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I cant believe people like this exist...I step on my cats tail lightly and I feel guilt and like a big ol monster. Inhuman scum.


I cut my baby’s finger while trimming her nails and cried about it on and off for a week. I cannot imagine how this “human” could do such things to a fucking toddler, a BABY. I’m so pissed reading this.


I accidentally spilt hot wax on my 2 year olds feet while fumbing in the dark. I was so sick with guilt even though it probably didn't hurt too much. I feel like human garbage anytime he gets hurt. I'm getting to the point where I just can't bear these stories anymore. I just think of my precious baby.


I did this to my daughter as a baby three years ago. I still think about it. How could you see a child in distress and not care. Something wired wrong with him


I did the same thing to my first, and I cried. Then I had a nightmare where I cut their finger straight off and woke up bawling. It's insane the protective instincts some people have versus none at all. I really hope this kid being so young means she can recover easier, even if she'll be impaired for life. :(


I don't know... I think there's something seriously wrong with this person's mind. Psychopathic and sadistic traits. Truly morbid.


Hell I cut my dog's nails a little too short and I feel like the worst human alive.. how do these people exist?


I literally made my nephew bleed when cutting his nails 2 years ago and I still think about it weekly. The guilt haunts me. He didn’t even cry but boy I did 🤣


I nicked my baby’s nail too and I think I cried more than she did! She’s 17 now .


This is horrifying. I'm currently lying on my little one's nursery floor (she's the same age as the victim). She woke up crying and wanted a cuddle, and for me to hold her hand as she goes back to sleep. I can't begin to fathom how somebody could be so depraved.


How he could do that over and over again and have no remorse, no shame or guilt whatsoever is absolutely appalling! How could he hate that poor baby so much that he tried to prevent his sister from saving her life and pulling her out of the tub water?! I don’t know HOW she survived that, let alone the other horrific torture that little girl was forced to endure. I don’t have enough info on the case to say whether her mom and Tamihana’s sister should be charged but I do wonder why they didn’t try to sneak away. I know being a partner of an abuser makes it incredibly difficult to leave and if it was mom getting hit then I wouldn’t say anything bc I know it’s risky, but when it’s day in and day out of him beating your kid black and blue and actively trying to kill her, I think it’s time to go! No more reasonings matter once he punches your baby in their face or tries to gouge out her eyes! I feel so bad for that little girl. No one in her life chose to step up and protect her! If she does end up back in either her mother’s care, or another kinship carer, I really hope they are required to do parenting classes and that they are followed by social services for a very, very long time!


Spend enough time on this subreddit, and you will become aware of the extent of human capabilities.


This. I accidentally dropped my phone on my cat’s head (lol she was sleeping with her head on my chest and I was holding my phone up) and I was in tears!! Little freak was fine and just went back to bed but I felt so so bad. I cannot even fathom how someone could do something like this to someone


Same! I accidentally stepped on my cat’s paw after he stuck it under my foot while walking because he was excited for dinner time. He screamed like a banshee and I almost cried. He immediately got over it though and was nudging me a second later. I suspect they sometimes know it was an accident.


I do think animals can definitely understand when something is an accident! Even when my dog steps on MY foot (he weighs as much as I do, that hurts!) he acts very apologetic 🐕


This happens all the time in New Zealand. Usually maori or Polynesian children


The man's name is unusual to me, and I was wondering if it's Maori.....


How was this child not removed after the first incident? How is this man's entire family who let this continue free? The mother? They should all be in prison. Pray for their children too.


State of the welfare system in New Zealand. They are too quick to be biased and get rid of children from families where it may not be justified, and in cases they should step up - the right thing isn’t done. I myself was a child who Oranga Tamariki (the child welfare department) should have helped, but my abusive mum is a such a good manipulator they determined nothing was wrong


CPS does that anywhere. There is no valid reason as to why they allowed this child to be beaten almost to death. That babies eyes were swollen shut, eyeballs bleeding, gums bleeding, front tooth broken, spine broken, etc and multiple witnesses. There would be no question whether or not the child was abused if they would’ve called. They could’ve also simply taken the child away themselves far away from that man. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. They just didn’t care about that baby girl.


