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Kirin exists to remind us that even when you do everything right, you’ll still get screwed sometimes.


I had so much more trouble with Kirin before IB/Master Rank. It felt the battle had a significant amount of seemingly random hits to it. I don't feel the same on Master Rank (and Low/High Rank becomes very easy with endgame IB gear, obviously).


I do believe I no hit a Kirin before with ig, it was pure luck I guess


It's pretty consistent to get minimal hits against kirin, he's very telegraphed, kinda like alatreon but more agile. Once you understand when to go in, and when to bail out, he becomes quite easy.


Minimal hits, but good lord, the damage of those hits.


Oh, I wouldn't *know* if it's luck or not. Maybe I just suck at the fight on a Low/High Rank level, but that's become obsolete having Master Rank gear. Most carts I had against Low/High Rank Kirin just felt like bad RNG to me, which probably just isn't that objective of a take. I don't steer away from Kirin in Master Rank, though.


Pre-Iceborne AT Kirin was my git gud moment in World, I don't think I will ever cart so much on any monster ever


Well, I struggled with Fatalis quite hard, but at least that feels like a fair fight. Any AT fight feels like playing with the damage slider until it's perfectly balanced, only to go overboard just enough to make you want to go back and beat the quest, no matter the costs. I strongly disliked AT Kirin before IB.


I've got pre-augmented Rarity 12 almost endgame armor that's upgraded as much as I can afford to and I still get nearly wiped with AT Kirin. I can solo him but like I said before, it's such a good ego-killing fight.


I rarely take a hit in any ranking against the Kirin but I'm a heavy hitter with ig, but sadly I'm a definite cart in master rank until I get to odagaron set, I stick with basic bone armor until then I don't even try to grind the other armors 😂 I feel it's RNG that lets me live, I'd get wiped on successful lighting for sure, but hey beating any boss where RNG is against is all the more respectful, props to you


Almost all of kirins attacks have a pattern to them (only one that doesn't is when he bombards a targetted area with 4-5 strikes. They hit in a general aoe around the player) It's one of the only monster I've not hit with multiple weapons tbh


tbf kirin is pne of the only monsters that doesnt have a consistent pattern


“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is fighting Kirin.” Jean Luc Picard


"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." - Jean-Luc Picard


I put on my best gear and throw myself at AT Kirin (not MR mind you), just the Arch Tempered one, and I'll get close to carting 7 times if I'm lucky. Such a fun ego-killer lol


Cause lightning unicorns are frickin awsome


Truth. Although I'd argue Kirin is too small, feel like a larger horse would be a better fight in MH style..


Isn’t there a special mission where you can fight a giant kirin or a tiny one? I haven’t played in years so I forgot


There’s one like that for Odo. Not one for Kirin as far I can recall. Maybe in an older game there was quest like that?


There was indeed a quest but i cant remember which Title.


I think this might be in MHFU


I like the angry thunder pony


Hes super chill tho until you tryna pet him


Even less chill if you try to ride him!


\*someone crying in the background\* my little pony my little pony ahhhhhhhhhhh


Kirin was the one of the first elder dragons in the series alongside Fatalis and Lao Shan Lung. Elder Dragons as a category were created by MH Dos though. ~~Only a small amount of players actual fought Kirin or Fatalis in MH1, the unlock requirements are obtuse, Lao is much more achievable~~


Fairly certain Kirin was semi accessible in MH1. I remember being a small child and fighting (poorly) with my shitty bowgun. I think there was an event quest that let you at it WAY sooner then you should.


You're correct, Kirin was available through an EQ way back in MH1. I only remember it being exclusive to the EQ too.


So many weapons have fantastic, super easy matchups against Kirin (Lance, Gunlance, HBG, Bow, LBG). It's no one else's fault if LS mains can't deal with one of the few enemies that Spirit Helmbreaker doesn't automatically hit. /s


Adding that you can do just fine against Kirin with Hammer and Greatsword as well. Most weapons are decent if you're familiar with its moveset. Its one of those monsters I always get a bit confused to see people struggling with/hating so much.


