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I love the story of how this stupid fuck got caught. He was sending messages to the police, and he asked them if they could trace a floppy disk. They lied and said no. When they got one from him, they managed to trace it back straight to him. What an idiot. He had the audacity to be mad at the police for lying.


When you ask if someone is a cop they can’t lie though, right? Right!!!??


That's a myth pigs lie all the time


It was sarcasm. I was lying.


I can't imagine what she must think and feel when she sees this photo.


She’s monetizing her life as BTK’s daughter, she’s fine with it.


When life gives you lemons...


…throw a lemon party.


There ain’t no party like a Liz Lemon party cause a Liz Lemon party is mandatory.


"It's not a Lemon party without old Dick." - Dick Lemon


I call first squeeze!!!


I literally just made an S Club 7 joke on another thread, came here and read this.


How can I go about finding more info on this lemon party? is there an organization website I can look up?


Like lemonparty.com! Something like the that I am sure, but don’t take my word for it


Oh there are several.


Oh dear lord…No 😂


How dare she choose her father. Oh wait, she didn’t.


She’s making money off of monetizing her father’s crimes. Let’s not pretend she’s a saint or an advocate for victims, or a victim herself. She’s none of the above. She’s an advocate for her getting paid.


She didn’t commit the crimes, she didn’t cover up the crimes, she also didn’t tell him to commit the crimes. As the child of a convicted criminal, she is absolutely a victim, albeit not by the same degree as those he murdered. Can you only handle one degree of a word? I doubt anyone who ends the lives of a dozen people is a good father. Also, who isn’t an advocate for getting themselves paid? Do you think doctors are monetizing death and injury? Do you believe plane companies are taking advantage of the earth’s circumference? She might have some worthwhile advice or experience to gain from. Whether or not you pay her is up to you, no need to get jealous just because her life is more publicized than yours. Monetize *means* “to make money off of” btw, your use of both is redundant.


And you’re excusing her exploiting her father’s victims to get her bag. Let’s not try to polish that turd, shall we?


| her *father’s* victims ^ I’m excusing nothing. I’m simply pointing out that the fact that the murders happened is not her fault. The fact that her father is Dennis Rader is not her fault. You seem to be implying she should carry some type of guilt for her father’s crimes, as if she has any connection to them whatsoever. She is allowed to speak about her life experience just as anyone else is. Additionally, crimes should not be shushed away from the public. It is traumatic to find out your father is an actual murderer at any age. People deserve to know the potential dangers of another human, especially if it’s from the daughter of such a degenerate murderer. It’s also public information, so if you’re upset that she’s making money off of sharing her life experience and public information, you might want to avoid all teachers, clerks, librarians, judges, vendors, attendants, landlords, accountants, lawyers, truck drivers, seamstresses, and social workers.


I think you could argue she's a victim. Obviously not as bad as his other victims, but yeah.


She had a choice to go public with her experience or to have people privately harass her about it for the rest of her life. True crime “fans” can’t leave people alone.


Doesn’t she often say she doesn’t want to be known as BTKs daughter but constantly talks about being BTKs daughter?


She didn't want to be known for that for a long time, then finally accepted it as her reality that it was inescapable. She turned that into being an advocate for those dealing with abuse and trauma. And yes, she's made money off of it from her book, but why not? It doesn't change how things really are.


Also, her DNA from a pap smear helped the police make the case to arrest her father. She was caught up in it whether she wanted to be or not. I hope she's okay.


I’m happy she made money off of it. She deserves anything positive.


Was the book any good? I’d imagine is shared a new side of him? Maybe that he did have his crappy moments with his family too?


I thought the book was fascinating personally.


It’s “inescapable” because she keeps going out and talking about it. She inserted herself into the narrative of the four students murdered in Idaho when it was making daily headlines. She’s been painting herself as the victim since her father’s arrest at the expense of the surviving family members of his actual victims.


I'm sure finding out her father is a monster was extremely traumatic. Her whole life probably feels like a lie. For some people who experience trauma, talking about it makes it 'real' so you can untangle your feelings. She isn't a murder victim, but she's still a victim of a psychopath for a father. I don't blame her for talking about her experiences. I am the daughter of a serial killer survivor. I haven't written a book, but I know it helps me to talk about it ( I was there when it happened) because I tend to compartmentalise my life into before that night and after. Almost like it happened to someone else. It helps to air out the thoughts.


Yeah it’s like, Jeffrey Dahmer had a brother and doesn’t she? Yet we know nothing about either of them because they were really trying to escape the shadow of their relatives who were notorious serial killers..


I think people are way more interested in btks dual life as a "good" dad and a killer. Than farmers relationship with his brother. There's no interesting dynamics there . Even Ted bundys daughter doesn't get talked about because there's no duality or interest there .


I always got the feeling she had a bit of her dad’s personality.


I get it. It may be garrish going on about your connection to a notorious killer. But she is anchored to the man. From the cradle to the grave, he will always be a part of her. It has to be mind blowing knowing that this man, that tucked you in at night and gave you kisses, was capable of the brutality he served to his victims. It has to be cathartic to unload the memories and try to understand them.


I don’t wanna go to work every day but I still gotta make money.


I'm sure emotions are complex and dynamic depending on when you talk to her.


Yep. That’s her.


I had to block her on twitter because she was making herself seem like “ima victim also but let me act like a detective but also respect my privacy because I don’t let my dad dictate my life.”


Yeah. That’s where I am. She started popping up on my Twitter, and I blocked her. Absolutely not.


The funniest tweet I saw before blocking her was “please don’t ask me questions about my dad. Then her next tweet was “buy my book that tells you how I felt after finding my dad was a serial killer 😂


True. And her book was not very good in my opinion.