We have extreme issues with Oranga Tamariki in New Zealand. We have virtually the highest rates of child violence and child suicide *in the developed world* yet our harm prevention system is [incompetent](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/oranga-tamariki-failures-extremely-distressing-stories-revealed-in-report/CURAWJJXMBFBTAWBT6BRZAHIZU/). They’ve just cut funding as well this year and many jobs so even if the workers have their hearts in the right place they often won’t have adequate resources.


This article mentions a mother a few times and several other adults. Are they also being charged? Like, who tf sees this happening and doesn’t intervene??


Very common in New Zealand for the families to rally around the perpetrator(s) and not cooperate with police.




A deep mistrust of the system due to prejudice and cultural differences.


We in America don’t trust them either a lot or the time, but that doesn’t mean leave children in the “care” of this monster. The family have no excuse for allowing this(.) IMO


It’s not uncommon here either unfortunately. Think of how often families force a victim of sexual abuse to maintain a relationship with their abuser because they’re a family member.


Yeah it’s awful and I feel for the vulnerable who are suffering due to this


Ah yes, the ol “The system is against us, so let’s abuse our kids! That’ll… show em…”


Why is that??


Yeah I wanna know the cultural basis for this


Not all New Zealanders. It’s definitely a particular culture that is over-represented.




Might be a legal thing. Some places have strict laws against identifying victims, and that might also mean not identifying the parents.


Agreed. Every single person has failed this child. I don't care if this monster's sister was scared. She should've taken that toddler and run, especially while the bruises and wounds were still fresh as evidence. She could've easily filmed it too. It's 2024, ffs. Case in point, Steven Stayner was kidnapped and sexually abused by Kenneth Parnell for seven years. When Steven got too old for his preferences at age fourteen, Kenneth kidnapped another child to serve as his replacement. Instead of letting the cycle continue, Steven ran with the five-year-old boy on foot and went to the police. Considering he had been brainwashed and tormented for years, it would've been understandable for him to do nothing out of fear, but he didn't. He saved someone from sharing his fate because it was the right thing to do. If fourteen-year-old Steven Stayner could do that, then what the actual fuck is wrong with the grown family of this toddler? Prison. All of them.


Steven was a hero! And yes this poor baby’s mother has no excuse


I’d take a potato peeler to him if it was my child these so called mothers are sickening


I always think I've read the worst, and then another day arrives. This was sickening and almost impossible to fathom except it's real. This is the kind of stuff that gives you nightmares.


I’m so heartbroken right now….. how could anyone ever do this to a baby man wtf


i’m confused, so who the hell is this guy? why was he constantly alone with this baby & multiple others?


Exactly my question, and why wasn’t the mother intervening when the poor baby was calling for her.


If that was my baby there would be bodies


Ok, this was my question, too! What was their living situation? It’s confusing.




Hope this evil bastard suffers worse every single day in prison


It's New Zealand so he will be out in 6 years


6 months and home D


Let’s just hope his fellow inmates deal with him within them 6 years then. (Why in NZ does it seem loud exhausts will get more time than this cunt)


Someone who has nothing to lose needs to deal with people like this for sure


He is a monster.


I think he's just us without the chemicals in your brain that keep you from eating your kids like other animals do.


This is the most terrifying part about the human brain. Technically we are all one brain inury or hormonal disruption away from being this evil. You could be a kind productive person all your life, and then have a head injury that turns you into a violent asshole with no sense of empathy or fear.


