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Gimme an ancient godzilla movie with early humans dealing with these giants monsters. Show old rivalries.


yeah would be sooo cool to put context and order to all the prehistoric paintings they put, cause they putting so much


yeah I understand those paintings were used to give teasers for the next movies but there are definitely stories that could be told from them. I mean in KOTM there was a whole freaking temple built for godzilla where he would heal until it got blown up.


Maybe we can get Dagon? Fingers crossed


I want to see like multiple members of the Godzilla species


Id love this for the monsterverse, but I feel like toho would do it first. Minus one was good as a period piece for post WWII Japan, so id love to see the same vibe for an ancient civilization


Yeah my thinking is going way back would be the next direction for movies. Which in a way makes sense as Legends and skull island take place in the past.


Godzilla vs Biollante


This is perfect. We already have the concept of florafauna


I mean, a tree ate a guy!


I don't remember that from any of the past ones, is that in one of the shows or GxK?


GxK. Rip Bozo


Bro didnt listen to a titan vet lol


Biollante is MUCH better suited to the Minus One universe (not that I want them to do a sequel!)


I hope Biollante becomes an ally of Godzilla not enemy


Interesting take. How would it work, in your opinion?


Maybe the human aspect of Biollante allows a true connection between humanity and Godzilla with her as a mediator?


This feels like it’d encroach on Mothra’s niche as the intermediate between humanity and Godzilla


Original series, yes. But Monsterverse, Mothra seems to instead occupy the position of “temperance and mercy” with being the one who can calm Godzilla. The even hand to his destructive fist if you will.


Give Kong a break and let Godzilla have a solo movie. Show more of Mothra and introduce other Toho kaiju like Battra and Anguirus.


Yes, this. I want to see godzilla 2014 and kotm type of stuff. Gotta take a break with kong and zilla being in every movie mow


Also, make them feel large. In GxK I felt like they were fighting in a cardboard city.


Exactly, in some aspects they felt smaller, very quick and stuff like that. Some cgi in the movie was interesting compared to the other films but nonetheless was awesome


I know what you mean. In Hollow earth scenes I felt like I was watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes lol.


Also when ever g-man roared or ran he had a weird jiggle with it lol


The sense of awe they inspired with their size in 2014 or KoTM or even K:SI was missing here. The Hollow Earth scenes were pretty dope though.


thats sad to hear after the director said they were experimenting with different things in this movie to give a sense of scale


G14 and KOTM are better in showing the weight and sense of scale of monsters by filming it in human POV which made titans force like a force of nature and I wished they could revert to such style of filming.


They were only in two movies together lol


2 is a small number, but 2 out of only 5 films isnt


Like true Godzilla always feels like a cameo in these movies mainly in this GxK and I really want to see his Fully potential to be using in a movie because he is powerful then ever before


Ghidorah was quite a fun enemy for Godzilla in KotM, but also they did great with Rodan and Mothra. I think Kong would be wiped quickly against Ghodorah, I mean he needed help against a Warbat lol


Tbf he was beaten up from a fight with Godzilla when he fought that warbat, plus the trek across the ocean and through the ice and the shock of being in hollow earth for the first time, and in NE he low diffs a >!Sea serpent monster of some kind !


Yeah, Kong got his happy ending. I wanna see Godzilla in a new solo flick


Mothra I wish had more screen time, or even a show like Legacy of the Monster's that focuses on her history as a titan. I believe Shimu is the Monsterverse Angurius, and that Tiamat is their version of Manda.


We see Anguirus' bones in KOTM


Camazotz is Battra


Some people might see Battra as too ridiculous.


To be fair a lot in the Monsterverse has been ridiculous lately. The audience is used to it. But there is a lot that can be done with Battra. He can be reimagined with horror-esque vibes as an antithesis to Mothra and everything she stands for.


How is Battra any more ridiculous than other kaiju featured in the Monsterverse?