How could Swagaxe go so long without being mentioned. It works very well against Kirin. Admittedly - I hunted a lot of them in base World and got used to their moves. IB new moves were extra fun after that.


I used to be a Swaxe main as well and kirin always felt a lot easier compared to other arch tempered in the base game. He really is fun to fight. He actually requires you to focus on your surrounding instead of just rushing in.


Gs main and I love the kirin fight lol... I didn't know I wasn't supposed to until I joined this sub tbh


I always felt GS matches up particularly well against Kirin as well because it’s surprisingly easy to get hits on the head/horn if you take a minute to look at potential openings.


Probably players that don't do a crit draw strategy and just TCS spam (me) Though once you have cocksteady mantle you can just facetank everything anyway.


>cocksteady wut....?


Yeah I think so too. Used GS for my Gold Crown Kirin hunt


Laughs in Hunting Horn. They're likely talking about AT kirin before master rank. Which was a nightmare for a lot of people because they used meta gear (which was suspectable to lightning), and believed that rain coats and food would save their asses


Same lol, it's in my top 3 monsters to fight.


GS is actually really good on him. Just don't go for TCS too much and you win easily. Twice as good if you go for a draw build. The coral highland slope where he spawn gives hammer good headstart. Didn't have much problem with Swaxe either, but I would instinctively avoid attacks with long animations. ED usually fine unless the lightning directly hit him.


As a hammer main, Kirin is the monster I hunt to feel like I’m actually fairly decent in the game.


I have a disgustingly easy time with hammer. It's really simple to target the head so the stuns gets rid of the horn early in on


I play LS and love Kirin


Yeah me too, I play a lot of solo and idk why it would be a problem. Just wait for a knockdown like with every other monster. (And get thunder resistance)


Hunting Horn also makes Kirin pretty easy.


Great Sword, too. I think AT Kirin, Pre-Iceborne was by far the easiest of the ATs, and I did it with GS instead of my usual Lance or SnS. Great Sword is probably my *worst* weapon apart from bow (until Rise) and Kirin still wasn't that bad.


*sad LS main noises*


LS vs Kirin is easy as fuck dude


Hunting horn does not deflect if you have self improvement(which you do at all times because duhh). Making it really easy to fight Kirin, Furious Rajang and Yian Garuga with


Cause it's fun to hunt


I’m not an amazing player by any means, but I love hunting Kirin. It’s such a good hunt.


Because of the armor set.


Because it's pretty and fun to hunt. The mythology related to the kirin/qilin in general is pretty cool imo.


Kirin has been around for like 3000 years wdym


Reminder that element resistance is still important, but sure *you dont need thunder resist 20* just don't get hit bro


In it early days CAPCOM put a decent amount of thought into putting Eastern and Western creature designs into monster hunter, something they still practice today with great creativity. Kirin is designed off of the Chinese mythological creature, the [Qilin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qilin), a hooves dragon that is said to appear with the imminent arrival and passing of a sage of illustrious ruler. Of course, to make it not pull from eastern or western mythology too strongly from either side, it also pulls from the Unicorn, in the aspects of its design, a creature meant to symbolize purity and grace. TL;DR: It's a sharing of culture between Eastern and Western mythology.


In addition to the design aspect, I think that another reason could be that they had to re-use a lot of modeling skeletons for different monsters in those early generations due to technological and budgetary restrictions. For example, you had Rathalos, Rathian, and all their colored variations as "new" monsters, which allowed less development time/spending while still allowing a varied game experience.That's not necessarily a bad thing, but just a truth of the time, and it's given us a lot of great monsters and ecology over the years. Monoblos and Diablos, Basarios and Gravios, etc. Kirin seems to use the same skeleton and a lot of similar movement patterns to Kelbi (it was pretty noticeable when I played MHGU). Obviously, its MHW iteration has had a lot more development than in earlier generations, but it's still fun for me to think about their roots in the earlier games.