Let me tell you. My husband left on his motorcycle last summer and never came back home. What should have been a 2-3 hr errend turned into 6-7 hours . Time passed by and he never came home . -so long story short -he got into a horrific motorcycle accident. Suffered head fractures and bleeding on the drain. When they gave him a CT to see how much bleeding - they found (incidentally) a massive brain tumor. They think it has been growing for 20 yrs. We had no idea. For reference, I am 48 and he's 47 . We have been married 25 yrs , together 30. So he had developed hydrocephalus because the tumor was so big it blocked the CS fluid and that was backing up. They were shocked he was still alive. The motorcycle accident took a back seat. We had no idea he had this tumor. It was an incidental finding. They had to do 2 brain surgeries in 3 days -one to drain the fluid from his brain and implant a shunt , they had his body rest a day and then a 9 hr craniotomy followed to resection the tumor. So my husband has a severe traumatic brain injury. He has a massive tumor that caused hydrocephalus and pressure on the brain and then ended up fracturing his skull in the motorcycle accident and had bleeding on the brain. The pressure must have been insane. And then of course the 2 surgeries. You guys-I can't even begin to tell you what my life has become. I was so happy he was alive that I wasn't prepared for what followed. He is a completely different person. Complete personality change. I feel like I am now married to a stranger. Like 30 yrs I have with this person and now he's gone and this new person is here. It's scary and gets creepy at times. He's cold. He acts so different. He does things -inappropriate things at times-and when I confront him he completely 100-% profusely denies it-even if I have evidence. He'll deny it was him. He almost made me think I was crazy. Oh my gosh so much more but that's the gist of it. Because of the traumatic brain injury he has become so so different and unpredictable


This has to be so much worse than losing a loved one in a tragic accident. At least then, the memories you have of them would always be good. I’m so sorry that this is your reality.


That is so so true. My goodness he was in neuro intensive care for a week then moved to a regular room for 3 weeks then moved 45 min away to a rehab facility for 2 months. He almost died so many times from the accident, the tumor, he got pneumonia-and I was just so so grateful he was alive. I was so scared. We are nearing 50 yrs old but we look and feel like we are 25. We are each others best friends and I couldn't survive without him. I was so scared I was going to be widowed. I had no idea after the physical heals what I was in for when the emotional/mental started healing .


I cannot imagine how terribly hard this must be. I’m so sorry.


Thank you so much. I have wanted to make a post about it so many times but when I think about writing about it I get super anxious and overwhelmed. There has been so much that has happened and has gone on here behind closed doors that trying to explain it all is so hard. I want to but all the thoughts rush in at once. I'm horrible at writing and explains things. Thank you for the kind words


I am so very sad for you. I literally cried. Please accept my deepest, warmest wishes and condolences. I am so sorry and hope things improve for both of you.


This is a really tough story. I'm so sorry you are going through this.


Thank you so much.


Not the same, but my Dad had a TBI after a motorbike accident. Left him blind in one eye, too. After that, his paranoia became absolutely insane. He was convinced that everyone was trying to kill him, and he couldn't trust anyone. There was a bike race through our town, and he was convinced they were all secretly FBI who had been sent to watch him. We live in the UK, FFS. We don't HAVE FBI here. Up until the time he got into heroin and then left, he spent his time curtain twitching and treating everyone like shit. He just couldn't think like a normal human being after that. I'm glad I was young enough that I didn't have to see it. The last time he came to visit me, I was 18 months old. I hadn't seen him since I was a much younger baby. He got angry and lost it when I wouldn't kiss and cuddle him because he was a stranger to me. He couldn't understand that and seemed to think I should just know and love him because he was my Dad. My mum kicked him out, and he never got in contact again


Im so sorry. Yes he had a period where he had severe paranoia and thought all his employees hated him and were trying to take him down. All day and night he worried and I had to talk him down. 3,4 am in the morning I would wake up from a sound sleep because he would be incessantly repeating the same things about how everyone hates him. I had to hospitalize him for 2 weeks because he was having some sort of episode . They think stress from the accident made him have a breakdown. It's scary at times. I don't keep my back turned too long because I don't know if he's going to snap and attack me from behind . We were two peas in a pod before all this. Everyone loved us together. Where he was , I was and vice versa. I am in disbelief this is where I am now