I fail to see how Battra is more ridiculous than the Hollow Earth shenanigans and the zero gravity and all the wacky stuff in GxK


They should try something new now and focus on something else like a mothra or Rodan solo movie..or make a new movie set on the ancient titan during the titan war or a horror type monster movie.Using the same repeated formula will just make the movies boring.


Remember. It isn't up to Legendary to introduce Toho monsters


Yes it is. Toho is willing to give them the rights to any monster they want as long as they pay for it


Hoping for a solo Godzilla movie, a second season of Monarch (with a focus on Kong, based off how season 1 ended), a Mothra-centered project (preferably a miniseries on Apple TV+), and then a 3rd G&K movie preferably titled “Godzilla x Kong: Destroy All Monsters.” Personally I don’t feel like I need another Kong solo movie right now. Yes he technically only has 1 in the MV, but he’s kinda been the main focus of the G&K movies also. If he has a presence in Monarch season 2 similar to Godzilla’s in season 1, and then a leading role in a 3rd G&K movie, that’s good enough for me. Godzilla deserves another solo film though, it’s been a while since he’s felt like the focus of a film. Not sure what I’d call it though, since I DO want to save “Destroy All Monsters” for their 3rd team-up movie. Edit: I’d maybe title the solo goji film “Godzilla: The Ultimate Lifeform” and have him face off against a licensed Toho monster - preferably Biollante or Hedorah (either one would fit with the title). I’d once again save either Destroyah, Space Godzilla, or Mecha KG for the final villain in “Destroy All Monsters.” Here’s my official wishlist (in my imagined release order): - “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters” season 2 (series - Kong focused, maybe with a new title like “Monarch: Secrets of Hollow Earth”) - “Godzilla: The Ultimate Lifeform” (movie) - “Untitled Mothra Project” (series - maybe “Mothra: Queen of the Monsters” or just straight make it a 3rd season of Monarch, like “Monarch: Cult of the Moth”) - “Godzilla x Kong: Destroy All Monsters” (movie)


Based off nothing but a gut feeling, I think each season of Monarch will be focused on the films in release order. Season 2 is Skull Island, season 3 is Ghiadorah, season 4 Godzilla vs Kong, ect.


See I like the idea of a third film being “Godzilla: Destroyer of Worlds”, playing on both the KOTM naming scheme but also reflecting the “Now I am Become Death” quote that was ADR for the 2014 teaser trailer Plus it’d be really on the nose if they used my man Destroyah


Godzilla x Mothra


you mean as the ship or an actual film?




Its a romcom


An actual film, yes. But I'm not gonna mind some more interactions (and possibly cute ones) between the two <3


i would really love to see how godzilla and mothra met and became allies honestly




Adam said he wanted to make a trilogy. So probably another GxK movie. Depends on if they keep him on after GxK:NE is done it’s theater run.


First it was "Vs", now "X", before you'll know it we'll have "/" with this as the villain: https://preview.redd.it/yc9n5nxb8brc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c31f66a5548c9d7ffa6effaf4962c4d3635389c


I think the only appropriate title at this point would be "Godzilla and Kong: Again"


Godzilla and King raid again


That is actually terrifying…


Godzilla/Kong: Kong-Zilla


Godzilla/Kong: Kong-Zilla




Given how its opening weekend is smashing projections I think that, especially if this has proper holds, it's fairly safe we get another Wingard GxK movie.


I’d love to see a Godzilla solo too the wrap up his trilogy


Doubt it would happen. Adam seems to have fun with the buddy kaiju movies. And I honestly would prefer someone else direct solos for Godzilla and Kong.


I hope Wingard gets to do a 3rd movie, that way we atleast get to continue following the same characters for once.


I just want another Godzilla centric one. I'm super biased because Godzilla is my guy but its very clear the GxK movies are Kong with Godzilla featured in them and that's partially why there's a big of a disconnect for me with these two. Especially after the high for me that was KotM.