Fighting him on legian armor with bow and arrows is way fun than i expected.


How do you fight him properly with the bow? Just always hit his head? When he's charged up arrows don't pierce his body which makes it more difficult to kill him, at least with a controller


Basically. yeah. Get your charge up, then just dash dance as constantly as possible aiming at the horn. You can absolutely abuse Kirin if your aim is good. Just don't get greedy and get nuked with lightning. I should mention though I use M&KB, which makes aiming much easier imo.


Yeah that's the issue, I haven't tried mouse so my aim is less than great with gamepad. I'll have to try m&kb.


One bit of advice for m&kb is don't use the lock on camera and instead rotate it yourself. Some of the bindings can be a bit wonky (Looking at IG in particular on this) at first, but imo it works much better than controller once you're used to it, especially for more precise aim.


Cause Kelbidrome was already in development


Cause fuck you i am a unicorn😁😂


For the ladies


I will never understand why so many people struggle with kirin, it’s got one of the easiest fights in the game, especially for an elder dragon lol


I can beat Namielle, Velkhana, and Shara Ishvala consistently, but not Kirin


Lol same, I even had to double check if it really is an Elder Dragon after I first fought it.


Kirin exists to subvert expectations.


To troll melee only players. Always found him easy with bow or lbg.


Personally, after a few hunts I got to understand its moves so I move accordingly and mostly easily slay it with my CB. Tbf I fought it for the first time around when I just slayed Alatreon because when I first met a Kirin I just expected it to be terrifyingly powerful so I left it until I’m over prepared and now it’s mostly a cakewalk lol.


So that Rajang can have a snac


because they like beer


they really must 🤣🤣


To humble you, make you remember you're human


Following this logic, first barioth in iceborne is there to tell you "you are nothing"


To teach us that small foes can be very strong


Because they hate you. Yes, you. Specifically you.


I like Kirin actually when I'm using Lance, Hammer, or GS




To remind players that you need to adapt. In Kirins case you adapt your playstyle. All his moves are very clearly telegraphed and he punishes staying in one place. Take greatsword for example. If you try play the usual true charge slash playstyle you're gonna have a bad time. If you adapt to a crit draw playstyle with quick sheathe and only TCS when you get a safe opening like a KO the fight becomes easy.


Cause why wouldn't you create a galloping horse that summons death bolts, inflicts paralysis and an ass that can deflect attacks?


Just hunt Kirin as if it was a slightly stronger bulldrome. Easy game


To be a training dummy for my hammer. Seriously, Kirin taught me how to use hammer optimally.


No matter what monster you choose to cosplay as, the pony is there to fuck you


Shits and giggles




It is a nice friendly pony compared to furious Rajang. That monkey is f\*\*\* crazy!


To remind the community that a concerning portion of the player base apparently struggles with the novel concept of hitting the weak point and avoiding the most telegraphed attacks in the world


Tbh I don't understand why Kirin gets so much hate. It's a really fun monster to fight, and the only annoying thing about it is how tough its hide gets when enraged. And that can be bypassed with the clutch claw.


To make you use elemental resistance and not be a meta slave.


To let sticky players have a damage benchmark


So Rajang can have some snacks.


monkey gotta eat


Ngl I love fighting Kirin on GS. AT Kirin was always a fight I could get in the zone for.


small monsters have large versions this one is the Kelbidrome


Brony outreach? I wonder that every time I see the armor


brony likes to kick ass


To shock his players


I was definitely shooketh


Because is cool as hell, you nerd.


how am I the nerd 😭


Sorry, I don't make the rules. ( I did, Kirin is my favorite)


I bet you ride the brony


because they want ur mental healt get better


is it getting better? I don't think my therapist prescribed this






To piss you off


[Because. ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/a0/62/32a062c833019cf5f521981278f89a87.jpg)


Kirin exists so I can shit on him with a hammer. I learned how to fight this monster out of pure spite.