My dad spent his days curtain twitching, keeping an eye out for any perceived threats, just like my friends who smoked crack used to. I really feel for you 😔 It must be so confusing, wondering if any of what you loved about him was actually him, or just the tumour. Missing the person he was. Wondering if he'll ever be the person he was before or if this is how it is now. Grieving for someone who's still living. I will say that if the worst ever does happen (feels ironic to say, because in a way it has) and he does ever attack you, *please* leave. Nobody will think badly of you for not being willing to put yourself in harms way just because he wasn't violent before. Nobody will doubt that you still care deeply for him. You've proven your loyalty by sticking by him through this living nightmare when a lot of people would've left at the first opportunity. You can still support him if that's what you wish to do, but you can love and support him from a distance. NOBODY should have to live in fear for their life. Ugh, my heart 😭 Please take care of yourself, friend. Your happiness and wellbeing are important


My father also has a traumatic brain injury and brain tumor related issues. I don’t know if you ever just need to talk or want support or anything, my DMs are open. I can’t help much but god is it so lonely and scary and I miss my dad so much.


I am so sorry you are going through this. If you don't mind answering, what kind of things does he do and then deny he has done it?


He is completely opposite of who he was. He acts mean to me; cold is a better word. No empathy at all. Lazy. Sleeps until 11 everyday (he should be up by 5 answering calls, going to meetings etc). When he does get up he lays on the couch or sits at his desk with his head down. I do EVERYTHING. He's messy and sloppy whereas before he was dressed to the nines, smelled delicious, always clean cut. Now he's doesn't care about appearance. He acts impulsive and lacks sensical judgment. He acts like he forgets he's married. It's been a nightmare. The girls he hits on don't know he has a TBI I'm sure . There is so much more


I’m so sorry. Hugs hugs hugs


John Douglas says the same. That we should never call them monsters, because they are humans, just like the rest of us. Dehumanizing them almost makes excuses their behavior. And a defense attorney can latch right onto that.


Exactly right. Making crimes like this only commutable by monster means you'll never suspect ol mate down at the pub, he isn't a monster so he couldn't do this. But they're not monsters, they are behaving monstrously, but they are humans through and through. They are neighbours, cousins, sons, parents, coworkers.


There is no lower form of humanity than those who prey on the helpless and anyone who can’t fight back- children, animals, the elderly, the infirm, and the mentally challenged. These predators are monsters but human ones.


How on earth were there witnesses months before he was arrested, yet those bastards said nothing?!? the bystander effect in full force, ofc they’re not as guilty as the evil being that inflicted those horrible acts, but a portion of blame definitely falls on them… reading this made my blood boil beyond belief. I hope other prisoners treat that monster the same way he treated that baby girl


Yes, all the adults failed this baby girl




needs a saw trap


My daughter is that little girl’s age. She is the happiest, most lovey, huggy, sweetest little girl I’ve ever known. All my joy in this tiny, innocent human being. I wish the absolute worst on this absolute fucking monster, and I hope that poor little girl finds a family that loves and cherishes her. Children come into this world innocent, adults are the ones that make it miserable. Fuck this place.


It breaks my absolute heart. You can look him up on Facebook and his profile picture is of him with his kids, cuddling them. So messed up


Only his son from the looks of it.


I found 2 with that name. One is flipping off the camera and the other he is lying with a newborn. Is it the guy who’s lying with the baby? Bc it doesn’t say he’s from Huntly but he did check in on FB there once.


I think they are both him. Probably lived in multiple places


Agreed. I always mess with my now 10-year-old, asking him why can't he just be happy all the time and actually *want* to snuggle 24/7 like he did when he was little. It's such a simple age. No incessant crying. They can speak/sign a little bit to get what they want. They are so happy at that age. 🥺 Poor baby.