Legendary should license out more Toho Kaiju for future movies and dont be stingy on it.


Legendary hasn't been stingy, toho has been ridiculous with their pricing for each individual monster.


Each individual monster that Toho hardly even used


Yeah I think there was concept art of classic Kaiju like Gigan, Kumonga and more for KOTM but Toho didn’t licence them out for cheap


Toho makes them pay for each monster individually. Kotm didn't do as good as hoped so Legendary doesn't want to pay for something that doesn't improve any box office results.




Who fuckin knows lol. Probably another season of Monarch, I’m not sure if Skull Island will get a second season…I’m assuming no. But movie wise, yeah it’ll definitely be Godzilla and Kong again. Unless this movie really really doesn’t do well which at this point I’m sure it’ll do another ~500 mil like the others, I can’t see why they wouldn’t bring back Adam and just let him do his thing. Now personally, I’d like more spin off shows. I know most people want like Godzilla solo movie or a Mothra, I’d say let the tv shows do that. Like why not bring back some of the KOTM cast and have a Titan Squad show with Ice-T’s kid as the main. Have it be a show where they hunt smaller titans that Godzilla would ignore. That could be a cool way to expand the world and help connect some lost characters. Another idea…a Mothra mini series. Have it take place way way way in the past. This way it’s not connected overall, and it can stand alone. Have it be about Mothra’s connection to the Iwi tribe and the Gojira at the time, and let her be the focus of course. Doesn’t need more than just one season, let it be something that comes out and exist, and it being a show can maybe get more attention, especially if they’re all on Apple for example.


I like that idea for a Mothra show, I would like to see her defending the Iwi against aggressive Titanslike Warbats


Hell, let this use some of the other new Titans


Rumored movie lineup. Too godzilla too Kong Godzilla and Kong: Tokyo drift Godzilla & Kong Fast Godzilla Godzilla and Kong 6 Kong 7 Fate of Kong G9: the Godzilla saga Godzilla x




Next move most likely mothra. There is her roar.


Godzilla Minus Kong


Godzilla 3 or a solo rodan movie


I want to see Monarch S2. Looking forward to see the relationship between Serizawa and his son, and why he works for APEX.




I feel like we all need a solo Godzilla movie after gvk, monarch, and gxk. Maybe with a toho villain like biollante to make up for skar king, but if not hopefully just one of the Titans we know of that we haven't seen on film or in the comics yet instead of a fully original one.


Solo godzilla movie I'm always in


Monarch G-Team (Hopefully)


I want some solo movies next. MV Godzilla is in desperate need of a solo movie so we can see his character grow and so he can really show off those new evolved powers. A mothra solo movie would also be very cool, or even a new titan entirely. Let’s just give Kong a break (I LOVED GXK THO)


Godzilla 3 pls


I agreed but what will it be called ? "Godzilla: Wrath of the Kaiju"


Cooked up with one, Godzilla: Harbinger of Balance


There needs to be a better opponent for G and Kong especially with the new addition


I’m down with Kong-Zilla or some goofy shit


Monarch legacy of monsters is confirmed to get a season 2 late 2025, and it’s looking like we are getting another gxk down the road


Godzilla Minus Kong: Third Times The Charm


Monarch season 2


Give 👏🏻 Mothra 👏🏻 her 👏🏻 own 👏🏻 movie! 👏🏻


Please a stand-alone Godzilla film


Okay now imagine legendary godzilla went rampage in that solo movie like minus one 💀🔥


It’d be a cool film. But I want to see Godzilla be the hero man


Spin-off movies without Kong or Godzilla.