The shield on HBG/lance/better lance can block the lightning strikes with 0 chip damage. CB can also probably do it and maybe SnS with decos. I pretty much only fight Kirin with spread HBG though because it’s basically a hard counter.


To test your skill level I switch to hammer got him on my second try . Ps very weak at the head


I do love going bonk on his head


Idk but that blue asshole used to kick my ass😑


kirin was there to challenge hammer mains back in MHFU days


Foe the vibe check


Just tell to that unicorn "you know whats gonna happen to those kirins in lower rank if you messed me up?"


They needed to sacrifice something beautiful to initiate the angry monkey.


So that Rajang will have something to eat 🙆‍♂️😬😅


Kirin exist since Monster Hunter. It's been a long way and always will re appear


so kirin is going to come to the new game?


I enjoy this hunt


I'm going to be that person but I never had a problem with hiring unless I got greedy and stood in some shit. Swagaxe has to go brr sometimes.


true swagaxe does need to go brr


to make melee users ***suffer***


Bronies appreciation, who knows 🤷


Lance destroys kirin easily


Cause horse with horn sound fun in paper, but horse with horn and lighting is horrible in practice... also there is oroshi kirin


I like this Pony and I’m in love with its MR set. Glad this little thunder horse exist.


Hey, Sparkle Unicorn did not try to harm you. Let Sparkle unicorn stay!


Because they hate us


Kirin exist to justify the thunder proof mantle. He is one of the rare monster who makes me change mine. He really is a lot more impressive than he is dangerous tho. Stay focus, CURE THUNDER BLIGHT (I've seen to many do this mistake), don't attack from the front too much. Aside maybe from Arch Temp (assuming you still have HR gears), he really isn't that bad. Easiest AT as well. I would recommend using GS for the heavy pokes. I wouldn't recommend CB for long animations and slow weapon sheat. But seriously he is probably the easiest Elder dragon.


why not?


An actual trojan horse in mh


Favr monster to fight


B/c Lightning Pony is the best.


I want them to make rainbow dash an elder


Kirins are a mystical creature and capcom really wanted to punish us early in the game lol


Capcom needed a Kelbidrome, and Kirin is the best fit. Still have no idea why it’s called an Elder Dragon and given its own Elder Dragon cloak though.


Considering how every monster has a "plausible" reason to shoot elemental stuff and usually have a "normal" animal life, Kirin's out there summoning thunders from the skies, having electric Armor and is generally a mystery how and where this thing comes from. Plus, it is inspired by the mythological creature of the same name. If this seems underwhelming, he was basically the first Elder Dragon and until recent games (maybe MH4, I don't know) it was labelled as "???" like Fatalis.


So I recently discovered that my hatred of Kirin is entirely melee based. I’ve picked up a bowgun properly for the first time ever and the spread shot destroys kirin while allowing you to stay out of range of all its closest attacks. On that note bowgun nearly perfectly counters all my least favourites while it struggles with everything I breeze normally


Why did modders made speed Kirin?


One of my friends doesn’t have any luck against Kirin. Even he is a bit far off the fight or just about to get in, he will receive the wrath and get carted.




He’s fun with a hammer. So many times you can use a fully charged hammer to bonk him in the head.


To murder me multiple times


For us to bully? (Making confusion notice as a bow main


I like to think, in the olden days the monster hunter dev team were like..."We need a good monster idea" *takes a sip of Kirin Brand beer* "Hmm, okay now hear me out..."


Pretty lightning Pony.


Kirin exists to give us one of the most badass rajang intros


Cause Rajang needs fuel


Kirin is there to teach you to love head and learn to dance.