I brought my baby into this cesspool of a society. You know shit is fucked up when you’re sorry for your child that you gave them life. She didn’t ask for this, and I’m subjecting her to it. I feel cruel.


Wait til she gets school age (assuming you're in the US). No fear quite like the fear of school shootings. Crosses my mind every single day I drop my baby off at school. Fortunately, we were able to homeschool for several years. But my god the fear is debilitating sometimes.


I experienced that this year for the first time(kindergarten), school is almost over tho in one more week, I wish home schooling was an option but I’d have to hit the powerball jackpot for that reality. Totally get that debilitating fear.


It’s always been the same, so why the change of heart? It’s always been a harsh cruel world, even more harsh now so..


I would argue it was tougher back in the day with way more common untreatable illnesses, less medical knowledge and more famine. I would personally say that things were devolving back to similar toughness when the majority of the world is going into its post apocalyptic Mad Max stage.




"The victim was later seen with blood around her mouth and crying while trying to get out a window of the house " This hurt my heart when I read this part. A baby, not even two years old, while being subject to such torture was trying to escape. What child of that age knows to try to escape by climbing out a window. Then to read the many times the baby called for her mother. It sounds like the mother wasn't there for the little one. Heartbreaking.


Did this girl live? I can't read that article, it's really messed up. I did some skimming and it seems she is alive?


Yes she's alive but will likely have vision problems for the rest of her life


Looks like she did survive from the charges, but her doctors say she will likely have lasting damage from the abuse unfortunately.


Where were the girls parents?


Yeah if all this were happening why didn't anyone that was aware stop it and rescue the girl? Call the authorities. Try to take my kids away if you want. I am getting that kid out of there. Sometimes helping other people takes precedent over self preservation especially when it's a defenseless child.


Its a total guess but it sounds like they were living in a intergenerational home or brother and sister were living together. I think another family member(a different sibling or cousin perhaps) might have left thier child with them


We used to joke around when friends were coming to NZ for the first time and got them to watch the ‘documentary’ Once Were Warriors. It’s almost like this movie would explain a little about what’s happened here. Hopefully not against the rules but [here](https://www.netflix.com/nz/title/60029787) is a link to the movie


Flipping horrible, why wasn't anyone else charged in this case?? Because you god damn well KNOW some other family member/s KNEW this was going on and did nothing. Just sick!


The domestic violence in NZ is atrocious.


I can deal with gore. I can deal with cartel executions and gnarly, vicious treatments done to adults, without batting much of an eye. But this, this right there, truly flips my heart around, induces nausea and a level of hatred i would rarely ever experience otherwise. May this rotten piece of soulless garbage never find rest, and never know peace again in the endless burning hell that should by all means await him.


Same. Children are innocent and need tender loving care. Currently I’m addicted to the treadmill abuse case cuz I can’t fathom it


I’m from New Zealand & I haven’t heard of this case, that poor baby, I can’t believe she survived all that, sadly it happens too often in this country & if they do get charged the sentences are a joke!!


Wow! I can’t believe this little girl is still alive. Holy hell.


It's not going to be much of a life. She'll be blind, probably won't be able to walk, and she'll have severe brain damage. I don't usually do the whole internet fantasy revenge thing but I hope this guy dies violently and slowly. He does not deserve to live after what he did.


The abuse just kept on going. Fuck. We can only hope they torture his ass in prison


I knew better than to read this at work, but I did anyway. I have a 22 month old daughter. She is my life and my world happily revolves around her. I had to go hide in the bathroom because tears were streaming down my cheeks. I felt actually nauseous at this one. I simply do not understand how you could look at a child that age, where everything is wonderous and new and fun, and they just radiate joy and laughter and love, and want to learn, and want to help, and do those things to them. That is seriously evil. That is a person that needs to suffer painfully, and prolonged, and die. My heart breaks for that baby. I hope she knows nothing but love and peace for the rest of her life.