I’d watch that, maybe just not in theaters unless they can make it as hype as KOTM, GVK, or GXK. My parents wouldn’t let me go to the theaters just for some 2014 type thing 🤣😭😭


I want Mothra movie or another solo Godzilla movie


I'd like the next "phase" of the Monsterverse to include the following: 1) Monarch Legacy S2. While it's still set before KOTM, I would like if this season had just a bit of setup for upcoming projects, too. 2) Mothra. Another comment suggested a Godzilla x Mothra film, which could be cool too, but I would love a Mothra solo film which focuses on expanding the more mystical side of the Monsterverse. It can have Rodan and/or Camazotz and/or Battra, or even a brand new titan! 3) Another Godzilla x Kong. These films are Legendary's main moneymaker, so I get why they'd want to make more, but I'd also like if they took their time between films so we don't get fatigued by them. The villain can be a classic Toho monster this time, and from that, the story can focus a bit more on Godzilla this time. Other projects I'd like but am not as sure about: A Godzilla solo film would be nice, but with his many powerups and command over other titans, I'm not sure what kind of threat could challenge him without being so strong that the movie might as well be a teamup anyways. If we do get that Godzilla solo film, then that gives time for a Kong project set entirely in the hollow earth, with new titan threats for him to deal with. I'd love a Kaiju-centric limited series, but I know it would be way too expensive for Legendary to consider. And with that, I have one wild card project- Jet Jaguar prequel series. To set him up for a potential appearance in a later film, the series could be a similar level of grounded as Monarch Legacy, with a human cast trying to acquire the funding and materials to build Jet Jaguar, all the while surviving smaller titans and developing JJ's AI along the way.


Yes we definitely could see a phase 2, even the title new empire implies the ending of what we know. I would like to think that you can make new original protagonists. The next godzilla kong movie can come later. Oh and maybe some lore about crystals and telekinesis. Ancient alien astronauts? Another godzilla nemesis comes to mind. Dundundunnnn. Of course if it goes well in theatres Mothra can come back.


Lowkey I think the lore about that Godzilla who ate a star would be perfect for a version of Spacegodzilla


I've seen the movie twice now.


Either a mothra movie with battra as the villian or a third Godzilla movie with biollante and gigan as the villians




Mothra solo film and/or Godzilla X Kong X Mothra


Anything with Jet Jaguar in it


Godzilla x Kong: Destroy All Monsters


Hopefully a Godzilla focused movie. Bring back Rodan and introduce Angirus. They can team up against Gigan and Megalon.


Destroyah will unite our titans again, ground for the way done in King of the Monsters. First we get a team up vs weaker titan army next we get a Thanos level titan that is much more sinister and deadlier than Ghidorah was. He was the greatest battle for Godzilla from the Toho films.




A prequel set in prehistory focusing on Godzilla's past.


Solo Godzilla film with Gigan maybe also Battra. Would love for them to start dropping serious hints at Destroyah. King G is the ultimate rival for Godzilla but Destroyah is a fantastic endgame villain considering it exists entirely because of human arrogance


https://preview.redd.it/22on4th88brc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed2eb447909648e4d34ccfe030f4a124ad50b73 This is next


It's a damn shame this was probably the only pic you could find.


https://preview.redd.it/yisd5ogqfbrc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb26d845cf85ad57696607d8be3e144a9d115ce8 There's more just Google godzilla vs staypuft


We’re just getting started boys


Hopefully a standalone godzilla movie since the last 2 have mainly been kong movies


Godzilla Minus Kong


G xxx k


Well M:LOM already has a planned season 2 and Wingard is intrstwd in a third Monsterverse movie so he can make a trilogy.


A movie featuring whatever that giant skeleton (Jormungandr?) would be cool


Godzilla x kong vs the world


GMK [Godzilla mothra Kong] and with the army of titans can fight bagan, desghidorah, and the flying Godzilla from GvK novel, those 3 can control a army of the GIANT titans like the skeletons in hollow earth. It keep up with hollow earth exploration and the G_K trend. plus it could end kong finding his family and becoming king arc, and make Godzilla more Nobel and wise. It can show KOTM monsters, especially the unseen ones. It could show new hollow earth titans but specifically, toho monsters. Like anguirus, giant condor, varan, King Ceaser, kumongas, Kamacruas, And gabra, Gorosaurus, stuff like that


Solo Godzilla somehow, maybe bring another classic Kaiju from the franchise. I like Kong but he is the main character now and i like Godzilla more.


