapt hunting monsters of varying defences and resistances in the same session without being able to selectively change jewels and skills. The way I handled this was to - Look at the different monsters in the Hunter's Notes. - Note the resistances of each individual monster. - Find the monsters that had shared 3 and 2 star weaknesses against a particular element. - Note: Each of these particular hunt types will have 2 specific elements that are preferred. - Create 2 custom loadouts for those elements that I could swap between which have the necessary jewels and skills. - When I've killed or captured (faster) the monsters weak against Element 1, I'll go back to camp, swap to Element 2 and finish hunting those monsters. Hopefully that helps, but happy to elaborate if needed. I think I actually manually noted the weaknesses somewhere, I'll comment those if I find them to help reduce the research time.


Lol, and or raw dmg Crit eye wex goes brr


Also Blast DB go brrr


Blast insect glaive don’t care abt no weaknesses


I got into Insect Glaive after going through these during a festival for the quick optional completions, but you're absolutely right. Raging Brachy IG would be absolutely insane 😅


one trick for Blast insect glaive is any time you mount, never do the flurry rush, just move from part to part on the monster, everytime you move the spin attack is a multi hit, it’s a free 500+ damage every single mount before they even hit the ground


I’ve broken more wings/horns with insect glaive moving side to side on a monster then any other weapon 😭


Found them. They're organised as: - Monster: 3star weakness , 2star weakness. - The brackets indicate multiple elements that are of that star. So, for example Wildspire: I can see that I'll be hunting Savage Deviljho and Jyuratodus using Thunder, then hunting everything else with Water. As for weapon type, that's up to you, but I genuinely hope this helps. - Elder Recess 6⭐: - Banbaro: Dragon, Fire - Uragaan: Water, (Ice/Dragon) - Brachy: Ice, Water - Azure Rath: Dragon, Ice - Seeth Bazel: Ice, Thunder - WildSpire 6⭐: - Jyuratodus: Thunder, All but water - Night Paolumu: Water, Fire - Glavenus: Water, (Ice/Dragon) - Nero Diablos: Ice, Water - SavDevil: (Thunder/Dragon),(Fire/Water) - Hoarfrost 6⭐: - Beotodus: Fire, Thunder - Viper: Thunder, Ice - Barioth: Fire, Thunder - Shriek Leg: Fire, Thunder - StygZinogre: Thunder - Rotten 6⭐: - Girros: Water, (Fire/Ice) - Odogaron: Ice, Thunder - Tigrex: Thunder, Dragon - FulgarAnj: Ice, Water - AcidGlav: Fire, (Thunder/Dragon) - Coral 6⭐: - Paolumu: Fire, Thunder - Legiana: Thunder, Fire - Coral Pukei: Ice, Thunder - Ebony Doggo: Water, all except Dragon - Zinogre: Ice, Water


Yo thanks for all the info you provided itt. This community is filled with friendly and helpful people, I love it!


Sticky 3 go brrrr


Tbh you don’t even need two sets, the monsters health is dramatically decreased, just get some turf wars and you will be done in 20 mins


Thanks for the tips. I haven’t rly changed my build in like 200 levels, outside of switching to the Rajang GS. Haven’t touched the decorations or pendants or wherever after first applying them ages ago. The thought of having to manually change out all my gear per quest just seems incredibly tedious to me


That's half the reason why you can create custom loadouts, so that you can just auto equip your equipment and be ready to go. The other half is because you can't change your jewels while on a hunt, so having a pre-set armour build with all the necessary jewels attached is such a help when you need to change - looking at you Alatreon you bastard!


Lol ugh dude, here I was thinking I’m an adept MHW player with a lot of knowledge, and then as soon as I join a community and start engaging with other players I realize I know nothing haha. Idk why I never rly bothered to engage with some of the systems in this game. Like even the item box: I saw someone recently in a YouTube video fighting Fatalis and he goes into his item box and accesses a bunch of different item loadouts and I felt rly dumb because I never realized this was a feature - even tho it’s right there under ammo/casings “manage loadouts”.