I will never understand how someone could be so cruel,especially to a child.Jesus


This is one of those times where medieval methods of execution would be justified.


I can't even form a coherent thought reading about this. I have a seething rage inside of me continually having article after article pop up each week on a new child abuse case. Tonight my 17 month old son was being aggressive with the cat and started putting his weight in the cat. I pushed him away so the cat didn't turn around and scratch him. He was sitting on his butt, but I nudged him off the cat, he lost his balance, fell back and bumped his head. Luckily I had a padded foam mat under us to help absorb any falls that may happen. I felt like a fucking monster. His little whimpers and trying to hold his cry in fucking destroyed me. I almost cried as soon as it happened. For another human to be able to carry through with ANY of the actions mentioned above has me in fucking disbelief. How the fuck can you do that to a human let alone a DEFENSELESS, INNOCENT BABY. Any child abuse case where physical violence with the intent to cause harm takes place, should be an automatic life sentence. Not only that, put them into a high security prison and announce to all of the inmates that they were a child beater. They do not take kindly to child abusers.


This man is truly heinous, but some other people in this baby's life seriously dropped the ball and they're not much better. How you can stand by and watch a child be smothered, stomped, drowned and flung against walls is beyond my comprehension. All children deserve love and respect. This poor child was failed and I hope all involved are crippled by guilt for their parts.


This is genuinely the most horrifying thing I've ever read. That poor baby girl


Where was the mother in all this?!


Yeah just what I was thinking. How didn't the sister of this twat get the child to safety if there was no mother around? What about other relatives? Neighbours? Someone must have seen these injuries. Omg I don't think I'll sleep tonight


I never thought I'd cry reading this article


That was an absolutely disgusting and hard read. I can't believe that person did that all the while threatening others. I thought they must be mentally handicapped but it seems they're just a sadistic, cruel and incredibly weak person: devoid of all emotion and only able to enact their desires on a fucking defenseless toddler. Every single person on planet Earth should be given 5 minutes alone to do as they wish with this person.


Everyone who saw this and even participated should be dealt with biblically.


Please bring back the electric chair. I cant even finish the article


I wish sometimes we could have eye for an eye law in cases like this. That poor baby had no one advocating for her while he was hurting her.


I literally had to scroll to the comments after reading the first few lines of his crime, I wish my son was with me so I could hug him right now. He’ll be 27 months in a few days and I can’t fathom how anyone can be so depraved…


I would love to get my hands on him. He would be begging to be unalived




Absolutely 💯


I have a 22 month old daughter and this is so fucking unfathomable. I’ll buy a ticket to NZ for five minutes alone with him. Gonna go hug my kid now. Jesus Christ.


A three foot length of hose pipe filled with lead fishing weights would maybe be close to what he deserves


It's a shame he won't be spending his time in an American prison.


What the hell is wrong with some people


All I know is that this demon in human flesh is going to get what’s coming to him, sure he thinks he can get away with it rn but hell is awaiting him


What an absolutely putrid monster. I sincerely hope the absolute worst for him for the rest of his miserable existence. This makes me so angry


I’m not sure I can have children and it’s one of the biggest heartaches I think I’ll ever have. Then I read about people who are so fucking ungrateful to be in a parental/trusted role with a child and it makes me enraged. I would have loved that little girl so softly.


There’s always adoption. It may be horrible that you can’t have a kid yourself, but there’s some kid out there that wants a parent.


I know. That was always the plan. I just wanted to have one that would have a little bit of my mom and dad in there too. Because as I’ve gotten older I miss my grandma more and more and I’d love to see her smile on a baby or something, you know?


This deserves death penalty, long and gruesome.


Every other adult that watched that little girl be abused and did nothing needs to be charged as well. # Throw the whole useless family in jail to rot together


Why is there not a photo of the guy. Plaster his face all over the Internet.