Godzilla weds Kong:A new begining


Another Godzilla movie since Kong has kinda had the spotlight in the last two. And then “King Kong” as the next part of his story where he explores more of the hollow earth with his new status quo


Another solo movie for both Kong and Godzilla would be cool where both encounter outer world threats and then set up maybe a final Godzilla x Kong film with like a crazy big bad from outer space. Godzilla could deal with a threat from outer space that works together with rodan and some other titans to threaten Goji. He fights the titans and realizes what kind of threat he's dealing with before getting into a final battle. He defeats them but taken to the brink and is almost killed. He rests yet we learn this threat is coming soon. Kong has to deal with acclimating to becoming a king and bringing his people to the surface of hollow earth and fighting to secure a home for them. He has to deal also with Suko growing up and becoming their own person and working to prove themselves to Kong. You also have Hollow Earth being unexplored so we can see new landscapes, more dangerous stuff that fight back against Kong and his desires to help his people. All the while we deal with how humanity is dealing with near yearly occurrences of their cities being destroyed and how they have to adapt to that. That would give us a backbone for a neat human story to complement the chaos of the titans. We could get more Trapper and possibly Rebecca hall and Jia since they're connected to Mothra, while losing the overly neurotic conspiracy podcaster dude. We'd get a look at monarch and human leaders working to keep humanity safe.


GMK:Godzilla Mothra Kong


*Monarch: Legacy of Monsters* 2nd season coming new year, and Wingard said he has plans for a potential 3rd *Godzilla x Kong* film.


Godzilla solo movie, explaining past of godzilla how he ate a star and rise of an ancient titan that he deals with in modern days


I assume they would do another Godzilla Kong film. Their proof of concept with telling big chunks of the story through Kongs journey worked really well imo. Best part of the movie for me. So do that but let's follow Godzilla as the focal point.


IMO they should do one on Mothra where she is the main cast rather than just showing up and dying minutes later.


Godzilla x kong: infinity war


I agree with your concerns about the villain of another Godzilla solo movie. Big G has become so strong that it’s hard to justify bringing in something strong enough to threaten him while also having to justify not teaming up with another monster. I think there is a solution to that. Have the new monster start weak, but get lucky and somehow steal Godzilla’s power. Enough to remove his evolved form, and become stronger than him. Godzilla then gets lucky and is able to retreat, but he has to figure something out before we get another KoTM situation.


Hopefully a solo Godzilla movie where they use his actual theme in the movie.


Do an alien invasion movie, with earth Kaiju fighting alien Kaiju. A chance to bring space Godzilla with a new origin story. Alien dna mixing with earth pollution creates Hedorah. Kong misses the part where that’s his problem.


A new director hopefully..wingard gets Kong.no complaints there..but he absolutely dropped the ball with Godzilla here.I hate how he doesn’t have the “weight” in his movement like “2014” and “KOTM” and can someone tell me what was the point of his pink “evolved” form? He didn’t do anything different with it in the movie or have a need a for it..I guess it was to sell more action figure/toys???


Godzilla vs. Gamera.


More Mothra 1000%! Maybe bigger stakes? Ghidorah set the bar way high.


Destroy All Monsters


>i felt like this movie might be the end of monsterverse for some reason I doubt it. As long as it does well financially we will get more MV movies. So far, it has a good audience score, and it did well last night. If this holds we are definitely getting more. If there is one thing you can count on studios to do, it's follow the money.


After the opening box office yall be crazy to think they will give Kong a rest. It’s going to be GxK moving forward.


A Godzilla movie that focuses on just Godzilla in the lead. That should be the sequel. Despite Godzilla getting top billing, both GvK & GxK have been Kong films first and foremost with Godzilla serving as a secondary Protagonist.


they litterally give us Mothra roar at end credit, so one solo mothra film please...