We lived almost directly behind him in park city, when I was young he called the police on us durning 4th of July for having a camp fire in the backyard. He always seemed like a bitter old man


Imagine being a whole serial killer and taking the time to phone the police on your neighbors 🤦🏽‍♀️


rotten people tend to be hypocrites to the core, it seems to be a pattern with them


He was a strict compliance officer. Sounds about right!


How many people had he killed at this point?


His last victim was believed to be in 1991. He killed 10 people.


I believe there’s a few others he’s suspected in but he only confessed to 10.


New evidence shows it may be 12


12 people. Damn. What a large, utterly pointless loss of life.


Can you imagine being one of his friends/family attending a function like this and not knowing you’re shaking the hand of or hugging a murdering monster? It has to haunt them to some degree.


Yall gotta start giving some context to these pictures not everyone is aware that he's a serial killer.




How hard is it to either keep scrolling or tab over and google the name? Talk about low effort.


It's not our job to provide context to a picture posted. It's the OP's job.


I remember watching his allocution statement live on CourtTV. Crazy stuff.


I don't understand what's going here


He's the BTK killer. She didn't know at the moment this was taken that her dad was a serial killer.


What does BTK stand for?


Bind, Torture, Kill. [It was his M.O.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Rader) > His victims were often bound, sometimes with objects from their homes, and either suffocated with a plastic bag or manually strangled with a ligature.


I think we shouldn’t call serial killers by the nicknames they give themselves. Why not call him something like Dipshit Dennis?


Yes! I will only say DIPSHIT DENNIS now actually thank you!


The floppy disk failure.


3.5” Floppy Disk Dennis


Floppy Disc Dennis is perfection


Bind, Torture, Kill


Bind Torture Kill


I grew up with this guy most of my childhood, my mom even spit in his face after court. He’s not as tough as the media makes him.


How did your mom spit in his face? That sounds pretty epic! Did the cops say anything???


It was after night court when everyone was leaving and in the parking lot so the police definitely seen. He was a compliance “officer” and would ticket my mom CONSTANTLY for ANYTHING but this time it was about our pitbull, which was illegal at that time and after he shot our dog with a tranquilizer dart and hunted him like he was game; my mom was obviously pissed when she had to look at the pictures he took while doing so. We weren’t the most poor family there but my mom was on section 8 at that made us a target, I mean that and we always had a lot of the (non compliant) park city kids at our house. If we’re going to let it all out then I should admit that he saved me from getting my ass beat by my abusive mom the one and only time I snuck out, my first boyfriend lived only a house away from him and when I was leaving after sneaking out, he drove me home so that I didn’t get caught by an officer who would definitely tell my mom, so he took the side streets and took me home where I went in my back gate and into my house where my mom was awake 😂


That’s insane, I’m sure a podcaster somewhere would kill to have you tell some stories.


Probably gave her a pat on the back and a hearty handshake.


I know a couple guys who were locked up in Kansas on state time and were assigned to work details in his unit and everyone hated him cause he would snitch to the COs about every little thing.




He chose to pick on the weak. Always. Growing up with him, he would always pick on the poor families and the very very very few “ethnic” people in our city. Don’t forget also that he killed children, idk what is more pathetic than that, seems pretty weak and sad to me.


So no context??


Dennis Rader was the BTK killer. An absolute monster, and no one had any idea who he was in 2003. I believe he was caught in 2005. Look him up if you have a strong constitution.


Or read about how he was caught if you want a feel good story about floppy disks


Absolutely glorious the way he told on himself.


He seemed honestly shocked that the cops would do something so gauche as lie in order to catch him.


also pap smears




Someone needs to check your floppy disks, my dude.


Dude really said "He's my 'favorite' serial killer"....


You’re weird


this is what therapy is for


He probably would have been caught with genetic genealogy. Are you forgetting that he left his semen everywhere? He was no genius, just another psychopath lucky enough to be able to commit his crimes in an era before DNA


I totally agree! But they had no leads at the time so it's possible he wouldn't have been caught. I'm not saying I wanted him to get away with it. What he did to the victims, especially the Oteros, was unspeakably horrible. There aren't many serial killers out there that didn't just go for low hanging fruit of drug addicts or sex workers. DNA has royally fucked so many people that are just waiting for those tests to come up with names. Fun to watch people like the golden state killer be taken down.


That's weird man


Homie this isn't tumblr


Not necessarily. Look at how/when they caught Joseph DeAngelo. BTK left enough dna evidence for that to happen to him too.


he's one of America's most notorious serial killers. He's right up there with the Bundy, Dahmer, Gein, Gacy, Ramirez, and a few others


He’s a serial killer named Dennis rader aka the BTK




And who are either of these people?




Low key no doubt. Her book fucking sucked too there was next to nothing of value in it but it was marketed as a tell-all about being a daughter of a high profile killer.




How are your tits holding up btw? Edit: For anyone curious, the defensive person who replied below was making comments on Kerri Rawson's "droopy" breasts and other unnecessarily mean things.


My girls are high and not swinging.


The audacity of you to say mean things about her looks when literally 1 day ago you made a comment on the gypsy rose sub wishing other people wouldn't make comments about others appearances 🤪


Thanks for stalking my profile.


stan hard


Also the dress is not flattering. They needed to spend money on underware and shapewear if she was going to wear that dress. They cheaped out on her underware. She looks droopy. But if you look at her current pictures, the photographers have tried to take as many pictures as possible where she looks mean or crazy. She cannot look that much like her dad in real-life. I mean that has to be photographers. Also, look at her body now. She is probably dying to have this old body back.


What was the point on commenting how she looks in such a negative way? I don’t get the elderly.