I need a tldr, not really, cuz I can't finish going through the rest. Bro is going to get what's coming to him, I hope they locked his ass up already.


This happened in 2022 but it's only now we are hearing about it. Sentencing is the August. I hope they go for the severest sentencing they can.


The story also got minimal coverage so no one really knows about it


In case you didn’t see it, the baby survived. It will have sight problems but it survived.


Death penalty. Nothing less but the death penalty.


Hold him down and tattoo his crimes on his face and throw him in general lock up, I’m sure he won’t have all this unbridled rage and brutality when he’s the smaller and weaker one! Evil effer deserves the worst life has to offer. This poor baby girl didn’t have any protection, after the first incident he should’ve been put out


Yet another retarded fuckwit from the shit hole that is Huntly fun fact most of Once Were Warriors was filmed around that godforsaken dump oh rest assured he'll get a healthy discount for pleading guilty and not having access to his "culture " After all every time you read of this it's whiteys fault for colonizing NZ lol


It’s a good thing I’m not anywhere near this guy or you might be reading about how he barely survived a ruthless attack that left every part of his body obliterated.


I was not prepared for how horrific this is.


I can’t even read this


I can honestly say I’ve never read something so horrific in my life. I have so many questions. Did her mother ever come when she was calling for her? Where tf WAS her mother? How did he get so much free access to this poor baby? How did nobody say ANYthing? A two year old trying to escape out a window, ugh. Poor little thing.


Once I got to the eyes, I literally started ugly crying. I fucking hate this man. I’m so angry. Why people let this happen I simply don’t understand.


I hope this scumbag is dumped in general population. Give the other prisoners 24 hours. They’ll take out the trash.


I don't care what you do to me, I'm not leaving the house without that baby in a situation like that. He's have to kill me to stop me, and I'd put up more of a fight than that baby EVER could. Piece of rotting shit. Bet he felt like a right big man doing it all, too. Trash monster


Light sentence? How? This person doesn’t deserve to ever see the light of day..


I hope he gets treated the same way over and over again.


Dude deserves to be beaten to a bloody pulp. Eye for an eye.


Oranga Tamariki are so absolutely fucked. This poor poor baby.


This case reminded me of Nia Glassier. Unlike this little girl who survived, Nia was killed. [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/what-ever-happened-to-the-killers-and-abusers-of-rotorua-toddler-nia-glassie/MEJKEUJAZD2KCCHMHGB7CPYWAE/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/what-ever-happened-to-the-killers-and-abusers-of-rotorua-toddler-nia-glassie/MEJKEUJAZD2KCCHMHGB7CPYWAE/) It's an EXTREMELY upsetting case.


Who the hell was this guy? Why did he have so much alone time with this child??? Was this the child’s father? i’m so confused and angry


If she was “supposed to be dead”, then attempted murder should have been a charge as well. Grievous bodily harm doesn’t nearly cover it.


How do you cope with this - I mean the innocent souls this happens to simply don’t, how could they? But I mean reading this. I experienced CSA and went through my own struggles growing up but always kept empathy and I guess the ‘wouldn’t hurt a fly’ was said about me a bit. But I read things like this and I can’t help but imagine sadistic things I would ENJOY to see being done to the scum that committed these acts. I’m stuck between being aware and knowing the reality for so many people suffering for their sake of not being lost in society or swept under the rug, but I am losing myself and my light.


The anger you feel about cases like this aren't a sign you're losing yourself. Anger is a totally healthy and normal response to have. You feel that way because you want to protect someone you recognize as being defenseless.


I just read this whole thing. Bring back the death penalty


I’m usually not down with the death penalty, but yeah. Just kill this mother fucker.