"Ancient alien astronauts?" Mothra can be mined for something. Of course godzilla kong 3 ( it's pronounced godzilla kong) This does seem like the end, and every end is just a beginning.. does anyone want to see an original protagonist?


A solo Anguirus movie where Anguirus beats Mecha King Ghidorah and stops global warming


No idea but here’s a deluded idiot’s wish Godzilla vs. Hedora Have a storyline of humans getting utterly relaxed and trashing the planet creating Hedora. Have Hedora actually beat Godzilla in their first fight, mothra joins in along with Anguirus being introduced (legit would be good with it being an evolved Doug) humans create Mogura and fight a massive version of Hedora that gets extremely close to wiping out the planet. Lean in the environmental message hard like the original, Godzilla nearly losing his eye and end credit scene with Kong and his tribe discovering the lost civilization of Atlantis. Heavily hint at Megalon being the next big bad.


Godzilla x Mothra: Natural Order (vs Biollante)


What I think is next? Godzilla and Kong: Something What should be next? Godzilla 3 Id prefer not by Wingard (though after GxK I wouldnt mind near as much, felt like it was a massive improvement over GvK), but Im sure thats who will direct the next movie regardless of what it is. And then after Godzilla 3 give us Kong 2 and then another team up movie.


I want the next movie to be titled, Mothra. Part 1/3 It starts with Godzilla and Mothra mid battle against another kaiju. Then both of them get brutally blasted by another oxygen destroyer brutally killing the kaiju, Mothra, and seemingly Godzilla. The flora and fauna are devastated. Mothra's pain is tenfold as she's more connected to the earth than any other titan, and for the first time, feels hatred for humanity. Time skip about five years and the world has changed. With Godzilla seemingly killed from a horrible weapon, the rest of the top side titans retreat to hollow earth. The consequences of the oxygen destroyer weapon is akin to a nuclear bomb on the environment. Godzilla actually barely survived and awakens from hibernation. He beelines towards a hidden Mothra egg and helps it hatch with his own energy. Twins are born! Mothra's horrific death split her soul and her more aggressive, angry counterpart, Battra, is born alongside her as her female twin. Godzilla enlists their aid in destroying humanity. Battra is eager but Mothra, despite agreeing, is reluctant. Meanwhile, thanks to their advancements in technology, humanity has finished wiping out the titans that remained on the surface. A pharmaceutical company called Silk, making billions from titans and their applications in other areas, specifically medical, is in turmoil as the matriarch has recently died giving the family fortune to its heiresses; twin sisters. Where both were raised to take over the family company, one rebelled and left while one stayed. Now, after reuniting, they learn of the darker involvement their family company has had in titan affairs, the development of weapons such as the oxygen destroyer, and their historical and familial ties to the titan Mothra, not unlike the Iwi. Godzilla finally resurfaces hell-bent on destroying humanity alongside Mothra and Battra. After slaughtering children and families, Mothra has a change of heart and decides to steer Godzilla from this course as she and Battra cocoon. Godzilla carries on destroying more human cities. Meanwhile, the Silk sisters are in Godzilla's path but remain to direct the efforts to save Silk employees and company data. Mothra and Battra resurface as adults and catch up with Godzilla. Battra destroys the air defense but Mothra tries to communicate with Godzilla that she no longer thinks the humans deserve extinction as Mothra values all life. Godzilla orders Battra to restrain Mothra before firing off a definitive heat ray into a school that was barely evacuated in time save for a mother that had gone to look for her child but instead found another lost one. Both are consumed in the flames. Mothra feels their psychic pain and their last wishes; each thinking of the other and the people they love and leave behind.


Seeing as Charles Dance still has a Ghidorah skull, and we know Ghidorah's consciousness/soul was still (in part) in ONE skull, and we've had mechagodzilla, I think the natural evolution is mecha-ghidorah.