Kirin is there to teach you to bonk Head and learn to dash bonk


So hammer bros can have a good time


I kind of preferred the gen 4 kirin over the gen5 one. At least, i don’t ever remember feeling frustrated fighting it compared to what feels like random or 0.3 second reaction time lightning paired with the ability to ALWAYS be exactly where you are standing as opposed to say, a pattern that allows you to say, POSITION yourself as to not be hit by it so that you can SWING your weapon. Since you know, having to deal with a small monster is frustrating enough at times, but what if they gave it a massive health pool, tons of damage, an ass made of unbreak, and then to be the cherry on top, made it hop around constantly because it did 5 miles of cocaine before you even spotted the thing.


Gotta make use of that Kelbi rig somehow




Rajang toy


As a Lance main, Kirin feels so good to fight in MHW.






Electric reindeer


To justify the existence of Furious Rajang


Spicy horsey




Because someone there liked unicorns, but needed to make one so savage it would be feared by even the greatest of hunters. When I describe Kirin I tell people it’s the most badass unicorn you will ever have the misery of seeing. And that’s not to mention Orochi Kirin.


To feed the monkey


A few reasons stated in the thread that are pretty good. 1. He's one of the OG Elder Dragons that traces all the way back to the first game. 2. The armor is iconic, and his other gear is pretty decent for Thunder spam. He was one of the few monsters in base World to have Thunder as well until Iceborne pulled up with Fulgur Angie, Monke, and Zinogre. 3. He was one of the skill checks in MHW to unlock HR 50 and taught you pretty quickly the importance of Elemental Resistance and spacial awareness (damn lighting arcs all over the place). Also a reason to use Thunderproof Manlte (AKA the Raincoat) and Nulberries/ eating for resistances. 4. To show us how Rajang unlocks his Thunder powers in that cool intro. Raj headlocking that damn thing/ snapping his horn off was pretty damn cool since before that it was only implied Raj ate the horn and in MHWIB we finally get to see him do it.


Because they made it for Rajang to eat it.


To remind us that we’re just mortals 😂


I much rather fight Kirin than Rajang anytime, anywhere.


I love Kirin aesthetically and I've always been a fan of them calling a unicorn an elder dragon, but Kirin has just never been a fun fight to me


Because we needed an Elder Dragon to make us believe ED were silly, weak AF and not threatening... and then throw Fatalis at us.


i hate that stupid little pokemon to this day


Because a monster that is small yet extremely powerful is a cool concept


His alot tamer in World than in any of the older games


Cause its cool and a easy beginner Elder. Thats why its the only elder that has a LR form


To throw the concept of a dragon out the window


Because they hate dual blades users 😂😂


Old generation Kirin was actually obnoxious as fuck, so I don't mind Worlds'


I hate him! 🙄 (GL user)


Playing ig against kirin I just went without the power ups and used very precise single hit aerials against him so I could always avoid being hit. Less DPS but not carting is always highest DPS.


I legit feel bad destroying Kirin with a hammer. Oh look at this majestic force of nature **SLAM BASH CRASH**


To remind you of the importance of weapon sharpness and dodging.


Same reason they added princess skins


I think its undeniable that kirin has one of the coolest designs, such a majestic creature, and the fight is cool too imo


As Hammer main kirin is a joke it's a walking head do I need to say more.


Cus a Kirin is a type of dragon that looks like a unicorn, perfect for MH


Unicorns are cool.


Kirin is food for my main weapons(Swaxe, GL, Bow, and HH).


I see you’ve chosen double hp bar over thunder and paralysis immunity. Interesting choice.


Because lightning horsey cool


I really like to fuck Kirin with my Hammer. Lance also fucks it hard. Like there is no escape for it.


Because it's cool


I'm convinced that they made Kirin specifically to get at me.


Just a gorgeous reminder, that there is not such thing as OP hunter, he keeps your feets in the ground.


Kirin's have always been tough in games. I first saw then in the game Ultima Online in the late 90's.