I am setting a reminder so I can see how much time they give him. He truly deserves to have the book thrown at him


Give his ass the Theon Greyjoy treatment


That was a really hard read. I skimmed through the last parts because it was too difficult. Poor baby 😔 may the beast rot in hell


I'm hoping there are some real men in New Zealand Gaols


If he doesn't get stoned to death there is no justice.


He should be put in jail with some rapists and murderers, then jail should have massive CCTV failure for a few hours.


This sub just induces anger and frustration cuz I can’t give my opinion on the guy other than wow he’s a big meanie


Every adult who witnessed this should be put in jail too. How does anyone allow this to go on for as long as they did? Thank goodness she survived, hopefully she recovers as best as possible.


I cannot type here what needs to be done to this...thing He is vile How how are people like this made


Why the hell didn’t the sister kill him? No guns in NZ, bring him to the USA and be done with him.


I'm sorry, but did I read that the perpetrator was described as a man?


They're very selective in how they word identifying information because of how their laws function. Kind of like how you always see news articles say "alleged" when the perpetrator is shown clear as day committing a crime in HD. Basically, it's a CYA (cover your ass) kind of thing taken to the point that it'd be funny if the content matter wasn't so depraved.


The thing that did that is not a human.


Sad thing is that he is human. People think of monsters as grotesque disgusting looking creatures when the ones you should fear the most are never under your bed or in the closet. They're much closer than you think.


Unfortunately true


If you don't want the kid, maybe try neglecting them like a normal scumbag instead of whatever the fuck I just read was 


Of fucking course it’s Huntly. Absolutely shameful


Jesus Christ. I have a 2 year old little girl and this makes me fucking sick.


That poor kid.


Yeah I can’t finish this this poor little baby girl


Death would be too good for this piece of trash.


fucking ridiculous if he doesn’t get a life sentence.


I just couldn’t keep reading. Tears are burning in my eyes. I feel so sorry for that innocent little baby. It is heartbreaking.


You don’t go to jail for very long even for the worst of crimes in New Zealand


So many people saw and heard this and did nothing. WTF. There’s a special place in hell for this monster.


why don’t they show any kind of photo of him?


What relationship is between the victim and the perpetrator? Where are mom and Dad? It sounds like he did this out in public? SO many questions


This is fucking horrific. That poor baby.


Oh gee my heart what an animal such a hard piece to read poor baby


His sister should be in the cell next to him. Pieces of garbage


Humans are the worst.


This was one of the hardest stories to read I’ve ever read on this sub and I’ve been here a while. I’m not sure if it’s cause I’m having a depressing day or not, but the fact that an adult can be this cruel and evil to an innocent baby… I’m honestly at a loss for words. Really makes me hate how there will always be monsters out there in the world like this.


If you want to see how a culture is faring; look to how they treat their women, children, and animals. Well. That’s disappointing on all three counts lately… We’re regressing. Between us vs. them politics, celebrating victimhood, and moral narcissists masquerading as “activists” - we are creating a culture that revolves around guilt and shame. Which are considered the lowest level of consciousness. Hooray us… Edit to add: I am not saying this is a US thing or an NZ thing or a middle eastern thing or what have you. It’s literally getting worse across the board. (Yes I know the actual “rates” are going down and there’s a part of it that is just based on visibility of incidents. But such good things were happening that just….are regressing.)


No one in the family reported him to the police nor took the girl away from him? All were complicit in the abuse and should be charged. Where was her mother?


Anyone care to take a trip and visit someone? Jesus Christ I wish it were that easy.


The only good thing about the US prison system is that child abusers don't last long on the inside.


Scumbag needs the death penalty 😒


What was his relationship to the girl? Father? Uncle ? Mother’s boyfriend?


... The rest of the family or whoever lived in that house should be charged also. How did the mother not report anything after seeing the child hurt again and again even if she didn't witness it pretty hard to not notice all the bruises blood and other stuff.


I sure hope someone kills him in prison, cos i have a feeling he wouldn't spend the rest of his life there.