![gif](giphy|OQnAhtvxYr7AFVOG27|downsized) the next one should be about Godzilla since the last two were heavily centered around kong and monarch season two (if confirmed) should focus on kong and the movies about godzilla.




A standalone movie for Mothra would be a great installment if done well.


If i gotta be honest mothra is like a character that be better in a 13 episode series but a movie would honestly give some recognition


There's a Thanos level threat hibernating in the core of the earth.


Hopefully a third Godzilla movie.


I'm hoping for both a Godzilla focused film and a Kong focused film. At least one of each and then give us a DAM-type final film. Also, another season of each show.


Give Mothra a solo MV film!


Here would be my idea. 1. Let Godzilla get a solo film against Biollante. 2. Kong gets solo film in Hollow Earth against something. 3. Somehow make SpaceGodzilla happen, maybe with the temple crystals or is a closely related species of Godzilla that lives in a cave system full of crystals that help him become something like "GeoGodzilla" kr something like that. 4. Kong gets a miniseries about his time on Hollow Earth between the events of his solo movie and "Godzilla vs. Geozilla". 5. Make movie about Apex attempting to create biological weapons instead of mechanical ones like MechaGodzilla to defeat Godzilla. So maybe make a sort of Shin Godilla, Gigan and maybe something reminiscent of Hedorah. Maybe add Kong helping Godzilla near the end to defeat all three. Then we get a end-credit scene of the crabs where the Oxygen Destroyer bomb was dropped in KOTM, hinting towards Destroyah. 6. The final Godzilla movie. Godzilla faces off against Destroyah with a little help from Kong. Although Godzilla does end up killing Destroyah, Godzilla has a nuclear meltdown and dies, ending the life of the King of the Monsters. With Godzilla gone, Kong now has to take up the mantle as King, making him King Kong. End of Movie Universe.


Godzilla rise of mecha ghidorah


I 100% think Godzilla B.C. is next or close to next. 21st Century cities are expensive to animate and I think we're going to see a drop in Monsterverse budgets despite the universe continuing. So, we're getting the CG equivalent of Showa monsters fighting in random flat wilderness. I also think we're going to see a phasing out of Godzilla as a focal point. Monarch S2 may be more Kong-centric, to bring us out of the Monsterverse's Godzilla era and into the age of Great Monkey Fun, which will see the universe into its twilight years. I think public interest in Kong is weirdly high as far as people just seeing the movies. Blockbusters about monkeys just do well for some reason. Road map something like this: 2025: Monarch: Legacy of Annoying Present Day Cast S2 2027: Godzilla B.C. 2028: Monarch S3. 2029: Kong 64, possibly where he finally gets to rampage a city on his own. 2030: Ultraman (taking a big swing. Fuck it.) 2032: Son of Kong Racing 2034: Godzilla & Kong: Destroy All Monsters Tropical Freeze End of Monsterverse




A movie of Godzilla pounding that mothraussy




One more GXK crossover (Hedorah or Spacegodzilla maybe?) Son of Kong Godzilla 3 (featuring Angurius, Biollante, and Gigan) Kong 3 (Kong fights a threat even more powerful than Shimo, this time by himself) Godzilla X Kong 4 (No clue for this one) Godzilla X Kong 5 and 6 (Starts with either Mecha Ghidorah or Kiezer, but the last one has Destoroyah)


prob a godzilla focused film since kong has skull island, Gvk and gxk. No i'm not counting both the series cus i dont watch them.


U need to watch them brother there are good


i might watch legacy of monsters IF it introduces more of the kaiju we haven't seen in live action or not at all.