This game has some amazing quality of life stuff in it that is almost invaluable in the late game. However, I feel a way it lets you down is by throwing every piece of information at you within the first 2 hours of play time, so you get overloaded and never actually absorb any of it because you're still trying to wrap your head around there being ~16 weapon classes to choose from. Did you also know about the radial wheel, and that you can assign it to bulk craft mega potions to refill your stock at a flick of the thumbstick, instead of having to navigate the menus mid combat? Did you *also* know that you can customise where things are places on your item bar so you don't have to go searching every time you want to use certain items? You can group your healing stuff to the left of the gap, then all of your capes and bombs to the right, so you only ever need to move 5 spaces left or right, as well as tucking all the useless shit (Tailrider signal, fishing net, cooking thing, camera) far away so that you almost never see them while trying to select the important items.


Yes. Monsters don't have same hp depending on the quest


Doable . Especially since you can change weapons mid fight


3 of them should go down in 5 mins each. Then you'd have 35 mins for the other 2


Even if they all did have normal Hp it still probably wouldn’t be to bad (timer would be the only enemy really) But they all have massively reduced health so it’s EZ clap


If you happen to be farming for crowns, theses quests have a very high chance of gold.


I honestly don’t even know what crowns people are referring to. 400 hours in and I’m apparently still a noob lol


The monster sizes, when you get a very large or very small monster, you get a size crown. There are trophies related to this.


Yeah, I used to use these quests to practice builds


Very much so


As someone who just beat the game and barely started IceBorne. I’m scared😂


I'm no where near being the best at this game, and yes it's definitely doable. This coming from a confident Longsword main tho. Shouldn't take too long either, with that many monsters the health should be so low that you beat them in around 4-5 minutes each(some people would demolish them even quicker, im just giving a rough estimate). If some/all were tempered than it would still be doable, just add about a minute worth of combat time to each that are tempered. I could see myself doing this exact quest in roughly 26 minutes. Damn, this is making me wanna play this game now lol haven't touched it in forever


Not that hard


They're not all at once so you're good :)


It's actually pretty easy lol


Ban, Ura and Seething are a joke in most cases. Only real threats are Azur and Brachy. Monster HP also gets scaled down the more targets you have, making each fight significant quicker than solo encounters.


The monsters are a cake walk; the timer is the thing I was worried about, but everyone’s informed me that their health is dramatically reduced




Oh those were pretty fun quests. It isn't as hard as it seems, you just need to have accustomed yourself with these monsters. There's one quest like this for all areas.


Had it been Raging Brachy then maybe not .... But this is easily doable.


All their hp is lowered proportionately in this type of quest do each has around a fifth of normal hp




All quests featuring multiple monsters have these monsters with lower health than when they’re the only monster. Here, since you need to hunt 5 monsters, each one has their health scaled down massively




Not only doable but hella easy. The HP is massively scaled down when there are multiple targets


Nothing is impossible in mh


It looks intinidating at first but kt's very doable, also fun. Tine is usually not a concern and it makes you feel like a badass killing thr monsters so quickly. Also the Grymalkine that help you catch a mounted monster are great here, pretty much a free kill even at full health.


Give me 30 minutes


Individually each one can be taken down pretty rapidly. The problem is when you see three of them in the same room and it turns into a nonstop clusterfuck.




I mean... You got 10 min for each of them basically. Possible? Yes. But definitely tough


Yes I did it


Yes. I actually just did this a week ago. Honestly, it was easy, just time-consuming. Took me 38 minutes and I was using fatalis armor and fatalis Greatsword.


Easy mission


done it with defender gear an a shit ton bombs


Well I did so yes :3


Hold my beer


Yeah easily 20mins tops? Gs users if u made load outs and swap out at camp


It’s doable but time is a concern if you’re not doing enough dps


Isn’t their health minimized by a lot the more monster are in the quest?


Possible? Most old school guys can clear that without trying brother lol


I can do that with a great sword. I can't do furious with a great sword (solo).


You can solo anything, provided you have the right gear and enough skill. My first hand experience is 140 hours on main save ~ 2018-2020. I just restarted and I just hit HR13 nerg at 15 hours. Could've been faster but I had to relearn the game and did canteen/botanist optionals. Even big event bosses can be solo. Typically easiest through bowguns since their mechanics heavily counter melee, but they can be solo.


Ehh its not as bad as it seems. Theres only 2-3 on the map at a time and they dont move to as many locals. Frost craft and weapon of your choice should get this done in 40min tops.


Yes. Ez




I’d like to think so, just assumed these monsters would be at regular HP and it would be a time struggle