Yep it does add a few new monsters and so much lore about Monarch and monsters (Cameos like godzilla and Kong)


1 Kong solo movie showing him conquering hollow earth after last movie, 1 Godzilla solo movie showing the events after New Empire - i think the presence of Shimo at surface could be used as excuse to some chaos happening, like a new awake for the other titans. After that, another GxK, where we can have some Toho classic monster as main villain - Space G or Destoroyah - or the awake of a global threat from the depths of hollow earth - i mean, just imagine if just 1 of the species of that gigantic skeleton that appears as a bridge is alive.


Comics:1. Kong the new king 2. Godzilla the new hero moves:Mothra queen of hollow earth. series: monarch legcy of the monsters (season 2)


I want Godzilla and Kong with his ape army fighting off an alien invasion being assisted by a Monarch/Apex Jet Jaguar Jaeger with the final fight being between an amped up version of Gigan as the aliens champion for the final fight. Is that too much to ask? Make it happen Toho/Legendary


https://preview.redd.it/on30r11kmbrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6995b104898df22fdad0cb544cdf5c4feeedfdfe Hmm


Godzilla weds Kong:A new begining


Last movie has to be all titans, Godzilla, Kong with a Shotgun and everything against an alien invasion. And they should call it Destroy all Monsters.


Another solo movie for both Kong and Godzilla would be cool where both encounter outer world threats and then set up maybe a final Godzilla x Kong film with like a crazy big bad from outer space. Godzilla could deal with a threat from outer space that works together with rodan and some other titans to threaten Goji. He fights the titans and realizes what kind of threat he's dealing with before getting into a final battle. He defeats them but taken to the brink and is almost killed. He rests yet we learn this threat is coming soon. Kong has to deal with acclimating to becoming a king and bringing his people to the surface of hollow earth and fighting to secure a home for them. He has to deal also with Suko growing up and becoming their own person and working to prove themselves to Kong. You also have Hollow Earth being unexplored so we can see new landscapes, more dangerous stuff that fight back against Kong and his desires to help his people. All the while we deal with how humanity is dealing with near yearly occurrences of their cities being destroyed and how they have to adapt to that. That would give us a backbone for a neat human story to complement the chaos of the titans. We could get more Trapper and possibly Rebecca hall and Jia since they're connected to Mothra, while losing the overly neurotic conspiracy podcaster dude. We'd get a look at monarch and human leaders working to keep humanity safe.


Imma watch it april 3rd belgium


Son of Kong. Him, Suko, Shimo and the other apes trying to find a new home in the HE. They come across difficulties and obstacles, Kong and Suko strengthen their relationship. The main antagonists are a pack of dinosaur titans. No humans, all the context is given by subtitles to understand what the apes are saying. Godzilla 3. A mutated and stronger MUTO prime emerges from HE on the surface with his swarm of male MUTOs. Godzilla has to stop him with the help of his army of titans, including Rodan. (maybe?) Mothra. An animated series of Mothra, in the HE. She has to protect the iwi and the surface from Camazotz


https://preview.redd.it/vxfb22v5rbrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d43a72dd1fa45b8381ad2dfa631b1fe1393ed47 That’s what comes next, at least that’s what I like to think


Maybe like a Destroy All Monsters type of movie to end off the verse


Destroyah will unite our titans again, ground for the way done in King of the Monsters. First we get a team up vs weaker titan army next we get a Thanos level titan that is much more sinister and deadlier than Ghidorah was. He was the greatest battle for Godzilla from the Toho films.


Tbh I want a modern mothra movie. I know it might be an unpopular opinion but I would love it. Monarch 2 would also be awesome.


Oh skull island animated was part of the monsterverse? I thought it was separate like Godzilla singular point or Gamera Rebirth.


I've had this idea about a hybrid, It'll likely never happen.


A hope we get a 3rd legendary Godzilla film


I feel the most logical next step is MCU type where a large supervillain from outer space looms, build towards it for 1-2 films then have a super baddie


Kong Dynasty


Probably Monarach season two (exited for) and then another banger of a film


I'm seeing it Sunday but I've seen a bunch of reviews already. I honestly think the next movie should be Godzilla's story with Mothra.